Software Engineering and Genomics:
The Two Sides of the Same Coin?
José Fabián Reyes Román
, Ana León Palacio
and Óscar Pastor López
Research Center on Software Production Methods (PROS), Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain
Department of Engineering Sciences, Universidad Central del Este (UCE), San Pedro de Macorís, Dominican Republic
Keywords: Precision Medicine, Conceptual Modeling, Software Engineering, Genomics, CMHG.
Abstract: Programs are historically the basic notion in Software Engineering (SE) that represent the final artefact to be
executed in a machine. These programs have been created by humans, using a silicon-based code, whose
final components use a binary code represented by 0s and 1s. If we look at life as a program with a DNA-
based genetic code and a final representation that uses four essential units (A, C, G and T), one challenging
question emerges. Can we establish a correspondence between life -from a genomic perspective- and
programs -from a Software Engineering perspective-? This paper assumes a positive answer to this question
and goes further into this mapping by proposing how conceptual models (CM) are not only required to
understand life but to manage the huge amount of data generated in the genomic domain day after day. The
main contributions focus on i) showing how to design such a Conceptual Model of the Human Genome
(CMHG), analysing how it evolves as knowledge accumulates on the domain, and ii) how these ideas can be
applied in an advanced, genome-based, precision medicine, under the assumption that this medicine will
only reach our health systems if these sound SE practices are properly applied in the genomic domain.
Understanding life as we know it on our planet can
probably be considered the biggest challenge of our
century. However, can Software Engineering (SE)
help us to achieve this? Answering this question
becomes a relevant issue that affects how modern
Precision Medicine (PM) can reach our society,
changing and improving medicine, as we historically
know it. As in our previous work, we try to answer
this question in this paper by looking at life from an
SE perspective. Our position is easy to explain:
humans build programs executed by a silicon-based
binary code. These programs are the written
representation of conceptual models (CM) (Olivé,
2007) that abstractly represent a relevant part of the
real work we are interested in. The upper part of
Figure 1 depicts this process, following a pure SE
It is interesting that a similar metaphor can be
applied to achieve the desired clear understanding of
life. In this case, programs are living beings whose
genetic code includes the instructions that explain
life, as we perceive it. Instead of having the SE
materialization of a binary executable code, in this
case we have what we could call a quaternary
executable code, based on four letters (A, C, G, T)
that represent the four nucleotides that form the
basic components of this “carbon-based”
executable. (See the lower part of Figure 1).
Figure 1: From conceptual modes to code: a SE-
perspective and a life understanding perspective.
If we want to develop this idea, one immediate
question that arises is: What is then the language of
life that would allow us to understand and manage
life as we understand and manage SE-based
programs? We are perfectly aware of the magnitude
of the challenge that arises from this question. But at
the same time, we are aware that the race to face this
Román, J., Palacio, A. and López, Ó.
Software Engineering and Genomics: The Two Sides of the Same Coin?.
DOI: 10.5220/0006368203010307
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2017), pages 301-307
ISBN: 978-989-758-250-9
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
challenge has not only started but is proceeding at
full speed.
Although DNA is the basis of all life as we know
it on Earth, we focus here on the human genome,
where rapid progress is being made especially in the
context of PM. It is in this context that we want to
focus our work, and where we want to report the
experience accumulated in the last years in how
essential it is to have a Conceptual Model of the
Human Genome (CMHG) for structuring the huge
amount of data and knowledge that day after day is
generated in the genomic domain.
What we want to indicate with the selected title
of this paper is that we can draw a parallel between
SE and genomics, by considering live beings a
particular kind of programs whose (genomic) code is
started to be known, but whose CM are still to be
discovered. In our work, we are not simply applying
one SE technique (conceptual modeling) to a
complex domain (human genomics). We go much
further: what we want to show is how genomics and
SE can share a same picture (as Figure 1 represents),
and particularly, how genomics can benefit from SE
by applying conceptual modeling to determine those
relevant data that life represents in order to manage
those data accordingly, with especial emphasis in the
health domain.
Following this argument, the general
characteristics of PM are introduced in Section 2.
Next, how a CMHG is introduced as the basis of any
IS intended to manage genome data. The final
section contains our conclusions and future work.
The social context of our work is PM, an emerging
approach for disease treatment and prevention
intended to change what we could refer to as
“historical medicine practices”. It takes into
account the variability in genes, environment, and
lifestyle of each person to provide individualized
treatments and disease prevention (Aguilar, 2015).
PM is a way of treating the patient which allows
doctors to identify an illness and select treatments
that are more likely to help patients according to a
genetic concept of the disease suffered by a given
patient (also called “Personalized Medicine”)
(Instituto Nacional del Cáncer, 2015).
As shown in Figure 2, this approach is based on
detailed knowledge of the genomic domain, and on
the information derived from the large amount of
data generated in recent years, which is in constant
growth as research is providing more and more
information every day.
Figure 2: From Genomics to Precision Medicine.
In practical terms, Fowler et. al. describes the
advances in genomics that will provide information
about diseases, explaining which people are most
likely to suffer this diseases, and how to apply a
more successful treatment for each individual
(Jiménez, 2014). For example, although there are
many causes of lung cancer, only people who have a
mutation in the gene “EGFR” respond to treatment
with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (Paez et al., 2004).
Even when the cause of a disease is known, different
genetic variants can affect treatment efficacy by
altering the way in which drugs are metabolized or
by increasing the likelihood of adverse events
(Aronson & Rehm, 2015). Another advantage of PM
is that it can combine epidemiology, clinical,
genomics and personal preferences in a bold
revolution to prevent and treat disease.
Research on PM can help to improve survival
rates in diseases like cancer, or could find new
treatment options for rare diseases for which a
specific treatment is not available. Prevention also
has an important impact not only on avoiding the
development of disease, but also on reducing
medical costs. To achieve these goals (prevention,
treatment, knowledge) the different technologies
from different areas must be combined. After the
introduction of NGS-technologies, DNA
sequenciation has become cheaper and accessible to
many research centers. Consequently, the amount of
information has grown considerably and Big Data
technologies, Information Systems (IS) and
Conceptual Modeling play a key role in managing it.
Having a well-structured knowledge
representation based on high-quality genomic
information is crucial to ensuring the success of PM.
When we face a problem where a lot of data are
accumulated, and the information is to be inferred by
discovering those valid patterns that have a precise
meaning, conceptual modeling becomes the essential
approach to structure and manage fruitfully all this
data. Nevertheless, proper inferences cannot be
drawn from low-quality data. Errors in the
knowledge base will lead to invalid conclusions, so
Conceptual Modeling and Data Quality Assessment
(DQA) must evolve together (León et al., 2016). As
we said before, if we want to understand the
complete and diverse set of information related to
ENASE 2017 - 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
the human genome and interpret it correctly, the first
requirement is a precise CM able to identify and
represent precisely all the relevant information in
this particular domain. It is surprising to realize how
far conceptual modeling is in what we could call
conventional Bioinformatics practice. When we look
at genome data platforms, we usually find low-level,
solution space-oriented answers where the
conceptual data perspective is mostly ignored. This
creates strong interoperability problems that are
especially serious in a domain with a huge amount
of diverse data sources. This is why our main
contribution in this context is to propose a simple,
holistic conceptual view of genome data through the
CMHG that we introduce next.
It is widely accepted that applying CM facilitates the
understanding of complex domains (e.g., genomics).
In our case, we used this approach to define a model
representing the characteristics and behavior of the
human genome (Ram & Wei, 2004).
One of the essential benefits of CM is that it
accurately represents the relevant concepts of the
analyzed domain. After performing an initial
analysis of the problem domain, the next step is to
design a domain representation in the form of a
CMHG. Our CMHG evolved with the new
discoveries made in the field of genomics (Reyes,
2016) in order to improve the processing of data to
ensure effective PM.
We can thus see how CM gives positive support
to the knowledge on which PM is based. In a case
study, we used this approach to define the structure
of the human genome. It is important to highlight
that such a model has to evolve over the years due to
the changes and developments that continually occur
in this domain. Indeed, the advantage of CM for
representing this domain is that it eases the
integration of new knowledge into the model.
Representing conceptually genome data is a
complex task that requires a strong exercise of data
abstraction to select the relevant data that must be
included in the target CM. A set of meeting with
geneticists allowed us to develop a first version of
such a CM, that shown soon to be very dynamic in
terms of the selected representation for the basic
genomic concepts. This is why we find significant to
discuss the basics of that CM evolution that was the
consequence of acquiring a more in-depth
knowledge of the domain.
Below we describe the evolution of our initial
version of the CMHG v1 up to the current version
(CMHG v2), with the purpose of showing how
significant such a CM-based discussion is in order to
reach a precise understanding of the domain.
3.1 An Initial Conceptual Model for
the Human Genome: CMHG v1
In this first representation, important decisions are
taken to adequately represent the concepts that are
basic to understanding the domain. The first
important decision is how to structure the
representation of the analyzed domain. Considering
the complexity of the information contained in the
human genome, we decided to divide CM
representation into three main parts, each one related
to a specific domain view:
The Gene-Mutation view: is focused on the
gene structure, together with its possible,
relevant variations and the determination of
the data sources.
The Genome view: is focused on how we go
from the whole genome to its relevant
component (chromosomes) and the type of
DNA segments they are made of.
The Transcription view: is centered on the
actors that participate in the essential
processes of transcription and translation, in
order to identify the components that guide the
process of going from the DNA-based
genotype to the protein synthesis, which is
related to the phenotype (external gene
Our first version of the CMHG is a combination
of these three views. For more information, see the
full view and description in (Reyes et al., 2016).
3.2 From v1 to v2: CMHG v2
Once our CMHG v1 was considered finished, we
started to think about its ability to deal with the real
data that are managed in the domain. While doing
this, we identified some questions to address:
We were not sure about the suitability of
mixing a Genome view related to the storage
of individual genomes –the so-called Genome
view in v1-, with a more theoretical, structural
Genomic view related to the Genome
configuration and characterization as a whole
–the so-called Gene-Mutation and
Transcription view-.
Concerning the core concept of gene, it is not
always feasible to describe DNA structure in
terms of genes as molecular basic notions. We
concluded that the safest structural description
Software Engineering and Genomics: The Two Sides of the Same Coin?
should be based on chromosome elements as
the basic building DNA element.
Incorporating more detailed relevant
information in the CMHG is a need, especially
when basic concepts are involved in the
discussion. For instance, the concept of SNPs.
We detected the need for extending the v1
with more significant genome-related
information. To go from genotype-to-
phenotype in a complete -sound way-, we
needed the specification of the pathway
description perspective.
The development of these four ideas led us to the
introduction of a new CM that we explain in detail
below (called CMHG v2) (Pastor et. al., 2016).
3.2.1 Removing Individual Genomes Data
Reviewing the knowledge represented in our v1, our
first idea was that the generic genome template –
which is the precise human genome structure and
how to characterize it- and the genome data bank
perspective –how to store individual genomes that
are going to be analysed- was mixed. The gene-
mutation and transcription views on the one hand,
and the genome view on the other appear together in
the CM, and these two concerns should be separated.
We concluded that this is not the best way of
representing the domain knowledge, as the generic
properties of the genome and the individual samples
should be clearly distinguished. In this way, to
develop a software platform to generate a genome
clinical report would be much easier, by separating
the individual sample of a patient from the genome
template taken as the reference to find (i.e.,
significant variations in terms of disease
implications). The v2 thus omits the so-called
Genome view, focusing on a more precise
description of a generic genome template intended to
collect all the relevant genome information. We
decided to organize it into five main parts (views):
Structural: basic elements of the DNA
Transcription: components involved in going
from DNA to the diversity of RNAs.
Variation: describes the changes in the
sequence of reference.
Pathways: intended to enrich the CM with
information about metabolic pathways to join
genome components that participate in
pathways with phenotype expressions.
Bibliography references: to assess the source
of any information in order to pinpoint the
data source.
3.2.1 The Chromosome Elements As
Conceptual Modeling Units
The use of chromosome elements as basic DNA
building elements had a direct influence on the way
in which variations and their DNA origin were
represented in the CM. In v1, the notion of allele
was represented as an explicit derived notion
through the class Allelic Variant-. Additionally, all
the variations were related to genic segments, as it
was not possible to register variations whose source
were in other –non genic- genome parts. To
overcome this problem, our conceptual proposal for
the next version (v2) was to directly relate a
variation with a specific DNA chromosome position,
as this solution better represents the real genome
structure. The benefit of not having the variation
directly related to an Allelic Variant is twofold:
Firstly, it allows the variation to be defined
with more precision and less dependence, as it
is associated with a unique genome sequence
just where the variation occurs. The variation
is not dependent on the Allelic Variant or on
the corresponding many-to-many association,
as occurred in v1. This relationship was
indeed something of a problem. For instance,
how do we determine that different variations
of a common allele are not incompatible?
Secondly, the Allelic Variant concept is no
longer needed explicitly. As we have no
individual genomes in the model, the absence
of individual genomes eliminates the need for
managing Allelic Variants. As our knowledge
of the genomic domain increased, we
wondered if reference Allelic Variants do
really exist. This would mean that there is a
catalogue of well-determined variants whose
structure and behaviour should be perfectly
known. The introduction of this knowledge
into the model could be accomplished at any
time. But while a precise answer to this
question does not exist, we conclude that
omitting the Allelic Variant class provides a
clearer description, conceptually speaking.
In any case, it is possible to generate allele
instances using the appropriate combinations of
variations, because it can be seen as derived
information obtained by applying a set of selected
variations to the source sequence of reference. To
have instances of an Allelic Variant class involves
ENASE 2017 - 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
characterizing the specific set of variations that
create” the considered allele. We argue that this v2
representation is more precise because the separation
of these conceptual concerns is made explicit, the
CM is in a –semantically-speaking- clearer state, and
it enables incorporating new knowledge, as
satisfactory answers to the open questions are
provided by the progress in the genome
understanding process. Considering that a set of
variations are identified as a semantic whole, an
allele would be the result of applying this specific
set of variations to the sequence of reference that
makes up a chromosome element as a DNA chain of
nucleotides. The representation of this allelic
knowledge is left out until the next version (CM).
3.2.3 Modeling SNPs
In the initial version, a highly relevant genome
concept such as the SNP (Single Nucleotide
Polymorphism) was not explicitly represented in our
conceptual definition. The specialization of different
variations accomplished in v2 is more precise and
distinguishes between two categories: the frequency
of the variation, and its known, precise or imprecise
description. Beyond this conceptual simplification, it
is important to take into account how SNPs are
stored in current, widely-used data sources (as
dbSNP (Bhagwat, 2001)). Looking at these current
representations, we performed a reverse conceptual
engineering exercise to include a set of classes in the
CMHG that represents this knowledge. We
discovered that an SNP is seen in this domain as a
potential set of variations in which one nucleotide
may appear changed by another. This change is
open, meaning that the notion of variation in this
case is that one position in the sequence of reference
may have different values according to the
population studied, and with a given frequency. This
is what we have included in v2, through the
specialization hierarchy introduced for SNPs. This
change leaded to a new discussion. Any precise
variation is modelled as an individual variation,
where the sequence of reference “suffers” a change.
However, the way in which SNPs are treated is
somewhat different: an SNP defines which
nucleotide is altered. It appears in the source
reference sequence (through the attribute “allele”
for the homozygous case, “allele1” and “allele2”
for the heterozygous case).
This representation preserves the way in which
SNP data appears in real genomic settings. But the
view of SNPs as a set of individual variations
suggests that a better representation would be to
model SNP as an aggregation of precise (indel)
variations. This change will better represent
conceptually what an SNP is, but the change has to
be carefully analysed because the data management
of current SNP data repositories should be properly
adapted to the new data representation.
3.2.4 Introduction of Pathways-related
One of the important innovations in v2 is the
extension of the CM with the integration of the
Pathways. Within the most important biological
pathways, we find three main types: (1) Metabolic:
these make possible the chemical reactions that
occur in the organism (i.e., the process of converting
food into energy). (2) Genetic regulation: these are
responsible for the regulation of genes (are
responsible for the generation of proteins, which are
required for each of the tasks of our body). (3)
Transmission of signals: these pathways enable the
signal to pass from outside to inside the cell and
The pathways play a key role in advanced
genomic studies, and that is why their inclusion in
this version of the CM is necessary. In this version 2
includes the first of the three types of biological
pathways, “metabolic pathways”. These are a series
of chemical reactions leading an initial substrate to
one or more final products. The final product of a
metabolic pathway can be used in three different
forms: (1) to be used immediately, (2) to initiate a
new metabolic pathway, and (3) to be stored in the
cell. The metabolic pathway is represented in the
CM as a combination of events, represented by the
relationship between the concepts of "Pathway" and
"Event", which can be of two types. The first type is
a single atomic process, or in other words, a process
of the simplest type and not reliable enough to
decompose into smaller ones (represented in the CM
by the "Process" class). The second type is a
complex process consisting of a sequence of other
processes of complex or single type, represented in
the CM as "Pathways". The association between
Pathways and events represents the composition of a
pathway (provides information about other previous
events that form part of this metabolic pathway). To
know the order of the composition of the events in a
metabolic pathway, a reflexive relation is defined on
the "Event" class. The chemical substances that take
part in a process are represented in the CM by the
"Entity" class, which is related to the "Process" class
by the "Takes_part" class. This can happen in
different forms: (a) being the main chemical, (b) as a
Software Engineering and Genomics: The Two Sides of the Same Coin?
result of the process and (c) being a regulator of the
process two types (activator or inhibitor),
represented in the CM by the “Input”, “Output” and
"Regulator" classes respectively. Through our
CMHG we incorporate genomic data currently used
(e.g., dbSNP, Ensembl, etc.), achieving a conceptual
representation that meets the needs of the
bioinformatics domain. As we said earlier, this
evolution aims to improve the conceptual definition
of the human genome, and thus leave a conceptual
framework for further improvements.
PM is going to change the way we have historically
understood medicine. The new practical context
associated with it requires a sound working
environment, and the correct application of the
adequate SE practices. We face this problem in this
work focusing on the need to design a holistic CM
intended to capture structurally all the relevant
domain information, together with the conceptual
complexity associated with the continuously
changing context of Precision Medicine.
We assume that conceptual modeling techniques
are the basic strategy to design and develop the
required sound and efficient Genomic Information
Systems (GeIS). Most of this work is devoted to
reporting how complicated keeping “alive” such a
CM is, especially due to the rapidly evolving
knowledge. The conceptual representation of basic
notions has been discussed, emphasizing that the
CM applied to this type of environment facilitates
the generation of systems that support decision-
making processes in the Bioinformatics domain. The
domain knowledge must always be prepared to
incorporate any required extension in order to meet
new needs. This is why the CM is not only useful
but also necessary. The initial version (v1) focused
on modeling "Genotyping" then sought to create a
semantic and content description. However, we had
to discuss multiple decisions before moving on to
our next CMHG v2. Version 2 is characterized by
the change in its central axis based on "genes" and
takes as its axis the concept of "Chromosome (and
chromosome elements)". This change was made to
simplify the schema and provide a more flexible
approach to extend it according to the domain
evolution. This new version gives us greater
precision, and allows us to manipulate data in a
more direct way. All these decisions have a direct
implication on how data are managed and
consequently on how data quality is to be assessed.
Future research work will focus to three main goals:
(1) the evolution of the CM by adding new genomic
concepts into the CM (i.e., haplotypes). (2) The
implementation of a complete ETL process, using
our CM. The ETL should be able to identify relevant
data for a particular phenotype, and to load them
conveniently in the DB that represents the
conceptual model. (3) develop a proper, unified
framework specifically for GeIS. The aim of this
framework is to complement the conceptual model
with a DQA procedure in order to ensure the quality
of the information represented and loaded by the
ETL. The achievement of these three goals will
provide the required support to the knowledge on
which PM is based.
This work has been supported by the MESCyT of the
Dominican Rep. and also has the support of
Generalitat Valenciana through project IDEO
(PROMETEOII/2014/039), the MICINN through
project DataME (ref: TIN2016-80811-P) and the
Research and Development Aid Program (PAID-01-
16) of the UPV under the FPI grant 2137.
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Software Engineering and Genomics: The Two Sides of the Same Coin?