A Model of Effective IT Governance for Collaborative Networked
Morooj Safdar
, Greg Richards
and Bijan Raahemi
Faculty of Engineering, University of Ottawa, Laurier Ave., Ottawa, Canada
Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa, Laurier Ave., Ottawa, Canada
Keywords: IT Governance, IT Governance Framework, Collaboration, Collaborative Networks, Collaborative
Networked Organizations.
Abstract: Inter-organizational collaboration based on the use of IT systems is now essential for organizations working
as Collaborative Networked Organizations (CNOs). However, little research has been done to examine the
critical success factors involved in shared IT governance among members of a CNO. Accordingly, this
research develops a model of inter-organizational IT governance composed of critical success factors
(CSFs) and key performance indicators (KPIs). The study defines fourteen CSFs that are classified under
the main four categories of IT governance, which include strategic alignment, resource management, value
delivery and risk management, and performance measurement. The main dimensions of the KPIs include
consensus, alignment, accountability, trust, involvement and transparency. To validate the research model,
we conduct a case study of a healthcare CNO by gathering insights from CNO participants on the
importance of the proposed CSFs and performance indicators included. The findings of the research validate
the importance of the CSFs but suggest that they could be ranked in order of criticality. In addition, certain
CSFs were redefined based on the experience of CNO participants and questions were raised related to the
context of the CNO, which influences participant perceptions, as well as to the degree of formalization
noted in the CNO.
A vast number of organizations are adopting
different forms of alliances or corporate structures to
manage their processes, gain a competitive
advantage, and collaborate efficiently with inter-
organizational entities (Prasad, Green, and Heales,
2012). In these alliances, several corporate structures
operate in different geographical locations, which
increases the number of virtual organizations or
collaborative organizational structures “COSs”.
These structures adopt and use different IT resources
in order to maintain a successful level of
collaboration. Moreover, the emergence of dynamic
IT technologies, specifically web 2.0 tools, has a
significant effect on the formation of alliance
structures that depend on the creation of IT
governance models (Prasad, Green, and Heales,
2012). Accordingly, the number of IT projects
undertaken by organizations has grown
exponentially in recent years. Unfortunately, a large
number of these projects fail, whether being
conducted within or between organizations (Weill
and Woodham, 2002). These failures could be
related to incomplete or poorly executed IT projects,
the complexity of the nature of IT technologies and
tools (Ko and Fink, 2010), or ineffective governance
or use of IT systems (Weill and Woodham, 2002).
Therefore, collaborative-networked organizations
“CNOs” should not only try to exploit the shared IT
resources effectively but also maintain and adopt
effective governance models to increase their
chances of success.
The mainstream research on IT governance tends to
emphasize the single organization as the unit of
analysis (Ali and Green, 2009; Huang et al., 2010;
Willson and Pollard, 2009). In the area of IT
governance and considering CSFs as essential
elements for its effective implementation, few CSF
studies have been undertaken, although IT
governance has become critical to most
organizations today (Rusu and Nufuka, 2011).
Safdar M., Richards G. and Raahemi B..
A Model of Effective IT Governance for Collaborative Networked Organizations.
DOI: 10.5220/0005537401910202
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on e-Business (ICE-B-2015), pages 191-202
ISBN: 978-989-758-113-7
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Although studies on best practices and success
factors of IT governance exist, they target a single
organization as a unit of analysis (Ferguson et al.,
2013; Ko and Fink, 2010; Rusu and Nufuka, 2011;
Weill and Ross, 2004; Weill and Woodham, 2002).
There are also studies that prove the importance of
collaborative network IT governance and the
business value of IT to the network (Camarinha-
Matos et al., 2009; Rabelo and Gusmeroli, 2006;
Prasad, Green, and Heales, 2012; Haes and
Grembergen, 2005; Melville, Kraemer, and
Gurbaxani, 2004), but these do not define CSFs or
KPIs to measure its effectiveness.
The success factors proposed in Rusu and
Nufuka (2011) and other studies (Guldentops, 2004;
A.T. Kearney, 2008; Weill and Woodham, 2002;
Ferguson , Green, Vaswani, and Wu, 2013) of
traditional organizations with effective IT
governance may not necessarily apply to situations
of inter-organizational collaboration. In this context,
there is always a conflict of knowing who is
responsible for handling the IT governance practices
for the CNO and how the CNO will assess and test
the effectiveness of adopting such a form of network
governance (Provan and Kenis, 2007).
Accordingly, this research focuses on defining a
model for effective IT governance for CNOs that
includes CSFs and assigned KPIs to help the
collaborative achieve success in collaboration and in
controlling the shared IT assets.
The proposed model targets the strategic level of the
collaborative-networked organization. The model
consists of critical success factors represented in the
squares in Figure 1 and key performance indicators
that measure the CSFs represented in shaded circles.
The model is designed based on the four main
categories of IT governance represented in the
rectangles at the edges of Figure 1: strategic
alignment, resource management, performance
measurement, and value delivery and risk
management. Each category of IT governance has
critical success factors assigned to it. The key
performance indicators are categorized into 6
dimensions, which are alignment, consensus,
accountability, trust, transparency and involvement,
assess the effectiveness of the CSFs.
3.1 Critical Success Factors for CNO
Effective IT Governance
Critical success factors define the most important
management-oriented implementation guidelines to
achieve control over and within its IT processes
(ITGI and OGC, 2005). Focusing on the CSFs will
Figure 1: A model of effective IT governance for CNOs.
identify the most vital processes that directly
influence the organization’s performance
(Shivashankarappa, Dharmalingam, Smalov, and
Anbazhagan, 2012). The proposed model of
effective CNO IT governance is depicted in Figure
The KPI dimensions of CNO effective IT
governance and their assigned critical success
factors are discussed in more detail in the following
3.1.1 Consensus: Reaching a Consensus
from the CNO Members on the Goals
of the Collaborative Project
Consensus on goals and “domain similarity” allows
organizational participants to collaborate better than
when there is conflict, although conflict can also be
a stimulant for innovation. Van de Ven (1976)
argued that when there is general consensus on
broad network-level goals, both regarding goal
content and process, and in the absence of hierarchy,
network members are more likely to be involved and
devoted to the network and more likely to work
together (cited in Provan and Kenis, (2007)). There
may be significant differences across networks and
network members regarding agreement on network-
level goals and the extent to which organizational
goals can be achieved through network involvement.
Although high goal consensus is, apparently, an
advantage in building network-level commitment,
networks can still be somewhat effective with only
moderate levels of goal consensus (Provan and
Kenis, 2007), since the goal of the shared project is
not necessarily the goal of all participants (Tapia et
al., 2008).
3.1.2 Alignment: Defining and Aligning IT
Strategies to CNO Business Strategies
and Cascading Them down in the
Collaborative Partner Organizations
Building a strong relationship between senior IT
managers and senior business managers to support
both their strategies and day-to-day operations is
fundamental for organizations to achieve effective
IT governance. Managers need to identify key goals
across IT to help support business strategies
(Richards, 2006). A very influential tactic to build
and then strengthen such informal relationships is by
collaboratively involving the targeted individuals in
formal decision processes related to IT governance
(Huang, Zmud, and Price, 2010).
It is the responsibility of each collaborative
organization representative in the IT steering
committee to cascade both strategies and IT
governance practices to the operational level of their
individual organizations. In a network of
organizations, IT governance is required at several
levels. Organizations with different IT needs in
divisions, business units, or geographies require a
separate but connected layer of IT governance for
each entity. Connecting the governance arrangement
matrices for the multiple levels in an organization
makes explicit the connections, common
mechanisms, and pressure points (Weill, 2004).
3.1.3 Adopting an Appropriate Form of
Network Governance with the Active
Involvement of the Governing Body
To attain successful collaboration within a network,
a CNO must make sure to choose the most suitable
governance form or structure (Provan and Kenis,
2007), and more effective collaborative IT
governance is associated with the active
involvement of a governing body (Chong and Tan,
2012). Chong and Tan (2012) state that it is
imperative to assign a governing body to regulate
and monitor the committees such as IT strategy and
IT steering committees. Network governance forms
can be categorized according to two distinctions;
whether the form is brokered or not, and whether the
brokered network is a participant or is externally
governed. Each form has certain basic structural
characteristics and is applied in practice for a variety
of reasons; accordingly, no one model is inherently
superior or effective. Rather, each form has its own
specific strengths and weaknesses leading to
outcomes that are likely to depend on the form
chosen (Provan and Kenis, 2007).
3.1.4 Involvement and Support of CNO
Senior Management in IT
Senior management support for IT is considered to
be the most important enabler of business and IT
alignment (Ferguson, Green, Vaswani, and Wu,
2013), and crucial to effective IT governance
(Huang, Zmud, and Price, 2010). This practice refers
to an organization’s senior executives’ personal
engagement and support in IT-related decision
making such as investments and monitoring
processes. This involvement finds participating
senior managers and executives interacting with one
another to outline and discuss IT-related issues; it
occurs through formal and informal pathways.
Formally, the senior managers of each partner
organization cooperate and interact through their
participation on established IT governance bodies,
such as IT steering committees, that shape and direct
IT-related strategies, policies and actions.
Informally, these senior managers interact while
carrying out their day-to-day work responsibilities
(Chan, 2002). Huang et al. (2010) found that the
performance of IT tends to be better with both the
formal (through steering committees) and informal
(through personal interactions) involvement of IT
and business senior managers in IT-related decision
making processes than with informal involvement
3.1.5 Accountability: Co-creating IT
Steering and IT Strategy Committees
A governance practice considered fundamental for
effective IT governance and the alignment of IT-
related decisions and actions with an organization’s
strategic and operational priorities is the IT steering
committee, which is a body comprised of senior
executives/managers convened to administer and
coordinate IT-related activities. The IT steering
committee is a formal body that includes
representation from both business and IT executives
who regularly meet to address specific IT-related
issues, and whose interaction during these
deliberations ensure that the various represented
interests and perspectives are heard (Huang, Zmud,
and Price, 2010; Ferguson, Green, Vaswani, and
Wu, 2013). An IT steering committee in the case of
a collaborative-networked organization is co-created
and involves representatives from each of the CNO
constituents. The co-created IT steering committee
functions as a ‘board of directors’, which involves
IT/business executives, managers, and professionals
holding differing vested interests and perspectives
for specific domains of IT-related activities in
setting CNO-wide policies and procedures,
allocating resources, and monitoring the
performance of the shared IT resources.
3.1.6 Consolidating IT Structures to Ensure
Responsiveness and Accountability
The IT governance structure deals with the decision-
making structures and the responsible
committees/functions adopted for IT-related
decisions (Brown and Grant, 2005). This practice is
vital to ensure responsiveness and accountability,
and positively enhances IT governance performance
(Rusu and Nufuka, 2011). The three most prevalent
governance structures are centralized, decentralized,
and hybrid “federal” structures (Brown and Grant,
2005). With centralized governance structures, IT
decisions follow a top-down, enterprise-wide
perspective, while with decentralized governance
structures, IT decisions reflect a bottom-up, local
work unit perspective. Although the centralized and
decentralized governance structures by definition are
mutually exclusive, an organization’s important IT
decisions can also be orchestrated through a third
sort of governance structure, which is the hybrid
structure or the federal mode. Hybrid governance
structures may indicate a variety of alternative
structures, most typically: collaboratively engaging
participants holding enterprise-wide perspectives
with participants holding local perspectives,
simultaneously using centralized governance
structures for some IT decisions and decentralized
governance structures for other IT decisions, or
applying both of these designs. For each type of
governance structure there are distinct advantages
and disadvantages.
3.1.7 Implementing a Governance and
Control Framework for the Shared IT
Applying a governance framework to control the
shared IT assets is considered essential to successful
IT governance. One of the most commonly used
governance reference frameworks, which is the
choice of many regulators and commentaries, is the
Control Objectives for Information and related
Technology (COBIT). COBIT is well accepted by
many enterprises; it is mainly introduced by the
audit function as the auditors’ framework for
judging control over IT, and IT groups have picked
it up, often because it provides for performance
measurement. COBIT offers the foundation and the
tool set to analyze, based on the enterprise value and
risk drivers, where the enterprise is relative to IT
governance, and where it needs to be (Guldentops,
CISA, and CISM, 2004).
3.1.8 Implementing Performance
Measurement Systems and
Benchmarks to Track and Maintain
Successful Collaboration
Measuring the performance of the partners’
collaboration is essential to managing collaborative
networks in general (Camarinha-Matos et al., 2008)
and to achieving effective IT governance (Rusu and
Nufuka, 2011). In collaborative environments, inter-
organizational Performance Indicators (PIs) must be
addressed, as well as intra-organizational ones, in
order to fully cover the performance of the alliance
(Kamali, 2013). The use of a performance
measurement system incorporating a set of metrics
provides management with an accurate view of IT
operations performance and assists them with a
means to help improve governance and
accountability for many stakeholders (Ferguson ,
Green, Vaswani, and Wu, 2013). The most
widespread performance management system, since
the mid-1990s, is the balanced scorecard (BSC). It
allows organizations to follow-up with and assess
their strategies. The use of the BSC as a
performance measurement system for IT operations
is reinforced by agency theory as a mechanism to
reduce agency losses by more efficiently monitoring
the IT operations. Advocates of the balanced IT
scorecard recommend that the benefits of such a
system go beyond the traditional financial
assessment methods and extend them to include
measures relating to customer satisfaction, internal
processes, expertise of IT staff, and the ability to
innovate; these measures may be compared with
benchmarking figures (Ferguson , Green, Vaswani,
and Wu, 2013).
3.1.9 Trust: Maintaining a High Level of
Trust between the CNO Members
Trust has been identified as key to IT governance
(Richards, 2006). In the general network literature, it
has frequently been considered as critical for
network performance and sustainability (Provan and
Kenis, 2007). Trust in collaborative networks has
been defined as ‘‘the willingness to accept
vulnerability based on positive expectations about
another’s intentions or behaviors’’ (McEvily,
Perrone, and Zaheer, 2003, 92). Proven and Kenis
(2007) argue that to understand network-level
collaboration the dissemination of trust is critical, as
is the degree to which trust is reciprocated among
network members. In addition, it is not only that
trust is considered a network-level concept but also
that network governance must be consistent with the
general level of trust density that occurs across the
network as a whole.
3.1.10 The Presence and Cultivation of
Relational Culture and Attitudinal
Chong and Tan (2012) indicate that more effective
collaborative IT governance is associated with a
coordinated communication process and the
presence of relational culture and attitudinal
commitment. As a collaborative network consists of
several organizations, a relational organizational
culture is crucial to managing the interactions
required for IT governance implementation and to
deliver a shared understanding between IT and
business people. Organizational culture plays a
significant role in influencing collaborative
behavior, and a strong organizational culture can
enhance the co-ordination processes, support
consistent decision-making processes, and increase
the level of attitudinal commitment. The extent to
which the organizational cultures differ in a
collaborative network is known as cultural distance;
a wider cultural distance will result in lower levels
of integration and cohesion (Shachaf, 2008).
Accordingly, it will lead to inefficient flows of
information and a constrained communication
process within the network, which in turn will affect
the collaborative relationships. Hence, it is critical
for a collaborative network to promote and cultivate
a relational organizational culture that unifies
subculture beliefs and practices within the network.
The attitudinal commitment refers to an
emotional or affective component that is driven by
the feelings and attitudes of the participants to the
specific relation. It is more appropriate for the
committee members to possess attitudinal
commitment, as they would allocate most of their
time to controlling and managing their functional
roles (Chong and Tan, 2012).
3.1.11 Transparency: Adopting an Effective
Communication System between
Collaborative Partners
One of the practices of effective IT governance is
ensuring that the deliberations of the governance
bodies and IT steering committees are well
disseminated, communicated, and accessed by all
appropriate members (Huang, Zmud, and Price,
2010). Making each IT governance mechanism
transparent to all managers is considered a critical
success factor of IT governance. The more IT
decisions are made secretly and outside of the
governance framework, the less confidence people
will have in the structure and the less willing they
will be to play by the rules, which are designed to
increase enterprise wide performance (Weill, 2004).
Achieving transparency involves the adoption of a
suitable communication system between the partner
organizations and the members, facilitating the
collaboration process. The communication system is
essential for disseminating rules and polices across
the CNO. The type and nature of communication
system adopted depends on the size of the
organization and its number of partners. In some
situations, it could be very simple, for example with
the use of emails, or very complex with the
establishment of a shared platform. A larger number
of communication channels results in a more
efficient use of IT and a greater breadth of IT use.
Having Intranet as the only organizational
communication channel would not necessarily
enable better communication of IT governance
processes and decisions. Rather, it requires more
communication channels to integrate and
disseminate information, enabling a wider degree of
IT governance transparency, and a shared
understanding between business and IT can be
established (Weill and Ross, 2004). Coordinated
synchronous and asynchronous communication
channels would play an important role in facilitating
the collaborative network’s processes (Chong and
Tan, 2012).
3.1.12 Preparing, Standardizing, and
Managing IT Infrastructure and
Applications to Optimize Costs,
Responsiveness, and Information
Flow between Partners
Organizations in the collaborative network must be
ready and prepared in advance with the needed IT
applications to successfully communicate with
partners and commence the collaboration project
(Rabelo and Gusmeroli, 2006). The IT preparation
includes compliance with a common interoperable
infrastructure, the adoption of common operating
rules, and a common collaboration agreement,
among others. Peterson (2004) also suggested that
the practice of preparing, standardizing and
managing IT infrastructure would help produce
reliable and cost-effective infrastructure and IT
applications (cited in Rusu and Nufuka, 2011).
3.1.13 Providing IT Governance Awareness
and Training for Optimal Use of IT
Ensuring that knowledge about IT and its
governance are available to the collaborative
organizations is crucial and acts as a stepping-stone
to achieving effective IT governance. This practice
is important for innovation and to optimize IT
capabilities and governance (Rusu and Nufuka,
2011). Education to help managers understand and
use IT governance mechanisms is critical. Educated
users of governance mechanisms suggest that
committee members are more likely to be
accountable for the decisions they make and less
likely to second-guess other decisions (Weill, 2004).
3.1.14 Consolidating, Communicating, and
Enforcing Policies and Guidelines for
the Cost-Effective Acquisition and
Use of IT
This practice is fundamental to effective IT
governance as it introduces and enforces best
practices and clearly informs the organization as a
whole about the processes, methods, and framework
to which it needs to adhere, hence encouraging
desirable behaviours and optimal IT value creation
and preservation (Rusu and Nufuka, 2011). Besides,
Huang et al. (2010) state that the manner by which
IT-related policies, guidelines, and procedures are
clearly communicated to employees and
disseminated across an organization is considered
significant to efficient IT deployment and effective
IT governance.
In order to have a common understanding of
applicable IT-related actions to frame the
interactions of individuals involved in IT-related
activities, it is essential that these policies,
guidelines, and procedures regarding sanctioned IT
behaviors be widely disseminated through an
effective communication system (Uzzi, 1996;
Walker et al., 1997). Compliance with operating
policies, rules, and policies are essential to achieve
successful IT governance. For example, the
enterprise’s security program must be continuously
monitored and evaluated, through internal auditing,
for compliance. In order to effectively implement
security policies to ensure compliance, one must
develop applicable change management strategies
since people are often resistant to change
(Shivashankarappa, Dharmalingam, Smalov, and
Anbazhagan, 2012).
3.2 Key Performance Indicators of
Effective CNO IT Governance
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are the
measurements that represent the enterprise’s critical
success factors for which a balanced scorecard can
be used (Shivashankarappa, Dharmalingam, Smalov,
and Anbazhagan, 2012). Key performance indicators
are lead indicators that define measures of how well
the IT process is performing in enabling the goal to
be reached (ITGI and OGC, 2005).
The key performance indicators for assessing
inter-organizational IT governance are depicted in
Table 1.
Table 1: Key Performance Indicators for Assessing Inter-Organizational IT Governance.
Dimension Code Indicator Description Interpretation
Consensus CO1 Goal Consensus The level of the partners’ agreement on
the CNO stated goals and objectives
“collaborative project goals”.
It can be high, moderately high, or moderately
low (Provan & Kenis, 2007).
Alignment AL1 Understanding of
business by IT
The level of awareness and
understanding of the business
strategies, policies and goals by the IT
It can be one of the following:
1- IT management not aware
2- Limited IT awareness
3- Senior and mid-management
4- Pushed down through organization
5- Pervasive
AL2 Understanding of
IT by business
The level of awareness and
understanding of the IT strategies,
policies and goals by the business
It can be one of the following:
1- Business management not aware
2- Limited business awareness
3- Emerging business awareness
4- Business aware of potential
5- Pervasive
AL3 Business
perception of IT
The level of IT value perceived by
business people.
It can be one of the following:
1- IT perceived as a cost of business
2- IT emerging as an asset
3- IT is seen as an asset
4- IT is part of the business strategy
5- IT-business co-adaptive
AL4 Role of IT in
strategic business
The degree to which IT is involved in
business planning.
It can be one of the following:
1- No seat at the business table
2- Business process enabler
3- Business process driver
4- Business strategy enabler/driver
5- IT-business co-adaptive
AL5 Shared goals,
risks, and
The degree to which IT is accountable
for shared risks and rewards.
It can be one of the following:
1- IT takes risk with little reward
2- IT takes most of risk with little reward
3- Risk tolerant; IT some reward
4- Risk acceptance and reward shared
5- Risk and rewards shared
AL6 Business strategic
The degree to which business strategic
planning is managed and integrated
across the CNO.
It can be one of the following:
1- Ad-hoc
2- Basic planning at the functional level
3- Some inter-organizational planning
4- Managed across the CNO
5- Integrated across and outside the CNO
AL7 IT strategic
The degree to which IT strategic
planning is managed and integrated
across the CNO.
It can be one of the following:
1- Ad-hoc
2- Functional tactical planning
3- Focused planning, some inter-
4- Managed across the CNO
5- Integrated across and outside the CNO
(Van Grembergen, 2004)
Trust TR1 Partners trust The density level of trust relations
among collaborative partners.
The density level of trust relations can be low,
high, or moderate (Provan and Kenis, 2007).
Transparency TN1 ICT usefulness
“media channels”
The effectiveness of each of the
communication channels in the shared
system e.g. ICT tools.
A communication channel can be effective,
moderately effective or ineffective.
TN2 Information
accessibility and
The degree to which CNO members
can find and access certain information
using the IT system.
Information can be easily accessible, hardly
accessible, or not available.
Involvement IN1 Senior
The degree to which the senior
managers of a CNO are involved in IT-
related decisions (Huang, Zmud, and
Price, 2010).
Senior managers can be highly involved,
somewhat involved, not involved in decision-
Accountability AC1 Task clarity The clarity level of role definition and
responsibility allocation for CNO
members (De Haes and Van
Grembergen, 2004).
Task clarity can be highly clear, somewhat clear,
or ambiguous.
The KPI dimensions related to effective IT
governance for CNOs are:
Consensus: an agreement between the customer-
facing organization and its direct partners in a
CNO to formulate clear common goals for the
collaborative project (Tapia, Daneva, Eck, and
Wieringa, 2008).
Alignment: ensuring that IT services support the
requirements of the business, whether such
services are individually or collaboratively
offered (Tapia, Daneva, Eck, and Wieringa,
2008), and ensuring that goals and policies from
both IT and business are supported and aligned.
Trust: the willingness to accept vulnerability
based on reputation and past interaction
experience (Provan and Kenis, 2007).
Transparency: the effective dissemination and
accessibility of all information to assigned
individuals in CNOs.
Involvement: the engagement of firms’ senior
executives in decision-making processes
regarding IT-related issues (Huang, Zmud, and
Price, 2010).
Accountability: having clear functional roles
and responsibilities assigned to individuals who
are part of the CNO IT steering and IT strategy
committees, or IT structures.
To validate the proposed model, a case study method
was adopted because this research sought to
understand a real-world phenomenon within its
context (Yin, 2013). Specifically, the study sought to
identify what CSFs determine effective IT
governance for CNO and how a CNO measures its
IT governance effectiveness. A case study method
helps to explore and examine the proposed CNO IT
governance model to gain an in-depth description of
how a CNO operates at the strategic level and how it
governs shared IT resources. The research strategy
undertaken is confirmatory which is based on theory
testing since the model was already developed by
the researcher and then the case study is conducted
to test the usability of the proposed model (Gerring,
The rationale of selecting a single case study in
this research is that it serves as a revelatory case
since there is lack of empirical studies that define
CSFs or a model for CNO effective IT governance.
The data were collected through conducting two key
informant interviews, distributing questionnaires,
observation of a steering committee meeting and
gathering related documents. Since this study targets
the strategic level of a CNO, the case study focuses
on two main groups as a unit of analysis; the
steering committee as it consists of senior managers
and chief executives of partner organizations and the
project management office as it deals with the IT-
related activities/decisions and the service-level
management group. Those members have the most
knowledge about the collaboration project including
its processes, decisions and challenges. To have an
in-depth knowledge of how this CNO operates and
is managed, two interviews were conducted, one
each with the service provider vice president and the
project management office director. The
questionnaires include both closed and open
questions. They were distributed to sixteen members
from both the steering committee and the project
management office and nine responses were
received. Quantitative and statistical analysis was
done on the questionnaires responses to evaluate the
importance and usefulness of the proposed CSFs and
KPIs. Responses were categorized to understand the
core tendencies emerging from the questionnaire.
4.1 Case Organization Background
The case CNO is the first MEDITECH “patient care
and technology” collaboration in the province of
Ontario, in Canada. It is a voluntary-based
partnership between six hospitals, which work
together and share information services to improve
the delivery of patient care and services to clients in
the region. These hospitals have implemented an
electronic patient record system project together.
MEDITECH is the information system that
integrates and connects the six hospitals in order to
provide health services. The objective of the case
CNO is to provide end-to-end care delivery.
4.2 Discussion
Based on the data collected from participants in the
CNO through both interviews and questionnaires, it
appears that all the critical success factors proposed
in this research are perceived to be important for the
collaboration to succeed. Some, however, were
deemed to be more important than others. Based on
the views of the vice presidents and CEOs of the
case CNO partner hospitals, some factors were rated
as more critical than others. The importance of the
CSFs may depend on the nature of the partnership
and its goals and objectives.
Figure 2: CNO phases and assigned CSFs of IT
Some IT governance practices have been
observed to be vital at specific stages of the
implementation of the shared project. The case CNO
is still at the implementation phase of the shared
information system, and the collaborative considers
some of the factors to be important but only at a later
time, once the system is fully implemented and
operational. Based on the insights of the case CNO
steering committee members into IT governance, the
proposed CSFs could be classified according to three
main phases of execution for a shared project; these
phases are the formation of the CNO, the
implementation of the shared project, and the project
operation, as seen in Figure 2. Accordingly, some
factors such as providing ongoing training and
awareness for use of IT, implementing a
performance measurement system, and enforcing
policies and guidelines for use of IT would only be
deliberated once the shared system is fully
The case CNO does not have any performance
measurement systems or metrics to assess the
performance of partners, although these types of
measures will be considered by the collaborative
once the shared project is totally implemented.
Based on the questionnaires distributed to the
members of the steering committee and the project
management office, the proposed KPIs were
evaluated and it is agreed upon that the KPIs are
useful as measurement tools for the various
dimensions of effective IT governance. They believe
that selecting KPIs for the collaborative highly
depends on the nature of the CNO and its goals and
objectives. Accordingly, some indicators may be
helpful but not essential for the CNO. The value for
the business perception of IT was considered
somewhat efficient for assessing business-IT
alignment and was ranked as the least useful KPI.
There needs to be both a direct and an indirect value
of IT, some aspects of which can be quantified and
others not.
4.2.1 Communication and Culture: Most
Critical Success Factors
The most noticed challenges and the most important
factors in a CNO are related to communication and
cultural differences. Those two factors are
continuous challenges, even when a new member
joins the CNO. Due to the high intensity of
interactions among CNO members, miscom-
munication always occurs, whether between the
collaborative’s various members and groups, or
internally at individual organization sites. In the case
CNO steering committee, there are usually two vice
presidents representing large institutions: one in
nursing and the other in operations. These two VPs
alternate to attend the monthly meetings of the
steering committee and communication issues arise
when there is no debrief between these two members
as of what was discussed during the meeting.
Besides, there are serious communication issues at
the partners’ individual organizations, where the
responsible individual fails to take the feedback and
information back to their organization, as they do
not communicate properly. Thus, inadequate internal
processes at each individual hospital sometimes get
in the way of effective communication and therefore
affect the overall performance of the collaborative.
For cultural differences, because the CNO
consists of independent organizations with different
needs and different expectations and capabilities,
members continuously have to be flexible and
responsive in order to effectively manage these
complex differences. It is not only important to unify
subculture beliefs and practices within a network,
but rather to be flexible in decision making and
responsive to the unique needs of the individual
4.2.2 Trust
According to Morgan and Hunt (1994, p. 23), trust is
defined in the context of relationship marketing as
“when one party has confidence in the exchange
partner’s reliability and integrity”. In addition,
Moorman et al. (1993, p. 82) defined trust as “a
willingness to rely on an exchange partner in whom
one has confidence”. Both definitions of trust in the
literature highly value confidence according to their
field of study. The definitions demonstrate that
confidence is dependent on the reliability and
integrity of partners. Thus, a partner is trustworthy
when he possesses qualities such as being honest,
reliable, and consistent.
Furthermore, in the literature, trust depends on a
partner’s reputation and history. According to
Provan and Kenis (2007), trust is defined as the
willingness to accept vulnerability based on
reputation and past interaction experiences. In
addition to viewing trust in that context, Meyerson et
al. (1996) described trust in terms of long-term
relationships as being history-dependent. According
to both definitions, trust builds incrementally,
accumulates over time, and is affected by the history
of partners.
In the context of trust in collaboration, Vangen et
al. (2003) state that in order to sustain sufficient
levels of trust between partners, a continuous effort
is required due to the dynamic nature of
collaboration. Vangen et al.’s description of trust
comes close to the notion of dynamism. While the
literature points to trust as something that needs to
be "managed", in the CNO, it is more of an emergent
construct that varies continuously based on the
actions of the partners. In this context, it does not
need to be managed per se but rather emerges as a
consequence of what the partners do relative to what
they said they would do.
Although trust appears to be, at least in the
literature, a complex concept, it is much simpler in a
CNO since it is based directly on the actions of
partners. According to the interviews conducted for
this study, trust is based on the present interaction
experience and the actual behavior of the partners.
Within a CNO, especially in a health care context,
the foundation of trust is continually being re-forged
based on the immediate actions of the partners. A
partner who does the things he or she promised to do
is considered trustworthy. If a partner commits to
doing something and does it, trust increases.
However, if the commitment is not delivered, then
trust goes down.
Therefore, trust in a CNO is developed through
the constant evaluation of a partner’s behavior
versus his/her commitment. In the current
literature, trust in collaboration is conceptualized as
one party having confidence in the exchange
partner’s reliability and integrity. While, as the
literature suggests, a reputation for being trustworthy
based on past experience can help create initial trust,
the point emerging from this study is that trust is
continually updated as partners demonstrate through
their actions their willingness to do the things they
said they would do to help the collaborative.
4.2.3 The Health Care Aspect
There are likely contextual elements to this notion of
trust as an emergent feature of CNOs. The health
care context calls for high reliability, as errors can
have serious consequences. Health care facilities
therefore have to conduct relatively error free
operations and make consistently good decisions
resulting in high quality and reliability (Roberts,
Madsen, Van Stralen, and Desai, 2005). Health care
organizations are exposed to a higher level of risk
since they deal with people’s lives. Thus, they need
to ensure they provide optimal services to patients,
with the least amount of errors.
In addition, the high complexity and often times
diminishing resource base of a typical health care
institution means that one of the ways for the
hospital to maintain high quality and reliability of
services is to collaborate with other health care
facilities. Therefore, the motivation to collaborate
might be more pronounced in this environment than
in a private sector context.
Since the case CNO brings a specific value to its
partners, which is to deliver end-to-end patient care,
organizations are encouraged to participate in order
to improve their operations. Essentially, the case
CNO provides an electronic infrastructure
“MEDITECH” that allows organizations to develop
innovative and collaborative solutions that improve
the quality of the services provided, reduce
operational costs, and gain a competitive advantage.
Moreover, since hospitals operations and patient
care are time sensitive, collaboration facilitates the
provision of services in a timely manner. All the
mentioned benefits of collaboration are considered
strong motivators of participation and they help
increase the reliability of the services provided by
the health care facility. Consequently, senior
managers of that facility would have more interest in
being part of the shared project. This situation
suggests that a partner who does not deliver on a
stated commitment could create serious issues for
the collaborative and for partner institutions.
Accordingly, it follows that little margin for error
exists and therefore a partner’s behaviors relative to
their stated commitments are continually evaluated.
Based on the findings of this research and of the
case study, we arrived at three main conclusions.
First, very few formalized CNOs seem to exist. The
healthcare environment case study used for this
research suggests that certain conditions likely
encourage formalization of the CNO. For example,
organizations operating in high risk, complex
environments where resources are limited tend to
focus more on formalizing their IT processes and
communication, since they require low error rates,
safety, and a high reliability of processes and
Second, the sector’s characteristics might
influence the perception of the CSFs. For example,
the concept of trust between partners in CNOs is
simpler and more dynamic than what the current
literature suggests: it is continually formed and
adjusted according to the behaviors of the partners
versus their commitment. In addition, the distinctive
characteristics of the CNO in the healthcare context
influence the demonstration of values and the
behavior of senior managers. When partner
organizations tend to voluntarily participate in the
shared project, they would naturally be very
supportive, committed, and more trusting. Thus,
performance measurement systems and benchmarks
are not considered to be very important to the
success of the collaboration.
Third, the goals and objectives of a single CNO
can influence the IT-related success factors and their
assigned KPIs. For example, policies and guidelines
related to IT, IT structures, and standardizing IT
infrastructures don’t have to be consolidated in
situations where the CNO organizations need to
maintain their autonomy. There may not need to be a
consolidation. In fact, perhaps the infrastructure
should be owned by a third party. To illustrate, the
case study CNO adopts a central hybrid
model/structure to manage and control the IT tools.
One partner plays the role of the leading
organization and the service provider that directly
manages any of the collaborative IT infrastructures,
while the other partners make use of IT in a
collaborative way. This form of IT governance
structures, in which IT is centrally controlled, was
preferred among other structures to avoid accidents
that could possibly affect multiple hospitals.
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