How Have Policy Makers Responded to the Current State of ICT in
Schools in Saudi Arabia? A Qualitative Investigation
Abdulwahab Alharbi
University of Glasgow, Robert Owen Centre for Educational Change, U.K.
Keywords: Ministry of Education, Education Authority, ICT, Support.
Abstract: Previous research into Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Saudi schools has not
considered the role of the Ministry of Education or the Education Authority (EA). As a researcher, I decided
to study their role in an attempt to understand the current state of ICT in Saudi schools from the perspectives
of policy makers from both bodies. The aim of the study resulted in the generation of the following research
question: What are the policy makers’ views about the current state of ICT in education in Saudi Arabia? As
this research aims to discover and understand the current state of ICT in schools from the views and
perspectives of policy makers, a qualitative methodology has been employed and interviews were used to
collect the data. In total, five policy makers from both the Ministry of Education in KSA and the local
education authority in Ar-Rass city participated. The findings show that the Ministry of Education and the
education authority are significant factors in the failure of ICT in schools. The study concludes that, in order
to handle issues that affect the successful use of ICT in education, departments of education need to develop
their policies, strategies, plans and frameworks.
Developments in information and communication
technology (ICT) over the past decades have led to
significant changes in the global economy and also to
changes in the way countries, people and companies
communicate in order to do business (Bhagwati,
2004; Sachs, 2005; Soros, 2002; Stiglitz, 2002, cited
by Kozma, 2005). Since education is perceived as the
most vital and significant factor in the development
of any country as it is believed to be the first step to
reach other sectors of society (UNESCO, 2005;
Kozma, 2005; Almalki, 2013; The World Bank,
2015), countries around the word, including the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, have invested a large
amount of funds in ICT in education, aiming to
improve education in order to produce more
educated, innovative and creative people to
participate in their country’s successful future.
However, many studies reveal diverse factors
affecting the successful use of ICT in education in
Saudi Arabia. Therefore, and in light of the literature
reviewed, this paper aims to understand the current
situation of using ICT in schools in the views of
policy makers working in the Ministry of Education,
the first body responsible for ICT integration in
education, who could provide significant details
about this issue. When considering the issue
addressed in this paper, several and multiple factors
affecting the use of ICT in education seem to emerge,
and consequently, this could important for any
stakeholders involved or interested in the use of ICT
in education.
Among the most significant factors affecting
teachers in regard to their use of ICT in education are
those relating to educational and ICT policies, which
are crucial issues that need to be considered. For
example, Alissa (2009) has criticised the educational
system and its development policies in KSA and has
suggested that a number of issues have been causing
the failure of education projects; these issues include
the absence of a clear political vision and the lack of
good management. Consequently, the
implementation of any ICT initiatives always seems
to be a major factor in the failure of these
interventions. Amoudi and Sulaymani (2014) have
stressed the necessity of acknowledging the
complexity of ICT implementation in the context of
Saudi Arabia. This is true, since simply transferring
ICT into educational practice does not necessarily
mean it will be used correctly and efficiently. Other
local studies add that, although teachers are perceived
to be the major engine of a school, ICT resources are
Alharbi, A.
How Have Policy Makers Responded to the Current State of ICT in Schools in Saudi Arabia? A Qualitative Investigation.
DOI: 10.5220/0006376405370542
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017) - Volume 1, pages 537-542
ISBN: 978-989-758-239-4
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
also a significant factor in creating a more successful
and effective educational environment (Salem, 2004).
This is supported by another Saudi study, conducted
by Alsulaimani (2012), who found that a lack of ICT
resources available in school considerably hinders the
effectiveness of their use.
In addition to these factors, training programmes
need to train teachers not simply to be ICT skilled, but
rather on ICT skills related to pedagogy for an
effective teaching and learning process (Alenezi,
2015). ICT training programmes need to be included
in teachers’ education programmes as a significant
part of preparing future teachers for a more
technological teaching and learning environment.
Koehler and Mishra (2009) and Jaiya (2015)
emphasise the significant role of teachers’ education
in terms of preparing them to effectively use ICT in
their future careers; this can be through training
teachers more effectively in terms of practices of
pedagogy, ICT skills and knowledge of their subject.
The findings of a Saudi study conducted by
Alenezi (2015) revealed another important factor,
which is that a lack of immediate technical support
and continuous maintenance of available technology
in schools substantially hinders teachers’ success in
the use of technology and its outcomes. In the Saudi
context, research conducted by Albugami (2015)
found technical support in ICT was not suitable,
which underlines the necessity of providing all means
of required support for ICT use. A conclusion drawn
by Almulhim (2014) suggests another hindering
factor, which is the high level of workload assigned
for teachers by the school management, which then
subsequently affects their use of technology because
they do not have time to learn about and with ICT if
this is the case.
As this research aims to discover and understand the
current state of ICT in schools from the views and
perspectives of policy makers in Saudi Arabia, the
following research question was devised: What are
the policy makers’ views about the current state of
ICT in education in Saudi Arabia? In order to answer
this question, a qualitative methodology has been
employed and interviews were used for the data
collection. In total, five policy makers from both the
Ministry of Education in KSA and the local education
authority in Ar-Rass city participated.
This section splits into categories relating to the
significant themes extracted from the policy makers’
answers. It was important to start with the present ICT
situation within policies and plans relating to
education, moving to the next theme, which considers
the role of people who should be involved in many
educational initiatives; before moving to other themes
which consider the supportive factors and the failures
in ICT interventions.
It is important to note that the policy makers’ answers
have been summarised altogether for the study
relevance purpose.
3.1 The Current State of ICT in the
Educational Policy and Plans
Policy makers in the MOE stated that the main focus
and aims for any plan and project in education come
from the national plans that require (in general) all the
state’s ministries to keep up with overall global
developments as well as in regard to the use of
technology; and, in particular, the Ministry of
Education (MOE) for the continuous development in
education and the learning and teaching process as the
general education policy aims for the same. The
ministry in turn is responsible for the planning and
provision of any project-related needs. However, this
response was contradicted by another response
regarding the current situation of ICT in schools, with
the respondent revealing that the ministry does not
have such information, as the educational authorities
(EAs) are responsible for school visits for any
assessment and evaluation after the projects have
been introduced to the EAs by MOE. However, most
schools should have the required equipment and each
EA should have introduced the necessary induction
and training for any projects released by the ministry.
Thus, these responses confirm the lack of MOE’s
relation to its other related departments, which also
may indicate that accountability is an important factor
in the failure of ICT use in education. It was observed
that IT-related departments were working together on
everything specified for technology in education,
such as plans for projects. However, participants
noted that now a number of departments had the title
of IT but many of them are no longer related to IT in
the teaching and learning process. Thus, participants
found that as a significant reason of not giving a
number of important information, as one said, “That
is why we do not have the information you need as we
are no longer working together.” Thus, they had little
experience or awareness about what exactly is
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
happening at schools in terms of using ICT. One
confirmed that, “We do not make visits to schools but
our educational authorities and their related sectors
should check that when they visit schools”. Another
participant argued, “…but mostly we do not receive
their feedback of what actually happens in practice.
However, from the information we have there are
different educational authorities who are enthusiastic
for planning and implementing new and different ICT
programmes at schools.”
Since this section concerns MOE’s policies and
plans, it is important to point out that it would gain in
more significance if I had been able to access ICT
policies to gain more understanding for the purposes
of this research. I had attempted, using different
methods, to access ICT policy documents, which
should be clearly stated and operated as what we call
policies in Saudi Arabia, but I failed to access any
policy documents related to ICT. One of the top five
participants admitted clearly that, “There are no
available documents [that] can help your research as
most of the documents we have are specific
documents for us to work on the IT background in the
ministry and the priority is always for the ministry
and its related departments and schools websites and
portals. Actually, we are not lonely on the
responsibility of ICT integration in schools as that is
planned by the government and all ministries are
required to consider this as the development plan in
their ministries and related sectors.” Another
participant stated that, “Honestly, we may have some
[policy documents] but they are very confidential and
not to be shown [to anyone other] than people who
have the right of access to such documents.”
3.2 The Role of Stakeholders
A number of roles for different stakeholders emerged
and were discussed, as follows.
3.2.1 The Role of the MOE
According to the government requirements in regard
to ICT in education, the ministry’s ICT plans depend
on these set requirements. Before the ministry
requires any school to implement any project, “We
require educational authorities to introduce these
projects to the supervisors [EAs’ school subject
leaders], who should then deliver the necessary
Training to Teachers.”
3.2.2 The Role of the Educational
They receive confirmation about any projects and
requests for training stakeholders. Those stakeholders
should then train teachers about any new project. The
EAs carry out maintenance jobs for any schools in the
same region upon a head teacher’s request. EAs
arrange visits to schools if the schools have any
concerns or queries about ICT. IT supervisors visit
the schools to assess and evaluate the status and the
use of ICT. However, these visits usually only happen
after a request from a school, which makes the role of
the school management team more difficult in dealing
with ICT issues.
3.2.3 The Role of School Management
Responses from EA participants highlighted the
head-teachers’ role, as they should request any ICT-
related resources required in the schools. Another part
of their role is to encourage teachers to register for
ICT training programmes available at the training
centres in the EAs. They should also monitor the
situation and the real practice of ICT in their school,
and then report that to the local EA.
3.2.4 The Role of Teachers
Most projects consider the development of the
teaching and learning process. However, in terms of
teachers’ role in the project plans, EA and policy
makers admitted that teachers are not involved.
Teachers should join the training course available at
the training centre in the EA or in the resources room
centre available in the schools. As one of their ICT-
related roles, they should use ICT resources that are
available at school in their teaching.
3.3 Training Opportunities
- The embassy requires EAs to provide training to
teachers as many teachers still prefer the
traditional methods of teaching. Each school
must have one teacher assigned only for the
resources room centre where the necessary ICT
resources are available.
- However, the EAs have clarified the state and
nature of this training as:
1. Most of those teachers are not experts in the
field of technology and do not have adequate
skills as originally they taught other school
subjects but have now undertaken a course in the
resources rooms. However, these courses are
inadequate and do not cover all the necessary
How Have Policy Makers Responded to the Current State of ICT in Schools in Saudi Arabia? A Qualitative Investigation
training for ICT in education. Thus, on the other
side, this would result in a lack of training
opportunities for teachers as well.
2. They revealed that there are very few
courses during the academic year.
3. However, because of their workload,
teachers are usually not interested in joining
these training courses, for a number of reasons,
such as:
a. They are not paid by the ministry (no
appreciation or rewards) for training during
school time nor for courses taken outside of
school hours (if there are any).
4. These training courses are completely
optional and only a few teachers are willing to
attend. They gave the interactive white board
(IWB) as an example. The general manager of
an IT department admitted the failure of the
IWB during the past years, especially in terms
of training availability. He said the embassy
simply notified them that the IWBs would be
delivered to schools and told them to ensure that
the schools used them once they were installed,
without any training being available concerning
their use.
3.4 Resources
In terms of the actual condition of the IT environment
in schools, the EA participant admitted: “We are
definitely aware about this issue but it is not our
responsibility to change these non-working and old
resources without a formal request made by school
management”. They felt that some head teachers did
not request new resources in order to avoid any
accountability issues that might arise if the EA knew
that they were not using technology in their schools.
The EA has IT supervisors who visit schools to
check if they need any maintenance or want to report
any issues related to ICT in the school in general. I
asked the participant, “If you have a maintenance
team visiting schools and they can see all the issues
as most of the resources are visible, why does the EA
not take action in this case and make the change even
if the school head teachers do not want to request
them escaping from the accountability?” He replied:
“Because we are sure if do this action, those head
teachers will require us to provide them with
appropriate training courses to learn how to use
these types [of resources] and learn any new
[techniques] they are not aware about. In this case,
we could not accept such requests as the first
responsible body for that is the ministry; they need to
organise and prepare effective courses and pay for
resources and for any stakeholders, so we can do the
job if everything is available.”
3.5 Failure of Development Projects for
General Education Stages
Policy makers stated that the ministry has a number
of ICT projects and it works on implementing them.
However, the usual issues concerning the success of
these projects relate to the education authorities and
their schools, as the MOE could not be responsible
for the EAs neglect and carelessness in implementing
the ministry’s projects. An example is the King
Abdullah project for educational development in
2007 when each student and teacher was provided
with laptop devices. The government provided a good
budget for this project, but admitted that it had failed
and no longer existed. What happened was that the
integration of technology in this project was only part
of the educational development plan in general and it
was only implemented in a few selected schools in
each region in the country; in addition, from different
stakeholders in the ministry did not put any thought
into the technology and thus the devices were not
used. Therefore, these devices were collected again
by the project officials from the selected schools.
3.6 Some Issues Related to ICT Use in
a. The ministry provides expensive resources to
implement most projects only in selected
schools in each region of the country. Then,
if the project has succeeded and there are
enough funds available, it can be expanded to
other schools, as planned. Otherwise, the
project might not have the potential and
attention as it was and might be cancelled.
This is one reason why some projects are
cancelled or suspended until further notice.
b. Provision of new resources in some schools
for the same issue above. However,
sometimes is not only because of funds but
because the provision of new resources is
wasting the ministry’s budget when it is spent
on schools that have not used the old
c. Maintenance issues, as each educational
authority is only allowed to employ a specific
number of people for team maintenance,
which is not enough, as each authority has at
least 300 schools or more. In terms of
assigning maintenance staff in each school,
this has been impossible so far.
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
d. Teachers’ development: the ministry
provides some courses, but EAs may lack the
means to advertise or deliver these courses. In
addition, the majority of teachers have not
welcomed this idea as they are not paid for
out of hours’ work.
e. Teachers’ skills: as the training is always
optional and because teachers are not
motivated or rewarded financially or at least
with a reduction in their daily work hours,
large numbers of teachers are not interested
in improving their ICT skills or undertaking
basic courses to improve their ICT skills. In
addition, age and in-service experience play
an important role in relation to teachers’ lack
of ICT skills, as the majority of Saudi
teachers with more than 10 years of service
did not study any IT subject in their own
education, except those who specialised in IT
at university.
f. Teachers and students’ acceptance of and
attitude towards the use of ICT is also an
issue, and here we need to educate them about
the benefits that the use of ICT can provide
for their teaching and learning.
There are many hindering factors in relation to the use
of ICT in education. The findings presented in this
paper have shown a number of the factors that most
affect the successful use of ICT in Saudi schools.
However, factors related to the Ministry of Education
cause most of these obstacles. Therefore, it can be
concluded that initiatives and actions from
educational departments no doubt have a significant
influence on the success or failure of ICT integration
in education; and, in order to minimise issues such as
those revealed in the present paper, more efforts and
attention are required from the organisational-level
departments of education for developing their
policies, strategies, plans and frameworks.
It is important to indicate that, in regard to the
research question, which considers the policy makers’
views in order to understand the current state of ICT
in education, it would have been helpful if I had been
able to access ICT policies to gain more
understanding for the purposes of this research. I did
attempt to gain wide access to ICTs – which should
be clearly stated and operated as what we call policies
in Saudi Arabia – through different ways including
literature, the Ministry of Education and its related
sectors and organisations’ websites and publications,
and face-to-face meetings with policy makers and
other people in the Ministry. However, despite all
these attempts, I failed to access or gain information
on any policy required for this study. In particular,
during my fieldwork for the collection of this study
data, I met the policy makers themselves, who refused
to share any policy or even strategies with the
researcher as they admitted that the ministry lacks a
clear and standard policy specifically for ICT.
There is some local research where ICT policy
may be found; however, in reality, most of this is
usually taken from objectives of different plans or
projects, and, although researchers call them policies,
this is not true – unlike in the case of my study. No
single article on the general educational policy in
Saudi Arabia mentions ICTs, but other plans,
programmes and projects may set up a number of
objectives. However, these initiatives cannot reflect
the policy we mean in this study, as a number of ICT
interventions in the Saudi context have been
cancelled or postponed or have even failed. The
findings of the study will provide more details about
this crucial issue.
Therefore, I have instead decided to interview ICT
policy makers from departments related to the
Ministry of Education to understand the current state
of ICT in education from their perspectives, which
will in turn give us more understanding of the use of
ICT by teachers in the light of their views and help
shape the aims of the present study. In addition, this
research will benefit from the available literature in
regard to the Ministry’s different ICT interventions,
which should be very useful in the discussions in this
thesis. In this research, Policy Makers is used as a
term to refer to those who work in high positions in
related divisions in the ministry, and are the highest-
level representatives of the ministry’s decisions
regarding ICT initiatives.
I am grateful to Dr. Oscar Valiente and Prof. Michele
Schweisfurth for their continuous support throughout
my research.
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CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education