The Adoption and Use of Human Resource Information System
(HRIS) in Ghana
Peter K. Osei Nyame
and Richard Boateng
Methodist University College Ghana, Dansoman, Accra, Ghana
University of Ghana Business School, Accra, Ghana
Keywords: HRIS Adoption, e-HRM, Virtual HR, Information Technology, Information System.
Abstract: The study looked at the adoption of Human Resource Information System (HRIS) among Ghanaian firms. A
survey was conducted on 129 firms out of the 150 samples randomly selected from both the public and the
private sectors in the country with a response rate of 86%. The findings first revealed that the adoption rate
of HRIS in enterprises is not a common practice in Ghana since two-thirds of the organizations have never
adopted HRIS use. Major general denominators for adoption and use of HRIS include firm size,
organization type (i.e. profit making limited liability companies and profit making government
organization) and age as well as the industry to which firms belong. Firms attributed the slow rate of
adoption to reasons including the low numbers of employees, high cost of system installation, unawareness
and low priority for such a system. Again, it was realized that the companies’ readiness to adopt such a
system was not encouraging. There were some technical, organizational and environmental factors that
affect HRIS adoption which were unearthed.
Business effectiveness and organizational efficiency,
performance and profitability have increasingly been
dependent on Information Technology (Ball, 2001;
Lippert and Swiercz, 2005; Troshani et al., 2010;
Yusoff et al., 2010). Information Technology (IT)
has provided the enabling innovative environment
which has assisted HR professionals to provide
efficient and effective service (Hendrickson, 2003).
The shift is partially attributed to emergent
technologies such as Human Resource Information
System (HRIS) also known as Electronic Human
Resource Management (e-HRM) which consists of
systematic procedures and functions for acquiring,
storing, manipulating, retrieving, analyzing and
disseminating pertinent information concerning
organization’s HR (Lippert and Swiercz, 2005). An
HRIS is a set of interrelated components working
together to collect, process, store and disseminate
information (Dessler, 2011), to support decision
making, coordination, control, analysis and
utilization of an organization‘s Human Resource
Management (HRM) activities.
Gueutal and Stone (2005) acknowledged the use
of technologies for HRM practices and policies as
maturing within organizational life. However,
academic involvement in HRIS started relatively late
and is still trying to catch up with practice (Stanton
and Coovert, 2004; Townsend and Bennett, 2003;
Viswesvaran, 2003). Again, HRM (Absar and
Mahmodd, 2011) and IT have drawn the attention of
researchers (Saleem et al., 2011), industry and
academia, nevertheless linkage between the two
disciplines is still at cutting edge and need more
exploration (Mishra and Akman, 2010) especially in
developing economies. Despite these signs of a
growing academic interest (Gueutal and Stone,
2005) with correspondent growth in literature, there
is a broad agreement that research in the area of
HRIS adoption is inadequate (Henriksen and
Mahnke, 2005; Blount and Castleman, 2009;
Troshani et al., 2010), especially the discriminating
factors determining HRIS adoption in developing
countries (Strohmeier and Kabst, 2009; Sateem,
2012; Chen, 2014).
Surveys of HR consultants posit that the number
of organizations adopting HRIS within organizations
elsewhere in Europe and other advanced economies
were continually increasing (CedarCrestone, 2005;
Strohmeier and Kabst, 2009). It is estimated that
about two-thirds of all organizations of developed
Osei Nyame P. and Boateng R..
The Adoption and Use of Human Resource Information System (HRIS) in Ghana.
DOI: 10.5220/0005458101300138
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2015), pages 130-138
ISBN: 978-989-758-098-7
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
nations such as the United States are far ahead in the
adoption of HRIS (Palvia et al., 2002; Strohmeier
and Kabst, 2009), but the situation is different with
newly industrializing and developing nations
(Thong, 1999). Research on adoption of HRIS is still
in its “youthful phase” especially in Africa.
Developing economies like Ghana are slowly
adopting technological innovation including HRIS.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the
adoption of HRIS in a developing country like
Ghana leveraging technological, organizational and
environmental factors as a crucial endeavour for
adoption success. Specifically, this paper looked at
the adoption of HRIS among Ghanaian firms to gain
better understanding of the contextual factors that
influence HRIS adoption. The research questions to
be addressed are (1) Have Ghanaian firms adopted
the use of HRIS? (2) If they have not, how prepared
are the firms in the adoption of HRIS? (3) What
TOE factors affect the adoption of HRIS?
Indisputably, the role of Information Technology or
Information Systems (IT/IS) in industry and
commerce cannot be over-emphasized (Wilson-
Evered and Härtel, 2009). The literature delineates
HRIS as the application of IT/IS in performing HR
tasks (Strohmeier, 2007). HRIS has essentially
helped many organizations with the effective
management of its human assets (Troshani et al.,
2011). Like all information systems, the use of HRIS
is crucial for the success and profitability of any
organization. Profitability can significantly be
improved by reducing extant monitoring and
controlling the cost of HRM processes (Sateem,
2012). This is evident from the fact that, firms that
use HRIS have enough time to plan, gain sustainable
competitive advantage by applying the system to
influence strategic decision making (Thong, 1999),
organization’s value creation (Shani and Tesone,
2010; Rangriz et al., 2011) and inform or address
many of the key policy and management questions
(Kumar et al., 2013).
There is a gap between HRIS in a technical sense
and its adoption and use by employees and line
managers (Ruël et al., 2007). Adopting HRIS can be
challenging and costly. Again, it can take long
periods of time before pre-adoption benefits become
reality after HRIS is fully assimilated (Ashbaugh
and Miranda, 2002). Actual usage or adoption can
lag by up to about three years what is available.
Firms that undertake technology initiatives with a
view to enable the HR function to focus more on
value-added activities are the ones most likely to
realize its full potential (Shrivastava and Shaw,
HRIS adoption refers to the adoption of IT/IS in
HRM (Jeyaraj et al., 2006; Strohmeier and Kabst,
2009). Adoption is distinguished into individual
level (technology adoption by individual persons)
and organizational level (technology adoption by
organizations or organizational units) (Jeyaraj et al.,
2006). Adoption also constitutes a process that
comprises of several phases including initiating and
implementing (Jeyaraj et al., 2006; Rogers, 2003).
Other researchers depict the adoption of
technological innovations in three-stage sequence of
initiation, adoption, and implementation (Thompson,
1969; Pierce and Delbecq, 1977) with adoption as
the stage where a decision is made about adopting
the technological innovation.
2.1 Theoretical Framework
One of the most established approaches in studying
innovation adoption entails identifying contingency
factors that can affect adoption decisions in
organizations (Fichman, 2004). A useful model that
can be used for the structured analysis of innovation
adoption in organizations have been proposed
(DePietro et al., 1990). Specifically, this model
suggests that decisions to adopt innovations are
shaped by the influence and interaction of generic
factors. Also known as “innovation configuration”
(Fichman, 2004), these factors can jointly explain
adoption outcomes in organizations, and are
commonly classified into three broad categories,
namely, Technology, Organization; and
Environment (TOE) (Tornatzky and Klein, 1982;
DePietro et al., 1990).
Though, the search for relevant and adequate
theory to fully grasp the concept of HRIS and
present fragmented empirical evidence is still
apparent, there are continual demands in the
literature to extend TOE approaches to unexplored
domains including HR/HRIS (Teo, 2007; Dedrick
and West, 2004; Lippert and Swiercz, 2005).
Contrary to general factors, previous research in
HRIS adoption does not refer to contextual factors
alone (Strohmeier and Kabst, 2009). Some
researchers declared that there were abundant fund
of factors offered by previous research which makes
it difficult to select meaningful factors accurately for
HRIS adoption (Jeyaraj et al., 2006). As technology
adoption is complex and context sensitive, specific
factors of each category can vary across different
Figure 1: Innovation Adoption (TOE) Framework.
domains (Kuan and Chau, 2001). This can help to
distinguish between intrinsic innovation
characteristics, organizational capabilities and
motivations, and broader environmental dimensions
that impact on adopters (Dedrick and West, 2004).
For example, contextual variables such as
organizational characteristics, IS characteristics,
environmental characteristics and decision-maker
characteristics as primary determinants of IS
has been proposed (Thong, 1999). This
study, therefore, adopted the TOE framework
developed by Tornatzky and Fleischer (1990) using
HRIS adoption as a dependent variable with
identifiable set of factors that influence adoption to
include in the model as independent variables: firm
size, industry type, type and age of organizations.
Others were regulatory compliance, technology
competence, management commitment, past IS
adoption, perceived benefit/cost trade off and
organizational fit as shown in figure 1 below.
This study was designed to collect data from both
primary and secondary sources. The population for
the study was firms in both the public and private
sector in Ghana. Out of 150 companies randomly
selected, 129 responded and formed part of the
sample size. Though these companies were scattered
across the country, the study was based on
convenience or accessibility sampling since all the
respondents forming majority of the sample were
conveniently accessed in Accra. Organizations were
selected randomly from the Accra Metropolitan
Area from the following broad categories:
Technology/Telecommunication, Services, Manu-
facturing/Production, Mining/Extracting and Trade/
Commerce organizations.
The survey method was used for the research. A
key strength of the survey method involves using
questionnaires, a technique in the data gathering
process which validity could be proven. Whiles the
main research instrument for the primary data
collection was questionnaires, the secondary source
techniques focused on review of textbooks and some
periodicals like journals, reports and magazines as
well as useful reference materials including
electronic databases from the Internet.
150 questionnaires were distributed to firms in
the country. The questionnaires consisted of both
open-ended and closed-ended questions. These
questionnaires were self-administered to the
respondents who completed the questionnaires
without assistance from the researcher after they had
been pilot-tested on five (5) colleagues. Respondents
wereHR or IT managers or their representatives and
had knowledgeable expertise in their fields. They
were encouraged to complete and hand over the
questionnaires in some few minutes to the
researcher. However, respondents who could not
instantly complete the questionnaires were allowed
to keep them and complete at their convenience. The
researcher, therefore, allowed some three days for
this purpose. This made it easy and faster to
distribute the questionnaire widely among
respondents. Follow-ups through personal contact,
phone calls and email notices were cautiously
planned to retrieve the remaining questionnaires.
This made it possible for the researcher to retrieve
greater proportion (86%) of the questionnaires from
the respondents.
The data was cleaned and coded using Statistical
Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 16
programme. Both quantitative and qualitative
techniques were used to create the appropriate
frequency tables and charts like the bar graph to give
a visual or pictorial representation of facts and to
examine the relationships among variables. This also
allowed simple inferences to be made to describe
variables, summarize and display the data collected
for analyses. Again, descriptive statistical methods
were employed to analyze the data. This made the
presentation vivid for easy conclusions to be drawn.
Respondents were asked to indicate whether they
have adopted a system or software to manage their
HR, 51 of them representing 39.5% affirmed the
situation while 78 representing 60.5% stated
otherwise. Generally, it could be seen that the ratio
of companies which have not adopted any system to
manage their HR as against those who have is 3:2 as
shown in the Figure 2 below. This means there were
lots of companies in Ghana which have no system in
place to manage their HR.
Figure 2: Adoption of HRIS.
As a confirmation of the above results,
respondents were asked to state any alternative
method of managing their HR apart from the use of
HRIS, a whopping proportion of almost 95%
indicated that they use the manual system. The low
number of respondents who chose outsourcing
(about 1%) shows that the practice is not common
with Ghanaians as seen from Figure 3 below.
Figure 3: Alternative method of managing HR.
The details from the different organizations were
depicted in the Figure 4 below. 45.1% of the private
corporate companies have adopted HRIS while
43.6% of them did not have. With private SMEs,
9.8% indicated they have a system as against 28.2%
which has no HRIS. For the companies limited by
guarantee, all the 7.7% which formed part of the
sample did not have any system they use to manage
their HR. Again, all the 17.6% of the public
companies forming the sample indicated they have.
With the government and para-governmental
organizations otherwise known as the public sector,
27.5% indicated they have while 20.5% indicated
they did not have.
Figure 4: Distribution of Companies by Organizations.
Like most developing economy, the figure 5
below depict that the Ghanaian industry is
dominated by the service sector with an average of
65%. It is, however, uncommon to find trade and
commerce sector which has an average 15.5%
following the service sector. This is because, as a
developing country, petty trading and commerce is
the livelihood of many of the citizens of the nation.
The low proportion of technology,
telecommunication and manufacturing sectors with
an average of 7.8% apiece tend to reveal the low
level of industrialization that characterizes
developing countries like Ghana. An average of
3.9% goes for the extracting and processing
Frequency Percentages
Yes No
Outsourcing UseofManual
Figure 5: Distribution of Companies by Industry.
From the Figure 6 below, it could be seen that
companies which employed less than 50 employees
have as many as about 56% who have not yet
adopted HRIS with only about 10% adopting it. On
the contrary, adoption rate tended to be high with
over 80% adoption rate for companies that
employed over 100 staff. The higher the
employment level, the bigger the size of the
company and the better the adoption rate.
Figure 6: Size of the organization.
Figure 7: Age of organizations.
When the respondents were asked to provide the
age of their firms, it was shown that the older the
firm, the higher the adoption rate. The companies
who were above 11 years tended to have a high rate
of adoption as compared to those with few years of
operation. Out of the 51% which were more than 21
years old, 62.7% have adopted HRIS in their
Figure 8 below shows the various reasons given
by respondents for not adopting HRIS in their
workplace. Among the reasons, a whopping number
of about 36% indicated they were not ready to adopt
such a system. About 32% thought they have low
number of staff and therefore it is neither
appropriate nor profitable to adopt such a system.
14% of the respondents were not aware of such a
system while 7.7% apiece of the respondents
attributed their non adoption of HRIS to either the
exorbitant cost of acquisition and installation or as it
was, were indifferent and as such did not answer this
Figure 8: Reason for non-adoption of HRIS.
In response to the issue of whether respondents
were ready to adopt the use of HRIS in their
organizations, about 53% indicated they were ready
while about 39% were not. About 9% did not
respond to the question as shown from the Figure 9
Figure 9: Readiness to adopt the use of HRIS.
From the Table 1 below, respondents were
requested to indicate their extent of readiness and
the period within which they were expected to
implement HRIS. A cursory glance at the figure
depicts that, out of the 53% of the respondents who
Yes No Noresponse
Table 1: Expected period of organization's readiness to adopt HRIS.
Expected period to start implementing HRIS
Organizational readiness Less than 12 months More than 12 months Not sure/aware Other
Not planned 0 0 7 5 12
Currently exploring 5 6 3 0 14
Currently planning 4 1 2 2 9
Implementation stage 1 0 0 0 1
Other (Please specify) 0 0 0 1 1
Total 10 7 12 8 37
affirmed their readiness to adopt an HRIS, only one
firm hope to implement HRIS within 12 months. 14
of them were currently exploring while 9 were
currently planning. Out of the numbers above, only
10 firms were ready to implement HRIS within the
next 12 months. 7 were ready to implement it after
12 months but within 24 months. 12 have not
planned at all for the implementation of HRIS in
their organization. The 12 who have no plans were
also not aware or sure of when they would ever
implement HRIS.
Finally, respondents were asked to state the
factors that either facilitate or hinder the adoption of
HRIS in their organizations and the following results
were obtained:
Staff resistance/reluctance to the use of the
systems as a result of lack of understanding of
the application
Improper coordination and duplication of data
Customization and adoptability problems
including interfaced with other systems
Lack of technical expertise to regularly support
the system
Managers are not ready to support an installation
of a system.
Wrong data input problems like inconsistency,
inaccuracy, data confusion, loss of data,
mismanagement of data, etc.
Foreign nature of software makes it difficult to
be used locally
Inadequate support services for the systems from
the vendors
Access denial due to infrastructural
unavailability like hardware, software, LAN,
WAN and server breakdown
Configuration of the system to conform to
company’s policies and procedures
Systems failure and delay due to internet failure,
power supply failure, etc.
Migration of data from the old system to the
The employees are comfortable with the manual
Undoubtedly, the study first established that about
40% of the firms in Ghanaian business environment
have adopted HRIS though, this was not enough. In
other words, a seeming number of about 60% of the
firms have not adopted HRIS. This means that there
was more room for improvement in the adoption of
HRIS in Ghana. It was therefore realized from the
study that most of these companies (about 95%) use
the manual system to manage their HR. These
companies include the Small and Medium
Enterprises (SMEs) and the limited guarantee
companies. A cursory look at figure 4 above
indicates that the private corporate enterprises
dominate in the organization type, followed by the
government organizations and SMEs in that order.
Though, the number of SMEs from the findings is
small, it must be emphasized that some of the
private corporate enterprises are registered as
corporate entities but have the characteristics of
SMEs, as portrayed in figure 4 above. It has, lucidly,
been established that about 90% of companies
registered in Ghana like most developing economies
are micro, small and medium enterprises (UNIDO,
1999; Aryeetey, 2001)
This was clearly confirmed by over half of the
firms which employ less than 100 employees as
depicted in figure 6. In Ghana, SMEs have been
recognized to be companies that employ less than
100 employees (Abor and Biekpe, 2009). Therefore,
the type of registered company and the staff strength
is very crucial having both positive and negative
effect on HRIS adoption. Profit making private
limited liability companies and firms with large staff
strength, for instance, could afford and would
purchase an information system to manage their HR
requirements. This is because these firms are large
and have the resources to afford such a system and
its maintenance. After all, it would not be proper or
useful to invest in such a system without ensuring
that its maintainability and usage will provide
owners sustainable competitive advantage.
On the contrary, most SMEs might not be in the
position to use an information system like HRIS,
from the study, due to size. This means the low
number of staff employed by SMEs might not
adequately satisfy the purpose for which such a
system may be implemented. Despite this, it is very
capital intensive to implement such a system which
the SMEs might not afford. Firm size has been
viewed as a determining factor of a firm’s capital
structure. Empirical evidence on the relationship
between size and capital structure of SMEs supports
a positive relationship (Sogorb-Mira, 2005). This
means, the larger the firm, the bigger the capital
structure and vice versa. Larger firms tend to be
more diversified and hence have lower variance of
earnings, making them able to tolerate high debt
ratios (Wald, 1999).
Like most developing economy, Ghanaian
industrial sector is dominated by the service sector,
followed by trade and commerce sector. It is
customary as a developing country to experience
low technological, telecommunication and
manufacturing sectors. The findings from the study
depicted that industry has no linkage to the tendency
to adopt HRIS in Ghana. The adoption rate does not
reveal any positive or negative influence on HRIS
adoption in the country.
However, the age of firms can impact positively
or negatively on HRIS adoption. From the figure 7
below, it could be seen that firms with over 11 years
experience tended to adopt HRIS compared with
those less in age. The relationship depicted by age
and adoption is crucial for successful HRIS
implementation. The age of the firm is a standard
measure of reputation (Abor and Biekpe, 2009). The
use of firm reputation is the good name a firm has
built over the years. This is important as it shows the
firms’ level of credibility and reputation in the
industry and or country. If organizations have passed
the test of time, then they are credible and so have
high adoption capabilities.
Though respondents attributed the low number
of staff as reason for not adopting an HRIS, it could
be seen from the above figure that many of them
have not yet adopted it as a result of ignorance of the
existence of the system and its importance or that
they were not just ready for such a system.. It is
interesting to note that some of these firms do not
even know about HRIS let alone to adopt it. In fact,
one of the respondents from the SMEs commented
that discussions were ongoing in the organization to
adopt such a system. Another stated that, they used
to have one in place which was given problems so
they never used it. They have, however, started
negotiations with the vendor for an improved one.
Though majority of 53% of the respondents
indicated that they were ready to adopt the use of
HRIS, a significant number of about 39% were not
ready. This high figure of non-readiness may be
attributed to the fact that, respondents may be
affirming their earlier response of low number of
employees as a reason for not adopting HRIS.
Again, this tells of the firms’ inability to acquire the
system due to higher implementation cost or their
ignorance of the importance of the system. Adopting
HRIS can be challenging as it can be costly and it
can take long periods of time before pre-adoption
benefits become reality after HRIS are fully
assimilated (Ashbaugh and Miranda, 2002). Actual
usage and adoption can lag by up to three years what
is available. This is supported by the fact that, even
those who believe they were ready to use such a
system, about one third of them were not sure or
aware of such a system and, therefore, had no plans
on when to implement one.
Using theories from the technological innovation
literature, this paper used quantitative data to
validate HRIS adoption in Ghanaian companies. Out
of the three contexts identified in the model,
organizational characteristics are of primary
importance in determining the decision to adopt
HRIS. Factors such as the size of firms, the type of
organization and the age of the organization are
more likely to influence adoption of HRIS.
Environmental factor, for example, industry type
have no direct effects on the decision to adopt HRIS.
Again, open-ended questions brought out
information to answer other factors including
technological characteristics like perceived cost
benefits trade off and organizational fit which also
affect HRIS adoption in Ghana. Other factors
including organizational competence and past IS
adoption could also be realized from these responses
to be other organizational factors which affect HRIS
adoption. It was also seen that most firms were not
ready to adopt HRIS due to cost of HRIS acquisition
or implementation and the low number of staff
especially for the SMEs. Apparently, most of the
SMEs have not adopted HRIS from the study
because of ignorance of the existence of the system
and its importance and therefore, had no plans of
implement one soon.
The results of this study have implications for
HRIS adoption in Ghana and other developing
countries. First, the study highlights the essentials of
HRIS adoption and its implication to developing
countries. Organizations that appreciate HRIS
adoption and are willing to invest limited resources
will be able to take advantage of the necessary
benefits of HRIS adoption including improved
organizational efficiency and effectiveness (Thong,
1999). It will assist managers to appreciate and
apply the potential benefits from the use of the HRIS
to all functional areas in HRM and also integrate it
to the core business of the organization. HRIS
adoption will also elucidate stakeholders including
the government to be aware of its potential
usefulness in order to formulate policies and
strategies that will encourage its adoption locally.
The study would enable researchers, practitioners
and professionals worldwide to have a fair
knowledge about opportunities and challenges
associated with the application of HRIS in firms in
developing economies like Ghana in order to advice
The usefulness of HRIS cannot be
overemphasized. Organizations can do well to adopt
it to gain sustainable competitive advantage in
whatever industries they find themselves. In using
this, it is important to identify all of HR functions
and develop the system to integrate these features
into the system for use. It is also relevant that the
system is designed in such a way as to be applied to
the core business of organizations. When this
happens, the system’s use will not only be optimal,
but also profitable to all stakeholders like customers,
suppliers, partners, users, owners, managements, etc.
Nonetheless, the following areas are suggested
for further research initiatives including:
An empirical study of the extent of HRIS use of
HRIS in firms in developing countries
The perception of users on outsourcing of HRIS
in organizations.
HRIS adoption and use of HRIS in SMEs in
developing countries
Challenges and benefits from the use of HRIS in
developing countries
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