Ontology Reuse
Experiences from Ontology Design Pattern Selection and Integration
Birger Lantow
, Kurt Sandkuhl
and Vladimir Tarasov
University of Rostock, 18051 Rostock, Germany
School of Engineering, Jönköping University, P.O. Box 1026, 551 11 Jönköping, Sweden
Keywords: Ontology Design Pattern (ODP), Ontology Alignment, ODP Selection, ODP Integration, Ontology
Engineering, Ontology Reuse.
Abstract: While the main purpose of Ontology Design Patterns (ODPs) is to support the process of ontology
engineering, they can also be used to improve existing ontologies. This paper has a focus on ODP selection
and integration for ontology improvement. Based on the case of the ExpertFinder ontology, which allows
for competency description of researchers, selection and integration of ODP is investigated with an
explorative view. The current state of ODP selection strategies is discussed and problems arising during
integration of ODP are shown. On this base, suggestions for improvements are made. Although this study
deals with the integration into an existing ontology, most of the assumptions and suggestions are also valid
for the general case of ODP usage.
Due to the increasing use of ontologies in industrial
applications at larger scale, ontology construction
and ontology evaluation have become a major area
of ontology engineering. The aim is to efficiently
produce high quality ontologies as a basis for
knowledge management, semantic web applications
or enterprise systems. Despite quite a few well-
defined ontology construction methods and a
number of reusable ontologies offered on the
Internet, efficient ontology development continues
to be a challenge, since this still requires a lot of
experience and knowledge of the underlying logical
Ontology Design Patterns (ODP) are considered
a promising contribution to this challenge. In 2005,
the term ontology design pattern in its current
interpretation was mentioned by Gangemi (2005)
and introduced by Blomqvist and Sandkuhl (2005).
Blomqvist defines the term as “a set of ontological
elements, structures or construction principles that
solve a clearly defined particular modelling
problem“ (Blomqvist 2009). Ontology design
patterns are described as encodings of best practice,
which reduce the need for extensive experience
when developing ontologies. Using ODPs, less
experienced engineers can apply the well-defined
solutions provided in the patterns when creating
Gangemi and Presutti (2009) discuss the
different types of ODP under investigation with their
differences and the terminology used. The two types
of ODP probably receiving most attention are logical
and content ODP. Logical ODP focus only on the
logical structure of the representation, i.e. this
pattern type is targeting aspects of language
expressivity, common problems and misconceptions.
Content ODP offer actual modelling solutions within
an application domain and are often instantiations of
logical ODP. Due to the fact that these solutions
contain actual classes, properties, and axioms,
content ODP are considered by many researchers as
tailor-made for a specific domain, even though the
domain might focus on general issues like ‘events’
or ‘situations’. This paper has its focus on the use of
content ODPs. Platforms offering ODP currently
include the ODP wiki portal initiated by the NeOn-
project (http://ontologydesignpatterns.org) and the
logical ODPs maintained by the University of
Manchester (http://www.gong.manchester.ac.uk/
The contributions of this paper are (1) a
discussion of approaches for integrating ODP during
ontology engineering, (2) experiences from the
selection and integration of ODP in the ExpertFinder
Lantow, B., Sandkuhl, K. and Tarasov, V..
Ontology Reuse - Experiences from Ontology Design Pattern Selection and Integration.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2015) - Volume 2: KEOD, pages 163-170
ISBN: 978-989-758-158-8
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
case, and (3) recommendations regarding
documentation and management of ODP. The paper
extends previous work on ontology selection
strategies (Lantow et al., 2013).
The remaining part of the paper is structured as
follows: Section 2 discusses strategies for ODP
integration. Section 3 describes the process of ODP
selection and integration on the case of the
ExpertFinder ontology (see Lantow et al., (2013)).
The final section 4 summarizes the experiences and
gives recommendations for a better documentation
and management of ODP.
While the selection of ODP has already been
intensively discussed in earlier work (Lantow et al.,
2013), approaches to ODP integration are in focus of
this work. This forms the base for a practical
evaluation of selection and integration approaches in
section 3 as well as a view on the influences
between the steps of ODP usage.
After selecting an ODP, it has to be integrated
into the ontology under construction in its current
state. Generally, there are two approaches to ODP
integration. First, the ODP can be considered as a
guideline how to model certain aspects of a domain.
This view on ODP is used by the ontology engineers
in Hammar (2012). The selected ODP were only
used to give an orientation for modelling. The OWL
code provided with the ODP was not applied, but the
given structures were remodelled manually. This
approach has certain drawbacks:
1. Time savings by using ODP as predefined
building blocks cannot be achieved.
2. Existing alignments of ODP cannot be used
because they are bound to the specific OWL
implementation (IRIs)
3. Considering ODP as tested, best practice
components, the manual remodelling may
introduce errors
4. Some semantic information of the patterns is not
included in their documentation but in the OWL
parts; there may be anonymous class definitions
or additional axioms. Often, these are not fully
considered, when doing manual remodelling.
Nevertheless, this approach fosters the knowledge
about the consequences of ODP integration by the
ontology engineers.
The second approach aims at the benefits of
having ODPs as building blocks for ontology
creation. The steps for using the predefined OWL
implementations for integration are first described in
(Presutti and Gangemi, 2009) and included in the
XD-Method for ontology engineering (Presutti et al.
2009). According to XD the integration consists of a
first step of importing a selected ODP into the
ontology under construction. Then four cases can be
distinguished (Presutti and Gangemi, 2009):
1. Precise Matching: The ODP is directly usable.
2. Broader Matching: The ODP intent is more
general than the local domain problem. In this
case, there should be a search for more
specialized ODP or a specialization step for the
imported ODP is necessary.
3. Narrower Matching: The ODP intent is more
specific than the local domain problem. In this
case, there should be a query for more general
ODP or a generalization step for the imported
ODP is necessary.
4. Partial Matching: The ODP intent only partially
matches the local domain problem. The ontology
specification has to be decomposed in order to
find parts that completely match ODP in the
repository. This way several ODP have to be
imported (specialized) and composed.
The task of composing ODP will commonly be a
step after import/specialization because it is unlikely
to have one ODP covering all requirements. Thus,
either several ODP need to be imported or parts of
the ontology stem from other sources. Composition
can be done by the use of relations (Object
Properties) and additional concepts in order to
connect the parts of the ontology. Furthermore,
specialization is seen as a task which commonly has
to be performed on ODP integration. Since ODP
should fit to a wide range of applications regarding
their characteristics as patterns, they tend to be more
general than local domain ontologies.
A last step seen in conjunction with ODP
integration is test and fix. Presutti et al., (2009)
suggest defining unit tests. First, the competency
questions (CQ) are transformed into formal queries
on the ontology (e.g. using SPARQL); second, some
facts are added; and finally the queries are executed
as a unit test. The unit tests are repeated with each
integration step.
The XD toolset provides automated support for
ODP integration. It contains an ODP browser, a
wizard for ODP integration by specialization and a
tool for quality assurance which helps to discover,
among other issues, usability and reasoning
problems by checking the existence of annotations
and disjointness statements.
KEOD 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Another approach using predefined ontology
constructs as building blocks for ontology creation
stems from Iannone et al., (2009). However, this
approach does not support the direct use of OWL-
coded ODP. Instead, Ontology Pre-Processing
Language (OPPL) is used to code the ODP. OPPL is
a declarative manipulation language for ontologies.
Thus, the necessary ontology changes to integrate an
ODP can be described. The approach provides two
benefits. First, OPPL code can be used to document
the ODP usage in an ontology. Second, the
consistent use of the ODP can be assured by using
OPPL statements for instance creation. Like OWL-
coded ODP, OPPL patterns are subject to
specialization, generalization and composition but in
contrast OPPL patterns themselves have to be
changed by these operations. So far, no way has
been described how to document these changes. This
and the lack of tool support regarding the reuse of
already existing OWL-coded patterns are the reasons
for not considering OPPL further on.
This section reports on experiences in ODP selection
(section 3.1) and ODP integration (section 3.2) and
derives recommendations. The experiences are
based on the ExpertFinder task as described in
Lantow et al., (2013).
3.1 ODP Selection
Selection of ODP for improving the ExpertFinder
ontology has been subject of studies before.
Hammar et al. (2010) suggest using the “Information
Realization“ and the “N-ary Participation” pattern.
Internal course material at Rostock University
considers the construction of an ontology that fulfils
the requirements of the ExpertFinder task based on
“Information Realization”, “Participant Role”,
“Time indexed Participation”, and “Topic” pattern.
However, the process of ODP selection is not
documented in the mentioned sources. Lantow et al.
(2013) fill the gap and describe the selection process
of ODP for improving the ExpertFinder ontology.
The process followed the steps shown in Lantow et
al., (2013):
1. Filter by Domain: No directly matching domain
was discovered in the repository. The domains
“General”, “Parts and Collections”, and
“Management” were considered as partly fitting.
The domain filtering led to a reduction of ODP
candidates from 97 to 72.
2. Filter by Requirements: ODP “Intent” and
“Competency Questions” have been matched
against the general requirements of the
ExpertFinder ontology. Concentrating just on the
CQ of the ExpertFinder ontology did not seem
worthwhile because of the big difference
between the abstraction levels. The number of
candidate ODP was reduced to 35.
3. Filter by shared Conceptualizations: No direct
matches were identified. However, considering
ODP “Scenarios” and “Solution Description”
revealed at least overlapping conceptualizations
with the ExpertFinder ontology for all candidate
ODPs. Thus, the number of candidate ODP
remained 35.
4. Filter by compatibility: Manual comparison of
candidate ODP and the ExpertFinder ontology
reduced the number of candidates to 14.
Checking the compatibility of the patterns
themselves revealed that some of them were
semantically incompatible and others were
identified as integrated parts of other ODP. At
the end of the selection process, five candidate
patterns remained: “N-ary Participation”,
“Collection”, “Classification”, “Persons”, and
The three independent attempts to select suitable
ODP for use in the ExpertFinder task (Hammar et
al., 2010, Rostock University course material,
Lantow et al., 2013) obviously gave quite different
results. However, the ODP catalogue and the
ontology requirements were the same. This calls for
further work on selection strategies. In general, there
are patterns for roughly the same purpose that can be
used alternatively. This is also mentioned by
(Blomqvist et al., 2009) in a general study of pattern
use. Hammar (2012) also emphasizes the importance
of pattern dependencies for pattern selection.
However, the author does not clarify what
dependencies should be considered.
Based on the ExpertFinder case and the
assumptions from the general work on ODP use, the
following recommendations can be made in order to
improve support for pattern selection:
1. Assure complete ODP description within the
given ODP metadata schema (several ODP are
not well documented (Hammar, 2012) (Lantow
et al., 2013)). Although CQ are missing only in
few cases, additional requirements may be
derived by the use of other documentation items
Ontology Reuse - Experiences from Ontology Design Pattern Selection and Integration
(step 2 of the selection process by Lantow et al.,
(2013)) and fitting ODP may be identified.
2. Provide a taxonomy of pattern domains. The
result would be a controlled vocabulary for the
domain description. Furthermore, sub-trees in the
taxonomy may be excluded early in the ODP
selection process. This would reduce the effort
spent in step 1 of the pattern selection process
proposed by Lantow et al., (2013).
3. Provide specialization and composition relations
between patterns. This can help to identify
incompatibilities and helps to find
specializations/generalizations. This would
reduce effort spent in step 4 of the pattern
selection process. Additionally, effort for ODP
integration (see section 3.2) may be reduced
since finding a more specialized ODP possibly
avoids ODP specialization in the ODP
integration step.
4. Name alternative Patterns and provide
information for decision between alternatives.
There are several patterns that fit the same
requirements regarding the knowledge to be
covered. The diversity of patterns that have been
proposed by the different sources for the
ExpertFinder task proves this. For a pur-poseful
selection, additional requirements have to be
considered (world view, compa-tibility, query
performance, etc.)
5. Include descriptions of common mistakes in
patterns use (Hammar, 2012)
6. Structure the pattern catalogue by architecture
tiers (Hammar, 2012)
The suggestions above are a starting point for an
improved support for (semi-automatic) pattern
selection. However, as stated in Lantow et al.,
(2013), additional aspects could also be taken into
account. There are for example potential quality
improvement and required effort for pattern
integration. This in addition with the question for
current support of ODP integration leads to the
discussion of experiences from ODP integration.
3.2 ODP Integration
Previous work on ODP integration presented
experiences only on a very coarse level. Blomqvist
et al., (2009) report generally an increase in usability
due to annotations, a better coverage of ontology
requirements regarding satisfied CQ and a decrease
of domain coverage regarding terminology. Hammar
et al., (2010) describe an incompatibility of the “N-
ary Participation” pattern with other ontologies that
have been integrated for reuse in the ExpertFinder
case. Some of the concepts were overlapping and the
pattern had to be modified for integration.
At a knowledge modelling tutorial at Rostock
university “Time-indexed participation” and
“Participant Role” ODP were chosen for integration
in the ExpertFinder case. This revealed that both
share some object properties with equivalent
semantics but different names. Four “Equivalent to”
statements had to be added:
“Event included in” “is event included in”
“Object included in” “is object included in”
“Object participating” “includes object”
“Participating in event” “includes event”
Furthermore, a specialization of both patterns in
order to combine their characteristics had to be
created. Specialization in this case required also the
consideration of anonymous super classes. While the
“Time-indexed participation” is an n-ary relation of
at least 3 concepts it should be at least 4 concepts if
a role is added.
After having these experiences from previous
studies and practical application of ODP in the
ExpertFinder task, a more detailed qualitative
assessment of the integration task has been
conducted. We separated the pattern selection and
the pattern integration part. Furthermore, the goal
was to gain some knowledge regarding the
integration of ODP in existing ontologies. The
patterns resulting from the proposed pattern
selection strategy (see section 3.1) have been
provided to an ontology engineer who had created
an ontology for the ExpertFinder task without ODP
before. This expert had to perform the integration
task based on the methodology described in section
2. He was familiar with the methodology and the
ontology he had created. Thus, we were able to
combine the findings with those of previous studies
and to avoid bias resulting from poor knowledge of
domain and methodology.
The classes of the resulting ontology including
the later ODP integration are shown in figure 1. A
semi-structured interview has been performed
afterwards in order to evaluate the support and
possible problems in the integration step of ODP
use. The interview contained the following questions
and results:
Q1: How did the ODP documentation support the
integration-process of the ODP?
So far, ODP documentation has only been
considered for ODP selection methodology.
However, documentation in software engineering is
also important for maintenance and integration.
KEOD 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Thus, it is interesting whether this is also true for
ODP use.
The expert generally mentioned the big
differences between ODP regarding quality and
completeness of documentation. Graphical
visualizations of the ODP have been considered
helpful for ODP integration. They usually help to
grasp the intention of the pattern much faster.
However, the diagrams did not contain enough
information regarding concept identification. While
concepts of different ODP had the same label in
their visualization, they had different IRIs in their
OWL implementation. This required additional
attention in the integration process (see below).
Q2: Was it possible to use the ODP-templates?
This question aimed at the general applicability of
the proposed XD approach of ODP integration (see
section 2).
The expert was able to import all suggested ODP
OWL implementations from the repository to the
Q3: Were changes to the ODP necessary? What
changes? Why? How many?
This question aims at exceptions from the XD
integration steps. Generally, changes to the ODP
OWL implementations contradict the approach.
ODP integration should be possible by just adding
alignment information using specialization
(generalization) and composition (see section 2).
The Persons ODP had to be changed for import.
There were contradictions caused by the pattern
based on the knowledge base. The problem was the
following statement:
persons:SocialPerson : [persons:actsThrough
owl:cardinality 1 owl:Thing]
It was either inconsistent with the functional data
properties or led to inferences as (same individuals):
expert_OhgA owl:sameAs expert_LiFe, expert_LunM
This does not reflect the real world. The following
fix had to be implemented:
persons:SocialPerson : [persons:actsThrough
owl:minCardinality 1 owl:Thing]
Another problem was the use of different IRIs in
ODP for the same concepts. The following
statements had to be added:
description:Concept owl:equivalentClass
topic:Concept owl:equivalentClass classification:Concept
A third problem that occurred was the
incompatibility of the Topic and the Classification
patterns. Both patterns have been identified as
suitable to reflect research fields. Making the
ResearchField class a specialization of Topic:Topic and
Classification:Concept, lead to an inconsistent
ontology because both classes are defined as
disjoint. Three case categories can be identified
based on the described necessary changes:
1. ODP axioms are incompatible with the
constructed ontology (case 1)
2. ODP are not aligned with each other. (case 2 and
3. ODP are incompatible themselves. (case 4)
The integration of 5 ODP resulted in 4 problem
cases that had to be solved by changes and additions
to the original ODP OWL implementations. Figure 1
shows the inheritance cycles for the differently
coded Concept classes. In this case the ODP use even
results in a decrease of ontology quality.
Q4: What new relations/object properties had to be
introduced in the new Ontology besides the ones that
were already in ODP and ExpertFinder? Why? How
This question aims at the specialization
(generalization) and composition steps of the XD
methodology. These steps generally lead to
additional relations besides those directly imported
as ODP. In the case of an already existing ontology
just additional inheritance may be necessary.
Furthermore, in order to use the expressivity of ODP
new object property assertions may have to be made
for existing instances.
According to the Expert, no additional object
properties had to be defined. Integration has been
done by ODP specialization:
Collection was added as a superclass of
classification:concept was used as a superclass of
ResearchField. classification:classifies was used on
the instances of ResearchField to relate them to
the instances of Degree, Expert, and Projects.
Expert was made a subclass of
persons:NaturalPerson, Position and
UniversitySchool - subclasses of
persons:SocialPerson. persons:actsFor related
experts to positions as well as positions to the
Project and Course were made subclasses of
participation:Event. Instances of projects/courses,
experts and time intervals were related through
Overall, 7 new inheritance relations and 265 object
Ontology Reuse - Experiences from Ontology Design Pattern Selection and Integration
property assertions have been added.
Q5: What new classes had to be introduced in the
new Ontology besides the ones that were already in
ODP and ExpertFinder? Why? How many?
This question aims at the specialization
(generalization) and composition steps of the XD
methodology. It might be necessary to create new
classes here. In the case of an already existing
ontology just additional inheritance may be enough
since existing classes may serve as specializations of
ODP classes for example. New class definitions are
only needed as long as appropriate classes are not
yet defined. Seldom, the composition step requires
new class definitions (see section 2).
In the ExpertFinder case no new classes had to
be added.
Q6: What new instances had to be introduced in the
new Ontology besides the ones that were already in
ODP and ExpertFinder? Why? How many?
Considering the possibility to discover new
requirements during ODP selection as described in
Lantow et al., (2013), it might be necessary to add
new instances to an existing knowledge base. This
question tries to assess the validity of this
When the Classification ODP was added, 173
ResearchField instances had to be added as well. The
taxonomy of research fields had been created by a
class hierarchy but the ODP required instances in the
place of the used classes.
When the Persons ODP was added, four Expert
instances and two Position instances have been
added too. These instances did not exist in the
ontology before. By adding them the ontology
semantics became more fine-grained.
When the n-ary Participation ODP was added,
new instances of TimeInterval for projects and courses
have been created. This was necessary to represent
the time-related semantics aspects in a better way.
Two case categories for ODP use induced
instance creation can be identified:
1. ODP lead to new requirements and thus new
knowledge has to be collected in the field.
(general case)
2. ODP lead to a different representation of already
captured knowledge (classification case)
The number of additional instances highly depends
on the domain. Little dependency to the existing
ontology structure or the used ODP is assumed for
the general case. Thus, the number of new instances
is not considered in this qualitative study.
Q7: What obstacles did you encounter?
The earlier questions have been derived from the
description of the existing methods for ODP
selection and integration. This last question aims at
collecting issues that might not be covered this way.
No new aspects revealed based on the expert’s
The interview only reflects the experiences of
one ontology engineer. However, it already indicates
potential areas for improving the process of ODP
integration. Including previous studies on the area of
ODP integration the following suggestions can be
1. In addition to the better documentation of
patterns as proposed in section 3.1, ODP in the
repository can be improved if equivalent classes
and properties are coded equivalent or identically
and if compatibility with certain “standard”
ontologies is assured. The answer to Q3 of the
interview showed that there were some
equivalence relations missing in the ODP. The
resulting effort for equivalence and alignment
discovery for the ODP user can be avoided.
Furthermore the goal of ontology quality
improvement is better supported. Inheritance
cycles or unnecessary complexity, respectively,
can be avoided.
2. Documentation of ODP can be further improved
if equivalent parts of several ODP are made
explicit. This way the ODP user is aware of
equivalent concepts and ODP parts. A better
understanding of the ODP structure is assumed.
This revealed to be problematic looking into the
answers to Q1 and Q3.
3. The integration step includes in addition to
specialization (generalization) and composition
also ontology alignment and adaptation of
ontology axioms. For example, cardinalities or
anonymous classes need to be considered. It has
been shown that the integration steps as
described in the XD method are not enough.
Axioms and anonymous classes have to be
considered as well regarding reasoning of new
facts and consistency. This problem showed in
the knowledge modelling tutorial and in the
answer to Q3 as well.
4. The test step should not only consider querying
but also consistency. The case study has shown
that ODP use may also lead to inconsistencies
(see answer to Q3). These can hardly be
discovered just by SPARQL queries.
5. Tools should allow for integration of ODP parts
(see also Hammar (2014)) since sometimes parts
of the ODP are already covered by existing
KEOD 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Figure 1: ExpertFinder Ontology after ODP integration - Inheritance Structure.
6. More integration related aspects can be included
into pattern selection. For example: necessity of
additional instances in order to make ODP more
usable or number of axioms that have to be
evaluated during ODP integration.
Although this work is rather explorative, it covers
recent approaches to ODP reuse and shows
important challenges for a broad use of ODP in
ontology engineering based on practical experiences.
Furthermore, potential areas for improvement are
discussed. With a rising number of ODP available in
the repository, automatic or semi-automatic pattern
selection becomes more important. So far existing
approaches provide only little help.
Improvements regarding recall have been
achieved (e.g. by Hammar (2014)) but precision is
poor. However, if more and more ODP have a
similar domain and similar requirements, the number
of alternatively usable ODP increases. Thus,
precision might not be that important in the future.
Structured ODP selection processes might help to
guide the ontology engineer. However, improved
tool support and improved ODP documentation is
needed. Improved ODP documentation includes
using the current metadata schema more extensively
and also the addition of new metadata, like pattern
compatibility (cf. section 3.1 and 3.2). Also an
improvement of the patterns themselves regarding
compatibility with existing ontologies, the treatment
of equivalent classes and properties as well as the
fitness of ODP axioms for reuse needs to be
The structure of the interview can be used for
further investigations on ODP use and ontology
reuse in general.
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KEOD 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development