Natural Language Processing Techniques for Document Classification in
IT Benchmarking
Automated Identification of Domain Specific Terms
Matthias Pfaff
and Helmut Krcmar
fortiss GmbH, An-Institut der Technischen Universit¨at M¨unchen, Guerickestr. 25, 80805 M¨unchen, Germany
Technische Universit¨at M¨unchen, Boltzmannstr. 3, 85748 Garching, Germany
IT Benchmarking, Natural Language Processing, Heterogeneous Data, Semantic Data Integration, Ontologies.
In the domain of IT benchmarking collected data are often stored in natural language text and therefore in-
trinsically unstructured. To ease data analysis and data evaluations across different types of IT benchmarking
approaches a semantic representation of this information is crucial. Thus, the identification of conceptual (se-
mantical) similarities is the first step in the development of an integrative data management in this domain. As
an ontology is a specification of such a conceptualization an association of terms, relations between terms and
related instances must be developed. Building on previous research we present an approach for an automated
term extraction by the use of natural language processing (NLP) techniques. Terms are automatically extracted
out of existing IT benchmarking documents leading to a domain specific dictionary. These extracted terms are
representative for each document and describe the purpose and content of each le and server as a basis for
the ontology development process in the domain of IT benchmarking.
Benchmarking as a systematic process for improv-
ing organizational performance has gained great pop-
ularity worldwide since the 1980s (Camp, 1989). It
is based on the insight that analyzing the acting and
performance of organizations is a powerful way to
transform the own organization. This is done by
applying lessons learned for the own organization
derived by these observations (Peters, 1994; Camp,
1995). Moreover, this performance measurement
(equiv. benchmarking) can help to explain value or
cost aspects to stakeholders (Spendolini, 1992). Thus,
the analysis and evaluation of such performance mea-
surement approaches is subject of manifold studies
(cf. Slevin et al., 1991; Smith and McKeen, 1996;
Gacenga et al., 2011).
The research focus of attention is on structuring,
standardize and generalize IT service catalogues (cf.
K¨utz, 2006; Rudolph, 2009; Nissen et al., 2014). Usu-
ally, in order to model internally provided (IT) ser-
vices in a standardized manner. However, since (IT)
service catalogues are commonly designed for inter-
nal or individual purposes only comparability is diffi-
cult to reach, especially across different (IT) organiza-
tions. At present, most of research in (IT) benchmark-
ing is focusing on how benchmarking can be done or
in how a successfully performed benchmark should
be performed (Jakob et al., 2013). In other words, cur-
rent research on (IT) benchmarking generally focuses
on designing service catalogues or designing bench-
marks on various kinds of subjects. Due to the na-
ture of the subject, the information collected during a
benchmark is generally done by the use of question-
naires. This leads to a variety of different kind of data
getting collected withing a single benchmark (such as
cost of employee, software licencing costs, quantities
of hardware etc.). All of these approaches have one
thing in common: A common concept for data man-
agement is left out of scope, even though it is strongly
recommended (Pfaff and Krcmar, 2014; Wollersheim
et al., 2014). Moreover, little work published in IS
literature addresses the problem of data integration
across different kind of IT benchmarks, yet. So, they
omit facts of data quality and data integration.
Today, one difficulty in making data of different
types of benchmarking comparable with each other
is a result from the lack of a uniform description of
any parameter measured. Their relation in between
is not formalized too. Following Pfaff and Krcmar
(2014) the conceptual level of the different bench-
marking approaches needs to be analyzed, to iden-
Pfaff M. and Krcmar H..
Natural Language Processing Techniques for Document Classification in IT Benchmarking - Automated Identification of Domain Specific Terms.
DOI: 10.5220/0005462303600366
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2015), pages 360-366
ISBN: 978-989-758-096-3
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
tify first similarities in a logical manner. To do so,
already existing service description as well as ques-
tionnaires of different benchmarking approaches are
used for examination. These data were collected over
the last seven years within different benchmarkingap-
proaches supervised and evaluated. Encompassing
data from strategic and consortial IT benchmarks, re-
flecting a broad range of numerous small to medium
sized enterprises as well as large-scale enterprises.
By the identification of domain specific terms
elaborating the specific structural characteristics from
different benchmarking approaches, this work ad-
dresses the following question: How can the domain
specific terms in IT benchmarking be automatically
identified out of unstructured data? Subsequently, the
results of this work are used to identify the require-
ments semi-structured and unstructured benchmark-
ing data pose for the use of ontology.
To ensure maximum re-usability and to speed up
the document classification process these benchmark-
ing data are analyzed by the use of natural language
techniques (NLP). Resulting in a domain specific dic-
tionary as a basis for a domain specific ontology for
IT benchmarking, in order to make these kind of data
meaningful (Uschold and Gruninger, 2004; Horkoff
et al., 2012).
First, an overviewof benchmarking in general and
data integration challenges in the domain of IT bench-
marking in specific is given. Second, the used method
and the quality of the previously mentioned approach
is described in the following sections. Thus, in this
paper the first step in the ontology engineering pro-
cess is addressed by the use of NLP techniques.
Today, there exist a broad range of different ap-
proaches for structuring service catalogues (cf.
Rudolph and Krcmar, 2009). A short overview of
these approaches is given by Nissen et al. (2014).
Next to IT service catalogues the structure of IT
benchmarks follow the abstraction of IT departments
proposed by Riempp et al. (2008). Thus, data man-
agement in IT benchmarking needs to cover a broad
range of different characteristics (e.g. different views
on supplier or provider of services, different level of
abstraction of a service or various types of cost ac-
counting). Especially where IT-based solutions be-
come more and more used for the data collecting pro-
cess in the domain for IT benchmarking, such as pre-
sented by Ziaie et al. (2012) and structural described
by Riempp et al. (2008). Although such benchmarks
do have the same object of observation (f.i. same ser-
vice or same product), no direct semantic informa-
tion are stored to identify this similarity, which is in-
hibiting further comprehensiveanalysis (Pfaffand Kr-
cmar, 2014).
In related fields of research there already do ex-
ist several approaches to organise and integrate such
kind of semantically identical information. Ontolo-
gies which, by definition, convey electronic or ”se-
mantic meaning” are used to structure such kind of
unstructured data in the medical sector (cf. Cambria
et al., 2011) or in the sector of information manage-
ment (cf. Riedl et al., 2009; M¨uller, 2010; Cambria
et al., 2011). To address this lack of appropriate data
management concept in the domain of IT benchmark-
ing onotlogies are already proposed by Pfaff and Kr-
cmar (2014), following Guarino (1995) and Brewster
and O’Hara (2007).
There exist several types of ontology development
strategies in academic literature (cf. Wache et al.,
2001). A single ontology uses a shared vocabulary for
describing the semantic information of data. Multiple
ontologies are based on several independently build
ontologies for every source of information. The lack
of a shared vocabulary across these ontologies is one
major disadvantage. Hybrid ontologies use a shared
vocabulary with basic terms of the domain related in-
formation. But, to our knowledge no ontology exists
for IT benchmarking or IT service management.
Since NLP driven ontology development has become
more and more common over the last years, (cf.
Lame, 2005; Maynard et al., 2008; Witte et al., 2010;
Ray and Chandra, 2012; Karanikolas and Skourlas,
2010; Alatrish et al., 2014) these techniques are used
to develop a domain specific ontology for IT bench-
marking. Focusing on the first phase of ontology de-
velopment, such as term extrusion and dictionary de-
3.1 Ontology Development
Ontologies aim to capture static domain knowledge in
a generic way and can be used and shared across ap-
plications and groups (Chandrasekaran et al., 1999).
Thus, one can define an ontology as a shared spec-
ification of a conceptualization. Following Noy and
McGuinness (2001) and Pinto and Martins (2004)
Figure 1 shows the schematic procedure of the on-
tology creating an process.
First, already existing repositories of informa-
tion, such as documents, are used to identify and ex-
<server, storage>
1. term extrusion
server storage
2. conceptualisation
3. evaluation / rectification
1. term extrusion
datastorage dictionary ontology (domain specific information)
Figure 1: Ontology Engineering steps adapted from Sack (2008).
tract characteristic terms within the specific domain.
Second, these terms are conceptualized according to
Fernandez-Lopez et al. (1997). In a third step, the
conceptualization is evaluated and revised to map the
requirements previously identified. Supporting the
construction of ontologies and populating them with
instantiations of both concepts and relations, com-
monly referred to as ontology learning.
Next to a manual extraction of terms out of docu-
ments there exist several semi-automatic approaches.
In general, these are natural language processing
(NLP) or machine learning techniques (ML) which
speed up the initial process of the ontology engineer-
3.2 Natural Language Processing
Based on already existing documents (i.e. service de-
scriptions and benchmarking results of the last seven
years) an automatic extraction of terms is performed.
All of the documents stored in various data formats
are converted into a new data format, commonly re-
ferred to as data stream (raw text). This raw text is
the input for the NLP algorithm. Figure 2 illustrates
the pipeline architecture for an information extraction
system apart from technical details.
The complexity of the NLP analysis can be re-
duced since all documents are related to topics in the
domain of IT benchmarking. It can therefore be as-
sumed that these documents are based on a reduced
set of vocabularies. Thus, a dictionary with com-
monly used terms in this domain supports the NLP
process. Using this dictionary a pre classification of
the documents can be made according to the initial set
of terms. But, as it cannot be assumed that the initial
generated dictionary is completely sound, this dictio-
nary has to be iteratively adjusted or extended with
the automatically identified terms of the analyzed the
documents. As a result a representative set of terms
for the domain of IT benchmarking is acquired.
On the pre-processing side of NLP the documents
are parsed and transferred into a raw data format
which is needed for tokenization, division in sen-
tences, lemmatization and lexical analysis. As tok-
enization identifies each single term of a sentence di-
vision in sentences organizes these terms by grouping
them into sentences. The reduction of each term to its
basic form is called lemmatization (e.g. employees is
reduced to employee). In a last step lexical analysis
aims at the identification of grammatical classes for
each term selected in the tokenization process.
Figure 2: Pipeline Architecture for an Information Extrac-
tion System based on Bird et al. (2009).
Following Salton (1989) all words are analyzed
and count according to their frequency of use within
the existing documents first. The term frequency (t)
within on single document (d) is brought into relation
of all documents where (t) is used. This is called in-
verse document frequency (IDF).
IDF(t) =
Thus, in a collection of (n) documents the signif-
icance (S
) for one term (t) in document (d) can be
described by:
= C
Where (C) is known as Zipf’s law (Zipf, 1949),
approximating the rank-frequency relationship where
(r) is the rank of a term, (f) is the frequency of occur-
rence of the term, and (c) is a constant, dependent on
the number of terms in a document.
C = r f (3)
This approach has its weaknesses in small to mid
size documents with less different terms. In this case
the documents get probably not identified by the most
representative term if only the most weighted terms
get saved. This will lead to an incomplete list of in-
dex terms an therefore inadequate for the building of a
base dictionary for IT benchmarking. Consequently,
terms of small an mid size documents are parsed last
and compared with the dictionary entries created out
of larger data sets. In case of new index terms, these
terms are included into to dictionary. In case of a
document with equivocal results concerning the rep-
resentative term all terms are stored and associated
with this document. This is done in order to prevent
incomplete set of dictionary terms as well as incom-
plete result sets if searched for a specific term and its
corresponding documents.
Before measuring the quality and effectiveness of
the implemented automated document indexation it is
necessary to specify the requirements the implemen-
tation has to full fill. In our case these are:
All relevant information are extracted.
Less irrelevant information are stored.
Thus, effectiveness reflects the amount of cor-
rect identified documents with less false positive re-
sults. Moreover, the list of documents identified cor-
rect should be nearly complete and the amount of doc-
uments not relevant for a specific search term should
be small.
The four categories a document can be assigned to
is shown in Figure 3. According to the definition of
information retrieval systems, an information can be
retrieved and be relevant (true positive) or retrieved
Figure 3: Segmentation of a collection of documents ac-
cording to four types of classes of belonging (Nohr, 2003).
and irrelevant (false positive). In contrast, the infor-
mation not received can be irrelevant (false negative)
or relevant (true negative).
To measure the effectiveness, two key perfor-
mance indicator are used, recall and precision Nohr
(2003). Recall and precision are defined as follows:
Recall(r) =
Number of relevant documents retrieved
Total number of relevantdocuments
Precision(p) =
Number o f relevant documents retrieved
Total number of documents retrieved
By definition, a high value of recall describes a set
of documents where all relevant documents are iden-
tified, with its drawback, that this set may also con-
tain irrelevant documents. Such high values of recall
is desired if it is important to identify all documents
related to a specific search term. In contrast, a high
value of precision describes a set of documents with
many relevant documents are identified correctly and
the amount of irrelevant documents is comparatively
low. Thus, a high value of precision is desired when-
ever relevant documents need to be identified only, at
the expense of completeness.
As already mentioned, it can be assumed, that most
of the documents consist of a reduced set of vocabu-
lary, as all of them are related to specific topics out of
IT benchmarking. Thus, they describe technical and
economic aspects such as IT costs or the number of
employees. This constraint allows us to group data
objects into subsets based on their relation, i.e. ob-
jects with similar information are grouped together.
The reduction to primary words is done by the
help of LemmaGen (Jurˇsic et al., 2010; LemmaGen,
2011), a lexical database that contains approximately
23385 natural language terms and about 10655 pri-
mary words.
4.1 Prototype
Figure 4 shows the schematic workflow of the im-
plemented prototype. First a set of documents is
analyzed according to the previously described NPL
methods and transferred into raw data formats. Sec-
ond, the shared terms of the different documents are
identified, building the underlying dictionary of the
domain. Therefore LemmaGen (Jurˇsic et al., 2010)
and the Stop Word (Savoy, 2014) identifier are used.
This shared dictionary is used to identify each single
document in a last step (e.g. by name, unit, year and
representative tag).
Stop Words
Tag Extraction
Document Representation
- Name
- Unit
- Year
- Tag List
Figure 4: Schematic workflow of the prototype for docu-
ment indexing.
The implementation of this prototype is done in
Java. The documents are read in by the use of the
Apache POI API (Foundation, 2014). This is to trans-
form each document into a string-array, split into
paragraphs for term identification. At last, each doc-
ument gets tagged by its most representative term or
list of terms.
4.2 Evaluation
According to this schematic workflow the prototype
is tested on a set of documents out of different bench-
marking approaches, mainly based on *.doc(x), *.xls
as well as *.pdf documents, resulting in 1084 unique
files. These files were previouslycategorized by hand,
to identify relevant documents with potential terms
for ontology building. Moreover, this is done to mea-
sure recall and precision, as the document distribu-
tion needs to be known (e.g. documents related to
personal costs). This leads to a distribution of docu-
ments shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Documents under examination.
Total Number of Documents 1084
Number of relevant Documents 404
At first, the quality of document identification has
been tested. Thus, it is evaluated if all relevant docu-
ments are found. The results are shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Accuracy of document identification.
Number of relevant documents 404
Number of identified documents 378
Accuracy 93.3%
26 documents could not be identified, as these
missed some relevant information needed, such as
the name of performance indicator that should be de-
scribed by this document.
In a next step a subset of manually categorized
documents were tested to measure the precision and
recall, while focusing on a high recall value. This
is due to the fact, that in case of IT benchmarking
and especially for the development of an ontology
nearly all relevant information/documents should be
identified. This means, that false positive identified
documents are allowed to occur in the result set. An
overview on used search terms is given in Table 3.
Table 3: Recall and precision for the test data set.
Search term Recall (%) Precision (%)
Supported Devices 0.2 1.0
Personnel costs 0.57 0.8
Number of client devices 0.63 1.0
Total cost of IT 0.65 0.92
At last, it is tested whether all units of the indi-
cators are identified correctly. The Result of this test
is shown in Table 4. Five units could not be identi-
fied because of major typing errors within these doc-
Table 4: Identification of units.
Number of search documents 36
Identified Units 31
Accuracy 0.86%
This work transfers NP and machine learning tech-
niques into the domain of IT benchmarking, as ba-
sis for ontology creation processes in the future. It is
its first step towards an ontology in this domain. By
automating the term extrusion out of benchmarking
documents the development of this ontology is accel-
erated. This acceleration is even more important on
maintaining an ontology. As the initial development
of such an ontology is only the first step, extension
and maintenance processes are activities which also
get supported by the automated term extrusion. This
is especially useful if new domain specific terms need
to be identified out of new documents, such as service
descriptions (e.g. related to topics like cloud comput-
Future work will focus on step two/three, shown
in Figure 1. As it is shown, the conceptualization of
terms leads, in general, to a cyclically adjustment of
the initial developed ontology. As this process needs
to be supervised by a domain expert only a semi- au-
tomation of this step is possible yet. Nevertheless
this semi-automation will be developed. To support
the domain expert during this step, the differences
between two ontology versions (before and after the
automatic term extrusion) will be identified and pre-
sented to him. Moreover this kind of versioning helps
to comprehend the development process of the whole
In a last step, already existing output data will
be linked to the domain ontology, such as, cost or
performance values collected from different compa-
nies since the last seven years and persisted in various
databases (eg. MySQL or Access DB). Thus, the con-
ceptualization of logical structures in this domain, is
used to get access to benchmarking data. Without the
need of the developmentof a unified database schema.
Therefore new databases can be linked to already ex-
isting ones by the use of an abstraction layer, so called
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