A Survey of Context-awareness in Learning Environments in 2010-2016
Aziz Hasanov and Teemu H. Laine
Department of Software, Ajou University, Suwon, Republic of Korea
Context-aware, Education, Learning Environment, Survey.
Context-aware learning environments can detect the learner’s context and adapt learning materials to match the
context. The support for context-awareness is essential in these systems so that they can make learning con-
textually relevant. Previously, several surveys on context-aware learning environments have been conducted,
but they are either old or they do not consider several important aspects of context-awareness. To alleviate this,
we first performed a literature search on context-aware learning environments in 2010-2016. After filtering
the results, we analyzed 28 studies. Highlights of the results are: (i) PDAs and mobile phones are the most
common client types, (ii) RFID/NFC are the most common sensors, (iii) ontology is the most common context
modeling approach, and (iv) context data typically originates from the learner’s profile or the learner’s loca-
tion. Additionally, we proposed a taxonomy for context categories in context-aware learning environments.
Finally, based on our survey results, we gave directions for future research in the field. These results can be of
interest to educational technology researchers and context-aware application developers.
Recent development of advanced information tech-
nologies, such as wireless communications, sensors,
and the Internet of Things, has enabled adaptive
learning, including mobile and context-aware learn-
ing. In this paper, we use the definition of con-
text as a set of entities that constitute the learner’s
situation (Laine and Nygren, 2016). Examples of
these contextual entities in a learning environment
are current place, time, other nearby learners, learn-
ing style, and learning history. The abilities of a
learning environment to detect the learner’s context
and to adapt its behavior accordingly play a crucial
role in personalized learning (G
omez and Fabregat,
2010). Context-awareness can make a significant dif-
ference in learning efficiency compared to traditional
classroom-based learning because in context-aware
learning environments learning resources and activi-
ties are adapted to match the learner’s current situa-
tion. A body of studies in the field of context-aware
learning show positive effects of context-aware tech-
nologies on learning (Hsu et al., 2016; Gomez et al.,
2016; Wu et al., 2012).
Several surveys have been conducted on context-
aware systems with diverse perspectives. A litera-
ture review on mobile and ubiquitous learning envi-
ronments published in 2001-2010 focused on analyz-
ing non-technical aspects, such as publication statis-
tics, target groups, and learning domains (Hwang and
Tsai, 2011). Pedagogical and technical aspects of
context-aware learning environments were analyzed
in another survey (Laine and Joy, 2009). Verbert
et al. (Verbert et al., 2012) compared context-aware
recommender systems for educational purposes. Fi-
nally, technological foundations of context-aware sys-
tems have been surveyed from the perspectives of
mobile learning architectures (Baccari et al., 2015)
and context-aware middleware architectures (Li et al.,
2015). Despite these valuable surveys, there has not
been a recent study which would thoroughly analyze
contemporary learning environments from the per-
spective of context-awareness.
To understand the landscape and technical ap-
proaches of context-aware learning environments
published between 2010 and 2016, we analyze 28
articles on context-aware learning environments for
different purposes. We particularly focus on identi-
fying and comparing the technical solutions through
which context-awareness has been established. More-
over, we use the discovered information to discuss
directions for future context-aware learning environ-
ments. Research contributions of this review are four-
fold: (i) explore and compare context-aware learning
environments in 2010-2016; (ii) identify various ap-
proaches in which context-awareness has been estab-
Hasanov, A. and Laine, T.
A Survey of Context-awareness in Learning Environments in 2010-2016.
DOI: 10.5220/0006255302340241
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017) - Volume 1, pages 234-241
ISBN: 978-989-758-239-4
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
lished in these systems; (iii) propose a taxonomy of
context categories to help comparing context-aware
learning environments; and (iv) give directions for fu-
ture context-aware learning environments.
In this survey we employed a simplified version of the
systematic literature review methodology (Kitchen-
ham and Charters, 2007). The original methodology
comprises a set of guidelines for planning, conduct-
ing, and reporting a systematic literature review with
a focus on software engineering field. In the follow-
ing, we describe our adaptation of this methodology
in terms of data collection and analysis.
2.1 Data Collection
First, we defined literature search criteria. The first-
order criteria were defined as follows: a combination
of predefined keywords (e.g., context-aware, educa-
tion, system); publication time range 2010-2016; type
of publication: conference and journal publications;
digital libraries / search tools: Google Scholar, IEEE,
and ACM. We also defined a second-order criterion
as relevance to the field of context-aware education,
thus selected publications should, in sufficient detail,
describe a learning environment that is context-aware.
Data collection and filtering were performed in
four steps using the aforementioned criteria. The ini-
tial filtering of search results was based on the first-
order criteria. In this first step, we discovered 53 po-
tential articles. Next step of filtering was based on
the second-order criterion, which was applied to titles
and abstracts of search results. Then, the same crite-
rion was applied during skimming through the previ-
ously filtered results. Finally, we read thoroughly the
remaining papers and applied the second order filter-
ing criterion. As the result, we had 28 papers to be
analyzed for this survey.
2.2 Data Analysis
To analyze the findings in a structured manner, we
first established taxonomies through which the re-
viewed systems were to be compared. These tax-
onomies would enable us to classify various aspects
of the reviewed learning environments and thereby
understand their similarities and differences. Some of
the taxonomies were discovered from previous publi-
cations and some of them we created out of necessity.
After establishing the taxonomies, we performed an
in-depth analysis of the selected papers to assign ap-
propriate values to each aspect. Finally, based on this
classification of learning environments into different
aspects, we gave our own interpretations of the find-
ings to provide useful ideas for future research in the
Here we present an overview of the reviewed learning
environments and describe the technical approaches
that were used in these systems to establish context-
awareness. It must be noted that despite our best ef-
forts we were not able to extract all required data from
the analyzed articles due to lack of details in their
presentation. Such cases are marked with ’n/a’ as in
not available. Non-existent aspects are marked with a
dash (’-’).
3.1 Overview
Table 1 gives an overview of the surveyed learning en-
vironments with a name (if available) and reference,
description, and client type. As the table indicates,
context-aware learning environments have been de-
veloped for various, mostly informal, learning sce-
narios and subjects to be used by both children and
By ’client type’ we refer to a device or software
through which learners use the learning environment.
We categorized clients used in the reviewed learn-
ing environments into six types: (i) Personal Digital
Assistants (PDA), (ii) Mobile phones (including also
smartphones), (iii) Tablets, (iv) Wearables, (v) Lap-
tops/PCs, and (vi) Web browsers.
Mobile devices were often used as clients in the
reviewed systems. In particular, mobile/smart phones
and PDAs were the most common clients. There
were seven systems with web browser clients, thus
making them platform independent. Only one article
proposed the use of wearables (smartwatches) in the
learning process (Santos et al., 2015).
3.2 Context-awareness
To compare the technical approaches through which
context-awareness has been established in contempo-
rary context-aware learning environments, we defined
a classification scheme using the following aspects:
Context Acquisition, Context Modeling, Context En-
tities, and Sensors. In the following, before present-
ing the results, we explain these aspects with their re-
spective taxonomies.
A Survey of Context-awareness in Learning Environments in 2010-2016
Table 1: Overview of context-aware learning environments.
System Description Client type
ALESS (Hsu et al., 2016) Supports active learning in a museum for elementary school students PDA
WoBaLearn (Zhang et al.,
Guides professionals in office and factory environments to engage in
work-based learning activities
AICARP (Santos et al.,
Provides interactive recommendations to support language learning
(Gomez et al., 2016)
Delivers contextualized content to the students in nursery, medicine and
systems engineering
Tablet, Mobile
CAALS (Chen and Lin,
Supports active learning in museum for elementary school students Tablet
MobiSWAP (Harchay et al.,
Semantic web-based system that supports personalized self-assessment
in mobile environments for computer science students
PDA, Lap-
top/PC, Mobile
(Benlamri and Zhang,
Provides knowledge-driven recommendations to learn C++ program-
ming and photography
Mobile phone
(Kim and Lee, 2014)
Provides learners with English conversation learning contents for the
business sector. Recognizes trade names from signboard images
Mobile phone
UoLmP (G
omez et al.,
Supports semi-automatic adaptation of learning activities, particularly
for learning English
Tablet, Mobile
E-SoRS (Akbari and Taghi-
yareh, 2014)
Provides adapted exercises to a graduate-level students based on their
learning styles
Web browser
(Yin et al., 2013) Offers technicians learning opportunities during maintenance work
PDA, Mobile
SCROLL (Li et al., 2013)
Helps Japanese language learners to record their learning logs and gives
them recommendations later
(Kasaki et al., 2012)
A location-aware language learning with adaptive correlation comput-
ing methods
Web browser
MLAS (Chorfi et al., 2012)
Applies Case-Based Reasoning approach to determine appropriate con-
tent for the learner
PDA, Tablet,
Mobile phone
SRL@Work (Siadaty et al.,
Learning environment for workers at a car manufacturer, SMEs and at
teachers’ professional association
Web browser
CAULS (Chen and Huang,
Learning in museum with elementary school teachers and students PDA
(Wu et al., 2012) Supports cognitive apprenticeships in nursing skills training PDA
(Alharbi et al., 2012) Provides a student-centric approach to lifelong learning Web browser
ePH (Vladoiu and Constan-
tinescu, 2011)
Multi-agent system that provides support for various learning scenarios
PDA, Lap-
top/PC, Mobile
IWT (Capuano et al., 2011) Provides personalized e-learning Web browser
(Jia et al., 2011)
Workplace e-learning system using Key Performance Indicator and
ontology-based approaches
Web browser
(Wang and Wu, 2011)
Ubiquitous learning system that gives courseware recommendations in
a museum
(Yaghmaie and Bahreinine-
jad, 2011)
Adaptive learning system using multi-agents that adapts course topics
according to learners’ experiences
(Wang and Wang, 2011) Ubiquitous learning system based on a service-oriented architecture
PDA, Mobile
phone (with
(Scott and Benlamri, 2010) Collaborative learning space applied to university lectures Web browser
(Yu et al., 2010) Semantic learning space infrastructure and English learning assistant Tablet
TANGO (Ogata et al.,
Supports language learning (English, Japanese, Chinese and Spanish) PDA
PCULS (Chen and Li,
English vocabulary learning based on the learner’s location, learning
time, English vocabulary abilities and leisure time
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Context Acquisition is the process of capturing the
learner’s current context and its methods vary sig-
nificantly depending on available technology and the
system’s intended use of context data. There are
three fundamental ways for context acquisition (Per-
era et al., 2014): (i) context can be sensed directly
through sensors; (ii) context can be derived from
sensed raw data (or other data source) through com-
putation; or (iii) context can be provided by user in-
put. Accordingly, our context acquisition taxonomy
consists of classes Sensor, Derived and User input.
Context Modeling defines a way of representing
the context in format that can be understood and
processed by the computer. There are six context
modeling approaches that have been classified previ-
ously (Strang and Linnhoff-Popien, 2004) and used in
context-aware systems: Key-value, Markup scheme,
Graphical, Object-based, Logic-based, and Ontology-
based. In addition to this list, we added Database-
based models that employ a database (e.g., relational,
NoSQL) to store the learner’s context data. This
amendment was required because we found that sev-
eral context-aware learning environments store con-
text data in a database instead of using a specific con-
text modeling technique.
There are many ways to categorize Context Enti-
ties into taxonomies (Verbert et al., 2012; Li et al.,
2015; Constantino Martins et al., 2008; G
omez et al.,
2014) but none of them were found to be sufficient for
our survey. Based on the analysis of previous work,
we established a taxonomy that comprises five con-
text entity groups: User, Technical, Spatio-Temporal,
Pedagogical and Environmental. Figure 1 illustrates
our taxonomy with example entities for each group.
Figure 1: A taxonomy of context entities.
Sensors refer to hardware and software (vir-
tual) sensors that were used in the reviewed learn-
ing environments. We identified six groups of sen-
sors that have been used as sources for context
data: RFID/NFC, GPS, Camera, Microphone, IR
(infrared)-based sensors, and network (e.g., band-
width). One of the surveyed studies (Santos et al.,
2015) only specified groups of sensors, thus we re-
ported this case as “physiological and inertial sen-
Table 2 compares the surveyed context-aware
learning environments according to the aforemen-
tioned classification aspects. Due to lack of technical
details available, we could not find information for all
cells in the table.
Sensors (S) and user input (UIn) were the most
common sources for context acquisition with 20 and
19 instances, respectively, and many learning environ-
ments used a combination of the two. A typical exam-
ple would be a learning environment that asks the user
to insert learning preferences and background infor-
mation before learning, and during the learning pro-
cess the learner’s location is sensed with RFID (San-
tos et al., 2015; Zhang et al., 2016). Using these con-
text entities, the system can then provide personalized
materials that suit the learner’s preferences and loca-
tion. Derived data (D), which is based on refining raw
data into information with a higher degree of abstrac-
tion, was much less common. An example of how
derived data is used is the distance between learners
or the learner and learning target, which are computed
based on location coordinates (Hsu et al., 2016).
We hypothesized that ontologies would be the
most common context modeling approach today, but
there also would be representatives of other ap-
proaches. Our analysis proved the first part of the
hypothesis correct. Ontologies were found in 13 sur-
veyed systems, thus making them the most popu-
lar context modeling approach. Databases were also
common with 8 instances, but other approaches were
nearly non-existent. Some articles described also the
types of ontologies, such as learner ontology, device
ontology, domain ontology, and content ontology.
A myriad of context entities were employed to es-
tablish context-awareness in the reviewed learning en-
vironments. The results in Table 2 suggest that user
(U) context and spatio-temporal (ST) context were the
most common entity groups with 21 and 19 occur-
rences, respectively. A typical context entity was user
profile with information such as previously studied
learning materials and learning preferences. Within
the spatio-temporal context, location of the learner
was the most common entity. Location was often used
with timestamp to determine where the learner is at a
A Survey of Context-awareness in Learning Environments in 2010-2016
Table 2: Context-awareness in learning environments.
Context Modeling Context Entities Sensors
ALESS (Hsu et al., 2016) (S) DB (relational) (P), (ST) RFID
WoBaLearn (Zhang et al.,
(S), (UIn)
Ontology based, DB
(U), (ST) n/a
AICARP (Santos et al.,
(S), (UIn) n/a (U), (E)
Physiological and iner-
tial sensors
(Gomez et al., 2016) (S) Ontology based (U), (P), (ST) RFID/NFC, GPS
CAALS (Chen and Lin,
(S) DB (relational) (ST) RFID
MobiSWAP (Harchay et al.,
Ontology based (object,
learner, context, portfo-
lio, domain)
(T), (P), (ST) -
(Benlamri and Zhang,
(S), (UIn)
Ontology based (do-
main, activity, learner,
device, environment)
(U), (T), (P),
Network (connection/
(Kim and Lee, 2014) (S) DB (relational) (ST) GPS
UoLmP (G
omez et al.,
(S), (UIn) n/a (U), (P), (ST) GPS
E-SoRS (Akbari and Taghi-
yareh, 2014)
Ontology based
(learner, content)
(P) -
(Yin et al., 2013)
(S), (D),
Markup scheme (XML)
(U), (T), (E),
GPS, Camera
SCROLL (Li et al., 2013)
(S), (D),
DB (relational) (U), (T), (ST) RFID, GPS, Camera
(Kasaki et al., 2012) (S), (D) n/a (U), (ST) GPS
MLAS (Chorfi et al., 2012) (UIn) Markup scheme (U), (T) -
SRL@Work (Siadaty et al.,
(UIn) Ontology based (U) -
CAULS (Chen and Huang,
(S), (UIn) n/a (U), (ST) RFID
(Wu et al., 2012) (S), (UIn) DB (U), (ST) RFID
(Alharbi et al., 2012) (D), (UIn) DB (U) -
ePH (Vladoiu and Constan-
tinescu, 2011)
(S), (D),
Ontology based
(U), (T), (E), (P),
IWT (Capuano et al., 2011) (UIn) Ontology based (U), (T), (P) -
(Jia et al., 2011) (UIn) Ontology based (U) -
(Wang and Wu, 2011) (S), (UIn) DB (U) RFID
(Yaghmaie and Bahreinine-
jad, 2011)
(UIn) Ontology based (U) -
(Wang and Wang, 2011) (S)
Ontology based (learn-
ing method, learning
domain, location con-
(P), (ST) RFID
(Scott and Benlamri, 2010)
(S), (D),
Ontology based (U), (T), (ST) IR-based
(Yu et al., 2010) (S)
Ontology based (con-
text, content, domain)
(U), (T), (P),
RFID, GPS, Camera,
TANGO (Ogata et al.,
(S) n/a (ST) RFID
PCULS (Chen and Li,
(S) DB (relational) (U), (ST)
Network (WLAN posi-
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
given time. Technical (T), pedagogical (P) and envi-
ronmental (E) contexts were utilized in 9, 10 and 3
cases, respectively.
Location-awareness was clearly visible in pop-
ularity of sensor technologies with RFID/NFC and
GPS occurring 10 and 8 times, respectively. A typical
example of using RFID/NFC in the reviewed systems
was to provide location-sensitive learning content
when the learner reads a tag with a mobile device (Wu
et al., 2012). Adaptations of media type and size
of resources were done by sensing through network
properties such as connection type (IEEE 802.11 or
GPRS) and bandwidth (Benlamri and Zhang, 2014).
Camera and microphone were used only in a hand-
ful of systems, for example when the learner captures
his learning log or the system senses audio signals (Li
et al., 2013; Yu et al., 2010). Infrared was used for
indoor positioning (Scott and Benlamri, 2010). Some
of the reviewed systems did not use sensors or details
about sensors were omitted.
3.3 Discussion
We can infer from the results presented in Table 2 that
the most popular clients for context-aware learning
environments are PDAs and mobile phones. This is
probably due to their high mobility, which allows the
learner to traverse within a context and between con-
texts. Mobility is a great affordance for learning envi-
ronments that are based on informal learning contexts,
such as museums, science centers and parks. Techno-
logical advances of mobile devices have made them
truly smart in terms of processing power and sens-
ing capabilities. Moreover, many PDA devices and
smartphones provide RFID or NFC reader modules,
which allow learners to interact with surrounding ob-
jects. Finally, the popularity of PDAs is somewhat
surprising given the fact that smartphones have taken
over the markets of high-performance mobile devices
since the launch of the first iPhone in 2007.
The popularity of mobile phones and PDAs was
expected given their pervasiveness in our lives. We
were surprised that the recent boom in wearable tech-
nologies was not evident in the reviewed learning en-
vironments. Wearable technologies have been iden-
tified to possess considerable affordances for learn-
ing applications (Bower and Sturman, 2015). Perhaps
educators and educational technology researchers are
not yet convinced about this, or the cost of devices
may be a barrier. Regardless of what the reasons are,
we expect that the era of wearables in context-aware
learning environments has begun.
Location-awareness was strongly present in the
reviewed learning environments. According to our
interpretation, the reason for this is that most context-
aware learning environments are not developed to be
used in classrooms; they are informal learning envi-
ronments located beyond the physical school bound-
aries. In such systems it is essential that the learn-
ing environment can adapt its behavior to match the
learner’s whereabouts. The popularity of RFID/NFC
and GPS sensors proves this point, and it is aligned
with the popularity of the spatio-temporal context en-
tity group. Interestingly, these findings match with the
findings of our survey on context-aware learning en-
vironments published in 2009 (Laine and Joy, 2009).
In the previous survey, we also discovered that RFID
was the most common sensor technology, and pre-
dicted that RFID would become the next big thing
in wireless mobile communications. Our current re-
sults suggest that this has been the case in context-
aware learning environments, but a question remains
as to how long will the popularity of RFID/NFC as
an object identification technology last, given the re-
cent advances in internet of things, indoor position-
ing, augmented reality and automatic object recogni-
tion through machine vision.
We can notice from Table 2 that the least used con-
text acquisition method is derivation. The other two
methods (sensors, user input) are almost equally pop-
ular with approximately 70% of the surveyed learn-
ing environments using them. We make a prediction
that in future learning environments there will be a
growing interest toward generating context data by
performing refinement operations on raw sensor data.
Consquently, the popularity of derived context acqui-
sition will increase. This prediction is heralded by the
recent boom of machine learning approaches, such as
deep learning (LeCun et al., 2015), which allow so-
phisticated derivation of abstraction levels based on
raw data inputs.
As Table 2 shows, ontology and database-based
context modeling approaches were commonly used
for context modeling in the reviewed learning envi-
ronments. The main advantage of ontologies is that
they support reasoning and data content validation,
thus making them a popular and effective way to
model the context. We expect that ontologies will
keep their dominant place as a context modeling ap-
proach in context-aware learning environments in the
near future, although novel approaches based on ma-
chine learning are likely to emerge.
Given large amounts of context data acquired by
the reviewed context-aware learning environments, it
was surprising to us that there was very little con-
sideration on data security and privacy. It seems to
us that innovative use of technology and good learn-
ing outcomes have been prioritized over data safety.
A Survey of Context-awareness in Learning Environments in 2010-2016
Many learning environments, and mobile applications
in general, follow the learner’s location in real-time.
Will the issues of data security and privacy become
more topical when future learning environments will
be able to detect far more personal data from the
learner, such as emotions and intentions? We suggest
that these issues should be tackled sooner than later.
There are some limitations that should be consid-
ered when applying these results. Firstly, we were not
able to insert all information to Tables 1 and 2 due to
lack information in the source articles. We were also
planning to include context reasoning techniques used
in the reviewed learning environments, but only a few
studies reported about them. Secondly, although we
searched popular databases, there may be articles that
were not found during the search. Moreover, a few
articles were inaccessible due to paywalls. In spite
of these limitations, the results of this survey shed
light into contemporary context-aware learning envi-
ronments and therefore they can be useful to inter-
ested parties.
Context-aware learning is a promising research field
that can change the way in which we learn espe-
cially in informal learning contexts. In this survey,
we compared state-of-the-art learning environments
in this field. We provided a general overview of the
surveyed systems as well as technical details of their
context-aware architectures. In particular, we high-
lighted the most used technologies and methods for
acquiring and modeling context data. Moreover, we
proposed a taxonomy for context categories used in
context-aware learning environments. These results
could be good references for context-aware learning
environment designers and researchers who intend to
contribute to this field.
The popular technologies and approaches identi-
fied in this survey will remain to dominate context-
aware learning environments for some time, but we
can already see changes in the horizon. The fu-
ture of context-aware learning environments looks
bright given the unprecedented availability of afford-
able smart gadgets that form the Internet of Things.
These devices, together with highly sophisticated rea-
soning algorithms, will form the backbone of future
learning environments that not only serve but also
self-evolve. Our next step is to propose a conceptual
model for building future context-aware learning en-
vironments. Moreover, it is important to consider the
aspects of security and privacy, as these topics were
largely ignored by the reviewed studies.
This work was supported by the Korean Na-
tional Research Foundation project NRF-
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A Survey of Context-awareness in Learning Environments in 2010-2016