Leveraging Entity Linking to Enhance Entity Recognition in Microblogs
Pikakshi Manchanda, Elisabetta Fersini and Matteo Palmonari
DISCo,University of Milano-Bicocca, Viale Sarca 336, 20126, Milan, Italy
Web of Data, Information Extraction, Named Entity Recognition, Named Entity Linking, Knowledge Base,
The Web of Data provides abundant knowledge wherein objects or entities are described by means of proper-
ties and their relationships with other objects or entities. This knowledge is used extensively by the research
community for Information Extraction tasks such as Named Entity Recognition (NER) and Linking (NEL)
to make sense of data. Named entities can be identified from a variety of textual formats which are further
linked to corresponding resources in the Web of Data. These tasks of entity recognition and linking are, how-
ever, cast as distinct problems in the state-of-the-art, thereby, overlooking the fact that performance of entity
recognition affects the performance of entity linking. The focus of this paper is to improve the performance
of entity recognition on a particular textual format, viz, microblog posts by disambiguating the named entities
with resources in a Knowledge Base (KB). We propose an unsupervised learning approach to jointly improve
the performance of entity recognition and, thus, the whole system by leveraging the results of disambiguated
Recent years have witnessed an increasing interest
amongst the scientific community towards making
sense of data extracted from a variety of sources such
as news articles, blog posts, and web pages. In par-
ticular, social media platforms, such as Twitter
, have
gained popularity amongst general masses and have
become a choice of interest for Information Extrac-
tion (IE). Social media platforms provide a steady
stream of fresh information in real-time, which may
unveil new valuable pieces of knowledge in the form
of new or suddenly relevant entities (e.g., a novel
movie or a previously unknown singer), new relations
(e.g., a new business partnership), or classification up-
dates (e.g., a politician becomes President of a coun-
try). Intrinsic incompleteness of Knowledge Bases
(KBs) w.r.t. new knowledge (Rula et al., 2012; Rula
et al., 2014) is one of the significant reasons to per-
form IE from Unstructured Web (social media plat-
forms, web pages, online health records..) (Guo et al.,
IE from any form of text is associated with, first,
identifying the information to be extracted, e.g., men-
tions of entities or relations between entities (Ritter
et al., 2011; Liu et al., 2011; Hoffart et al., 2014),
and then disambiguating its meaning, using, for ex-
ample, a large target KB. If we focus on entities, the
essential tasks in an IE framework are Named En-
tity Recognition (NER) and Named Entity Linking
(NEL). NER has been studied under two subtasks in
state-of-the-art: entity identification, i.e., identifying
text fragments as surface forms that refer to entities
in the real world, and entity classification, i.e., clas-
sifying the surface forms into a set of classes/entity
types such as person, location, product, organization.
Whereas the NER task returns a set of entity mentions
and their predicted types, these entities may denote
real world objects that are also represented in KBs
such as Wikipedia, YAGO, DBpedia, or Freebase. A
KB describes real-world objects by specifying their
types and their relations with other entities. In the
NEL task, a surface form is linked to a resource, i.e., a
KB instance, which is used to represent the real-world
object referred by the surface form.
Due to polysemy of natural language expressions,
a key step in NEL is entity disambiguation, i.e., the
task of finding the correct match for the surface form
in the KB. For instance, surface forms ‘J.Lo, Jennifer
Lopez, Jennifer Lopez Mu
niz’ refer to resource dbpe-
Lopez, whereas a surface form paris
can refer to resources dbpedia:Paris (the capital city
of France) or dbpedia:Paris Hilton (the American
Manchanda, P., Fersini, E. and Palmonari, M..
Leveraging Entity Linking to Enhance Entity Recognition in Microblogs.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2015) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 147-155
ISBN: 978-989-758-158-8
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
NER and NEL form the basis of a typical end-
to-end entity linking pipeline and are widely-studied
phases of this pipeline. These phases have been of-
ten investigated separately as well as two indepen-
dent tasks performed sequentially (Ritter et al., 2011;
Cucerzan, 2007; Damljanovic and Bontcheva, 2012;
Usbeck et al., 2014; Liu et al., 2013). The perfor-
mance of NER systems on well formed texts has sig-
nificantly improved over the years and is now suffi-
cient for many real world applications.
On the other hand, short texts such as microblog
posts make extensive use of informal language,
emoticons, Internet slangs and abbreviations leading
to lesser contextual information and more noise (Rit-
ter et al., 2011; Derczynski et al., 2015). Moreover,
infrequent occurrence of a variety of named entity
types makes it difficult to classify named entities cor-
rectly. These difficulties result in lower performance
of NER systems on short textual formats such as mi-
croblog posts. To overcome this limitation, one of the
approaches proposed in the state-of-the-art has been
to consider NER and NEL as two co-dependent tasks
(Yamada et al., 2015), thus achieving a significant im-
provement in NER accuracy.
We believe that the latter work opened an inter-
esting research direction, i.e., the orchestration of
NER and NEL in an end-to-end IE framework for mi-
croblog posts. This research direction is still unex-
plored to a large extent. For instance, several recog-
nized named entities may not be covered by the target
KB, giving rise to the problem of dealing with sev-
eral unlinkable entities. In addition, the difficulty of
NEL task on microblog posts may suggest to keep a
local base of extracted named entities, together with
their predicted links to KB resources. Even when the
link is uncertain, information collected in the the NEL
step can be useful to improve the output of the NER
task. For example, even if it is not possible to dis-
ambiguate a surface form such as Paris with one of
the eight locations named Paris described in DBpe-
dia, this information can reinforce the classification
of the recognized entity named Paris as a Location.
In this paper we provide several contributions to
the problem of orchestrating NER and NEL for end-
to-end IE on microblog posts:
As a main contribution, we present an end-to-end
IE approach where the output of the NEL task is
fed back as input to the NER task in order to im-
prove it. In particular, differently from (Guo et al.,
2013), we use the feedback to improve the classi-
fication of named entities into entity types. Our
approach integrates a state-of-the-art NER system
and improves its classification using a greedy en-
tity linking method.
We provide a new version of a gold standard used
in previous work on NER for microblogs where
named entities in the gold standard have been re-
We provide an experimental evaluation of our
work which also provides interesting insights on
the problem of orchestrating the NER and NEL
With respect to the latter item, we found out that
the gold standard contains a significant number of
non linkable entities, which motivates the preserva-
tion of the NER output as independent from the NEL
output. In addition, classification errors occur with
a higher percentage than identification errors on mi-
croblog posts, which makes it valuable to focus on
better classification models. Finally, a small percent-
age of linkable entities have surface forms that do not
get any match in the KB, which may suggest that ap-
plying NER over tweets can help to extend the vocab-
ulary of knowledge bases. Overall, we believe that
our work provides one of the first steps towards au-
tomatic strategies to make KBs keeping up the pace
with changes in the world, using microblog posts as
information sources.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows:
Section 2 provides details about the related work.
Our proposed end-to-end entity linking pipeline is de-
scribed in Section 3. Section 4 presents our experi-
mental set-up and results of the afore-mentioned con-
tributions, followed by Conclusion in Section 5.
Named Entity Recognition and Named Entity Link-
ing have gained a significant interest within the
research community over the years. This can be
attributed to the need of bridging the gap between
unstructured data on the Document Web and struc-
tured data on the Web of Data. As a result, a variety
of annotation frameworks, entity recognition as well
as entity linking systems have been proposed in the
state-of-the-art to address these tasks. We provide a
brief description of these systems in the following
Named Entity Recognition
This section briefly describes related work in
the field of NER. Research in the field of entity
recognition and linking for different genres, such
as microposts, blogs, news archives, has been quite
recent and is fast becoming a largely employed
KDIR 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
method of making sense of user-generated content on
the Web.
(Ritter et al., 2011) have proposed a tweet-based
NLP framework to perform tasks such as POS tag-
ging, shallow parsing and named entity recognition
in tweets by using Conditional Random Field (CRF)
Model with the help of conventional features such
as orthographic, contextual and dictionary features as
well as tweet-specific features such as using retweets,
@usernames, #hashtags, URLs, outperforming var-
ious state-of-the-art entity recognition systems for
short textual formats, as reported by (Derczynski
et al., 2015).
(Liu et al., 2011) have proposed an entity recog-
nition framework by using a K-Nearest Neighbours
(KNN) Classifier with a linear CRF Model for iden-
tifying named entities in tweets. On the other hand,
crowd-sourcing services (such as CrowdFlower and
Amazon’s Mechanical Turk) have also been used
(Finin et al., 2010) for annotating named entities in
Commercial tools such as DBpedia Spotlight
, and TextRazor
as well as NER systems
such as ANNIE (Cunningham et al., 2002) and
Stanford NER (Finkel et al., 2005) are available
for performing entity recognition. However, the
performance of these commercial tools as well as
conventional NER systems on microblog textual
formats is relatively poorer than their performance
on longer textual formats such as news and blogs
as reported by (Derczynski et al., 2015). One of
the main reasons for such performance is lack of
context, as well as an infrequent occurrence of a
variety of entity types causing supervised learning
based NER systems to exhibit poor accuracy in entity
recognition, leading to misclassification errors.
Named Entity Linking
While dealing with entity linking, one of the
major concerns of NEL systems is being able to dis-
ambiguate and link surface forms of entity mentions
extracted from a piece of text to canonical resources
in a KB. A surface form’s contextual information as
well as the coherence between a surface form (and its
context) and descriptions of candidate KB resources
is highly useful for entity disambiguation (Milne and
Witten, 2008) and, thus, efficient linking. However,
microposts are more challenging for entity linking
than other textual formats, mainly due to insufficient
or ambiguous contextual information, presence of
polysemous, multilingual entities (Usbeck et al.,
2014), and continuous emergence of new entities and
entity types (Hoffart et al., 2014).
Several approaches have been proposed in the
state-of-the-art to address entity linking. (Mendes
et al., 2011) present DBpedia Spotlight for annotat-
ing and disambiguating Linked Data Resources in
any textual format making use of DBpedia
(Ferragina and Scaiella, 2010) present an annotation
and disambiguation system called TAGME
for an-
notating short texts with links to Wikipedia articles
using Wikipedia anchor texts and the pages linked to
those anchor texts. YODIE
is another entity linking
system (Damljanovic and Bontcheva, 2012) for link-
ing entities to DBpedia URIs using an amalgamation
of similarity metrics which include string similarity,
semantic similarity between entities in tweets, con-
textual similarity and URI frequency of Wikipedia ar-
ticles. (Meij et al., 2012) propose a machine learning
based approach using n-gram features, concept fea-
tures, and tweet features in order to identify concepts
that are semantically related to a tweet, thereafter,
generating links to Wikipedia articles for every en-
tity mention in a tweet. (Ibrahim et al., 2014) propose
a framework called AIDA-Social for accommodating
microblogs. They employ the techniques of mention
normalization, contextual enrichment, and temporal
entity importance in order to disambiguate and link
entity mentions to a knowledge base.
The main limitation of the above mentioned ap-
proaches relates to the assumption that named enti-
ties are provided by an oracle, and therefore, always
correct. However, in a real context, entities can be
wrongly identified and/or wrongly classified, leading
to poor performance of the linking systems. To the
best of our knowledge, only one recent approach has
been proposed to deal with NER and NEL as depen-
dent tasks (Yamada et al., 2015). The authors pro-
pose to find entity mentions in a tweet by exploiting a
“dictionary” derived by Wikipedia. Once a candidate
entity mention has been found, and its possible ref-
erent entities have been identified by string matching
with Wikipedia resources, a random forest is adopted
to learn the patterns underlying the correct linking.
The prediction provided by random forest are then ex-
ploited in a further random forest that, together with
other features such as number of in-bound links and
average page view, predicts the named entity type.
Our approach differs from (Yamada et al., 2015)
from several points of view. First of all, our goal is
to define a loop-based system that combines NER and
Leveraging Entity Linking to Enhance Entity Recognition in Microblogs
NEL predictions while (Yamada et al., 2015) use NEL
to learn how to perform NER. Secondly, our system
is mostly unsupervised while their approach requires
a strong effort for labeling data to train the supervised
models enclosed in the system. Finally, our system
is able to deal with the emerging entity mentions that
are likely to be out-of-vocabulary of KB.
In this paper, we followed the paradigm intro-
duced by (Yamada et al., 2015) and propose an end-
to-end entity linking system, i.e., we study entity
recognition and linking as a joint problem for micro-
posts (short textual formats) by re-casting and merg-
ing the processes of recognition and linking. We aim
to improve the overall accuracy of the system by im-
proving the performance of entity recognition (in par-
ticular, entity classification) by leveraging the results
of disambiguated entities. In the next section, the pro-
posed approach will be detailed.
In this section, we introduce our methodology for an
end-to-end entity linking scenario. We define a three-
step approach as depicted in Figure 1:
Step 1: Entity Recognition and Classification:
segmentation and annotation of named entities
through Conditional Random Fields.
Step 2: Candidate Match Retrieval and Disam-
biguation: Look-up of candidate KB resources
for identified surface forms and disambiguating
and linking each surface form with at most one
suitable candidate KB resource (associated with a
corresponding KB type).
Step 3: Entity Recognition Enhancement: Re-
classification of surface forms based on informa-
tion extracted from selected resources.
NER systems often refer to smaller ontologies
when classifying entities. On the other hand, KBs
such as DBpedia
, use larger ontologies. Our ap-
proach assumes that classes of the NER system are
mapped to classes of the KB ontology. We summarize
the ontologies in Table 1 as well as mappings between
classes in the NER Ontology (in this case, T-NER On-
tology) and classes in the KB Ontology (in this case,
DBpedia Ontology).
Step 1: Entity Recognition and Classification
In order to identify named entities in the first step,
we use a state-of-the-art entity recognition system
Table 1: Mapping between T-NER and DBpedia Ontolo-
T-NER Ontology DBpedia Ontology
Band Band, MusicGroup
Company Company, Business
Award, EducationalInstitution, WebSite,
SportFacility, ...
Place, Location, PopulatedPlace, Country,
City, Locality, Region, Park, ...
Movie Film
MeansOfTransportation, Holiday, Art-
Work, Cartoon, Species, Food, Event,
Person Person
VideoGame, MusicalWork, Software, Al-
bum, Device, ...
Sportsteam Sportsteam, SportsClub
TelevisionShow, TelevisionEpisode, Tele-
(Ritter et al., 2011) already trained on Twitter data.
The system, named T-NER, has been grounded on
Conditional Random Fields (CRF) (Sutton and Mc-
Callum, 2006) and performs segmentation of a tweet
while subsequently classifying each token according
to the classes of the ontology reported in Table 1. T-
NER uses IOB encoding (i.e., each word is either in-
side/outside/beginning of a named entity) for named
entity segmentation before classifying the named en-
tities. As mentioned before, T-NER is based on a lin-
ear chain CRF model, which is an undirected proba-
bilistic graphical model for segmenting and labeling
text. Based on this model, every named entity e can
belong to one or more entity type/class c, each asso-
ciated with a probability score denoted as P
(c, e),
which illustrates the probability that a named entity e
belongs to an entity type/class c. P
is defined as
(e, c) = exp(
(e, c)) (1)
where w
are the weights learned from data and f
the feature functions encoded by CRF. The probabil-
ity reported in equation (1) represents an apriori esti-
mation of the entity type that will be exploited in the
subsequent phases. Concerning the time complexity,
this step requires O (T ×|C|
) for each tweet, where T
denotes the length of the tweet and |C| is the number
of entity types.
Step 2: Candidate Match Retrieval and Disam-
The surface forms e identified in step 1 are disam-
KDIR 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 1: Framework of the proposed system.
biguated and linked in this step with suitable KB re-
sources. Firstly, we retrieve a set of candidate KB re-
sources to be matched with each input surface form,
using a high-recall approach. We use the notation r
to denote a resource r retrieved from the KB that is
member of a class c. Secondly, to link a surface form
e with an appropriate KB resource, we estimate a sim-
ilarity score P
(e, r
) between the surface form e and
every retrieved resource r
by leveraging information
about r
extracted from the KB, namely its label l
and its semantic description d
. We use DBpedia as
an external knowledge base for candidate match re-
trieval, entity disambiguation and linking. The sim-
ilarity score P
(e, r
) comprises of a Lexical Simi-
larity measure (lex) and a Coherence measure (coh)
and is estimated as an average over these measures,
as reported in equation (2).
(e, r
) =
lex(e, l
) + coh(e
, d
Lexical Similarity measure: denotes a similarity
score between a surface form e and a label of a can-
didate match l
. The scoring is established using
Lucene’s Scoring function
and is performed in or-
der to filter out false positives obtained due to high
Coherence measure: implements a cosine simi-
larity between a surface form context and a resource
description, making use of a Vector Space Model
representation (Cohen et al., 2003). In particular,
the contextual information of surface form e, de-
noted as e
, comprises of the entity type c derived
by the T-NER system, the surrounding content (i.e.
nouns/verbs/adjectives) available in the tweet and the
surface form itself
https://lucene.apache.org/core/4 6 0/core/org/apache/
The entity type and surrounding contents are useful for
entity resolution in case of polysemous entities.
The entire candidate matching and disambigua-
tion step requires O(B ×V ) for each surface form e,
where B denotes the number of KB entries and V rep-
resents the length of the Vector Space Model repre-
sentation used for retrieving entries in the KB.
Step 3: Entity Recognition Enhancement
In this step, we determine the DBpedia Ontology
classes of all top-k candidates collected in the pre-
vious step. The Ontology classes for the candidates
are, further, mapped to entity types based on T-NER
Ontology, as shown in Table 1. Using the DBpedia
Ontology for each candidate obtained in step 2, we
predict the most suitable entity type of each surface
form by making use of the apriori estimation pro-
vided by the T-NER system smoothed by the simi-
larity score derived through the KB. In particular, the
most probable entity type c
is determined according
to the following decision rule:
= argmax
(c, e) P
(e, r
)} (3)
where c
denotes the new entity type/class of the re-
classified surface form e which may or may not be the
original class c as estimated by the T-NER system.
We discuss various scenarios in Section 4 where we
use this function in order to improve the performance
of entity recognition, thus, impacting the performance
of the whole entity linking pipeline.
In this section, we briefly discuss the experimental
setup of the system, and the datasets used. Further,
we discuss in detail the experimental results obtained
for each step of the proposed framework.
Leveraging Entity Linking to Enhance Entity Recognition in Microblogs
Table 2: Comparative Analysis: T-NER and T-NER+.
T-NER Performance Analysis T-NER+ Performance Analysis
Entity type P R F1 P R F1
Band 0.26 0.88 0.40 0.39 0.90 0.54
Company 0.78 0.90 0.84 0.81 0.90 0.85
Facility 0.45 0.72 0.55 0.50 0.72 0.59
Geo-Location 0.80 0.95 0.87 0.80 0.95 0.87
Movie 0.24 0.88 0.38 0.34 0.88 0.49
Other 0.57 0.70 0.63 0.56 0.76 0.64
Person 0.72 0.92 0.81 0.77 0.92 0.84
Product 0.60 0.69 0.65 0.63 0.71 0.67
Sportsteam 0.52 0.83 0.64 0.63 0.85 0.72
TVshow 0.51 0.91 0.66 0.45 0.89 0.59
Overall 0.62 0.87 0.73 0.66 0.88 0.76
We use a gold-standard corpus of tweets made
available by (Ritter et al., 2011) for our experiments.
The dataset consists of 2400 tweets with 47k+ to-
kens. Further, for performing entity disambiguation
and linking, we use DBpedia as an external KB. For
performing a detailed comparative analysis, we also
prepared a manually curated set of 1616 named enti-
ties identified from the given corpus of tweets, along
with their entity types (in equivalence to T-NER en-
tity types, as shown in Table 1). We have also indexed
the DBpedia dataset of ‘Lables’ of 4.5M things
which serves as a look-up repository for candidate
match retrieval for a surface form in step 2. In the fol-
lowing section, we report an analysis for all the steps
detailed in the proposed framework in Section 3.
Step 1: Entity Recognition and Classification
We present the class-wise performance analysis of T-
NER over the gold standard corpus of tweets, made
available by (Ritter et al., 2011), in Table 2 where:
Precision(P) =
|{cor.cl} {cl}|
Recall(R) =
|{cor.cl} {cl}|
Measure =
2 × P × R
P + R
Here cor.cl denotes correctly classified entities, while
cl denotes classified entities. T-NER identifies a total
of 1496 named entities from microposts, in contrast to
1616 named entities present in the ground truth. 8%
of entities are not even recognized and thus classified
as non-entities (amongst other 44k tokens) . This is so
because a large number of new entities emerge con-
stantly on the Web as well as social media, before a
KB can index them. This causes a supervised entity
recognition system (such as T-NER) to fail to recog-
nize such entities (8%).
T-NER segments tweets in the gold standard as
text phrases where each text phrase is classified as an
entity or non-entity. An entity is associated with an
entity type with probability P
(c, e) as mentioned
in equation (1), whereas a non-entity refers to the
text phrase in a tweet that may not refer to any en-
tity in the real world. We perform a detailed analysis
of this entity classification aggregated at various lev-
els, as summarized in Table 3. The classification per-
formance reported in Table 3 depicts the percentage
of text phrases that are classified as either entity or
non-entity. As mentioned above, a total of 1496 text
phrases are identified as entities, while the remaining
44k text phrases have been identified and classified as
A text phrase that is an entity is correctly classi-
fied if the system recognizes it as a mention of an en-
tity and classifies it under the same class as in the gold
standard (such as Justin Bieber classified as Person).
A text phrase that is an entity is incorrectly classified
if the system recognizes it as a mention of an entity
but classifies it under a different class as compared to
gold standard (such as Chicago classified as Person,
while it is of type Geo-Location). Text phrases that
are entity mentions but have not been correctly seg-
mented (and thus cannot be correctly recognized and
classified) are denoted as segmentation errors (such as
Alpha-Omega, identified as two distinct entities Al-
pha and Omega, thus classified incorrectly as Geo-
Location, Band respectively, instead of being classi-
fied as Movie). A text phrase is considered as a missed
entity if the text phrase refers to an entity in the real
world, however, it has not been recognized and classi-
KDIR 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 3: T-NER Classification Performance.
Text Phrase Classification Level
Entity Entity Type
Entities (1496)
Correctly Classified Justin Bieber Person 61.57
Incorrectly Classified Chicago Person 37.96
Segmentation Error Alpha, Omega Geo-Location, Band 0.47
Non-Entities (44,792)
Correctly Classified It O 99.8
Incorrectly Classified justthen Person 0.2
fied as an entity by the NER system (such as London
classified as O where O is being used to denote a non-
On the other hand, non-entities are either correctly
classified, i.e., a text phrase that does not refer to any
entity in the real world and has not been classified as
an entity by the NER system (such as a text phrase
It being classified as O) or incorrectly classified, i.e.,
a text phrase that does not refer to any entity in the
real world but has been classified as an entity by the
NER system (such as text phrase justten being clas-
sified as Person, instead of O). As evident from Ta-
ble 3, 61% of entities are correctly recognized and
classified whereas as much as 38% of the entities are
correctly recognized but misclassified. Segmentation
affects only a small subset of the entities to be recog-
nized according to the gold standard.
Step 2: Candidate Match Retrieval and Disam-
Here, we present the detailed analysis of 1496 identi-
fied entities in step 1 that are linked to KB resources
in step 2. In order to disambiguate these entities, we
use our index of ‘Labels’ described above to retrieve
top-k candidate resources for each identified entity. A
total of 1442 entities out of 1496 entities are disam-
biguated with 4k candidate KB resources, while the
rest do not produce any candidate resource on index
look-up. The detailed analysis of this step is summa-
rized in Table 4.
A linkable entity refers to a text phrase that has
been identified as an entity by the NER system in step
1 and can be linked with an existing resource in a KB.
Further, a correctly linked entity is one that has been
identified and classified as an entity in step 1 and has
been correctly linked to an existing KB resource using
the approach in Section 3, step 2 (such as the identi-
fied and classified entity Wisconsin has been linked to
a KB resource http://dbpedia.org/resource/Wisconsin
of DBpedia type Geo-Location).
As evident from Table 4, 63% of such entities are
discovered by our approach. Further, an incorrectly
linked entity is one that has been identified and clas-
Table 4: Entity Linking-Performance Analysis.
Linking Level
Movie 3.05
N.J. Thing 16.15
Secrets Thing 11.85
Generic Whitney Other 5.83
sified as an entity in step 1 but has been incorrectly
linked to an existing KB resource which is not rep-
resentative of the entity (such as the identified and
classified entity America has been linked to a KB re-
source http://dbpedia.org/resource/America America
of DBpedia type Movie). Further, a small percent-
age (1.21%) of classifiable, and linkable entities (such
as Widro) can not be linked to any resource in a KB,
which can be attributed to the emergence of new en-
tities not available in the KB (knowledge gaps). In
some cases the information about the class that we ex-
tract from the linked entity is uninformative, regard-
less of the link being correct or not. This happens
every time we establish a link to an entity typed only
with the ‘Thing’ class, because ‘Thing’ is too generic.
We refer to such entities as uninformative entities. For
instance, the entity N.J. has been linked to a DBpedia
resource which does not provide any information that
can be used to improve the similarity scores or help in
On the other hand, a non-linkable entity refers to a
text phrase that has been identified as an entity by the
NER system in step 1, however, it can not be linked
to any resource in DBpedia. A huge fraction of clas-
sifiable, and non-linkable entities are uninformative
(such as Secrets has been linked to the parent DBpe-
dia type ‘Thing’). 6% of classifiable, non-linkable
entities are too generic to be linked and can be ei-
ther correctly linked or maybe incorrectly linked. For
example, an entity Steve (a very common named en-
tity) has been linked to a DBpedia resource of type
Person, however, we are not certain if the entity has
been linked to the correct KB resource. On the other
Leveraging Entity Linking to Enhance Entity Recognition in Microblogs
hand, the entity Whitney (another common named en-
tity) has been linked to a DBpedia resource of type
Other since the corresponding tweet does not pro-
vide sufficient evidence to look for the correct KB re-
source. Lastly, a percent of classifiable, non-linkable
entities exist for which no entity link could be estab-
lished (1.21%, also included in 8% missed entities of
step 1).
Step 3: Entity Recognition Enhancement
Here, we present an analysis of the proposed system
discussed in Section 3, step 3. By using equation (2),
we re-classify the (classifiable, and linkable) named
entities that have been classified and linked in step
1 and step 2, respectively, irrespective of the entity
types discovered in step 1. By following this ap-
proach, we are able to improve the performance of
entity recognition step of the entity linking pipeline
of our system. We denote the improved entity recog-
nition system as T-NER+.
Table 5: Example: Re-classification of entities.
Entity Ground-Truth T-NER T-NER+
30stm Band Product Band
Yahoo Company Band Company
Southgate House Facility Band Facility
Canada Geo-Location Person Geo-Location
Camp rock 2 Movie Person Movie
Thanksgiving Other Person Other
John Acuff Person Facility Person
iphone Product Company Product
Lions Sportsteam Person Sportsteam
TMZ TVshow Band TVshow
Table 2 summarizes the results of this step where
we also present the comparative analysis with T-NER.
As evident, we are able to improve the class-wise
classification of a majority of entity types, except the
entity type TVshow for which there is a decline in
classification accuracy by almost 7%. Entity types
Geo-Location and Other experience marginal decline
in classification accuracy. Table 5 presents an exam-
ple of re-classification of entities into correct entity
types w.r.t ground truth.
In this paper, we have presented an end-to-end entity
linking pipeline for short textual formats, in particular
tweets. We also presented an approach to improve the
entity recognition performance of a NER system by
using re-classification. By our approach, we are able
to enhance the classification performance of the NER
system, however, the scale of this enhancement can be
still improved. One outcome of our work is that newly
emerging knowledge (new entities or new mentions of
existing entities) on the Web, in particular social me-
dia platforms, can be extracted if not covered by an
existing KB. During entity recognition and classifica-
tion, we come across 8% entities that are not iden-
tified by the system. These entities comprise newly
emerging entities as well as entities that have not been
identified, and hence not classified. While, during en-
tity linking, we came across 2.4% entities for which
a match could not be found with any resource in the
DBpedia KB, owing to either non-existence of such
entities in the KB or to non coverage of their surface
form in the KB vocabulary.
Our next step in this field is to extract information
from the Web as well as social media platforms for
new entities that are discovered in the entity recog-
nition and entity linking phase in order to, not only
improve NER and NEL, but also work towards real-
time lexical extensions of a KB. Concerning the fu-
ture work, a possible contribution could be given by
comparing the performance of the proposed approach
with the most relevant related work (Yamada et al.,
2015) on a common dataset, as well as using addi-
tional datasets (Rizzo et al., 2015).
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