Quality Attributes Analysis in a Crowdsourcing-based Emergency
Management System
Ana Maria Amorim
, Glaucya Boechat
, Renato Novais
, Vaninha Vieira
and Karina Villela
Department of Computer Science, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil
Department of Computer Science, Federal Institute of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil
Fraunhofer Project Center for Software and Systems Engineering at UFBA (FPC-UFBA), Salvador, Brazil
Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering (IESE), Kaiserslautern, Germany
Crowdsourcing, Software Quality, Mobile Computing, Emergency Management.
In an emergency situation where the physical integrity of people is at risk, a mobile solution should be easy to
use and trustworthy. In order to offer a good user experience and to improve the quality of the app, we should
evaluate characteristics of usability, satisfaction, and freedom from risk. This paper presents an experiment
whose objective is to evaluate quality attributes in a crowdsourcing-based emergency management system. The
quality attributes evaluated are: appropriateness recognisability, user interface aesthetics, usefulness, trust, and
health and safety risk mitigation. The experiment was designed following the Goal/Question/Metric approach.
We could evaluate the app with experts from the area of emergency. The results showed that the participants
thought the app was well designed, easy to understand, easy to learn, and easy to use. This evaluation ensured
the application improvement, and also the evaluation process adopted.
In the context of crisis and emergency, not only ma-
terial goods but also the physical integrity of people
is at risk. In such situations there is a need for sys-
tems that have quick answers. Nowadays, more and
more people are carrying a mobile device. The num-
ber of applications for these devices increases every
day. Crowdsourcing systems take advantage of pe-
ople having a mobile device to use them as data entry
for their solutions. These applications have been used
in different areas, and each one of them with their
own challenges and characteristics. In the context of
crisis and emergency management are emerging cro-
wdsourcing solutions such as RESCUER. The RES-
CUER project aims to develop an intelligent solution
based on computer, to support emergency and crisis
management, with a special focus on incidents that
occur in industrial areas or large events. An important
aspect to improve the emergency and crisis manage-
ment is better decision making and clearer coordina-
tion through better information flow.
The growth in the number of applications leads
companies to invest in the development of products
with high quality. According to ISO/IEC 25010:2011
(ISO/IEC, 2011), there are many aspects to be con-
sidered to measure the quality of a product, one of
those is usability. If companies want to improve the
quality of their products from the point of view of
user’s acceptance they have to take care of attributes
like user experience and usability.In case of applica-
tions aimed at mobile devices, usability should con-
sider aspects such as limited resources, connectivity
issues, data entry models, and the varying display re-
solutions of mobile devices (Nayebi et al., 2012; Ou-
hbi et al., 2015). Users look for mobile apps that are
easy to learn and user-friendly.
The Mobile Crowdsourcing Solution (MCS) is the
mobile component of RESCUER to be installed in
users’ smartphones. MCS supports end-users in pro-
viding command center with information about an
emergency situation. The app takes into account dif-
ferent smartphones and how people interact with them
under stress. The goal is to benefit as much as pos-
sible from information provided without any explicit
action of their users, but taking into consideration the
users privacy.
One of the challenges for the development of soft-
ware on distributed platforms and mobile devices is
Amorim, A., Boechat, G., Novais, R., Vieira, V. and Villela, K.
Quality Attributes Analysis in a Crowdsourcing-based Emergency Management System.
DOI: 10.5220/0006360405010509
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 2, pages 501-509
ISBN: 978-989-758-248-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
that both the users and the context of use will be
known only after the applications are released for use
(Sherief et al., 2014; Pagano and Bruegge, 2013).
The main source of information of RESCUER are
the citizens, who through their mobile phones report
an emergency situation to the command center. The
command center is formed by a group of people in
charge of assessing the risks and making decisions.
In the case of RESCUER, another challenge is
the context where the application will be used: an
emergency situation. On such situation, the evalua-
tion must also consider aspects such as interaction,
people’s stress, difficulty of being used by the pe-
ople in charge of emergency situation, adverse envi-
ronment due to the presence of too much smoke or
noise. Those aspects were previously evaluated (Nass
et al., 2014). Interaction is a key aspect in motiva-
ting, and keeping participation and collaboration of
people, improving crowdsourcing systems (Pan and
Blevis, 2011; Thuan et al., 2016).
Besides the reduction of damage to people’s lives,
one of the desired outcomes of RESCUER project is
to improve the image of the organizations involved in
an incident through the use of modern technologies
for effective and efficient management of emergency
and crisis situation. So the research question that gui-
des this article is: how do we know if the app being
developed for use by the crowd in emergency situa-
tions like fire and explosion is being developed to be
easy to use and reliable.
This paper presents an experiment to evaluate a
crowdsourcing-based system to be used in crisis and
emergency situation. In the experiment, we were con-
cerned with the quality of the product and the quality
in use, and we reported a practical case of user expe-
rience evaluation.
We know that a well-accepted application has
been previously evaluated by its potential users. With
this in mind, we conducted our experiment using vo-
lunteers of different profiles considered in RESCUER
solution: workforce, supporting force, and civilian.
We simulated three different scenarios for each user
profile. The scenarios were related to different areas
of the incident according to the fire proximity as: hot,
warm, and cold zone. We tried to contextualize each
scenario to make the participant feel like in the real
scenario. The experiment included 13 civilian, 3 sup-
porting force, and 15 workforce. We addressed three
questions related to product quality, and three questi-
ons related to quality in use.
The main contribution of the article is: it pre-
sents an experiment that other researchers can use
in case they need to evaluate quality attributes such
as usability, satisfaction, and freedom from risk, in
a crowdsourcing-based emergency system. With this
experiment, we ensured the application improvement,
and also the evaluation process adopted.
The Quality in Use (QiU) is one of the challenges for
the implementation of mobile systems (Osman and
Osman, 2013). ISO/IEC 25010:2011 defines QiU as
”degree to which a product or system can be used by
specific users to meet their needs to achieve specific
goals with effectiveness, efficiency, freedom from risk
and satisfaction in specific contexts of use” (ISO/IEC,
ISO 25010:2011 breaks down the notion of
quality-in-use into usability-in-use, flexibility-in-use,
and safety-in-use, it also defines satisfaction-in-use
considering four aspects: likeability, as satisfaction of
pragmatic goals; pleasure, as satisfaction of hedonic
goals; comfort, as physical satisfaction; and trust, as
satisfaction with security. Flexibility-in-use is defined
in the context of conformity-in-use, extendibility-in-
use, and accessibility-in-use (Nayebi et al., 2012).
In (Aedo et al., 2012) the authors address emer-
gency notification and evacuation adapting emer-
gency alerts and evacuation routes to the context and
the profile of each person. They take into account the
importance of customized evacuation routes. They as-
sess the usability and understandability of their solu-
tion through a user study performed by twelve stu-
dents at the University in a fire simulation in an ind-
oors environment. The user study consists of three
phases: training, task execution, and usability que-
stionnaire. The questionnaire is composed of four
groups of questions: system and past experiences, sy-
stem acceptance, task execution, and user satisfaction.
In (Kuula et al., 2013) the authors evaluated the
performance and usability of a smartphone system for
alerting, command and communication purpose of the
national police. A group of ten policemen, and few
civilians formed the test group. After the experiment,
key persons in different levels of the police organi-
zation were interviewed face to face, and users were
asked to answer an internet questionnaire.
In (Gomez et al., 2013) the authors analyzed more
than 250 Android emergency applications from Goo-
gle Play database related to emergency detection, no-
tification or management, where they concluded that
none of them serve citizens in emergency situations
managed or solved by a public emergency service,
and few applications handle the potential of citizens
as witnesses and volunteers.
There are many studies on the use of crowdsour-
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
cing platforms in the evaluation of mobile systems
(Sherief et al., 2014) (Birch and Heffernan, 2014).
The problem of using this solution in the RESCUER
app is the context in which it will be used, context
of emergencies and crises in industrial or large events
parks. In this case the assessments should take place
in simulated environments.
Usability testing is important for the success of
any application. According to Liu et al. (Liu et al.,
2012) in a system project, usability tests should be-
gin early and often, but the cost and effort required to
recruit participants, engage observers and buy or rent
equipment can make these tests impossible. Howe-
ver, an analysis of the cost-benefit of these tests has
drawn attention to ROI (return on investment) when
evaluating the usability is inserted at the beginning of
the development of a product.
In this work we followed the Goal/Question/Metric
(GQM) approah (Basili, 1992). The object of study in
this experiment is the MCS RESCUER’s component.
The general goal is assess the quality of the product
and the quality in use of the component. The speci-
fic objective is to analyze some attributes of product
quality, and some attributes of quality in use, for the
purpose of evaluate. In product quality we are analy-
zing two characteristics of usability: appropriateness
recognisability and user interface aesthetics. Related
to quality in use we are analyzing freedom from risk
and two characteristics of satisfaction: usefulness and
trust. We are analyzing the product from the point of
view of the user, in the context of large event. A sy-
stem proposed to be used in a stressful environment
might consider the social and cultural aspects of the
place. Acceptance criteria were defined at the pro-
ject requirements elicitation and during meetings with
project members.
In the experiment, we address three research que-
stions related to product quality, PQ1 through PQ3,
and three research questions related to quality in use,
QU1 through QU3 (Table 1). PQ1 and PQ2 are re-
lated to appropriateness recognisability, a characteris-
tic of usability. Appropriateness recognisability is the
degree to which users can recognize whether a pro-
duct or system is appropriate for their needs. PQ3
is related to user interface aesthetics, another charac-
teristic of usability. User interface aesthetics is the
degree to which a user interface enables pleasing and
satisfying interaction for the user. QU1 is related to
usefulness and QU2 is related to trust, both are cha-
racteristic of satisfaction. Usefulness is the degree to
which a user is satisfied with their perceived achie-
vement of pragmatic goals, including the results of
use and the consequences of use. Trust is the degree
to which a user or other stakeholder has confidence
that a product or system will behave as intended. QU3
is related to health and safety risk mitigation, a cha-
racteristic of freedom from risk. Freedom from risk
is the degree to which a product or system mitigates
the potential risk to people in the intended contexts of
use. We used questionnaire to collect the answers of
the users.
In this experiment we tried to reproduce in tex-
tual form, different environments so that participants
could somehow be transported mentally to those sce-
narios as they were reading. In each scenario, par-
ticipants performed the requested task freely. After
complete the tasks, participants answered a question-
naire where they could report their experience with
the application.
4.1 Context
Three different scenarios of the incident situation
were created for each user profile: civilian, suppor-
ting force, and workforce. The scenarios were related
to different areas of the incident: hot, warm, and cold
zone. In each scenario, we tried to make the partici-
pant feel like in the real scenario.
4.2 Participants
We performed the experiment with 31 participants at
the Congresso Internacional de Desastres em Massa
(CIDEM 2016), an event occurring in June 10-12,
2016. As one of our goals was to evaluate the usabi-
lity of an application to be used by the crowd, this ap-
plication should be intuitive, its use should not require
any previous training (Gafni, 2009). So, we consi-
dered two groups: one with demonstration and other
without demonstration. In order to get a close num-
ber of participants for each group, the first participant
was introduced to the app with a brief demonstration,
the second not, the third was, and so on. During the
selection, we tried to assure that the participants had
previously faced problems related to emergency situ-
Quality Attributes Analysis in a Crowdsourcing-based Emergency Management System
Table 1: Questions Related to Quality Criteria According to ISO25010.
Software Cha-
Subcharacteristic Research Question Measure
PQ1 - Are there missing information in the incident
PQ1.1 - Is there information that you think to be rele-
vant to handle a fire incident, but you could not pro-
vide using the app?
PQ1.2 - Is there information that you could provide,
but you would like to have had a better support from
the app?
At most 20% of par-
ticipants responding
PQ2 - Are there no relevant information in the inci-
dent report?
PQ2.1 - Is there a part of the app (e.g. take picture,
free text report) that you think not to be relevant to
report an incident?
PQ2.2 - Is there a piece of information (e.g. color of
the smoke) in the report form that you know not to be
relevant to handle the incident?
At most 20% of par-
ticipants responding
User interface aest-
PQ3 - How pleasant and satisfying is the system for
the user?
Average score should
be higher than 75%.
in use
QU1 - How useful is the system for the user?
QU1.1 - Would you use this app to help operational
forces if an emergency situation like this occurs du-
ring a big event?
80% of participants
responding Yes.
QU2 - How trustworthy is the system to the user?
QU2.1 - Would you use this app to request help (for
yourself) if an emergency situation like this occurs
during a big event?
80% of participants
responding Yes.
Freedom from
Health and safety
risk mitigation
QU3 - Do you feel running further risks due to the use
of the,app?
QU3.1 - Will I feel safer with the RESCUER app on
my,smartphone during a large-scale event?
QU3.2 - Did you have the feeling of running further
risks when using the app?
QU3.1: 80% of par-
ticipants responding
QU3.2: At most 20%
of the participants re-
sponding YES.
4.3 Task Design
We defined representative tasks of the MCS. The de-
finition of the tasks were based on demands identified
during the processes of an emergency of fire. There-
fore, they represent real world emergency scenarios.
Additionally, these tasks were selected based on their
different levels of difficulty. The tasks are: sending
notification report (quick report), sending structured
report (complete report), and sending help report.
4.4 Experimental Procedures
A pilot study was performed prior to the experiment
with the intention of identifying certain problems in
its procedures, or even in the application, which are
difficult to predict during its execution. Four partici-
pants were selected to perform the pilot study. Two
of them with demonstration and two of them without
demonstration. It is important to highlight that these
four participants did not take part of the final expe-
riment. The pilot study allowed us to improve the
tasks description, goals and degree of difficulty. In
addition, it was also essential to predict the necessary
average time for each participant execute the tasks.
We prepared the environment to the experiment
in the area outside the auditorium, where the event
was going on. We used Smartphones with OS An-
droid Jelly Bean (4.1) or newer installed, connected
to Internet. The MCS application were previously in-
stalled to be ready for use by the volunteers during
the experiment execution. Each participant took the
necessary time to conclude the experiment. The ses-
sions were supervised to avoid parallel conversations
among the participants.
First of all, we invited people to participate in the
experiment. Then, we explained the experiment ge-
neral purpose. After that, we classified the participant
according with his/her profile.
If the participant was going to perform the task
without demonstration, we presented the MCS app
and its main objective, the scenarios of the incident
situation (written in the flip-chart), and the tasks they
had to execute.
In case the participant was going to perform the
task with demonstration, we presented the MCS app
showing how they can report an incident, and the dif-
ferent options of the MSC, the scenarios of the inci-
dent situation (written in the flip-chart), and the tasks
they had to execute. Two small tasks of a simple ex-
ample were performed. The participants could ob-
serve how to use the tools by means of these small
tasks. They were encouraged to address any doubts
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
or concerns during the training session
After that, each participant could start to perform
the task to report incidents, and had no limit of time
to finish it.
After finish the tasks in all the three scenarios, we
asked participants to spend between five to ten mi-
nutes to answer a questionnaire where we could get
quantitative and qualitative feedback about the solu-
We collected a total of 31 questionnaires. Being
18 male and 13 female participants. The age were
between 22 and 53 years old. Civilian participants
answered 13 questionnaires, supporting force 3, and
workforce 15. Table 2 shows the distribution of the
participants. Figure 1 shows the distribution of work-
forces according to their area of expertise.
Table 2: Profile of the Participants.
Civilian 6 7 13
2 1 3
Workforce 7 8 15
Figure 1: Area of expertise of Workforce profile.
5.1 Product Quality - Appropriateness
With this characteristic of usability we measured
the degree to which the participants could recognize
whether the mobile application MCS was appropriate
for their needs, in the case of this experiment, inform
a fire incident report. Analyzing questions PQ1, PQ2,
and their derivation we could measure appropriate-
ness recognisability characteristic, which acceptance
criteria must be at most 20%.
In question PQ1.1 - Is there information that you
think to be relevant to handle a fire incident, but you
could not provide using the app? 35% of participants
answered YES (there is information that they think to
be relevant to handle a fire incident, but they could
not provide using the app), and others 65% partici-
pants answered NO. The answers of the participants
to the question PQ1.1 show that the mobile applica-
tion MCS is still not in accordance with this charac-
teristic of usability because to be in accordance with
appropriateness recognisability of product quality is
necessary that at most 20% of the participants answer
We verified that participants without demonstra-
tion had more difficulties with the mobile applica-
tion than the participants with demonstration. 46.67%
of participants without demonstration answered that
they could not provide information relevant about a
fire incident using the mobile application, while par-
ticipants with demonstration were 25%.
The answers of the participants to the question
PQ1.2 - Is there information that you could provide,
but you would like to have had a better support from
the app? show the same result collected in the previ-
ous question, that the mobile application MCS is still
not in accordance with appropriateness recognisabi-
lity. In this case, 42% of participants answered YES
(there is information that they could provide, but they
could not provide using the app, they would like to
have had a better support from the app), 55% of parti-
cipants answered NO, and 3% of participants did not
answer. And to be in accordance with appropriateness
recognisability of product quality is necessary that at
most 20% of the participants answer YES.
The answers of the participants to the question
PQ2.1 - Is there a part of the app (e.g. take picture,
free text report) that you think not to be relevant to
report an incident? show that the mobile application
MCS is in accordance with appropriateness recogni-
sability. In this case, only 10% of participants answe-
red YES (there is a part of the app that they think not
to be relevant to report an incident), and 90% of par-
ticipants answered NO. And to be in accordance with
appropriateness recognisability of product quality is
necessary that at most 20% of the participants answer
The answers of the participants to the question
PQ2.2 - Is there a piece of information (e.g. color of
the smoke) in the report form that you know not to be
relevant to handle the incident? show that the mobile
application MCS is in accordance with appropriate-
ness recognisability. In this question 16% of partici-
pants answered YES (there is a piece of information
in the report form that they know not to be relevant
to report an incident), 81% of participants answered
NO, and 3% of participants answered that they did
Quality Attributes Analysis in a Crowdsourcing-based Emergency Management System
not know. And to be in accordance with appropria-
teness recognisability of product quality is necessary
that at most 20% of the participants answer YES.
5.2 Product Quality - User Interface
This characteristic of usability measures the degree to
which a user interface enables pleasing and satisfying
interaction for the user. We could measure this cha-
racteristic analyzing question PQ3, based on Attrak-
Diff (Hassenzahg, 2008). The question is composed
by nine items to be valued according to the mobile
application user’s experience. If the average of the
answers is close to the value 1, this means that the
quality tends to the word on the left side, on the other
hand, if the value tends to 7, the quality tends to the
word on the right side.
Based on the answers of the participants, we noti-
ced that participants with demonstration considered
the mobile application more clearly structured and
more beautiful than participants without demonstra-
tion (Figure 2).
Figure 2: Answers of the participants referring to user in-
terface aesthetics of product quality - Question PQ3: How
pleasant and satisfying is the system for the user?
5.3 Quality in Use - Usefulness
With this characteristic of satisfaction we measured
the degree to which a user is satisfied with their per-
ceived achievement of pragmatic goals, including the
results of use and the consequences of use. We could
measure this characteristic analyzing question QU1
and its derivation.
Based on the answers of the participants, we can
conclude that mobile application is in conformity with
this characteristic of usefulness. In this case, 100%
of participants answered YES, they agree that they
would use the mobile application to help operational
forces if an emergency situation occurs during a big
event. To be in accordance with usefulness of qua-
lity in use is necessary at least 80% of the participants
answer YES.
5.4 Quality in Use - Trust
With this characteristic of satisfaction we measured
the degree to which a user or other stakeholder has
confidence that a product or system will behave as in-
tended. We could measure this characteristic analy-
zing question QU2 and its derivation.
Based on the answers of the participants, we can
conclude that mobile application is in conformity with
this characteristic of usefulness. In this case, 93, 55%
of participants answered YES, they agree that they
would use the mobile application to request help if an
emergency situation occurs during a big event. To be
in accordance with usefulness of quality in use is ne-
cessary at least 80% of the participants answer YES.
5.5 Quality in Use - Health and Safety
Risk Mitigation
With this characteristic of freedom from risk we mea-
sured the degree to which a product or system mitiga-
tes the potential risk to people in the intended contexts
of use. We could measure this characteristic analy-
zing question QU3 and its derivation. Based on the
answers of the participants, we can conclude that mo-
bile application is in conformity with this characteris-
tic of freedom from risk. In question QU3.1, 25 of 31
participants answered YES (corresponds to 80, 64%
of participants), they agree that they feel safer with the
RESCUER app on their smartphone during a large-
scale event (Figure 3). To be in accordance with he-
alth and safety risk mitigation of quality in use is ne-
cessary at least 80% of the participants answer YES.
Figure 3: Answers of the participants referring to health and
safety risk mitigation of quality in use - Question QU3.1:
Will I feel safer with the RESCUER app on my smartphone
during a large-scale event?
With the answers of question QU3.2, we can con-
clude that mobile application is not in conformity
with this characteristic of freedom from risk. In this
question 58.07% of participants answered YES, that
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
they had the feeling of running further risks when
using the mobile application in at least one of the
three zones (hot, warm or cold). To be in accordance
with health and safety risk mitigation of quality in use
is necessary at most 20% of the participants answer
During the experiment, we received positive feed-
back about product quality and quality in use. Some
participants of workforce reported that the application
provides essential and important information for the
tactical level , the MCS is very important to save li-
ves, will speed up the arrival of workforce, and is in-
tuitive and responsive to the use of civilians. A civi-
lian and a supporting force emphasized that using the
application will improve the process of deal with the
We have also collected negative opinions as Inter-
net connection availability. In fact, during an emer-
gency, users feel stressed and worried about their own
situation and they prefer report information using au-
dio or video than having to choose multiple options.
Some civilians mentioned some weaknesses in the ap-
plication, such as the lack of an option to report the
existence of fire hydrant, escape routes, and status
of the incident. Some participants found it difficult
to inform the color of smoke, point the location of
the fire, the status of the incident, and the number of
affected people. They suggested the addition of the
panic bottom, and the possibility to have infrared vi-
sion. They also wanted to report details about the in-
cident, like local temperature, security and radiation
level, besides the possibility to send audio and video.
It is worth emphasizing that the evaluated version was
not the final version of the application, these features
were already designed and will be part of the final
Summarizing the results obtained from the user
study, we can conclude that the participants have
found the application clearly structured and easy to
understand, to learn and to use. In particular, they
have appreciated as the mobile application is clearly
structured, employs the usage of concise terminology
and messages with a clear understanding of their me-
There are some threats to the validity on this expe-
riment (Wohlin et al., 2000). In this section we will
discuss them.
Conclusion Validity. These threats affect the abi-
lity to make the right conclusion about relation bet-
ween the experiment and its outcome. We identified
one threat: design of the tasks - tasks may have been
misinterpreted by participants. To mitigate this threat,
we defined representative tasks based on real demands
identified in a fire emergency.
Construct Validity. These threats are related to the
result of the experiment according to its concept or
theory (if the test measures what it claims). We iden-
tified one threat: operational procedures of the expe-
riment - the participants may have not understood the
experiment guideline, the change of scenario, for ex-
ample, from the hot zone to the warm zone. To mi-
tigate this threat, in addition to describing in detail
each zone of fire, we used one sheet of paper for each
incident zone on the flip-chart.
Internal Validity. These threats are related to is-
sues that affect independent variables without the re-
searcher’s knowledge. We identified two threats: (i)
instrumentation - the scenarios showed on the flip-
chart were not the better way to simulate a real inci-
dent. In an emergency scenario this limitation cannot
be easily removed; (ii) selection - people were volun-
teers in our experiment. According to Wohlin, volun-
teers are more motivated for a new task.
External Validity. These threats represent limitati-
ons to generalize the results of our experiment to in-
dustrial practice. We identified one threat: interaction
of setting and treatment - the experimental environ-
ment is not representative of a realistic scenario, since
we are dealing with emergency situation.
Resuming our research question, how do we know if
the app being developed for use by the crowd in emer-
gency situations like fire and explosion is being deve-
loped to be easy to use and reliable, we performed
an experiment to evaluate usability, satisfaction, and
freedom from risk in a crowdsourcing-based emer-
gency system. This evaluation included not only fin-
ding any usage problems, but also collecting opinions
and suggestions from participants. In general, posi-
tive feedbacks were received in particular about the
easiness to understand, to learn and to use MCS RES-
CUER’s component. Moreover, due to the relevant
role of mobile phones on our daily life, users found
very innovative the idea to use them in emergency si-
During the evaluation process we observed some
points that can be improved for an upcoming evalua-
tion. A major challenge in evaluating emergency so-
lutions is to get participants to feel in the emergency
scenario. By the restriction of physical space we tried
to locate the participant in the various scenarios of the
Quality Attributes Analysis in a Crowdsourcing-based Emergency Management System
emergency (hot, warm and cold zone) through text.
We noticed that this feature alone was not enough.
Many people did not read the full text, and many did
not realize the peculiarities characteristic of each situ-
ation. We suggest the use of audio-visual resources as
a possibility to make the scenario more real. Another
aspect to be improved is the app demonstration. We
used a script, which should be followed by the rese-
arch team, to demonstrate the use of the application.
We believe that the use of a video is a better solution
to standardize the demonstration and make it easier.
Based on the results of this study, we will take
into account problems occurred during the user study
and collected suggestions from user experiences, in
particular concerning localization with Wi-Fi triangu-
lation, and feel to run further risks due to the use of
the app in hot zone. As future work, we are planning
to use RESCUER on a simulation in a industrial park
scenario. On this experiment, we intend to analyze
the impact of using RESCUER in a different scenario
with group of people.
This work was supported by the RESCUER project,
funded by the CNPq/MCTI (Grant: 490084/2013-3)
and by European Commission (Grant: 614154).
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nical Research An Evaluation of Maturity. Procee-
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for Citizen Emergency Management. In Proceedings
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and Usability in Interactiv Products. Hum.-Comput.
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ISO/IEC (2011). 25010:2011. In Systems and software
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Kuula, J., Kettunen, P., Auvinen, V., Viitanen, S., Kauppi-
nen, O., and Korhonen, T. (2013). Smartphones as an
Alerting, Command and Control System for the Pre-
paredness Groups and Civilians: Results of Prelimi-
nary Tests with the Finnish Police. ISCRAM 2013
Conference Proceedings - 10th International Confe-
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Liu, D., Bias, R. G., Lease, M., and Kuipers, R. (2012).
Crowdsourcing for usability testing. Proceedings of
the ASIST Annual Meeting, v. 49, n. 1.
Nass, C., Breiner, K., and Villela, K. (2014). Mobile Cro-
wdsourcing Solution for Emergency Situations: Hu-
man Reaction Model and Strategy for Interaction De-
sign. In Proceedings of the 1st International Works-
hop on User Interfaces for Crowdsourcing and Hu-
man Computation (CrowdUI).
Nayebi, F., Desharnais, J.-M., and Abran, A. (2012). The
state of the art of mobile application usability evalua-
tion. 2012 25th IEEE Canadian Conference on Elec-
trical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), pages 1–
Osman, N. B. and Osman, I. M. (2013). Attributes for the
quality in use of mobile government systems. In Pro-
ceedings - 2013 International Conference on Com-
puter, Electrical and Electronics Engineering: ’Rese-
arch Makes a Difference’, ICCEEE 2013, pages 274–
Ouhbi, S., Fern
an, J. L., Pozo, J. R., El Bajta,
M., Toval, A., and Idri, A. (2015). Compliance of
blood donation apps with mobile os usability guideli-
nes. Journal of medical systems, 39(6):63.
Pagano, D. and Bruegge, B. (2013). User involvement in
software evolution practice: a case study. Procee-
dings of the 35th International Conference on Soft-
ware Engineering (ICSE), San Francisco, CA, 2013.
IEEE., pages 953–962.
Pan, Y. and Blevis, E. (2011). A Survey of Crowdsour-
cing as a Means of Collaboration and the Implicati-
ons of Crowdsourcing for Interaction Design. In 2011
International Conference on Collaboration Technolo-
gies and Systems (CTS).
Sherief, N., Jiang, N., Hosseini, M., Phalp, K., and Ali, R.
(2014). Crowdsourcing Software Evaluation. Pro-
ceedings of the 18th International Conference on
Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering,
page 19.
Thuan, N. H., Antunes, P., and Johnstone, D. (2016). Fac-
tors influencing the decision to crowdsource: A sys-
tematic literature review. Information Systems Fron-
tiers, 18(1):47–68.
Wohlin, C., Runeson, P., Hst, M., Ohlsson, M., Regnell, B.,
and Wessln, A. (2000). Experimentation in Software
Engineering: An Introduction. Kluwer Academic Pu-
blishers, Norwell, MA, USA.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Aedo, I., Yu, S., Daz, P., Acua, P., and Onorati, T. (2012).
Personalized Alert Notifications and Evacuation Rou-
tes in Indoor Environments. Sensors.
Basili, V. R. (1992). Software Modeling and Measure-
ment: The Goal Question Metric Paradigm. Com-
puter Science Technical Report Series, CS-TR-2956
(UMIACS-TR-92-96), University of Maryland, Col-
lege Park, MD.
Birch, K. and Heffernan, K. (2014). Crowdsourcing for Cli-
nical Research An Evaluation of Maturity. Procee-
dings of the Seventh Australasian Workshop on He-
alth Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM
2014), Auckland, New Zealand, pages 3–11.
Gafni, R. (2009). Usability issues in mobile-wireless in-
formation systems. Issues in Informing Science and
Information Technology, 6:755–769.
Gomez, D., Bernardos, A. M., Portillo, J. I., Tarrio, P., and
Casar, J. R. (2013). A Review on Mobile Applications
for Citizen Emergency Management. In Proceedings
of the 11th International Conference on Practical Ap-
plications of Agents and Multi-agent Systems, Sala-
manca, Spain, 2224 May 2013, pages 190–201.
Hassenzahg, M. (2008). The Interplay of Beauty, Goodness,
and Usability in Interactiv Products. Hum.-Comput.
Interact., 19(4):319–349.
ISO/IEC (2011). 25010:2011. In Systems and software
engineering - Systems and software Quality Require-
ments and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - System and soft-
ware quality models.
Kuula, J., Kettunen, P., Auvinen, V., Viitanen, S., Kauppi-
nen, O., and Korhonen, T. (2013). Smartphones as an
Alerting, Command and Control System for the Pre-
paredness Groups and Civilians: Results of Prelimi-
nary Tests with the Finnish Police. ISCRAM 2013
Conference Proceedings - 10th International Confe-
rence on Information Systems for Crisis Response and
Liu, D., Bias, R. G., Lease, M., and Kuipers, R. (2012).
Crowdsourcing for usability testing. Proceedings of
the ASIST Annual Meeting, v. 49, n. 1.
Nass, C., Breiner, K., and Villela, K. (2014). Mobile Cro-
wdsourcing Solution for Emergency Situations: Hu-
man Reaction Model and Strategy for Interaction De-
sign. In Proceedings of the 1st International Works-
hop on User Interfaces for Crowdsourcing and Hu-
man Computation (CrowdUI).
Nayebi, F., Desharnais, J.-M., and Abran, A. (2012). The
state of the art of mobile application usability evalua-
tion. 2012 25th IEEE Canadian Conference on Elec-
trical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), pages 1–
Osman, N. B. and Osman, I. M. (2013). Attributes for the
quality in use of mobile government systems. In Pro-
ceedings - 2013 International Conference on Com-
puter, Electrical and Electronics Engineering: ’Rese-
arch Makes a Difference’, ICCEEE 2013, pages 274–
Ouhbi, S., Fern
an, J. L., Pozo, J. R., El Bajta,
M., Toval, A., and Idri, A. (2015). Compliance of
blood donation apps with mobile os usability guideli-
nes. Journal of medical systems, 39(6):63.
Pagano, D. and Bruegge, B. (2013). User involvement in
software evolution practice: a case study. Procee-
dings of the 35th International Conference on Soft-
ware Engineering (ICSE), San Francisco, CA, 2013.
IEEE., pages 953–962.
Pan, Y. and Blevis, E. (2011). A Survey of Crowdsour-
cing as a Means of Collaboration and the Implicati-
ons of Crowdsourcing for Interaction Design. In 2011
International Conference on Collaboration Technolo-
gies and Systems (CTS).
Sherief, N., Jiang, N., Hosseini, M., Phalp, K., and Ali, R.
(2014). Crowdsourcing Software Evaluation. Pro-
ceedings of the 18th International Conference on
Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering,
page 19.
Thuan, N. H., Antunes, P., and Johnstone, D. (2016). Fac-
tors influencing the decision to crowdsource: A sys-
tematic literature review. Information Systems Fron-
tiers, 18(1):47–68.
Wohlin, C., Runeson, P., Hst, M., Ohlsson, M., Regnell, B.,
and Wessln, A. (2000). Experimentation in Software
Engineering: An Introduction. Kluwer Academic Pu-
blishers, Norwell, MA, USA.
Quality Attributes Analysis in a Crowdsourcing-based Emergency Management System