Data Cleaning Technique for Security Big Data Ecosystem
Diana Martínez-Mosquera
and Sergio Luján-Mora
Departamento de Electrónica, Telecomunicaciones y Redes de Información, Escuela Politécnica Nacional,
Ladrón de Guevara E11-253, Quito, Ecuador
Department of Software and Computing Systems, University of Alicante, Spain
Keywords: Data, Cleaning, Big Data, Security, Ecosystem.
Abstract: The information networks growth have given rise to an ever-multiplying number of security threats; it is the
reason some information networks currently have incorporated a Computer Security Incident Response Team
(CSIRT) responsible for monitoring all the events that occur in the network, especially those affecting data
security. We can imagine thousands or even millions of events occurring every day and handling such amount
of information requires a robust infrastructure. Commercially, there are many available solutions to process
this kind of information, however, they are either expensive, or cannot cope with such volume. Furthermore,
and most importantly, security information is by nature confidential and sensitive thus, companies should opt
to process it internally. Taking as case study a university's CSIRT responsible for 10,000 users, we propose a
security Big Data ecosystem to process a high data volume and guarantee the confidentiality. It was noted
during implementation that one of the first challenges was the cleaning phase after data extraction, where it
was observed that some data could be safely ignored without affecting result's quality, and thus reducing
storage size requirements. For this cleaning phase, we propose an intuitive technique and a comparative
proposal based on the Fellegi-Sunter theory.
Every minute, thousands of activity events are
occurring and being registered into network
equipment. Monitoring and analyzing this digital
information is the important task performed by the
Computer Security Incident Response Team
(CSIRT), because they provide proactive and reactive
support to vulnerabilities and intrusions. However,
they are limited to a small time-frame, usually a few
days and the ever-overwhelming growth in
information size and complexity; due to this
drawback, the CSIRT cannot analyze historical
security events. Currently, the CSIRT’s main issues
are storage space constraints, code maintenance,
confidential and sensitive information processed by
third parties, cost associated with current solution,
Security data can be considered as Big Data, since
it complies with five Vs, the defining properties of
Big Data (Arputhamary and Arockiam, 2015):
1. Volume, for the high rate of produced
information when register all network
2. Velocity, since data need to be processed
and analyzed as fast as possible in order to
detect, prevent and react to possible threats.
3. Variety, event logs are classified as semi-
structured data (Khalifa et al., 2016), since
they generally contain metadata to describe
their structure.
4. Veracity, security information and logs
proceed from trusted network elements.
5. Value, since it can alert the security team to
threats that can happen, or may be
happening, in the network.
In this paper, we propose a Big Data ecosystem
for security data based on an open source framework.
This choice is due to commercial solutions being
expensive, may not be adaptable to company's
requirements or peculiarities and code is not available
for analysis which may present a confidence liability.
The proposed ecosystem allows processing a high
data volume, customizing the code according specific
requirements, keeping the confidentiality and saving
costs (Cárdenas et al., 2013). During the initial
implementation phase, it can be noticed that one of
the main process is data Extract, Transform and Load
Martínez-Mosquera, D. and Luján-Mora, S.
Data Cleaning Technique for Security Big Data Ecosystem.
DOI: 10.5220/0006360603800385
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2017), pages 380-385
ISBN: 978-989-758-245-5
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(ETL). This is confirmed by Intel Corporation, which
mentions that data integration stands for 80% of
development effort in Big Data projects (Intel, 2013).
Extract task gathers data from external sources;
Transform task employs a variety of software tools
and custom programs to manipulate collected data,
cleaning is also addressed on this task to remove
unnecessary data; finally, Load task loads the data to
permanent storage.
The data integration process into the selected
framework has a slight variation and first there is
Extract, then Load and finally Transform (ELT).
However, and after observing raw data (possible due
to log information being plain text files) we
concluded that some information was irrelevant or
redundant, for instance, the producer name, domain
names that can be resolved by IP addresses, etc. Thus,
and with a simple test by manually removing the
irrelevant fields, the size of the information could be
reduced before the Load stage and more data could be
stored without quality loss.
This background suggested the development of an
intuitive algorithm for removing useless fields after
data extraction process. The attained results through
a developed script were satisfactory but important
scalability and flexibility issues need to be resolved,
due to human intervention requirement in changing
and maintaining said script.
Several data cleaning techniques and tools have
been developed, but the major part of them target data
deduplication while our requirements were the
useless data cleaning. In this article, we limit to
present a Security Big Data ecosystem testbed and an
intuitive data cleaning technique with some results
and improvement proposals, for instance, increase
data retention by at least 25%. This solution has been
tested with data provided by responsible for 10,000
university users.
One of the main challenges in this research is
adapting data cleaning techniques to security data in
Big Data ecosystems to overcome storage space
constraints and we intend to solve the following
Is it possible to define a Big Data security
Is it possible to apply data cleaning
techniques to security data to reduce storage
Commercially, there are several available solutions to
process Big Data, however, as we already mentioned
before, they are expensive and the inclusion of a third
party can introduce security and confidentiality
liabilities that are unacceptable to some companies. A
Big Data ecosystem must be based on the following
six pillars: Storage, Processing, Orchestration,
Assistance, Interfacing, and Deployment (Khalifa et
al., 2016). The authors mention that solutions must be
scalable and provide an extensible architecture so that
new functionalities can be plugged in with minimal
modifications to the whole framework. Furthermore,
the need for an abstraction layer is highlighted in
order to augment multi-structured data processing
Apache Hadoop is a free licensed distributed
framework that allows working with thousands of
independent computers to process Big Data
(Bhandare, Barua and Nagare, 2013). Stratosphere is
another system comparable to Apache Hadoop,
which, according to the authors, its main advantage is
the existence of a pipeline, which improves execution
performance and optimization; although being
released in 2013 it has not been as widely used as
Hadoop (Alexandrov et al., 2014).
To support the data cleaning process, statistical
outlier detection, pattern matching, clustering and
data mining techniques are some of the available
techniques to data cleaning tasks. However, a survey
(Maletic and Marcus, 2009) evidences that
customized process for data cleaning are use in real
implementations. Thus, there is a need for building
high quality tools.
In a work about data cleaning methodologies for
data warehouse, data quality is assured but there is not
a clear path on how these techniques can be adapted
to our interests (Brizan et al., 2006). BigDansing
technique is targeted to Big Data (Khayyat et al.,
2015), but, similarly to other techniques, its main
purpose is to remove inconsistencies on stored data.
MaSSEETL, an open-source tool, is used over
structured data and works on transforming stored data
when our research focus on extraction and cleaning
(Gill and Singh, 2014).
Data cleaning is often an iterative process adapted
to specific task’s requirements; a survey to data
analysts and industry's infrastructure engineers shows
that data cleaning is still an expensive and time-
consuming activity. Despite community's research
and the development of new algorithms, current
methodology still requires the existence of human-in-
the-loop stages and that both data and result be
evaluated repeatedly, thus several challenges are
faced during design and implementation. Data
cleaning is also a complex process that involves
extraction, schema/ontology matching, value
Data Cleaning Technique for Security Big Data Ecosystem
imputation, de-duplication, etc.; additionally, each of
these tasks encapsulates several specialized
algorithms such as machine learning, clustering or
rule based procedures. In this research, it is proposed
the idea of making an easy and fully automated data
cleaning process (Krishnan, Haas, Franklin and Wu,
Data cleaning methods allow duplicated data to be
found within files or group of files. It can be
explained through Fellegi-Sunter mathematical
model, which does not need trained data but do
requires optimal parameters estimation (Winkler,
Advanced methods like Bridging Files use a
master file maintained by a trustworthy unit that
contains exact and updated information, so that
comparisons can be made only against that file. For
structured information, it is considered a good
method; however, in the security context it may not
be adequate, as it would need to analyze IP addresses,
ports, every entities equipment, etc. Having a unit that
will hold this information is unlikely and said unit
would introduce human intervention in the loop
(Winkler, 2003).
Big Match Technology has been applied in de-
duplication between files A and B, where B contains
indexes that allow higher information volumes to be
processed with less resource. Although, it has been
applied in scenarios related to people and cities
information, no results are available in security
information field. There are related methods briefly
explained like:
1. Preprocessing and standard methods to
identify sub-fields.
2. Advanced chain comparators.
3. Analytic link methods.
The three methods focus on information de-
duplication, but we are intending to target them at
finding useful data while eliminating the unnecessary
(Winkler, 2003).
Our research was unable to reach a suitable
ecosystem for security Big Data; therefore, a specific
ecosystem was built and the first steps are the data
extraction and data loading.
3.1 Security Big Data Ecosystem
Among the different available frameworks to build
Big Data ecosystems, we selected Apache Hadoop.
Apache Hadoop, being an open-source framework,
provides transparency and adaptability while also
being a proven cost-effective solution in several Big
Data scenarios. Apache Hadoop is included in several
products like Microsoft Azure HDInsight, Cloudera,
among others (Nehe, 2016).
Table 1: Proposed Ecosystem.
File System
Store any data
High data
Map Reduce Fault tolerant
No human
Yet Another
resource usage
Help Pages Easy to develop
Pig High flexible
VBlock Faster to setup
Based on the six mentioned fundamental pillars
Storage, Processing, Orchestration, Assistance,
Interfacing and Deployment, our proposed Security
Big Data Ecosystem is presented on Table 1, it
describes the used tools for each pillar and the main
advantages (Khalifa et al., 2016).
Figure 1 shows the logic topology of the
ecosystem, the source of the security log files
transfers the data to the Hadoop Distributed File
System (HDFS), YARN defines the abstraction layer
between HDFS and Map Reduce, the paradigm to
transform the data set in a pair key/value, and Pig is
used for analyzing large data sets.
Figure 1: Security Big Data Ecosystem.
IoTBDS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
3.2 ETL Process
In order to implement a Big Data ecosystem, the first
steps are the data extraction and data loading. Here,
the ETL stages come to mind, Figure 2 describes the
three applied tasks in a traditional data warehousing
process (Arputhamary and Arockiam, 2015).
Figure 2: ETL Process.
In Hadoop, ETL process becomes Extract, Load
and Transform (ELT) targeting processing time
reduction; however, in practice, during data loading
step it was clear the existence of useless and
redundant fields and transformation process improves
if data is cleaned first, thus, we propose: Extract,
Cleaning, Load and Transform (ECLT). Extract task
will collect log files from the sources, Cleaning task,
will perform the data cleaning, Load will store the
data into the HDFS and Map Reduce will do
Transform step.
For testing the Cleaning task, security log files
from a firewall were used. This firewall, belonging to
university's CSIRT, produces around 30,000 rows of
log per hour.
3.2.1 Intuitive Proposal for Data Cleaning
For most systems, data cleaning process ignores data
for certain hours or equipment, thus, it is possible to
reduce the size of the data to be analyzed in a Big Data
ecosystem. However, security data cannot be ignored
since any time an attack can be present in any
equipment. Therefore, we proposed an intuitive
technique for security data cleaning in an ECLT
process. This intuitive technique requires human
intervention to analyse the relevant security data.
For instance, a sample of security log contains the
following header fields: Product Name, Severity,
Event Name, Start Time, Source Country, Source,
Destination Country, Destination, Service, Attack
Name, Attack Information, User, Verdict, Total
connections, Event ID. Security data analyst found
the fields that can be discarded during data cleaning
process: Product Name, Source Country, Destination
Country, User, Verdict and Event ID.
Through a bash script, it was possible to clean the
security log file, for example, the main code line:
cat LOG_BEFORE_CLEANING | cut -d "," -f
Where x, y, z variables correspond to relevant
information to be preserved and we can differentiate
every one of them by the delimiter comma “,” since
as we mentioned before security log files are semi
structured data.
We tested the script for 32 security log samples,
10 minutes of data (around 5,000 lines), 100 minutes
of data (around 50,000 lines), 24 hours, a day of data
(around 720,000 lines), two, three, four until thirty
days. Some attained results are presented on Table 2,
there we can see for 10 minutes log file the size
decreased from 1.2 MB to 0.87 MB, therefore 27.5 %
less than the original file, for 100 minutes log file the
size decreased 29.2%, for a day log file the size
decreased 28.9% and so on.
As it can be observed in Figure 3, size reductions
between 25% and 30% can be achieved with this
mechanism and the results keep constant for the 32
tests, the attained average is 28.9%. With it, storage
costs can be reduced or data retention capability
increased by at least 25%. Comparing our attained
results with other researches, the main difference is
probably the nature of the data, since they propose to
discard data at row level (Aye, 2011), and we
consider important all the security log rows; for that
reason, our data cleaning proposal is based only in a
vertical dimension.
Table 2: Intuitive Method Results.
1.2 0.007 0.87 27.5
12 0.07 8.5 29.2
173 1 123 28.9
345 2 245 29.0
517 3 367 29.0
690 4 490 29.0
862 5 612 29.0
1100 6 734 33.3
1200 7 856 28.7
1400 8 979 30.1
1600 9 1100 31.3
1700 10 1200 29.4
Data Cleaning Technique for Security Big Data Ecosystem
Figure 3: Time vs Reduction.
This intuitive solution is easily implementable
and gives good results, however, this proposal does
not fully comply some main characteristics to be
considered as a suitable solution (Arputhamary and
Arockiam, 2015): Reliability, Maintainability,
Freshness, Recoverability, Scalability, Availability,
Traceability, Auditability and Maintenance. For
instance, Scalability since the code lines for data
cleaning must be created in house according the
company’s requirements, automatic Recoverability
due to the need of the human intervention to restore
the data cleaning script. Hence, we need to avoid the
human intervention in the process (Krishnan et al.,
With this intent, some automatic data cleaning
techniques were analysed in security log scenarios,
but we were unable to find a suitable procedure that
would allow us to reach the intended goal. For this
reasons, the paper also presents a comparative
proposal based on a mathematic model to surpass the
mentioned constrains. The next section describes the
details of this comparative proposal.
3.2.2 Comparative Proposal based on
Fellegi-Sunter Theory
Data cleaning rules vary from organization to
organization according to their requirements, so we
are working in the development of a technique for
automatically creating these rules. For that, we need
to identify the useful fields to maintain and useless
ones to delete them from original log files. Fellegi-
Sunter model was selected since it describes a
mathematical theory for record linkage without the
need for data training. They offer a framework for
solutions focused on record recognition from two
files that can represent people, objects or events, the
last one being our point of interest (Fellegi and
Sunter, 1969).
Our main goal is to avoid the human intervention
in the data cleaning process, thus, the irrelevant data
to be removed could be identified comparing two
files, the original security log file and the final user
security report. This last one will have the useful data,
for instance, for horizontal, vertical and box scanning
reports, the useful fields are source and target IP
addresses, ports, domains and time.
Fellegi and Sunter defined three sets of elements,
A1, A2 and A3, where A1 corresponds to a match
between two files; A3 corresponds to a non-match
between two files and A2 to a possible match between
two files (Fellegi and Sunter, 1969). As A, we will
denote the set of header fields in the final user security
report. As B, we will denote the set of header fields
in the original security log file (Winkler, 1988).
According to Fellegi and Sunter notation, A1 will
correspond to matched elements between A and B,
therefore, A1 will contain the set of fields that must
be adding to the variables x, y, z into the data cleaning
script. If the algorithm cannot decide if the element
belongs to A1 or A3, the Fellegi-Sunter corollaries
will be used to determine the associated error level
(Fellegi and Sunter, 1969). We are working to
implement this comparative technique and present the
obtained results; the main challenge is to compare the
original log file and the final user report since they
have no similar header field names.
In this paper, we have presented a proposed security
Big Data ecosystem based on six fundamental pillars
Storage, Processing, Orchestration, Assistance,
Interfacing and Deployment. Moreover, we have
presented the initial findings from a data cleaning
technique in a Security Big Data Ecosystem designed
for a university with 10,000 users.
The data cleaning technique for security log files
is an intuitive one but, apart from the acceptable
results, size reductions between 25% and 30%, it is
not scalable since the code needs to change every time
we need to stablish new rules or adapt new scenarios.
With the use of a mathematical theory, defined by
Fellegi and Sunter, we propose to improve the
technique to automate data cleaning process,
gathering the useful fields from the user reports and
thus avoid the human in the loop problem.
Future work is still needed to implement the
developed comparative proposal between user final
report and security log file. Our solution is focused on
security data and the use of Big Data techniques on
this context, two topics that had not been deeply
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
IoTBDS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
studied together and we hope to take advantage of the
opportunities available in these systems.
We thank to the EPN’S CSIRT for the facilities to test
this data cleaning technique.
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Data Cleaning Technique for Security Big Data Ecosystem