Automatic Integration of Spatial Data into the Semantic Web
Claire Prudhomme
, Timo Homburg
, Jean-Jacques Ponciano
, Frank Boochs
, Ana Roxin
and Christophe Cruz
Mainz University of Applied Sciences, Lucy-Hillebrand-Str. 2, 55128 Mainz, Germany
Le2i FRE2005, CNRS, Arts et M
etiers, Univ. Bourgogne Franche-Comt
e, B
atiment i3M rue Sully, 21500 Dijon, France
Geospatial Data, Linked Data, Natural Language Processing, Ontology, R2RML, SDI, Semantic Web,
For several years, many researchers tried to semantically integrate geospatial datasets into the semantic web.
Although, there are many general means of integrating interconnected relational datasets (e.g. R2RML),
importing schema-less relational geospatial data remains a major challenge in the semantic web community.
In our project SemGIS we face significant importation challenges of schema-less geodatasets, in various data
formats without relations to the semantic web. We therefore developed an automatic process of semantification
for aforementioned data using among others the geometry of spatial objects. We combine Natural Language
processing with geographic and semantic tools in order to extract semantic information of spatial data into a
local ontology linked to existing semantic web resources. For our experiments, we used LinkedGeoData and
Geonames ontologies to link semantic spatial information and compared links with DBpedia and Wikidata for
other types of information. The aim of our experiments presented in this paper, is to examine the feasibility and
limits of an automated integration of spatial data into a semantic knowledge base and to assess its correctness
according to different open datasets. Other ways to link these open datasets have been applied and we used
the different results for evaluating our automatic approach.
Integration of heterogeneous datasets is a persisting
problem in geographical computer science. Many
classical GIS approaches exist making use of rela-
tional databases to achieve a tailormade integration
of geospatial data according to the needs of the cur-
rent task. In the SemGIS project we are aiming at
integrating heterogeneous geodatasets into a seman-
tic web environment to take advantage of the flexi-
bility of semantic data structures and to access a va-
riety of related datasets that are already available in
the semantic web. We intend to use the so-formed
geospatial knowledge base in the application field of
disaster management in order to predict, mitigate or
simplify decision making in an event of a disaster. As
in our project we are facing a large number of hetero-
geneous geodatasets of which we often do not know
the origin nor intention nor the author and therefore
lack an appropriate domain expert to help us under-
stand data fields, we as non-domain experts are be
left with a manual integration approach of said data.
Dataset descriptions, if available, are often in natu-
ral language only which may give us hints but are
hard to process in general and contain often hard to
resolve ambiguities. However, despite mentioned ob-
stacles we believe that a at least rudimentry classifica-
tion and interlinking of our given datasets by means
of the data values and data descriptions, is feasible.
To achieve this goal we will in this paper present our
fully-automated approach to analysing and integrat-
ing geospatial datasets into the current semantic web
ecosystem and we will highlight its success as well as
shortcomings of its various steps.
Our work is based on Natural Language Processing
which is a major field of computational linguistics.
In particular our approach is using but not limited to
Language Recognition approaches to recognize key-
words and terms in our datasets to relate them to al-
ready existing concepts in our semantic web knowl-
edge base. We mostly rely on the following es-
Prudhomme, C., Homburg, T., Ponciano, J-J., Boochs, F., Roxin, A. and Cruz, C.
Automatic Integration of Spatial Data into the Semantic Web.
DOI: 10.5220/0006306601070115
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2017), pages 107-115
ISBN: 978-989-758-246-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tablished techniques of the NLP community: Part-
Of-Speech Tagging on limited language resources in
common languages, the usage of several versions of
Wordnet(Miller, 1995) along with BabelNet(Navigli
and Ponzetto, 2010) and the multilingual labels of on-
tologies like DBPedia (Auer et al., 2007) and Wiki-
data (Vrande
c and Kr
otzsch, 2014). In addition
we try to enrich our results with traditional reverse
geocoding methods (Guo et al., 2009), which have
been established for many years in the geospatial
2.1 Related Work
Related work has been done on the integration of
interconnected database table and published by the
W3C as the R2RML
standard. This standard auto-
matically creates a local ontology of a given database
schema once a given mapping is provided. Further
research has been conducted by (Bizid et al., 2014)
in which they use GML schemas to convert GML
datasets to local ontologies and provide automated in-
terlinking strategies for similarly structured database
resources. In contrast to our work, this work focuses
on similar datasets of a similar format only and does
therefore not take into account a wider range of pos-
sible input formats.
In a more general context, the task we are ap-
proaching can be seen as an interlinking or a link dis-
covery task in a specific geospatial domain, whereas
we try to link a generated local ontology to exist-
ing resources in the semantic web and try to identify
concepts that represent the contents of our respective
datasets. (Nentwig et al., 2015) gives an overview on
tools in the link discovery domain.
2.2 Related Projects
Among the different tools already available, some
projects, as the Karma project (Knoblock et al., 2012)
or the Silk Framework (Volz et al., 2009) have a semi-
automatic linking approach for a variety of domains
with a geospatial reference. In contrast to our work
most of these tools described in the references above
require human assistance in the form of experts or
administrators of the corresponding databases. An-
other project very close to ours, is the Datalift project
(Scharffe et al., 2012). This project allows for taking
many heterogeneous formats (databases, CSV, GML,
Shapefile,...) as Input in order to convert them into
RDF and link them to the semantic web. Their goal is
exactly the same, as ours but the approach not. Their
approach is in two steps. The first is to convert the
Table 1: Example File ”example” represented as a database
ID the geom Fe1 Fe2 ... FeN
Ex.1 POINT(..) 123 ”String” 3.4
input format to raw RDF, which means the creation
of triples with subject which corresponds to an ele-
ment of a row, a predicate which has the same name
as the column, and the object which is the content of
the cell corresponding to the intersection between the
row of the subject and the column of the predicate.
The second step is to convert these raw RDF triples
in a ”well-formed” RDF according to a choosen vo-
cabularies. This second step is done thanks to the use
of a SPARQL Construct queries. We have tested this
approach on one of our shapefile to see what means
”well-formed” RDF and see if we can compare it with
our approach. The content of the raw RDF triples was
changed in an annotation of the element. That is why,
we cannot compare our approach with this approach,
we have no result concept to compare. We however
want to examine if a predefined process can deliver
reasonable results for the geospatial domain in a fully
automated fashion. Some other projects, as Logmap
(Cuenca Grau and Jimenez-Ruiz, 2011) are special-
ized in the ontological matching in an automated fash-
ion and will therefore be used as a benchmark in a
later section of the paper.
A geodataset describes in our context, a database ta-
ble including one column for the to be described ge-
ometry and n Featurecolumns in which values related
to the geometry are stored. An example is presented
in Table 1. Every feature (Fe) comes with a feature
descriptor, which is usually present in a one-worded
string description.
In the real world, a geodataset can take on many vec-
tor and raster data formats (e.g. GML
, SHP, POSTGIS Database Table, GEOTIFF
(Ritter and Ruth, 1997)). For a more detailed de-
scription on data integration please refer to (Homburg
et al., 2016). Even though in reality schema descrip-
tions for example in GML 3.2 might reveal a columns
schema type by delaring a non-native type descrip-
tion in the XML schema, we assume for our experi-
ments that no such information is given. We proceed
in this manner because in our experience a significant
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
amount of spatial data is schemaless and sometimes
even their origin or authors are not known. In real-
ity we could in some cases take advantage of (XML)
schema type information if we create a local ontol-
ogy out of (XML) schema descriptions as described
in (Homburg et al., 2016). However even if we find a
data type in a schema we are still left in relating this
type to other types in the semantic web, as URIs from
types in XML schemas do not usually refer to URIs of
the semantic web. This task is in essence an equiva-
lent task to relating schemaless data with descriptors.
3.1 Categorizing Features
When receiving a geodata set from an unknown
source, little is known about how the features seman-
tically relate to the given geometry. Features can de-
scribe a geometry better e.g. a column ”height” of
a dataset ”Tree”. It could also, be database related
information such as ID columns or a relation to a dif-
ferent concept, e.g. column ”partner city” of dataset
In conclusion: If we can determine the semantic func-
tions of feature columns of the given dataset, we are
able to relate them to the given SpatialObject and ex-
tend our knowledge base. For this purpose we intend
to define classes of columns of our relational datasets
that describe us information about the geometry it-
self (e.g. address information), metadata information
such as IDs of databases or describing elements, hints
about foreign key relations, hints about semantic de-
scriptions of the geometry and in the case of numeri-
cal values the context of the numerical value in accor-
dance with its unit if available. Neither of the afore-
mentioned classifications is guaranteed to exist, how-
ever if we can determine classifications like these in
our dataset we are able to take this information into
account for our integration process.
3.2 Relation to Existing Datasets
We might encounter that the dataset we are about to
import into our knowledge base already exists in an-
other knowledge base. However, its description in the
already existing knowledge base might vary in detail,
contain additional information or even contradicting
information to the dataset we are about to import.
The challenge therefore is to recognize an already
existing dataset, to extend it accordingly and to de-
termine false information entered into the knowledge
base in order to correct it. Management of contra-
dicting statements of data will be discussed in a later
In this section we describe our semantic extraction
process by the combination of three components: Ge-
ometry matching, Feature Value Analysis and Feature
Description Analysis.
4.1 Preliminary Tasks
Before an evaluation of the different criteria is done
we try to detect the language of the dataset first. In our
use cases we can assume that datasets are only present
in one language, so we adapt this assumption in our
further analysis. In order to do this we are detect-
ing the languages of column names using the Google
Translate API
. Because of possible disambiguations
across languages we are assuming the most occuring
language result as the language used in the dataset.
4.2 Geometry and Dataset Specification
Chances are, that the geometries we intend to import
from our dataset are already present in the semantic
web or through the import of a previous datasource
(Fig. 1). In this case we can make use of already
existing geospatial ontologies to verify our assump-
tion. By using the Geonames
and LinkedGeoData
we can ask for existing concepts in a small
enough buffer around the centroid of the geometry we
are about to analyze as shown in Listing 1.
Listing 1: Example query to detect geometries in a buffer
using LinkedGeoData.
1 SELECT DISTINCT ?class ?label ?s WHERE {
?s rdf:type ?class .
3 ?s rdfs:label ?label .
?s geom:geometry ?geom .
5 ?geom ogc:asWKT ?g .
Filter(bif:st intersects
7 (?g, bif:st point
(6.862689989289053,50.97576136158093), 1.0
FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?x rdfs:subClassOf ?class.
FILTER (?x != ?class) }}
If the buffer is set small enough and the coordinates
are precise, we will get a unique result of a represent-
ing class for the geometry, if it exists. By analyzing
each geometry of our given dataset in this way we
can increase the chance to get the correct class if the
same class occurs with many matches. In addition
we are verifying our assumption of found geometries
Automatic Integration of Spatial Data into the Semantic Web
by comparing associated properties found in Linked-
Geodata/Geonames with our dataset. In many cases
we may discover the label of the found entity to be a
value in one of the columns of our dataset, therefore
assuring our assumption to have found the right entity
in the ontology. On top of that we may as well clas-
sify certain columns in our dataset just by finding an
equivalent property in one of the corresponding on-
Figure 1: Geometry and dataset specification.
4.2.1 Address Enrichment
For every row within our dataset we try to geocode
the geometry that is present and add this information
to our knowledge space under a common name. Us-
ing this way we are able to use a unified vocabulary to
query address data for the geometries we are about to
add to our knowledge base. In addition we achieve an
information base that we can compare to possible fea-
tures of the dataset in order to identify address parts
4.3 Feature Value Analysis
Several kinds of information appear frequently in our
dataset, that is why, a first step is to identify common
information thanks to a Feature Value Analysis (Fig-
ure 2). During this step, a sequence of process specific
to each kind of information searched are applied. The
explanation of these processes is presented below.
Address Components: The specificity of geo-
datasets is that they contain a geometry for each
spatial object. The usage of the spatial object
geometry with a geocoding service (in our case,
Google Map API), allows for address enrichment
which has been explained previously (cf. 4.2.1).
The information which has been retrieved is com-
pared with the different value of the cell, in order
to know which column contains information con-
cerning the geographic address of the object.
ID: The process of an eventual ID discovery cor-
responds to an analysis of values in order to iden-
tify a column which fulfils the following con-
straints: the value has to be an Integer and unique.
Unit: We can safely assume that a double rep-
resent a quantification, that is why an analysis of
all columns determines that a column represents
something with a unit if all value are Double or
Double and Integer. Something that is usually
measured in any unit (e.g. 2.5
C) or is a descrip-
tion of an amount (2.5 apples). If we can identify
the column type from its descriptor, then we may
be able to draw conclusions about the unit associ-
ated with this type. Work on integrating e.g. DB-
Pedia with unit ontologies has been done by (Ri-
jgersberg et al., 2013) and may also be extended
manually by our projects work for most commonn
Regular Expression: A set of regular expres-
sion has been defined for: a date, a phone num-
ber, an email address, a website and a uuid.
This set of regular expressions is then applied on
all strings in order to check whether the string
matches with one of those regular expressions.
The elements identified as a date are stored thanks
to a data property with the name of the column
and the type xsd:Date. Information correspond-
ing to a phone number, an email address, and
a website is stored using FOAF ontology prop-
erties foaf:phone, foaf:mbox, foaf:homepage re-
spectively. The uuid is stored as a data property.
Remaining String: Natural language processing
is applied on all strings which have not yet been
identified. For the moment, this natural language
processing is specific to German and English and
may be extended to further languages in the fu-
ture. It is aiming to determine if the string is an ad-
jective or a noun. The values of the column, which
contain a majority of adjective will become an in-
stance of concept link to the general concept with
an object property. When a column contains a set
of nouns which occur frequently, we assume the
column describes a type of the general object. The
value of this column is processed in order to iden-
tify a set of nouns without redundancy and then,
the nouns which composed this set are added as a
subclass of the general concept which represents
the file. When all values have been analyzed the
process of Feature Descriptor Analysis (cf. 4.4)
begins and is applied on all column names which
have not yet been processed by the value analysis,
on the adjective column, and on the nouns which
become a subclass.
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 2: Identification by value analysis.
4.4 Feature Descriptor Analysis
The Feature Descriptor Analysis (Fig. 3), in the case
of our datasets the column name, can give us valu-
able information about Properties and Classes in On-
tologies that represent the columns content. However,
column names are represented in natural language and
with a limited context to parse from, which can limit
disambiguation methodologies if needed. In addition
before an analysis of the feature descriptor can be
conducted, the following preprocessing steps need to
be done:
Recognition of common abbreviations and re-
placement of those with their long form
Detection of the language being used in the
columns name
Figure 3: Process of linking with semantic web resources.
4.4.1 Analysis
We conduct the analysis of column names as follows:
For a list of to be examined triple stores we try to
match a concept first using its basic URI and in case
this fails using a Label matching approach. In case
there is no concept after these two steps we translate
the given column name to English and try the afore-
mentioned steps again. We discovered that using an
English translation is not always possible as the trans-
lation of the full term is not necessarily respresenting
a word that can be found in a dictionary or ontol-
ogy. More often than that compound words needed
to be split and investigated separately. In that regard
we have been analysing the parts of compound nouns
from their ending to their beginning and try to resolve
possible concepts from those noun parts.
Listing 2: Splitting of compound nouns.
Bauarbeiter > Arbeiter
2 primary school > school
In case we cannot find any concept for the columns
name using all of the mentioned methods we declare
the column as unresolvable. If we have many results
for the concerned column we will rank the results us-
ing the Levensthein Distance to find out the concepts
name which is most near to the columns name. This
concept will be taken to describe the column in the
local ontology.
4.5 Combination of the Different Steps
and Creation of the Local Ontology
Figure 4: Combination of the different step in order to build
the interlinked ontology.
After executing the aforementioned four steps we
receive four sets of concepts which are used to build
the resulting local ontology (Fig. 4) as follows:
If a class has been detected using the geometry
detection, this class (or the highest ranked class)
will be taken to describe the dataset
If a class has been detected via analysis of the files
name, this class will be taken if no appriate geom-
etry class has been detected
Properties and their respective ranges as detected
by the Feature Descriptor Analysis and for ad-
dress columns as determined by its respective
analysis are created
Automatic Integration of Spatial Data into the Semantic Web
Individuals are created according to the recog-
nized classes and values that can be resolved to
URIs will be created as the corresponding indi-
The experimental setup explains what are the different
datasets and the different approaches which have been
used and what are their goals.
5.1 Datasets
For testing our approach, we need to apply it on a set
of data which provide a diversity of information with
different quality. Our project SemGIS being in the
context of disaster management, we have chosen five
files: two files about schools, two files about hospitals
and a file about rescue organisation which will serve
as buildings to be evacuated in case or emergency unit
buildings respectively. Files about schools and hospi-
tals come from two different regional sources, one of
each concerns the city of Cologne and the other con-
cerns the region of Saarland in Germany. The two dif-
ferent files have some similarities, but don’t provide
the same type of information. They allow to evalu-
ate the integration of a similar dataset (with a same
subject) from different data sources and with differ-
ent content. Thanks to three fields (school, hospital
and rescue organisation), and different data sources,
we obtain a diversity of information with different
quality as the column names and its contents which
describe the information are built differently. Some-
times, these column names are an abbreviation, a
complete name, a composed name separated by an
underscore or an abbreviation of two words, still rep-
resenting the same semantic meaning.
5.2 Experiments
For assessing the relevance and the efficiency of our
automatic approach, we have applied two others ap-
proaches on dataset.
5.2.1 Experiment 1: Manual Approach by
This manual approach consists in creating an ontol-
ogy for each file of the dataset. There exists sev-
eral ways to create an ontology and to understand the
meaning of a file when you are non-expert
. That
A Non-Expert is someone who knowsSsemantics and
GIS but doesn’t know the context and the goal of the dataset.
is why, we have chosen to realize this approach two
times with two different persons. For doing so, we
have provided the dataset to these two persons and
asked them to create an ontology which contains all
information of the file.
During the experiment, we have evaluated the
similarity between these two manual approaches and
then, each of them with our automatic approach. The
comparison between a manual approach and our ap-
proach allows to compare a human method with a
computational method.
5.2.2 Experiment 2: Other Automatic Approach
with LogMap
LogMap allows to match two ontologies according
two automatic way: One using string matching and
one using a matching repair algorithm. A part of our
automatic process is to match our local ontology with
the semantic Web (DBpedia and Wikidata). In order
to compare our automatic way with LogMap we have
created a very simple local ontology with the name of
the column as Concept and apply the different match-
ings of LogMap on this simple local ontology with
DBpedia and as a comparison with Wikidata.
To evaluate our results we created the ontologies we
expect as results manually for each data set. We there-
fore consider a manual annotation by a non-expert
human being as our gold standard. We compare the
manually created ontologies to the automatically gen-
erated ontologies using a point based scoring system
as follows:
Agreement Score:
Award one point for:
Each correct assigned range for a property
The correctly assigned class for the dataset
In addition we award a correct assignment if a class
we received in the generated result is a subclass of
the class we expect from the gold standard. We
also award a fraction of a point for non-recognized
classes which have a similarity score according to the
measure of Resnik.(Resnik, 1995) If classes we have
found are semantically similar but not depicted in the
ontology we are using for classification, then we will
add the resnik measure to our agreement score.
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 2: Evaluation Results - Generated Ontology vs.
Dataset Agreement
Name Score
H.C. DBPedia 18.7%
H.S. DBPedia 18.7%
S.C. DBPedia 23%
S.S. DBPedia 23%
F. DBPedia 5.8%
7.1 Comparison with LogMap
We present our evaluation results in table 2. The data
sets used for our experiments are about Hospital (H),
School (S) and Firebrigade (F). The data set on Fire-
brigade corresponds to the north of germany, whereas
the data sets for hospitals and schools corresponds on
for the city of Cologne (C) and one for the german
Bundesland Saarland (S).
7.1.1 Interpretation
LogMap is based on a repair matching in order to link
two ontologies. Table 2 presents a comparison of the
matching result with DBpedia between LogMap and
our automatic approach. The result of LogMap with
DBpedia has obtained a low matching, only few con-
cepts have been detected with the dataset. This low
matching illustrates the difficulty to identify concepts
from the value of datasets and explains the low match-
ing between both results. Our automatic approach
has identified more concepts than Logmap. Although
LogMap was not specified in the interpretation of the
meaning, but rather in the matching, we use it to com-
pare the part of our approach which allows to match
a column name with a concept. So we can say that
the step of feature value analysis obtains a good re-
sult which is due to its combination of several steps
of matching based on the natural language process-
ing. We have also, tried the matching with Wikidata,
but LogMap has found no matching. In comparison
with DBpedia, Wikidata has the particularity to have
a URI with an identifier which is not a string similar to
a label. We assume this particularity can imply some
difficulties for LogMap. Moreover, LogMap uses also
the hierarchy of the ontology, but with this type of
data, there is no hierarchical information which is an-
other problem with a tool for ontology matching. Our
advantage is that our approach considers and com-
bines several types of information to identify a con-
Table 3: Evaluation Results - Agreement Score.
Data AGO vs. AGO vs. MO1 vs.
sets MO1 MO2 MO2
H.C.DB 61.5% 33% 15.3%
H.C.WD 86% 0% 53%
H.S.DB 62.5% 0% 18.7%
H.S.WD 91.3% 0% 40%
S.C.DB 38% 0% 30.7%
S.C.WD 92% 0% 52%
S.S.DB 64.7% 0.05% 18%
S.S.WD 89% 0% 45%
F.DB 41.0% 0% 30%
F.WD 78.9% 0% 31.5%
cept as for example a label or a comment. In the case
of Wikidata, taking into account the label of the con-
cept during the analysis, allows for obtaining a good
7.2 Comparison with Manual
We present our evaluation results in table 3. This ta-
ble presents in the first column the comparison be-
tween our automatic generated ontology (AGO) and
the first manual ontology (MO1). The second col-
umn presents the same comparison but with the sec-
ond manual ontology (MO2). The last column shows
the result of comparison between the two manual on-
tologies. The process has been applied two times for
each data set: one time to link concepts to DBPedia
(DB) and one time with Wikidata (WD).
7.2.1 Interpretation
Thanks to the comparison between two manual on-
tologies, we can see that two different persons can
create two very different ontologies from a same
dataset, since we have obtained an average of sim-
ilarity of 35,4%. When we compare our automatic
approach with the two manual ontologies, we can ob-
serve that the result is close to the first ontology but
is very distant to the second manual ontology. As the
first manual ontology has been created with the same
way of reasoning than the automatic process, we ob-
tain an average of 71,48% of similarity. However, we
can say our approach is very influenced by our way
to create an ontology. The creation of an ontology
is generally influenced by its creators because it de-
pends directly of their approach of building and the
meaning which they want to represent. That is why,
two ontologies creates for the same goal but by two
different people can be very different. Moreover, we
can say that we obtain a better result with Wikidata
Automatic Integration of Spatial Data into the Semantic Web
than with DBpedia which taxonomy is a more devel-
oped. DBpedia is very rich in individuals, but a very
flat class taxonomy compared to Wikidata concerning
our Dataset. It also needs to be considered, that be-
cause of ambigious ways column names and values
are defined in the ontology (e.g. abbreviations, short-
ened names etc.) misunderstandings of the human an-
notators about their meanings have been occuring and
could often only partially resolved by extensive web
research on their part.
In this paper we presented a new approach to inte-
grate geospatial data into the semantic web using a
fully automated way. By focusing on the geome-
try as a new central point for concept detection, we
can build a local ontology structured around this main
concept which allows to gather all information about
it. We encountered that mapping our datasets us-
ing the Wikidata Ontology we can achieve on aver-
age better results than using DBpedia, due to a lack
of a developed class hierarchy in DBPedia. Over-
all the results for our tested datasets seem very close
to at least one of our annotators and we believe that
our results depict one kind of interpretation of the
datasets quite well. However, we as well experi-
enced a lack of detection of several attributes of the
datasets such as double values or meaningful inte-
ger values. In most of the cases such information
is referring to the context of other given columns in
which case with a more sophisticated approach we
can hope to resolve the meaning of the correspond-
ing properties automatically. In more rare cases not
even we as humans can draw a distinctive connec-
tion to the meaning of such columns and therefore we
see little chance for the computer to figure out a so-
lution. We see this research as a basis of discussion
for further automatic integration approaches of het-
erogeneous geospatial data. The approach we have
presented is in our opinion likely to work on many
common geospatial concepts and can therefore lead to
an automated enrichment process for OpenStreetMap
and/or Semantic Web geospatial data in the future.
8.1 Future Work
In our future work we want to explore how we can
better resolve conflicts in our datasets. We therefore
intend to create statistical profiles of typical geome-
tries for the classes we are about to encounter and
therefore create plausability criteria for the relations
between classes representing geometrical objects both
type and possibly area-based. Having discovered typ-
ical relations between typical together occuring ge-
ometry concepts we may as well achieve a more pow-
erful basis for later reasoning experiments. In addi-
tion we may be able to deduce the class of geometries
by their environment once we have been conducting
an in-depth statistical analysis of geometry relations.
This prospect could even be extended to be applied on
moving objects that might be in a dangerzone of some
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Automatic Integration of Spatial Data into the Semantic Web