The Influence of Software Product Quality Attributes
on Open Source Projects: A Characterization Study
Antonio Cesar Brandao Silva
, Kattiana Constantino
, Glauco de Figueiredo Carneiro
Antonio Carlos M. de Paula
, Eduardo Figueiredo
, Miguel P. Monteiro
and Fernando Brito e Abreu
Universidade Salvador (UNIFACS), Salvador, Bahia, Brasil
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil
Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL/NOVA LINKS), Lisboa, Portugal
Instituto Universitario de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), Lisboa, Portugal
Software Releases, Open Source Software (OSS) Projects, Software Product Quality Attributes.
Several Open Source Software (OSS) projects have adopted frequent releases as a strategy to deliver both new
features and fix bugs on time. These entails express requests from the project’s community, registered as issues
in bug repositories by active users and developers. Each OSS project has its own priorities established by their
respective communities. A still open question is to what extent these priorities influence selection of the issues
that should be tackled first, implemented/solved and delivered in subsequent releases. In this paper, we present
an exploratory study on the influence of target product quality attributes in software release practices of OSS
projects. The goal is to search for evidence that clarify the relationships between target attributes, priorities
assigned to the registered issues and the ways they are delivered by product releases. To this end, we asked
a set of participants to identify these attributes through the data analysis of repositories of three well-known
OSS projects: Libre Office, Eclipse and Mozilla Firefox. Evidence provided by the participants suggest that
OSS community developers use criteria/priorities driven by specific software product quality attributes to plan
and perform software releases.
The attractiveness of Open Source Software (OSS)
projects for users and developers communities has
aroused the interest of Software Engineering re-
searchers (Michlmayr et al., 2015) (Fitzgerald,
2006) (Gonzalez-Barahona et al., 2013) (Gonzalez-
Barahona and Robles, 2013). OSS development dif-
fers from proprietary development in various aspects,
such as development processes, team structure, and
developer incentives (Jonsson et al., 2015). Under-
standing the rationale behind the success of OSS
projects can help the staff and developers of non-OSS
projects to draw lessons from reported best practices
and apply them to their projects (Stol and Fitzgerald,
2015) (Rigby et al., 2012).
According to Adams and colleagues (Adams
et al., 2015), there are more than 400 active OSS
distributions, and each year an always greater num-
ber of projects are created. Due to competition and
pressure of users and developers, OSS projects need
to release new features and bug fixes within increas-
ingly shorter time spans. Releasing software every
few weeks is typically referred to as a frequent re-
lease cycle, while releasing quarterly or yearly is typ-
ically referred to as a traditional release (TR) cycle
(Mantyla et al., 2013). The adoption of frequent re-
leases in OSS projects takes into account that users
of these projects are scattered all over the world and
eagerly download each new version as soon as it is
released and test it as thoroughly as they can. The
global dispersion of users means that the code can
be tested 24 hours a day (Thomas et al., 2009). To
achieve this, OSS projects rely on volunteers to an-
alyze, implement and test demands registered as bug
issues to integrate them to the latest version (Adams
et al., 2015). The process of reporting and resolv-
ing issues for a system during its development and/or
maintenance is often handled through the use of an
Issue Tracking System (ITS). For each issue, an ITS
can typically record its type (e.g., defect, enhance-
ment, patch, task), its state (e.g., new, assigned, re-
solved, closed) and date of submission. For each state
change, an ITS usually allows recording the submit-
Silva, A., Constantino, K., Carneiro, G., Paula, A., Figueiredo, E., Monteiro, M. and Abreu, F.
The Influence of Software Product Quality Attributes on Open Source Projects: A Characterization Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0006265400290039
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 2, pages 29-39
ISBN: 978-989-758-248-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ter, any comments by others, and indications of sever-
ity and/or priority (Bijlsma et al., 2012).
Despite being supported by volunteers, relevant
OSS projects have experts in their communities that
have in-depth knowledge of the source code and com-
ponents (Ye and Kishida, 2003). They are usually
ranked according to their reputation in the project
community as a result of their contributions through-
out the releases (Oreg and Nov, 2008).
Several aspects may influence issue solving prior-
ity. Recurring tickets on ITS imply bug fixing (im-
proving reliability) or adding new features (improv-
ing functionality) and those are the ones that commu-
nity members usually vote for assigning a scheduling
order (Crowston et al., 2003). However, other soft-
ware product quality attributes may be critical for the
project’s success. It is therefore important to recall
the ISO/IEC 25010 international standard for soft-
ware product quality (ISO, 2011), that replaced the
"old" ISO/IEC 9126 standard (ISO/IEC, 2001), by
providing a quality model composed of several soft-
ware quality characteristics, that are further broken
down into many sub-characteristics, as represented in
Figure 1.
In this paper, we describe an exploratory study
to investigate the influence of target product quality
attributes in software release practices of three OSS
Projects (Libre Office, Eclipse and Mozilla Firefox).
That is, we aim at obtaining evidence on how those
quality attributes are related to the priorities assigned
to registered issues and how they are delivered by
product releases.
The paper is organized as follows. Next section
presents the related work. Section 3 outlines the ex-
ploratory study. Section 4 presents the data collec-
tion and analysis. Section 5 presents the conclusion,
threats to validity and scope for future research.
Some studies reported the importance and influence
that software quality attributes have in the software
development cycle of a product (Perepletchikov et al.,
2005)(Offutt, 2002). This influence is also true for
OSS projects. Two surveys in this direction were
conducted by Henningsson and Wohlin (Henningsson
and Wohlin, 2002). The first survey focused on the
literature to capture the understanding of the quality
attributes in the research community. The second one
is an interview survey focused on the perception of
the industry regarding the practice and understanding
of the quality attributes in an industrial context. The
authors concluded that it is clear, from both the litera-
ture and the industrial surveys, that relations do exist
among many of the software quality attributes.
Quality is about perception and depending on the
needs and how well the final system or construction
can fulfill these needs, the grading of a particular
quality attribute is influenced. "Grading" herein refers
to the perceived importance of that attribute (Hen-
ningsson and Wohlin, 2002).
The Eclipse Foundation has also undertaken an-
nual surveys to the Eclipse community to better un-
derstand things such as user perception regarding
Eclipse functionalities or how users and developers
get engaged into the OSS community.
1 2 3
In this section, we present an exploratory study to
analyze how software quality attributes influence the
prioritization of issues to be implemented/solved and
delivered in future releases. Exploratory studies are
intended to lay the groundwork for further empirical
work (Wohlin et al., 2012). For this reason, there is
no control group to compare to. The adopted strategy
consisted in asking developers, outside the commu-
nity of the selected projects, to search for evidence
in data provided by the repositories of the selected
OSS projects. This paper aims to address the follow-
ing four Research Questions.
RQ1- Considering data available in public repos-
itories, which software product quality attributes
are prioritized in software release practices by OSS
Projects? The identification of software quality at-
tributes in OSS projects is a key to understand their
priorities throughout their evolution. In practice, de-
pending on the software quality attributes that are pri-
oritized, specific issues are targeted and implemented
in the next releases while others will be postponed or
even discarded.
RQ2- Which strategies can be used to identify the
prioritized software quality attributes of OSS project
repositories? Unveiling strategies to find prioritized
software quality attributes are useful to understand the
rationale used by OSS projects. Successful identified
practices can be referenced and followed by industry
practitioners, as well as by other OSS projects.
RQ3- What are the values assigned by developers to
the fields "priority" and "severity" of issues registered
in the projects’ bug repositories related to both pri-
ority and non priority software product quality at-
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: The ISO/IEC FCD 25010 Product Quality Standard (ISO, 2011).
tributes? This evidence can show how OSS soft-
ware projects address other issues that are not directly
related to the likely prioritized software quality at-
RQ4- Are issues related to priority software product
quality attributes delivered in releases just after they
were registered? The time elapsed to deliver an issue
can be an evidence of its priority, according to the
software quality attributes related to it.
To answer these questions, we defined a protocol
(Subsection 3.3) and instantiated it in three phases.
These phases are conveyed in Figure 2, where Steps
1 and 2 were related to the planning of the study and
Steps 3 to 6 were repeated in Phases 1-3 of this ex-
ploratory study. This protocol focused on the analy-
sis of data that have relationships with the bug issues
of three OSS projects (Subsection 3.2). One of the
authors conducted a tutorial session to present partic-
ipants the tools and resources that could be used to
perform the tasks.
3.1 Data Collection
Data Collection. Data collection was carried out
directly from answers provided by the participants.
To answer RQ1, we collected information related to
quality attributes. To answer RQ2, we collected ev-
idence based on references provided by participants,
e.g., print screens and URLs from which relevant in-
formation is accessible. To answer RQ3 and RQ4, we
analyzed the issues indicated by the participants and
the authors.
Passing Score. After the tutorial, we analyzed data
provided by the participants in accordance with the
following two criteria. Criterion 1 was indication of
at least one quality attribute consistent with data from
the analyzed repository. Therefore, inappropriate in-
dications of quality attributes do not meet this cri-
terion. Criterion 2 was indication of evidence from
the repositories supporting the choice of the selected
quality attribute. Therefore, inappropriate indications
of evidence do not meet this criterion.
3.2 Target OSS Projects
This study relies on three highly regarded open source
projects: Mozilla Firefox, Eclipse, and Libre Office.
We selected those projects mainly due to the three fol-
lowing reasons. First, they adopted frequent releases
implementation (da Costa et al., 2014) (Gamalielsson
and Lundell, 2014). Second, they have a very active
developer community comprised of 290 (Libre Of-
fice), 1087 (Mozilla Firefox), and 113 (Eclipse) mem-
bers, respectively. Third, all projects provide a vast
repository of documentation, publicly available and
readily accessible. Finally, these projects have been
cited in the literature in different software engineering
studies, which enhances their value as the basis for the
present study (Gamalielsson and Lundell, 2014).
3.3 The Study Protocol
Seven participants took part in this study to answer re-
search questions from RQ1 to RQ4. They were asked
to register the collected evidence related to the analy-
sis they performed in the questionnaire form. More-
over, the participants were asked to describe their
strategies, as well as their experience while using the
OSS project repositories to accomplish the tasks. The
participants had available one week to performed the
asked tasks.
The study involved seven participants recruited
from a MSc and PhD programs in Computer Sci-
ence from two different universities. This number
of participants offered a reasonable trade-off between
the effort to plan and execute the study and detailed
qualitative analysis and the generalizability of results
(Pfleeger, 1995) (Yin and Campbell, 2003). They
were all volunteers and no compensation was pro-
vided for their participation in this study.
We were interested in making observations based
on a qualitative analysis of OSS projects repositories,
regarding the possible influence of software product
quality attributes on the scheduling of pending is-
sues that may have affected the evolution of the an-
The Influence of Software Product Quality Attributes on Open Source Projects: A Characterization Study
Figure 2: Overview of the exploratory study.
alyzed software product, rather than testing causality
hypotheses using statistical inference. To be eligible
for inclusion, participants filled out a pre-study ques-
tionnaire (figure 3) to describe their profile and ex-
perience in software release practices, OSS projects
and software quality product attributes. In Table 1
the corresponding answers using the following scale:
Figure 3: Pre-study questionnaire.
The Tutorial Session. Prior to the tasks, the partici-
pants attended a tutorial session focusing on how to
search for evidence in the Open Stack IAAS Cloud
Platform project using data provided by tools such
as: Bugzilla (issue tracking system), Git (configura-
tion management system), Gerrit (code review tool
for Git) and a Wiki. These tools are also used by the
selected OSS projects for this study. We selected a
different project in the tutorial session to avoid bias-
Table 1: Results of the Pre-activity Questionnaire.
ID P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7
QA-1 L M M M L L L
QA-2 L M M L N M M
QA-3 L M L N N N L
ing in the study results. The first part of the tutorial
focused on how to understand and search for data us-
ing the tool repositories for the Open Stack project.
The second part focused on using the selected repos-
itories to identify evidence that could establish rela-
tionships with the corresponding software product at-
tributes prioritized by Open Stack IAAS Cloud Plat-
This section presents the analysis of the answers pro-
vided by the participants to the aforementioned re-
search questions.
4.1 First Phase
In the first phase of this experiment, we asked partic-
ipants to indicate software product quality attributes
that are best related to each project along with respec-
tive evidence that justify the indication. The goal was
to answer research question RQ1: Considering data
available in public repositories, which software prod-
uct quality attributes are prioritized in software re-
lease practices by the OSS Projects Mozilla Firefox,
Libre Office and Eclipse? and RQ2: Which strategies
can be used to identify the prioritized software quality
attributes of the selected OSS project repositories?
There was no predefined quantity of attributes
to be indicated. Table 2 presents the quality at-
tributes indicated by the participants for the three tar-
get projects. The following attributes, already men-
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
tioned in Section 2, were considered in the table:
Functional Suitability (FS), Performance Efficiency
(PE), Compatibility (C), Usability (U), Reliability
(R), Security(S), Maintainability (M), and Portability
According to the data shown in Table 2, the qual-
ity attributes indicated by the participants are pre-
sented as follows to answer RQ1. Figure 4 conveys
the quantity of attributes indicated by each partici-
pant of this study. 5 (71%) participants indicated for
Eclipse the attributes Compatibility and Maintainabil-
ity; Portability was indicated by 4(57%) participants.
In the case of Mozilla FireFox, Maintainability and
Portability were both indicated by 4(57%) of the par-
ticipants, whereas Performance Efficiency, Reliability
and Security were also indicated for this project for
3(42%) participants. FireFox had indications of all
quality attributes conveyed in Figure 1. Finally, Li-
bre Office had Usability as the quality attribute with 6
indications. The possible reason for this result is the
concern of the developer’s community with a friendly
and intuitive product, as well as the competition with
other similar products. Functional Suitability and
Maintainability were mentioned by 4 participants. Li-
bre Office had less uniformity among the indicated
attributes. For example, Reliability and Security were
not mentioned and Performance Efficiency and Porta-
bility received just 1 vote each
After the indication of the attributes, the partici-
pants looked for evidence to answer RQ2. The study
protocol did not establish a minimum number of is-
sues, so participants were free to present as many is-
sues as they saw fit
Table 3 conveys the distribution of issues indi-
cated by participants with respective associated soft-
ware product quality attributes for the target projects.
To point out the selected quality attributes, partic-
ipants 1, 3, 5, 6 and 7 adopted the strategy to filter
issues by their severity level together with their re-
spective bug priority. These participants justified the
use of this strategy considering that projects adopting
the frequent release approach need to foster the selec-
tion of failures and new features that may have a sig-
nificant impact on the software product. Participant
4 adopted another strategy. He searched for relevant
quality attributes by analyzing each software project
profile and scrutinizing data in the software project
portals and wikis. However, this strategy revealed as
not effective, considering that only selecting quality
attributes through portals and wikis, does not neces-
sarily reflect the relationship of these attributes to the
release schedules of those projects. Finally, partici-
pant 2 performed a quantitative analysis of the issues
These issues are available at
found in the projects’ bug tracking systems, consid-
ering the response/solution time for the main compo-
nents of the projects based on the quality attributes
chosen by the participants.
4.2 Second Phase
The second phase aimed at identifying the attributes
of issues that have severity assigned as blocker or crit-
ical to compare these attributes with those indicated
by the participants in the first phase. The reason to
search for issues with these types of severity is to fo-
cus on issues considered relevant in the context of the
analyzed projects. During this search, we targeted
the same versions/releases of the projects indicated
by the participants. This second phase comprised the
following researching question: RQ3: What are the
values assigned by developers to the fields "priority"
and "severity" of issues registered in the projects’ bug
repositories related to both priority and non priority
software product quality attributes?
4.2.1 Eclipse
The search for the issues of Eclipse considered ver-
sions 3.3.2, 3.4, 4.4, 4.5 and 4.6 as well as severity
blocker. As a whole, it returned 86 issues. The is-
sues were analyzed one by one by the researcher to be
characterized one or more assigned quality to which
it is defined.
Figure 5 presents the results of this characteriza-
tion of issues for the Eclipse project. Of the 44 issues
returned in the searches, 66% were about Compati-
bility issues, either with one of the previous versions,
or with some of the coexisting packages. Eclipse is
a large project with several coexisting packages and
many problems have been reported related to this is-
sue. 21% of the issues raised relate to Functional Suit-
ability and 9% to Portability , mainly on installation.
Just 4% relate to Performance Efficiency. Other at-
tributes were not identified for any issue. By coinci-
dence, all issues had the same level of priority.
4.2.2 Mozilla Firefox
For Mozilla FireFox, the following versions were
considered: 23 Branch, 42 Branch, 43 Branch, 45
Branch, 48 Branch, and 49 Branch. In addition, the
severities considered were blocker and critical. In
these configurations, in total, 28 issues were returned
and an individual analysis to identify which attribute
of quality is more closely represented was carried out.
Figure 6 presents the results. The first perception is
that several attributes were identified in this sample,
as presented in table 3 in the participants’ perception
The Influence of Software Product Quality Attributes on Open Source Projects: A Characterization Study
Table 2: Product Quality Attributes Indicated by the Participants.
Eclipse Mozilla Firefox Libre Office
P1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
P2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
P3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
P4 1 1 1 1 1 1
P5 1 1 1 1 1 1
P6 1 1 1
P7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Total 2 2 5 3 2 0 5 4 1 3 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 1 2 6 0 0 4 1
Figure 4: Software product quality attributes prioritized on releases according to participants.
Table 3: Issues indicated by Participants in Phase 1.
PQA Eclipse Mozilla FireFox Libre Office
Functional Suitability 1 0 5
Performance Efficiency 3 2 1
Compatibility 2 1 1
Usability 0 0 4
Reliability 1 2 0
Security 0 0 0
Maintainability 2 2 0
Portability 6 3 0
Figure 5: Product Quality Attributes of the Eclipse Issues.
when they also mention more uniformly all the qual-
ity attributes for FireFox. The attributes mentioned
were Compatibility 29%, Functional Suitability and
Reliability with 21%, Performance Efficiency with
14%, Security with 11% and Usability with 4%.
4.2.3 Libre Office
Finally, for Libre Office, the following versions were
considered: 3.4.3,,,,,
Figure 6: Product Quality Attributes of the FireFox Issues. and The levels of severity considered
were blocker and critical, from which 11 issues were
derived. The issues were analyzed individually. Fig-
ure 7 presents the results of this characterization for
Libre Office. Of the 11 issues returned, 42% were
about Functionality , 33% relate to Performance Effi-
ciency, 17% to Compatibility and 8% relate to Porta-
bility . Other attributes were not identified for any
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 7: Product Quality Attributes of the Libre Office Is-
4.3 Third Phase
The third Phase was to search for the issues reposi-
tory, to check those that were not indicated by par-
ticipants, but had a high level of severity in the three
projects and related to the quality attributes selected
by the participants pointed in Figure 4. We also
checked issues implemented/resolved in releases near
or far from their date of registration. This way, it is
possible to verify the consistency of the selected at-
tributes and allows to verify how they were prioritized
in the release planning.
The adopted strategy was to initially define a fil-
ter that could select the issues of higher priority and
severity in the Bugzilla and that were already finalized
or resolved.
The following step was to read the description of
the issues. If any evidence was found, which pointed
to a given quality attribute, that issue would be se-
lected and all its flow would be analyzed so as to con-
firm it. As in step 1, it was taken into account whether
the issues were implemented/ resolved in releases that
were close to their registration date. We wanted to de-
tect the priority relationships in the release planning
depending on the quality attribute indicated.
Finally, with this phase we derived research ques-
tion RQ4, as stated in Section 3.
4.3.1 Eclipse
For Eclipse, the following filter was defined: (Status:
Resolved, Closed; Resolution: Fixed; Priority: P1;
Severity: Blocker, Critical; Classification: Eclipse).
The focus was on the following quality attributes:
(Functional Suitability (FS), Performance Efficiency,
Compatibility, Usability, Reliability, Maintainability
and Portability).
This query returned 492 issues, which exposed 24
issues that had some connections to the selected qual-
ity attributes. One example that stood out was issue
, which includes the following description
"[GTK3] Problem with table/tree editing". It was reg-
istered on the 29th of June 2014.
This description enabled us to make a connec-
tion with the product’s functionality. However when
analysing the bug report for more detailed informa-
tion, we established a connection with Compatibility,
because the user pointed out that when using a version
of GTK (the multi-platform toolkit for creating graph-
ical user interfaces) some commands would behave
abnormally and that with a newer version of GTK no
command would be working "The editing works cor-
rectly with GTK2. GTK3 <= 3.8 - it works, but a
context menu doesn’t work. Right-click in an editing
field, leave edit mode and actions (Cut, Copy, Paste
...) don’t work. GTK3 >= 3.10 - you can’t enter edit-
ing mode.".
Finally, Figure 8 shows the distribution qual-
ity attributes. Of the 24 issues returned, 20.8%
were about problems relating to Functional Suitabil-
ity (FS), 12.5% were about Performance Efficiency,
25% about Compatibility, 16.70% about Reliabil-
ity, 8.30% about Maintainability and 16.70% about
Figure 8: Findings from Eclipse Issues.
4.3.2 Mozilla Firefox
For Mozilla Firefox, the following filter was defined
to query the bugs: (Status: Resolved, Closed; Resolu-
tion: Fixed; Priority: P1; Severity: Blocker, Critical;
Product: Firefox). The focus was on the following
quality attributes: (Functional Suitability (FS), Per-
formance Efficiency, Compatibility, Usability, Relia-
bility, Security, Maintainability and Portability )
This query returned 83 issues. Analysis of the list
led to 9 issues that had a relation with the selected
quality attributes. One example is issue 1310554
which has the following description "updateChildIn-
dex in PlacesSyncUtils is extremely inefficient" and
The Influence of Software Product Quality Attributes on Open Source Projects: A Characterization Study
was registered on the 16th of October 2016, allow-
ing the identification of issues related to the product’s
When analyzing the bug report to obtain more de-
tails, we found a connection with Efficiency, since
the user pointed out that having a few markers in-
side a folder causes Firefox to make a call for each
marker, each call lasting between 5 and 10 seconds
"If you have 10000 bookmarks in a single folder, ap-
plying those records takes many hours, during which
Firefox is completely unresponsive. Instrumenting
PlacesSyncUtils shows this is called 10000 times,
with each call taking around 5-10 seconds.".
The dialog between users reveals that on the 24th
of October 2016, a modification was carried out so as
to simplify the way bookmarks are synchronized and
that this update would be available in the current and
subsequent versions.
Figure 9 shows the distribution between attributes.
Of the 9 issues returned, 22.20% were about Perfor-
mance Efficiency (PE) problems, 22.20% Usability,
22.20% Security and 33.40% relate to Maintainabil-
Figure 9: Findings from Mozilla Firefox Issues.
4.3.3 Libre Office
For Libre Office, the following bug filter was defined
(Status:Resolved, Closed; Resolution:Fixed; Prior-
ity: Highest; Severity:Blocker, Critical). Focusing
on the following quality attributes: (Functional Suit-
ability (FS), Compatibility, Portability, Usability and
As a result of this query, we obtained 207 bugs.
The corresponding descriptions were read with a fo-
cus on the quality attributes suggested by the partic-
ipants. If the text had a section that could be asso-
ciated with the qualities attributes indicated, this is-
sue would be analyzed more closely. For example in
issue 84752
says: "Document With Form Controls
Unusable Speed". This section calls into attention the
terms "unusable" and "speed", which suggest a rela-
tion among the attribute Usability. When we accessed
Table 4: Summary of the delivered issues in phase 1.
Phase 1
Portability 290182 1(4.6.1 - 4.6.2)
Portability 187062 6(4.4.0 - 4.6.0)
Portability 498196 1(4.6 - 4.6.1)
Compatibility 228109 2(3.3.2 - 3.4)
Compatibility 222885 5(3.4 - 3.5M2)
Portability 234307 2(3.4- 3.4RC2)
Portability 232641 2(3.4 - 3.4RC2)
250946 5(3.4 - 3.5M2)
234718 2(3.4 - 3.4RC2)
Portability 1242901 9(43 - 52)
1260850 6(45 - 51)
Portability 1287823 4(48 - 52)
Maintanability 1308840 3(49 - 52)
Maintanability 959567 1(42 - 43)
Libre Office
74104 1(4.2.0 - 4.2.1)
78801 2(4.2.4 - 4.2.6)
Usability 95709 13(5.0.3 - 5.2.0)
Usability 41169 34(3.4.3 - 4.2.0)
62038 19(4.0.0 - 4.2.5)
Usability 66924 1(4.1.0 - 4.1.1)
Usability 96742 0(5.2.0 - 5.2.0)
the issue to obtain more information, we learned that
when the user made the upgrade, the execution of
some controls became so much slower as to render
the system almost unusable. Another example is the
following issue description: “We have upgraded from
4.2 to 4.3 and found that documents with form con-
trols are too slow to use.. This issue exposes a con-
nection with the Usability attribute.
Finally, when analyzing the issue list we detected
18 issues that had a relation with the selected qual-
ity attributes. Figure 10 depicts how the distribution
between attributes. From the selected issues 41.17%
were about Usability, 29.41% Functional Suitability
(FS) problems, 11.76% Compatibility, 11.76% Porta-
bility and 5.88% relate to Maintainability.
Figure 10: Findings from Libre Office Issues.
4.3.4 Delivered Issues in Releases
Finally, the analysis based on the issues indicated in
phase 1 and 3 was carried out. In this analysis, it was
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 5: Summary of the delivered issues in phase 3.
Phase 3
Compatibility 308364 5(1.0-1.0M5)
Compatibility 363334 6(4.2-4.2M6)
Compatibility 74341 2(3.0-3.1)
Compatibility 438505 5(4.4-4.5RC2)
Compatibility 28727 4(2.1-2.1M4)
479435 12(4.5-4.6M4)
294650 20(3.5.1-3.7M7)
64540 1(3.0-3.0RC1)
63296 1(3.0-3.0RC1)
14291 5(2.0-2.0M5)
Reability 335263 1(3.6.1-3.6.2)
Reability 97148 2(3.1-3.1RC2)
Reability 16208 6(2.0-2.0M6)
Portability 184433 1(3.3-3.3RC1)
129979 6(3.2-3.2M6)
52982 7(3.0-3.0M7)
27264 4(2.1-2.1M4)
Maintainability 270744 7(3.5-3.5M7)
Maintainability 179210 2(3.3-3.3RC2)
Maintainability 1261651 0(48-48)
Maintainability 1211016 0(42 - 42)
1310554 0(51-51)
1303611 1(51-52)
Security 1215885 0(44-44)
Libre Office
Usability 84752 3(4.3.0-4.3.3)
Usability 72647 0(4.2.0-4.2.0)
Usability 73464 1(4.2.0-4.2.1)
Usability 89873 0(4.5.0-4.5.0)
Usability 47368 6(3.5.1-3.6.0)
Usability 73243 7(4.2.0-4.3.0)
Usability 72741 13(4.1.0-4.2.5)
43868 0(3.4.5-3.4.5)
55493 4(3.6.0-3.6.4)
76949 1(4.2.3-4.2.4)
36982 6(3.4.0-3.4.6)
Compatibility 38452 7(3.4.0-3.5.0)
Compatibility 64490 30(3.5.4-4.4)
Portability 69517 0(4.2.0-4.2.0)
Portability 92041 0(5.0.0-5.0.0)
taken into account if the issues were implemented/ re-
solved in the following releases relative to their regis-
tration date. This way you could find some statement
of priority in the release planning according to the in-
dicated quality attribute. The strategy adopted at this
stage was to find through the information provided in
the issues the version that was found the error / fit and
also in which version this was made available. With
this information we access the project portal to find
information about project releases and identify how
many versions have been deployed until the issue cor-
rection is made available. This factor we are calling
the interval between releases.
Table 4 presents a summary of the findings in
phase 1 issues. Table 5 presents the findings of the
issues in phase 3, which show the attributes of qual-
ity, issues id, and interval between the version that
was made available and the corresponding fix made
4.4 Comparison of the Results
Figures 11, 12 and 13 presents the issue counts found
in the three phases, for the three projects under study.
Figure 11: Software product quality attributes prioritized in
Phase 1, 2 and 3 in Eclipse.
Figure 12: Software product quality attributes prioritized in
Phase 1, 2 and 3 in Mozilla Firefox.
Figure 13: Software product quality attributes prioritized in
Phase 1, 2 and 3 in Libre Office.
For Eclipse, Compatibility was the quality at-
tribute that came most to the fore. Especially in
phase 2 of the study, a possible justification is due
These issues are available at
The Influence of Software Product Quality Attributes on Open Source Projects: A Characterization Study
to being a tool that integrates several other tools, and
runs in multiple versions of several operating systems.
Eclipse and the projects created around it must be
compatible and able to adapt to heterogeneous infras-
tructure (hardware, operating systems, system ver-
sions, etc). In addition, Performance Efficiency (PE)
presented similar results in the 3 phases of the study.
In Mozilla Firefox, the attributes with most is-
sues raised were Compatibility and Performance Ef-
ficiency. However, while Compatibility had a signif-
icant number of issues in phase 2, Performance Ef-
ficiency presented more homogeneous results in the
three phases. This may be justified by the fact that
Firefox is a Web Browser and must be compatible
with different technologies used in portals and be able
to be installed on various operating systems (Compat-
ibility). All this must take place as transparently to the
user as possible, without problems of slowness or in-
operability arising. The performance of the program
is fundamental, because the competition in the mar-
ket is fierce as regards performance (Performance Ef-
For Libre Office, Functionality was the attribute
indicated most often. It is present in all three phases.
Usability also comes to the fore, although no issues
were found in the second phase. One thing that may
explain the relative prominence of these attributes is
that it is strongly user-oriented, as well as being an
office suite, which demands characteristics intrinsic to
its application domain. Therefore, it needs to provide
a significant number of functionalities, in ways meet
the (demanding) expectations of its users. In addition,
it must be easily approached by non-technical users
and have an attractive and modern graphical interface,
so that its use becomes intuitive.
This paper presented an exploratory study to investi-
gate the influence of target product quality attributes
in software release practices of OSS Projects. We
targeted on four research questions to search for ev-
idence that show the relationships among the target
attributes, the priorities assigned to the registered is-
sues and how they are delivered by product releases.
With this initiative we aim at understand how OSS
projects perform to align their goals with their users
In this way, it was possible to verify that this prior-
itization is strongly influenced by the profile and ob-
jective of the project, however it was not possible to
conclude if a certain quality attribute has priority in
the planning of releases of these projects.
5.1 Threats to Validity
In this study three limitations were founded. The first
can be assigned to the reduced number of users that
participate in the study. The results of the sample
may have been influenced because only seven users
participated. A tutorial with a test project was pre-
sented, with a view to reduce this risk, in the hope
of filling possible gaps that could occur in the data
taken from the public repositories. The second threat
was a possible misinterpretation of the requested ac-
tivity. In order to minimize this threat, the authors
were available to answer any doubts that may be nec-
essary during the execution of this activity. The last
threat concerns to the identification of product qual-
ity attributes and issues from Eclipse, Mozilla Fire-
fox and, Libre Office projects. To mitigate this risk,
all issues found were discussed to make more reli-
able quality attributes characterized for the selected
5.2 Work in Progress
As ongoing work, we are know replicating this study
with the support of machine learning techniques. The
goal is to collect and analyze a larger amount of data
to confirm the software quality attributes considered
as priority for each project.
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