TAXOPETIC Process Design
A Taxonomy to Support the PETIC Methodology (Strategic Planning of ICT)
Adriana de Melo Fontes
, Denisson Santana dos Santos
Thauane Moura Garcia
Michel dos Santos Soares
and Rogério Patrício Chagas do Nascimento
Federal University of Sergipe, Aracaju, Brazil
Association of Education and Culture Pio Décimo, Aracaju, Brazil
Keywords: Strategic Planning, ICT, PETIC, Taxonomy.
Abstract: Innovations in organizations require better solutions for technology improvement, quality assurance and
customers business satisfaction. On the other hand, Strategic Planning (SP) and Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT) need to be integrated and coherent, to ensure the survival of
organizations. In this context, the Strategic Planning of ICT Methodology (PETIC) is a SP that carefully
helps managers to identify the maturity of ICT processes required for company management. The increasing
number of PETIC methodology applications in organizations has made it difficult to locate and classify the
PETIC artifacts produced. Moreover, the use of taxonomies has been successfully applied for classification
and information retrieval. This paper aims on proposing TAXOPETIC, the taxonomy to support the PETIC
Methodology. It will also be used to implement a software called TAXOPETICWeb that will allow storage
and classification of PETIC artifacts, as well as facilitate the process of searching these artifacts.
Advancements in Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) provide competitive advantages
for companies. Thus, organizations rely on
technological innovation to solve customer problems
in order to ensure quality and meet their
Strategic Planning (SP) presents itself as a "tool"
that guides the direction and actions of an
organization in its external and internal environment.
This planning can be characterized as an ongoing
process that allows one to define goals and
capabilities. SP strives for better resource
management. Therefore, it reduces the possibility of
taking wrong decisions in a highly competitive
market, with short margin for error (Palmeira et al.,
According to (Cassidy, 1998), there are benefits in
strategic planning activities, which are: to offer
improved communication between companies and
organizations, designing information and processes,
use of technologies, precautionary investment and
ICT expenditure, reduction of strategic risks in
projects, gaining competitive and best results
Besides that, it is essential to use automated tools for
preparation of a Strategic Planning, enabling aid
strategies and actions established (Palmeira et al.,
In this context, the PETIC Methodology proposes a
set of standards and guidelines for the design of SP
focused on ICT processes of organizations (Marchi
et al., 2010).
The growing volume of artifacts produced by
software applications of PETIC Methodology led to
the necessity of creating a search engine that allows
the systematic classification of deployments results,
in order to store and retrieve information in a logical
way through navigation.
Thus, an approach which has received attention is to
use taxonomies for classification and information
retrieval. Taxonomies are classificatory structures
intended to be a tool for organization and
information retrieval in companies. They have been
considered as means of access acting as conceptual
maps of the explored topics in an information
retrieval service (Bailey, 1994).
This paper aims to search for existing taxonomies
within ICT domain and propose a taxonomy to
support PETIC Methodology. Among the identified
advantages of using taxonomy to PETIC
Fontes, A., Santos, D., Garcia, T., Soares, M. and Nascimento, R.
TAXOPETIC Process Design - A Taxonomy to Support the PETIC Methodology (Strategic Planning of ICT).
DOI: 10.5220/0006324303870394
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 2, pages 387-394
ISBN: 978-989-758-248-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Methodology, it was noticed the ease of location and
classification of PETIC artifacts produced by
applying the PETIC Methodology in several
organizations. Proposed taxonomy, called
TAXOPETIC, has been applied in real artifacts
generated by the PETIC Methodology. The
TAXOPETIC structure has also been applied to
create a software called TAXOPETICWeb, which
supports will support the taxonomy by allowing
storage and classification of PETIC artifacts, as well
as facilitating their localization.
This section contains related work obtained through
literature review. This research aimed to identify
works to present taxonomies applied to SP of ICT
processes. Unfortunately, it was not possible to
identify specific works for these keywords. Then,
the search has been expanded to locate taxonomies
applied to SP in general.
For the literature review fulfillment, the question
used in the protocol was: “What are the existing
taxonomies for strategic planning? To answer this
question, we used the following string for queries:
(taxonomy) and (strategic planning). Databases used
for research were: IEEE Xplore Digital Library,
ACM Digital Library, Springer and Science Direct.
The literature review resulted in (Svahnberg et
al., 2010), (Pradhan and Akinci, 2012) and (Dukaric
and Juric, 2013).
Svanberg's work presented a systematic review
of versions (release) of SP models proposals, degree
of empirical validation, factors for selection
requirements and the fate of these requirements. The
twenty-four models identified in the search were
mapped in relation to each other and taxonomy of
requirement selection factors was constructed. It was
concluded that many models are related to each
other and they use similar techniques to solve
version planning problem. It was also possible to
conclude that a number of requirements selection
factors are included in different models, but many
methods fail to address factors such as stakeholder
value or internal value (Svahnberg et al., 2010).
Pradhan and Akinci present taxonomy of spatial
reasoning mechanisms and time necessary to merge
spatial data sources and time to support construction
of yield monitoring. This work describes two
different approaches: interpolation approaches and
nearest neighbor. It can be applied to synchronize
sources of temporal and / or spatial data. Taxonomy
developed was validated on representative query
with construction engineers and managers who have
been identified in previous research studies (Pradhan
and Akinci, 2012).
Dukaric and Juric interest propose a unified
taxonomy and an architectural structure IaaS -
Infrastructure as a Service. Taxonomy is structured
through seven layers: core services layer, support
layer, value-added services, control layer, layer
management, security layers and fundraising.
Authors conducted a survey of several IaaS systems
and mapped it for taxonomy to evaluate the
classification. Then, they introduced an IaaS
architectural structure that depends on unified
taxonomy. A detailed description of each layer and
definition of the dependencies for layers and
components are provided (Dukaric and Juric, 2013).
Three studies were identified through literature
review and, though using taxonomy with different
objective from the proposition of this paper, they
have proposed taxonomies that tangentially
contributed to this research.
3.1 PETIC Methodology
PETIC Methodology has the following components:
PETIC artifact, ICT Process Catalog, importance of
graphics versus cost and Gantt maps of information
systems pillars (Palmeira et al., 2015): Software,
Hardware, Telecommunication, Data and People.
PETIC artifact is created during the
implementation of PETIC Methodology in an
organization, PETIC artifact is generated from ICT
Process Catalog, Maturity Analysis of ICT
processes and compilation of Improvement Actions
suggested to ICT organization processes (Marchi et
al., 2010).
The steps to design the PETIC artifact are: (i)
identifying / updating ICT unit objectives in the
organization; (ii) analyzing ICT processes catalog of
PETIC; (iii) defining levels of maturity of ICT
processes in the organization; (iv) defining relevance
of ICT processes of the organization; (v) defining
actions catalog for each process or critical priority
ICT; (vi) analyzing importance of graphics versus
cost; (vii) discussing results with other stakeholders;
(viii) designing Gantt charts; (ix) documenting
PETIC artifact and (xi) reviewing PETIC artifact
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
It can be concluded that the PETIC Methodology
assists in the preparation of SP, in order to help the
manager in the decision making processes of ICT
(Palmeira et al., 2012).
3.2 Taxonomy
Taxonomy is a system to classify and facilitate
access to information that aims to: (i) representing
concepts through terms; (ii) streamline
communication for specialists and also among
experts and other stakeholders; (iii) finding
consensus; (iv) proposing ways to control the
diversity of significance; and (v) providing an area
map that will serve as process guide knowledge
(Bailey, 1994). Therefore, it is a controlled
vocabulary of a particular field of knowledge and,
mainly, an instrument or design element which
allows one logically allocate, retrieve and
communicate information within a system.
Within ICT domain, taxonomies can be
compared to classificatory structures such as
leaderboards, which aim to bring together a logical
and classified document form. Currently,
taxonomies gather all types of digital document and
allow search strategies, immediate access to
information. Unlike tables that provide an address
(notation) that locates documents on the shelves,
taxonomy dispenses notation (Gilchrist, 2003).
Metadata is data that identifies and describes
information. They can be used to safely obtain
characteristics such as where and when information
was captured. They may also be associated with
different types of media such as documents, videos,
images, audio, books and many other files. (Linfoot,
For an implementation approach of taxonomy,
tags are important tools in categorization process.
After structuring taxonomy, tags and metadata can
be applied to optimize accuracy in document
searching (Linfoot, 2009).
3.3 Methods for Construction of a
According to Reamy (Reamy, 2007), in order to
create quality taxonomy, a defined development
process must be followed. Like any process, the
development of taxonomy requires a well executed
plan, a development cycle and initial requirements.
However, unlike the normal processes, the
development process of taxonomy never ends.
Authors (Delphi Group White Paper, 2002),
(Dutra, 2003), (Woods, 2004) and (Kremer, 2005)
propose practices and steps for building taxonomies.
Unlike these authors, (Bayona-Oré et al., 2014)
analyzes the practices and steps proposed by several
authors, including the aforementioned, and propose
a development method of taxonomy.
Bayonne-Oré proposes a taxonomy development
method created from a literature review on methods
and guidelines used to build taxonomies. To create
this method, nine different authors have been
analyzed and proposed steps to build taxonomies
(Bayona-Oré et al., 2014).
3.4 Bayona-Oré Method
The method proposed by (Bayona-Oré et al., 2014)
consists of five stages and twenty-four activities.
These five stages, objectives and generated products
1. Planning: This stage aims to establish the
work plan that defines project activities which allow
to design and implement taxonomy. Products gotten
in this stage are: (i) working plan and (ii) working
group for taxonomy development.
2. Identification and Information Extraction: This
stage aims to align the working plan with the
information needs of the organization. At this stage,
the sources of information are identified. Products of
this stage are: (i) inventory for construction of
taxonomy, (ii) policies for use of taxonomy, (iii)
characteristics of technology used and (iv)
representative lists of all areas involved.
3. Design and Construction Taxonomy: This
stage aims to design and build the taxonomy using
terms extracted in the previous stage. At this stage,
products designed are: (i) categorization of terms of
first level, (ii) general structure of taxonomy and (iii)
dictionary of categories and subcategories.
4. Testing and Validation: This stage aims to
ensure that designed taxonomy is useful for users to
achieve their goals. Products of this stage are: (i)
validated taxonomy, (ii) validated category
dictionary and (iii) validated sub-dictionary.
5. Implementation of Taxonomy: This stage aims
to ensure the implementation of taxonomy in
organization. This step is obtained with the staff
qualification in taxonomy and availability of
taxonomy for users. Products designed at this stage
are: (i) users trained in taxonomy and (ii) taxonomy
available for users.
TAXOPETIC Process Design - A Taxonomy to Support the PETIC Methodology (Strategic Planning of ICT)
The growing volume of PETIC Methodology
artifacts resulted in the need for measures of storage,
classification and location of these artifacts. Thus,
the creation of a taxonomy called TAXOPETIC
serves as a storage, classification and easy location
of artifacts obtained by applying PETIC
Methodology in several organizations.
For the creation of proposed TAXOPETIC, we
analyzed the methods of building taxonomies
proposed by (Bayona-Oré et al., 2014). It was
decided to follow (Bayona-Oré et al., 2014) method
for three reasons: this is the most recent method
described in literature; it proposes a stage dedicated
to "Test and Validation", aiming at improving
taxonomy with test results; and, it has a stage of
"taxonomy implementation" with a series of
activities aimed not only in availability, but is
concerned on usability, management and
maintenance of the taxonomy.
Thus, the following (Bayona-Oré et al., 2014)
method for the construction of TAXOPETIC has
performed the five stages listed as follows:
4.1 Planning
At this first phase, following products were
i. The roadmap containing working plan - roadmap
presented duration of TAXOPETIC construction
phase in a period of four months, i.e., from August
to November 2015. Below periods, the five phases
that must be followed for TAXOPETIC construction
are sequenced. Each phase and products obtained are
listed as depicted in Figure 1.
ii. Working group for the construction of
TAXOPETIC - group is formed by coordinator and
members of the (GPES - Software Engineering
Research Group at at UFS - Federal University of
4.2 Identification and Information
At this stage the following products were obtained:
i. Inventory for the construction of TAXOPETIC
- PETIC Methodology artifacts were found
distributed in several storage media. This demanded
quite operational work to locate and catalog the
Figure 1: Building plan Roadmap of TAXOPETIC.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
artifacts. They were distributed in the following
storage medias: folders on Dropbox, Web links and
attached in e-mails.
ii. Policies for TAXOPETIC use - access levels
have been defined. They are: registration and query.
The GPES members have full access to perform
insert, update and delete PETIC artifacts. After
PETIC artifact inclusion, these are available on the
Web for unrestricted access of other organizations.
iii. Characteristics of technology used
softwares which have been used: Drupal (7:41
version) and MySQL (version 5.0.11) to create the
TAXOPETICWeb. Drupal is a content management
software that provides features such as: easy content
creation, reliable performance and excellent security
(Drupal, 2015). Drupal enables the use of
taxonomies, tags and metadata for content
classification (Drupal, 2016). MySQL is an open
source database. Because of its proven performance,
reliability and easy usage, MySQL has become the
main database choice for Web-based applications
(MySQL, 2015).
iv. Representatives list from all areas involved:
Coordinator and members of the GPES.
4.3 Design and Taxonomy
At this third stage of TAXOPETIC construction, the
following products were designed:
i. First level terms categorization - Analysis of
artifacts, needs reported by GPES members and
survey applied on organizations helped to define
TAXOPETIC first level categories. They are: (i)
Service Organizations (ii) Public Organizations, (iii)
Mutual Benefits Associations and (iv) Commercial
Stakeholder Organizations. Each category has a
number of subcategories that are associated
according to each category purpose. Other categories
and subcategories may be added upon identified
needs after TAXOPETIC implementation.
ii. General TAXOPETIC structure - Figure 2
shows all TAXOPETIC categories and
iii. TAXOPETIC categories and subcategories
dictionary: The construction of a dictionary has been
carried out as follows:
Default category, called SP dimensions of ICT in
organizations, includes all TAXOPETIC categories
and subcategories.
Service Organizations - a category that
represents types of organizations where the main
beneficiaries are the customers. Subcategories of this
category are: (i) schools, (ii) universities, (iii)
religious organizations, (iv) social agencies and (v)
Non-Governmental Organizations.
Public organizations - represents types of
organizations where the main beneficiary is the
public. Their respective subcategories are: (i) legal
institutions, (ii) health institutions, (iii) public
security (iv) military and (v) post office.
Mutual Benefits Associations - represents
organizations where the main beneficiaries are
organization members themselves. Subcategories of
this category are: (i) trade unions, (ii) cooperatives,
(iii) consortia and (iv) professional associations.
Figure 2: TAXOPETIC categories and subcategories.
Commercial Stakeholder organizations -
category representing organizations where the main
beneficiaries are owners or shareholders. Its
subcategories are: (i) private companies and (ii)
anonymous society.
Subcategory dictionary construction has not been
necessary, because each subcategory represents
Organizations artifact that are directly linked to their
nomenclature purpose.
4.4 Testing and Validation
At this TAXOPETIC test and validation phase,
following products were generated:
i. TAXOPETIC Validation - TAXOPETIC was
tested by coordinator and members of GPES UFS
Tests ensured the viability of proposed structure
TAXOPETIC Process Design - A Taxonomy to Support the PETIC Methodology (Strategic Planning of ICT)
enabling the storage, easy categorization and
artifacts location to its users.
ii. Validate categories Dictionary - Categories
dictionary construction has been validated with
iii. Validate subcategories dictionary - There was
no need for subcategories dictionaries validation,
because its nomenclature already defines its purpose.
4.5 Taxonomy Implementation
At this last TAXOPETIC construction phase, the
following products were generated:
i. TAXOPETICWeb user training - At the
training plan for users, it was defined training
sessions in different shifts in order to cover all
TAXOPETICWeb users. At the training storage
practices, categorization and artifact location has
been held to optimize learning. In these trainings,
users also received an operating manual for future
ii. TAXOPETICWeb Availability for users -
TAXOPETICWeb was available on the GPES's
internal network using the infrastructure of the
Computer Science Department.
For TAXOPETICWeb creation, Drupal content
management framework and MySql database are
used as development tools because both are open-
source software and meet the research needs.
Figure 3 shows an artifact location through the
categories and sub-categories classification or
TAXOPETIC tags. Tag blocks containing elements
of PETIC Methodology have been presented
vertically on the TAXOPETICWeb homepage.
For example, it is displayed Service
Organizations category and Universities subcategory
to access the UFS PETIC artifact. In the Fig. 3B is
called Computer Science Department from UFS
artifact. The location of that artifact can also be
performed using tags: areas, sub-areas, processes
and PETIC Methodology improvement actions.
For storing and cataloging a new artifact in
TAXOPETICWeb the following metadata has been
defined: (i) organization name, (ii) organization
logo, (iii) artifact description, (iv) organization
category and subcategory that applied the PETIC
Methodology, (v) Federative Unit organization, (vi)
year when artifact was generated, (vii) document
containing artifact, (viii) artifact version number, as
depicted in Figure 3.
Figure 3: PETIC artifact categorized in TAXOPETICWeb.
Figure 4 also shows tags designed to facilitate
location of artifacts, they are: (i) PETIC fields, (ii)
PETIC subfields, (iii) PETIC processes and (iv)
improvement actions belonging to artifact.
Faced with many needs to be supported, including to
store, classify and find artifacts produced during
application of PETIC methodology in organizations.
Identified need to propose taxonomy to support
PETIC. The five proposed steps were used in
method created by (Bayona-Oré et al., 2014) for
TAXOPETIC construction.
Bayoná-Oré proposes a method with five steps
and twenty-four activities. Following this method it
was possible to conceive TAXOPETIC as they have
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 4: PETIC artifact categorized in TAXOPETICWeb.
been obtained products of each step (Bayona-Oré et
al., 2014).
To Shaw, a good research requires not only a
result, but also clear and convincing result evidence.
Some research validation techniques are used in
software engineering (Shaw, 2002). They are:
analysis, experience, example, evaluation,
persuasion and affirmation act. In this context, we
use an example to validate TAXOPETIC. To
illustrate this article, we explore Services
Organizations category and its Universities
The structure of TAXOPETIC allowed to create
an application named TAXOPETIC. Creation of
TAXOPETICWeb allowed us to analyze an
example, as proposed by (Shaw, 2002).
It was necessary to catalog manually all PETIC
Methodology artifacts store artifacts in the
TAXOPETICWeb. This procedure required a high
cost search because those artifacts were also
distributed in several different storage media. Thus,
TAXOPETICWeb made possible to find, store, and
catalog the several PETIC Methodology artifacts
spread in organizations from Northeastern Southeast
and North Regions of the country.
After cataloging PETIC artifacts,
TAXOPETICWeb storage was performed using
metadata and tags. Basic data of the organization
and file containing PETIC artifact have been used as
metadata. For tags it has been used the PETIC
Methodology processes catalog (areas, sub-areas,
processes and improvement actions).
Tags are used to facilitate the process of
searching for an artefact, having selected tag in
stored file. Thus, TAXOPETICWeb enables artifacts
location through TAXOPETIC structure and defined
tags in artifacts storage.
PETIC Methodology proposes standards and
policies set for design an organization Strategic
Planning of ICT. PETIC application in organizations
has resulted in the difficulty of localizing and
classifying the produced PETIC artifacts.
Main contributions of this article are:
(i) Conducting a literature search to identify and
present existing taxonomies within ICT domain;
TAXOPETIC Process Design - A Taxonomy to Support the PETIC Methodology (Strategic Planning of ICT)
(ii) Taxonomies construction proposals analysis
for creation, analysis and selection of a taxonomies
construction method;
(iii) Application of Bayoná-Oré method step
(Bayona-Oré et al., 2014) in the construction of the
(iv) Selecting a content management framework
and a database for TAXOPETICWeb
(v) Creation of a tool to validate the structure of
(vi) Creating and analyzing an example in order
to explore a TAXOPETIC category and subcategory.
In future works we intend to evaluate usability of
TAXOPETICWeb. This review will be carried out
using usability heuristics for inspection interfaces
proposed by (Nielsen, 1995). It is also planned to
the PETIC Methodology Knowledge Portal.
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