University Teachers’ Conceptions of Their Role as Developers of
Technology-Rich Learning Environments
Kirsi Heinonen
, Päivikki Jääskelä
and Hannakaisa Isomäki
Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Jyväskylä, PL 35, FI-40014, Jyväskylä, Finland
Finnish Institute for Educational Research, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland
Faculty of Information Technology, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland
Keywords: University Teacher, Technology-Rich Learning Environment, Conception, Phenomenography.
Abstract: This phenomenographic study examines how a diverse group of university teachers conceptualised their role
as developers of technology-rich learning environments at one university in Finland. The research findings
illustrate a variety of conceptions. Five qualitatively different ways of understanding teachers’ roles
regarding the development of technology-rich learning environments were found: 1) innovator, 2) early
adopter, 3) adaptive, 4) sceptic and 5) late adopter. In order to connect the whole set of interconnected roles
to a theory of change, Everett Rogers’ innovation diffusion theory was exploited in the last phase of
analysis. Finally, hierarchically structured categories were created along with five evolutionary themes of
expanding intensity. These findings can be used as an assessment tool among teachers to identify their role
in educational reform.
The rapid digitalisation of society has raised
expectations regarding the use of modern
information and communication technologies (ICT)
in universities. Higher education policy calls for
flexible possibilities for studying that do not require
a student to be in a particular place at a given time
and that are available throughout the whole year. In
response to this call, new kinds of learning
environments utilising ICT have been developed. In
addition, researchers have introduced pedagogical
arguments regarding the promotion of student
learning (Kirschner et al., 2009). Various problems
related to students’ cognitive construction of
knowledge, motivation to study and collaborative
work have been pointed out by studies examining
ICT-based learning environments (Häkkinen et al.,
2010). Thus, there is demand for innovations
relating to ICT use in higher education teaching and
learning that support students’ flexible studying as
well as their competence development.
During the past 20 years, much research has
focused on the use of ICT in teaching environments
(e.g. Means et al., 1995; Kozma, 2003; Garrison and
Kanuka, 2004; Häkkinen et al., 2017). Numerous
pilot studies aiming to renew traditional teaching
practices and construct technology-supported
learning environments have been conducted (e.g.
Cavus and Ibrahim, 2009; Hämäläinen et al., 2006;
Chu et al., 2010). However, efforts concerning the
adoption of technology in learning and teaching
environments have not been sufficient (Beetham and
Sharpe, 2013). One comparative study on the use of
ICT in school education (Survey of schools 2013)
reviewed the differences between countries, finding
that some countries, such as Finland, lagged behind
others in the EU. In addition, technology-enhanced
learning experiments in higher education have not
innovatively transformed the learning environments
or pedagogy (Kirkwood and Price, 2006).
The successful use of digital technology depends
not only on teachers’ technical skills but also their
perceptions, beliefs and attitudes related to ICT use
in teaching and learning. These attributes lay the
foundation for development of technology-rich
learning environments and reflect the practical
implications of teachers work (Mama and
Hennessy, 2013; Prestidge, 2012). Thus, it is
important to gain knowledge about teachers’
thoughts and conceptions regarding the use of
technology in an educational context and their own
work as well as the adoption and effective
integration of technology in their teaching.
Heinonen, K., Jääskelä, P. and Isomaki, H.
University Teachers’ Conceptions of Their Role as Developers of Technology-Rich Learning Environments.
DOI: 10.5220/0006267301810187
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017) - Volume 2, pages 181-187
ISBN: 978-989-758-240-0
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The effects of university teachers’ thoughts,
beliefs and perceptions of their approaches to
teaching in higher education contexts have received
considerable attention (see e.g. Bowden and Marton,
2004, Hativa et al., 2001; Prosser et al., 1994;
Prosser and Trigwell, 1997; Samuelowicz and Bain,
1992; Åkerlind 2004). Further research has extended
the knowledge related to this phenomenon and
reported findings on technology-rich learning
environments by investigating the conceptions of the
e-teaching among university teachers (González,
2012), teachers’ perceptions of blended learning and
teaching (Ellis et al., 2006) and approaches to
teaching using virtual learning environments
(Lameras et al., 2008). However, research has
tended to focus on academic teachers’ beliefs and
conceptions of teaching or e-teaching rather than the
conceptions of their own role as developers of
higher education.
Thus, the following two research questions were
1) How do university teachers perceive their role
as developers of technology-rich learning
2) What are university teachersbeliefs regarding
the advantages and disadvantages of
technology in higher education?
The research method merges with the principles of
phenomenography (Marton, 1981; Bowden, 1994;
Marton and Booth, 1997; cf. Åkerlind, 2011). The
central principles are second-order perspective,
contextuality, intentionality, and the inspection of
the essence of phenomena as collective habits of
conceptualization (Isomäki 2002, pp. 58-60). In
phenomenography, the second-order perspective
defines the object of research: the investigation is
oriented towards humans’ thoughts or conceptions
of the surrounding world, not the world itself. A
conception forms the relation between an individual
and the surrounding world.
In phenomenography, people’s conceptions are
not detachable, either from their context or from the
task at hand (Marton, 1981). Intentionality of
conceptions is seen with respect to two intertwined
aspects, which signify the qualitative differences
among conceptions and render conceptions
contextual: the what- and how-aspects that reveal the
meaning of a conception. The what aspect indicates
the object of thought whereas the how aspect refers
to the mental quality of the mental act (Marton and
Booth 1997, 84).
In order to understand the whole mental act, we
have to examine both the what and how aspects of a
conception. The inspection of the essence of
phenomena as collective habits of conceptualization
mean that, on the one hand, conceptions include
socially constructed features, and on the other hand,
phenomenography aims at relating individual
conceptions to a collective way of seeing
phenomena (Engeström, 1986). By building this
relation between individual and collective
conceptions phenomenography discloses the essence
of phenomena through the variation of the
informants’ different ways of seeing phenomena.
2.1 Context of the Study
The data were collected within the context of a
multidisciplinary network project at the University
of Jyväskylä, which is one of the largest research
universities in Finland. The university has seven
faculties, approximately 2,500 employees and
approximately 15,000 students. This annual project
brings together university teachers from various
disciplines who are interested in developing focused
teaching methods. The aim of the network is to
develop pedagogically high-quality and technology-
rich teaching and learning environments. The
university teachers participating in this network
project are required to design a pilot course and
implement technology that is applicable to their
During 2016 nine pilot courses were executed
throughout the University of Jyväskylä. A one-year
project offered collective support for teachers to
create shared developmental tasks. In addition,
teachers are supported in their developmental work
by, for example, expert lectures, technological and
pedagogical guidance and research on the
experiences of teachers and students during
developmental interventions. After the project, the
teachers are expected to disseminate the developed
novel practices both in their own departments and
the university as a whole.
The integration of technology in teaching and
learning is an aim of the university. The teachers
themselves define the final aims, technological tools
and methods of this pedagogical development. Thus,
the network project is based on a ‘bottom-up’ policy
that values the teachers’ expertise and autonomy.
2.2 Data Collection and Participants
The data were collected from reflective writings
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
from 14 university teachers who participated in the
network project during 2016. Writing tasks were
voluntary. The teachers represented four disciplines:
the natural sciences, humanities, sport and health
sciences and educational sciences. Four of the
participants were male, and ten were female. The
participants’ age ranged from 26 and 58 years
(missing data for two participants), and they had
between 2 and 35 years of experience as university
teachers (missing data for one participants).
The teachers worked on their writings when they
first joined the network, when they still had not
developed concrete steps to implement their
initiatives. They were asked to reflect on their own
attitudes regarding change in higher education as
well as their role in teaching reform, especially
related to the integration of ICT in teaching and
2.3 Analysis
In phenomenographic research, common
characteristics of different conceptions are defined
during data analysis and are used to identify to an
outcome space (Marton, 1986; 1994). The unit of
our analysis was meaning, and thus, our
interpretative framework was the structure of
meaning (Marton and Booth, 1997). This means that
in our iterative analysis (Åkerlind, 2003) we
identified both what and how aspects of teachers’
We first explored the data by reading the whole
data several times in order to familiarise ourselves
with it and compose an overview of all respondents’
conceptions. During repeatedly reading, the
similarities and differences in meanings were
identified across data by comparing for what and
how the respondents described their own role and
their relation to technology in higher education. The
purpose of this initial data analysis was to draft
range of categories for the collective understanding
(Åkerlind, 2012).
In the second phase of analysis, we considered
the features of each category and ensured that all
meanings in the data relevant to research questions
could be identified and classified into the
appropriate categories. At this stage, the features of
the categories were compared to each other, and the
variation of common themes concerning university
teachers’ ways of perceiving their roles in the
development of technology-rich learning
environments were recognised (Marton and Booth,
1997). These critical attributes of variation were
utilised for developing a hierarchical structure in
terms of the logical connections between the
categories. Further, while reconsidering the
categories identified by the data-driven iterative
analysis in a more conceptual way, Everett Rogers’
(2003) innovation diffusion theory was exploited by
mirroring the logic of the categories to the
theoretical view of technological diffusion. In this
way hierarchically structured categories and five
evolutionary themes of logically expanding intensity
were created.
Five qualitatively different conceptions of teachers
role in the development of technology-rich learning
environments were identified in this study:
innovator, early adopter, adaptive, sceptic and late
adopter (Table 1). Each category is described in
detail below with a brief overview and relevant
fragments of the written responses to show the
essential aspects of each category. However, no
single quotation can wholly represent a category. In
the outcome space, the categories compose
hierarchical structure of the roles in which the first
category includes teachers with the strongest desire
to participate in educational reform to integrate ICT
into teaching and learning. These categories were
compared in terms of five critical attributes of
variation: ICT use in digitalisation of teaching,
relative advantage of learning technology,
compatibility of learning technology, complexity of
learning technology and observability of learning
3.1 Category A: Innovator
The university teachers in this category realised their
role as innovators in the use of ICT for the
digitalisation of university teaching. These
university teachers are very attracted by digital tools,
eager to try new technologies and characterise
themselves as ‘technofreaks’. For example:
The learning technology was originally one of the
biggest reasons why I became enthusiastic about
teaching, and I’m still eager to reform learning
Innovator teachers understand the relative advantage
of learning technology and believe that digital
technologies are very compatible with university
education. Teachers in this category are excited for
new technologies and don’t perceive digital
technologies as complicated. They also believe that
University Teachers’ Conceptions of Their Role as Developers of Technology-Rich Learning Environments
Table 1: University Teachers’ Conceptions of Their Role to Develop Technology-Rich Learning Environments.
Category A:
Category B:
Early adopter
Category C:
Category D:
Category E:
Late adopter
ICT use in digitalisation of
Relative advantage of
Very useful
Necessary evil
Not useful
Compatibility of learning-
Not compatible
Complexity of learning-
Curious to
Desire for
Avoid learning
Observability of learning-
Inspire others
Criticise users of
learning technologies have a high level of
observability. Inspiring other teachers to try new
digital technologies is seen as an essential element
of their role as innovators. For example:
I have always been the one who try to encourage the
others to explore, test and to become enthusiastic.
3.2 Category B: Early Adopter
This category includes teachers who are early
adopters of ICT in learning environments. Teachers
in this category understand their role as visionaries
in educational reform aiming to create digitalised
learning environments. For example:
I’m pretty daring to pilot new. For example, I am
happy rejoice about my decision to put the learning
environment into operation in our project although it is
still in its infancy.
Within this category, it is assumed that university
teachers gain a considerable advantage from digital
technologies. Learning technologies are seen as
enabling elements in the learning process since they
offer new and flexible approaches to delivering
information. For example:
I see that instructional technology works best when,
for example, it can be used to plan learning
assignments, which are difficult or impossible to
implement without technology.
These teachers believe that the observability of
learning technology inspired them to be catalysts for
educational reform of digital learning environments.
For example:
I do not like to boast about my doings, but if the
reforms I developed achieved good results, I’ll gladly
accept my role as a promoter of the reforms.
3.3 Category C: Adaptive
The role of an adapter involves the pragmatic
development of technology-based learning
environments. Such development is meant to support
rational and practical technology-enhanced learning
solutions. Teachers within this category are
circumspect developers who have an adaptive
understanding of the relative advantage of learning-
technologies. They determine the compatibility of
learning technologies based on their appropriateness
for teaching. For example:
I’m not a technofreak, but new platforms and tools
inspired me based on what they enable me to do and
how they will benefit my pedagogical thinking at that
In this category, teachers admit to the complexity of
educational technology and understand the
development of technology-enhanced learning
environments to be a cyclic process. In addition,
they believe that technology is difficult to control
and favour simple technical solutions. For example:
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
I have been involved to the promotion of learning
technologies for years, or rather for decades, but I’m
not willing to get involved in the cycle of reform
emphasizing technology. But I consider closely the
additional value of different media for learning and
know-how point of view.
Teachers within this category consider the
observability of educational technologies from a
social point of view. They mentioned that
collegiality played a highly significant role in the
integration of technology into their teaching. For
I definitely want to hold on to the current
collaborative/collegial planning and implementation of
the teaching, and consider students as human beings in
learning situations, not as a spinning credit top or item
of expenditure.
3.4 Category D: Sceptic
In this category, the developer role of technology-
based teaching is seen as an activity that represents
sceptical and critical meanings towards digital
learning-technologies. For example:
My attitude towards technology is slightly
contradictory. I’m slightly sceptical on that score; is e-
learning promoted only for cost reasons, or do we
really want to develop flexible learning solutions?
The role is understood by university teachers to
be conservative in terms of its approach to teaching
and learning. They do not recognise the relative
advantage of learning technologies, and view the use
of digital technologies for teaching purposes as
something unpleasant that nevertheless must be
accepted. Teachers within this category are
suspicious about the compatibility of technology
with teaching and learning methods and favour
simple solutions. For example:
However, flexibility should not drift into a situation in
which teaching is tailored for every student according
to his or her individual schedules and needs. In some
circumstances, it now comes to my mind that
individualism has become synonymous with
selfishness when a student determines what dates are
suitable for his or her shifts and hobbies.
In addition, these people’s developmental focus is
individualistic and they concentrate in their own
work. For example:
Currently I’m doing development work in my sphere
of responsibility.
3.5 Category E: Late Adopter
This category includes late adopters who are
technophobic and believe that there are barriers to
the integration of ICT in teaching and learning. For
If technology is seen exclusively as a tool for
intensification of studying and an enabler of ‘the flow-
through’, it isn’t too easy to look on it positively.
These teachers recognise very few relative
advantages and many negative effects of learning
technologies. They engaged in passive resistance to
the compatibility of digital technology for teaching
and learning. For example:
Development of more flexible university studies, for
example, by means of technical solutions, may not
ease that contradiction since students will pick even
more to study as the quality of their learning falls.
Technology-enhanced e-learning offers a frightening
opportunity to make students more passive than
before. Technology creates opportunities to move
work that is unavoidable and required for learning.
They perceive technology as complicated to use
and express a desire to avoid learning how to use
modern learning technologies. The university
teachers within this category criticise their
colleagues’ rash usage of learning technologies. For
Therefore, I should myself learn to rustle up these
videos and to edit them, but I don’t have enthusiasm or
enough time to do that. So, I welcome reforms of
education, but the requirements of the digital leap
don’t appeal to me. There are many digital
applications that are cumbersome, slow to learn, not
motivational or out of date when they implement
This study aimed to identify university teachers’
conceptions of their role as developers of
technology-rich learning environments and how they
value the integration of technology in higher
education. The study was performed during a
multidisciplinary network project that gathered
teachers who are willing to pilot new teaching
methods that apply technology. The results revealed
that the teachers fulfill very different roles in the
development of technology-based learning
environments. We identified five distinct roles:
innovator, early adopter, adaptive, sceptic and late
University Teachers’ Conceptions of Their Role as Developers of Technology-Rich Learning Environments
adopter. In addition, the teachers’ attitudes regarding
the integration of technology in higher education
were widely varied. When the study’s context is
taken into account, the results of this study are rather
surprising: not all the teachers who developed pilot
courses utilising ICT during the network project are
active supporters of ICT in teaching.
In this study, Everett Rogers’ innovation
diffusion theory (2003) was utilised to reflect the
logic of data-driven categories in a more conceptual
way. In line with this theory, we identified a
dominant characteristic of each of the five different
roles within the social context. If the aim of
educational development in higher education is
wider diffusion of innovations concerning the
digitisation of teaching in an evolving university
community, these different roles in the integration of
learning technologies need to be identified and
The findings of this study can be used by
teachers to assess their role in educational reform
and categorise their perceptions of ICT. However,
deeper knowledge about the various roles, including
the beliefs behind the conceptions, is needed. Also,
ways to support university teachers’ transition
between the different stages of innovation (in
Rogers’ diffusion model) should be developed. We
propose that these kinds of tools offer opportunities
to support and speed up the diffusion of modern
learning technologies in educational organisations.
A limitation of this study is that our analysis of
teachers’ conceptions is based on a rather small
amount of data (n=14). Sandberg (2000) suggests
that around 20 informants would be a sufficient
amount in order to reach the saturation in
phenomenographical studies. Additionally, the data
in this study were collected from reflective writings,
which may not have reached all the potential
respondents. Further research should thematically
interview all the teachers that participated in the
multidisciplinary project to develop digital learning
environments. This will offer an opportunity for
these teachers to identify and evaluate their
conceptions and thus obtain deeper knowledge about
them. In addition, it is important to further study
possible changes in teachers’ conceptions during the
network project and the effect of various network
activities on their attitudes regarding ICT.
The authors express their gratitude to the University
of Jyväskylä for supporting the development of
teaching in higher education.
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University Teachers’ Conceptions of Their Role as Developers of Technology-Rich Learning Environments