capability planning and reporting. Thus, rather than
trying to compare apples to oranges with
active/passive versus co-operative sensors, the
overall performance of the S-AIS sensor system can
be utilized in a simplified fashion to compute the
probability of detecting ships. Other sensors and
platforms can be integrated over various time frames
to determine what combination of capabilities
provides sufficient temporal and spatial coverage of
the AOR to meet the decision-makers’ requirements.
A parametric model (Tunaley, 2011b) for S-AIS
senor performance was successfully implemented in
STK. Utilizing data from the real S-AIS feed, the
model was able to determine the percentage of
uncorrupted AIS messages and the probability of
detection of at least one correct AIS message
received during an observation interval for a one-day
scenario period. This model provided a reasonable
start towards building a more complex, layered
model of surveillance capabilities for reporting and
forecasting for defence security, law enforcement,
and regulatory applications.
The implementation utilized real-world data to
cross-validate the model assumptions and
application over a wide variety of inputs. It is
important to note that the model implementation was
not actively calculating the effect of message
overlap based on S-AIS sensor altitude and footprint
width for the different satellite altitudes during its
orbit. Although an analysis of the effect of message
overlap revealed that the difference between the
static and calculated values would be minor; further
model refinements should still take such details into
account. The model and scripts serve as a foundation
for future improvements and extensions in both the
scope of the model and the performance of the
The authors of this paper (hereinafter “the Work”)
carried out research on behalf of Her Majesty the
Queen in right of Canada. Despite any statements to
the contrary in the conference proceedings, the
copyright for the Work belongs to the Crown.
ICORES 2017 was granted a non-exclusive license
to translate and reproduce this Work. Further
reproduction without written consent is not
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