A Global Reflexion Portfolio-based Competence Development Process
Design for Lifelong Learning in Companies with a High Degree of Diversity
Ilona Grubliauskaite
Department of Development Learning, SAP SE, Walldorf, Germany
Keywords: Learning of Professionals in Companies, Workplace Learning in Companies, Lifelong Education,
Higher Education Global Reflexion Portfolio, Competence Development.
Abstract: Competence management in multi-national companies is a complex challenge. Business needs generate
competence requirements which are imposed on the workforce. A conflict emerges between the imposed
requirements with generated standardized learning offerings and a workforce with heterogeneous
backgrounds and learning needs. Goal of the paper is the investigation of this conflict from a lifelong learning
perspective of individual work process embedded learning. Core contributions of the paper are a study of
work processes and a competence management process. For this purpose an extensive observation study was
conducted, covering 800 hours of data collected from 50 participants over 100 days. A competence
management process is proposed which builds on the creation of reflexion portfolios to analyze the
distribution of a competence among different locations and target groups.
Especially in the high tech industry, technological
changes as well as the growing expectations on
product design, stability and innovation make
teaching and learning of professionals in companies
very important. This development of a “knowledge
workforce” (Drucker 1994) needs to be closely
aligned with business needs. One strategy of a
company to realize this alignment is competence
management (Boon and Van der Klink 2001; Garavan
and Mcguire 2001; Hoge et al. 2005; Weinert 2001).
Required competences for a workforce are identified
and monitored. To address a disbalance between
requirement and existing competence distribution
learning offerings are rolled-out. In knowledge-
intensive domains this is a complex challenge which
generates a large body of learning offerings which
needs to be curated – developed and maintained. This
process must consider two conflicting challenges: 1)
Top-down demand: Learning requirements are
decided from the business need. Frequently, hype-
cycles influence the business needs. The top-down
approach inherently requires a quick realization of
learning offerings; and 2) Bottom-up: Learning
offerings are developed for the workforce which itself
has heterogeneous backgrounds and thus different
requirements towards a learning offering. The
heterogeneity of backgrounds and requirements is
especially true for companies with a globally
distributed workforce.
As a solution, companies frequently decide for a
mixture of formal, non-formal and informal
learnings, considering a 70-20-10 approach
(Lombardo and Eichinger 1996) which focuses on
experiential learning (70 percent), learning through
others as peer-to-peer learning (20 percent) and
learning through formal activities (10 percent). The
actual learning content is governed by
standardization. One selection of learning offerings is
intended to solve the demand of the whole workforce
– one size fits all. Still, there is a “tension between
global standardization and local practices” (Hustad
and Munkvold 2005) – learning offerings do not meet
the bottom-up requirements which as an effect is a
threat for learning success. In the worst case, the
business need cannot be fulfilled by the workforce.
Therefore, the process for creating learning
offerings in companies is faced with the following
issue: A harmonization of the conflicting challenges
of top-down and bottom-up demand is required. In
this paper we follow a work-process perspective to
address this challenge. By far most learning needs and
learning moments materialize in the work process.
(Raybould 1995) stated that “many organizations
report that 85-90% of person’s knowledge is learned
Grubliauskaite, I.
A Global Reflexion Portfolio-based Competence Development Process - Design for Lifelong Learning in Companies with a High Degree of Diversity.
DOI: 10.5220/0006388206710682
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017) - Volume 1, pages 671-682
ISBN: 978-989-758-239-4
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
on the job and only 10-15% is learned in formal
learning events”.
To address the aforementioned conflict, this paper
investigates workplace learning, its requirements and
means to integrate the findings into competence
management. This approach has two core
contributions: 1) Understanding Learning: This work
presents an ethnographic study with the goal to gain
understanding about the work processes and thus
workplace learning of professionals in a global
company. The study takes place in a large software
company with global business and workforce 2)
Supporting Learning: The data gained from the
ethnographic study enables to generate insights into
the work and learning process. This serves as a
foundation to create a mechanism called a global
reflexion portfolio-based competence management
process which addresses individual, social and
organizational learning needs and demands locally
and globally – in a spiral process model (Section 7.2).
By generating insights into local practices and the
different states of competence development the
creation of dedicated learning mixes as well as the
identification of best practices for learning offerings
can be supported.
This paper is structured as follows: Section 2
presents the current research status on competence
development and management processes; Section 3
describes the “bridge” from Competence
Development to the Lifelong Learning, Section 4
gives an understanding of Lifelong Learning in the
Workplace; Section 5 presents a taxonomy to classify
the learning process at the workplace, Section 6
illustrates an ethnographic study to workplace
learning in a global company. In section 7 the idea of
a global reflexion portfolio-based process for
competence development and management is
presented and section 8 concludes the paper.
Competence development can be defined as an
“overall designation for the various measures that can
be used to affect the supply of competence on the
internal labour market (in individual employees,
groups of employees or the whole personnel group)”
(Ellström and Kock 2008) or just as a “way in which
organizations manage the competencies of the
corporation, the groups and the individuals” (Berio
and Harzallah 2005).
Other researchers stated, that “research into the
effects of education and other forms of competence
development in organizations is rather
underdeveloped, both theoretically and empirically”
(Ellström and Kock 2008). Later both authors
stressed the “need for the elaboration of theoretical
and empirical basis of the distinction between formal
and integrated strategies for competence
development, and an empirical research of the effects
of the two types of strategy, not only for individual
learning outcomes, but also for effects at an
organizational level” (Kock et al. 2011).
Competence Management (CM) can be organized
according to four kinds of processes (Berio and
Harzallah 2005): 1) Competence identification
(required); 2) Competence assessment (acquired); 3)
Competence acquisition (involved) and 4)
Competence usage (produced and transformed).
A case study (nine on-site interviews) to IT
supported competence development in the
telecommunication company Ericsson (Hustad and
Munkvold 2005) showed that the CM process in
Ericsson is established as part of the organization’s
strategic process which is divided into three stages –
analysis, planning, implementation. Three main
challenges for the implementation of a global
competence management system were: 1) Designing
a competence framework; 2) Tensions between
global standardization and local practices; 3) Gaining
commitment from the employees.
In knowledge-intensive organizations competence
management is used as a technique to align the triad
of individual, social and organizational dimensions
(Marrelli 1998; Hoge et al. 2005; Garavan and
Mcguire 2001) using different perspectives such as
resource-based view, distinctive, core competences
or organizational capability (Probst et al. 2000). This
brings the term competence beyond its traditional
specification as work related knowledge, skill, or
ability, held by an individual” (Nordhaug 1993). In
contrast the resource-based view which “has
influenced the field of strategic human resource
management” (Wright et al. 2001) considers
competence threefold: as human capital (individual
dimension), as social capital (groups) and as
LLL 2017 - Special Session on Lifelong Learning
organizational capital. In this resource perspective,
the individual needs to fulfil a very specific role
between organizational and social dimensions. To
enable the individual to fulfil the role specific skills,
abilities and knowledge is required which can be
achieved by learning, based on learning offerings
provided by the company.
Thus competence management imposes
competence needs for the individual which triggers
the creation of learning offerings (top down) on the
one hand. This not necessarily can be successfully
consumed by the individuals in the company who
have various, heterogeneous learning requirements
and preconditions (bottom up). One potential reason
for this is that competence management as an
organizational process tends to focus highly on
business needs, without building up a complete
understanding of the individual and social conditions.
Individuals have another perspective. They execute
work and are subject to their own lifelong learning
processes which not necessarily go together with the
companies learning offerings generated from a
competence management process.
In this paper, we try to find a way to address this
lack of connection between the individual and
learning offering design for competence
management. To do this, first the concept of lifelong
learning needs to be fully understood to identify
means to integrate competence development with
learning offering design which embraces the
individual in its lifelong learning process.
The following section investigates lifelong learning
and will show that in the work process learning results
of the individual manifest and that an investigation of
the work process can be the foundation for improved
competence management and learning offering
design by aligning the earlier mentioned top-down
and bottom-up requirements.
A large body of research on lifelong learning in
the workplace exists. In many cases, it is broken down
into formal, non-formal and informal learning
activities (Marsick and Watkins 2001; Eraut 2000;
Eraut 2004; Sauter and Sauter 2013). This distinction
in many cases helps to realize a focused investigation
of learning. However, the resulting separation
complicates the investigation of interconnected social
and organizational aspects on individual learning. For
this, the perspective of Billett (Billett 2002; Billett
2004; Billett 2010a; Billett 2010b) and others (Lave
1991; Engeström and Middleton 1996; Suchman
1996) is more suitable. They enable a perspective on
workplace learning which explicitly considers the
relations and interdependencies of social norms and
practices guiding the individual. Learning becomes a
social process which is deeply integrated into the
daily activities of the individual. Lifelong Learning
by Billett is seen as an “inevitable and ongoing
process of development that occurs through
individuals’ engagement in conscious and non-
conscious thinking and acting throughout their lives”
(Billett 2010a). This entails an interdependency
between work in learning and learning in work – a
complex phenomenon of Lifelong Learning at the
As Billett stated, “the most common sites and
settings for learning that which occurs throughout
everyday thinking and acting largely sit outside
courses” (Billett 2010b). This paper aims at
highlighting the relevance of work process embedded
learning. Goal-directed activities structured by
workplace experiences – depending of the regulations
of workers participation – thus influencing
constitution of their individual and collective
experiences during their daily working life are in the
focus of this work.
4.1 Structure of Workplace Activities
and Participation
Activities and active participation at the workplace
are shaped by values and norms that derive from
specific worldviews (Billett 2002). Thus, the
individual, governed by social factors and norms and
being in some respect the creator of his work process
must be closely investigated in the context of lifelong
learning. Norms, values and regulations are highly
relevant elements shaping workplace learning
activities of professionals. Those norms, regulations
and values are caused not only by the cultural and
organizational, but also social and especially
individual aspects, which serve as a kind of
“structuring structure” for working and learning
activities in daily work of professionals. Every single
working day has a more or less different structure
which as a consequence structures working and
learning activities differently – depending on the
work focus and job profile.
A Global Reflexion Portfolio-based Competence Development Process - Design for Lifelong Learning in Companies with a High Degree of
4.2 Workplace Learning as a
Negotiated and Reciprocal Process
Knowledge is “reciprocally” shaped by individuals
and their experiences at the workplace (Valsiner and
Van der Veer 2000). As Billett and Bound stated,
“individuals’ learning is not “socialization”
(Livingstone 1999) or “enculturation” (Gavelek and
Kong 2012). Individual agency shapes engagement in
work practice and what is learnt (Billett and Boud
2001). Thus, workplace learning can be seen as
“workplace participation and sustaining practice”
(Billett 2002).
4.3 Workplace Learning Summary in
the Context of This Work
The scope of this work of the conflict of top-down
and bottom-up development of learning offerings in
global companies – focusing on an IT company. A
conflict which requires a better understanding of the
relationship. This section has shown how important is
it to understand the work processes of professionals
as “knowledge workers” (Drucker 1994), to be able
to understand how professionals learn in their daily
work. Thus, the bottom-up aspect of learning offering
design should be founded on findings from the work
process. To achieve it, it requires: 1) Work processes
of professionals in companies should be investigated
to enable to gain important insights about the learning
activities of professionals at work; 2) The
investigation of the work processes should use
methods which enable to identify learning in the
context of social norms, values and practices. Thus,
ethnographic methods are beneficial for this.
An investigation of the work process needs to explore
the basic building blocks of the work process. To
explore the specific aspects identified in the previous
section – capturing the situatedness of learning and
the relevant influence of community and culture a
rich, yet acknowledged taxonomy is necessary.
This section focuses on existing work on three
complimentary perspectives on the work process and
respective taxonomies: 1) Activity taxonomy to
capture the basic modes of observable interactions of
a subject with its environment throughout the
workday; 2) Roles taxonomy to focus on how the
knowledge worker learns or teaches – using a
perspective of “giver” and “taker” learning activities;
3) Communication mode taxonomy to distinguish
between different local modes of interaction of a
subject with his environment. The choice of
taxonomies sketches the work process model of this
paper: work processes are considered to be
characterized by activities, roles and communication
modes. Taxonomies of activities and roles used in this
work were selected according to two criteria –
communication character and indicators for learning.
Here, the taxonomies are used to investigate: 1)
Activities of knowledge workers as a kind of
knowledge action they are practicing in their daily
work; and 2) Roles as a kind of learner behaviour
during their knowledge activities at work.
5.1 Activities: Using and Adapting
Existing Taxonomies for Lifelong
Learning Investigation
The main goal of the activity taxonomy is to provide
a rich vocabulary for individual interaction with the
environment. The focus is discriminatory power and
completeness with respect to capturing the workday
and learning throughout the workday. The activity
taxonomy directly builds on earlier work by
(Reinhard et al. 2008) which itself integrates the
following activities derived by different authors:
Information Organization; Conversation; Update;
Analyse; Dissemination; Feedback; Authoring, Co-
authoring and Expert search.
While the work by (Reinhard et al. 2008) provides
a valuable combination of activities, there are
limitations when it comes to capturing the workday
with a specific focus on learning. To address this the
aforementioned activities were merged and extended
(in italics) in the following respect: 1)
Communication Character: Conversation, Update,
Feedback, Reflexion, Analyse, Dissemination, Expert
search; 2) Indicator for Learning: Expert search,
Information search&reading web, information
search&reading print, information search&reading
web and print.
5.2 Roles: using and Adapting Existing
Taxonomies for Lifelong Learning
The foundation for the role activity to investigate the
“giver” and “taker” perspective of learning activities
was also the work by (Reinhard et al. 2008). The
relevant roles are: Sharer, Linker, Networker;
Retriever; Controller, Organizer; Solver, Helper.
LLL 2017 - Special Session on Lifelong Learning
Additionally, as argued above, existing taxonomies of
roles were merged and extended (in italics) in the
following respect: 1) Communication Character:
Sharer, Linker, Networker, Explainer, Analyser,
Decisionproofer&decisionmaker; 2) Indicator for
Learning: Solver, Helper Retriever, Networker and
5.3 Communication Modes
The communication mode complements the
perspective of activities and roles. Communication
mode stands for the realization of social interaction
during the work process. The following types of
communication modes within a company can be
distinguished: virtually (e.g. skype for business), face
to face (in person), face to face&virtually
(combination of virtual and personal communication,
e.g. conferences, meetings) and office&individually
(work alone in the office).
5.4 Conclusion
Activities, roles, and communication modes are
relevant because of the following reason:
Activities help to classify data about what
professionals are doing during their daily working
days: Types, duration and focus of those activities
help to identify the learning moments (explicit) or
its indicators (implicit). This information helps to
understand how people interact with themselves
as individuals and with others as collaborating
groups, teams.
Roles help also to classify, select and understand
the ways how professionals act focused on “giver”
and/or “taker” perspectives. This helps to
understand the transformation between sender and
receiver of information and experiences. Those
insights show how explicit or implicit the
“outcome” of learning (e.g. sharer or retriever) is.
Communication modes help to find out, what are
the more or less preferred communication
channels. This information can be very useful by
creating global learning offerings which shows
common local preferences in communicating with
each other.
Taxonomies of activities, roles and
communication modes will be used in the following
study to investigate how workplace learning of
professionals in a global company manifests.
The following ethnographic study aims to investigate
the workplace learning in a global company with the
focus on how do professionals really learn in practice.
6.1 Goal: Understanding of the
Learning Process
The goal is to understand 1) how learned knowledge
manifests in the daily work, 2) how learning takes
place in the daily work, and 3) to identify moments of
failure due to a lack of knowledge. This investigation
will help to understand how competence management
can consider actual learning prerequisites and
requirement in the design process of learning
6.2 Method: Participant Observation,
Interviews and Questionnaires
To achieve the goal, participant observation was
chosen as data collection method rooted in
ethnographical research with additionally combined
qualitative and quantitative methods. The methodical
approach of this study for combining methods was
influenced by the insights gained about Lifelong
Learning in the Workplace (cf. Section 4). This way
of method combination as mixed-methods is also
called “systematic triangulation of perspectives”
(Flick 1991).
6.2.1 Ethnography
“Ethnography always implies a theory of culture”
(Spradley 1980). It results that an ethnographic
approach aims at studying other cultures and thus
other cultural learning activities. There are three
essential aspects related to that: “what people do,
what people know, and the things people make and
use” (Spradley 1980). Those aspects in the context of
learning activities are automatically in continuous
relation with cultural behaviour such as reading,
cultural knowledge such as norms and rules and also
cultural artefacts such as shaping and making the
things from natural resources. Later (Atkinson and
Hammersley 1994) distinguished ethnography by the
main features: “exploring the nature of social
phenomena”, “tendency to work preliminary with
‘unstructured’ data”, and “analysis of data that
A Global Reflexion Portfolio-based Competence Development Process - Design for Lifelong Learning in Companies with a High Degree of
involves explicit interpretation of the meanings and
Therefore, the values of ethnographic
(qualitative) methods compared with quantitative
methods such as online surveys, have a “greater
ability to capture the nature of social phenomena”
(Hammersley 2013), e.g., culture, perspectives,
practices of the people. In sum, ethnography aims to
find a way of “getting inside” of peoples’ (individuals
and/or groups) view in the Here and Now.
6.2.2 Participant Observation
Participant observation as qualitative data collection
method enables the generation of qualitative
descriptions and formulation of “concept for
measurement, as well generalizations and hypothesis
that with further testing may be used to construct
explanatory studies” (Jorgensen 1989).
The following arguments of participant
observation were relevant for our methodical decision
in the study: 1) Insider’s Perspective to get a view of
“reality”; from the daily working life perspective; 2)
Location in the Here and Now of daily work; 3)
Interpretations to generate qualitative description and
thus provide practical “truths”; 4) Process logic and
“logic of discovery” to keep the flexibility, openness,
reflexivity during participant observation as open-
ended process; 5) An in-depth, qualitative, case study
approach and design, to describe and analyse
individual cases – here focused on their learning
behaviour (Jorgensen 1989); and 6) The researchers
role as “ professional stranger” (Flick 1991) enables
to observe and gain experiences from individuals
interactions with other people.
6.2.3 Mixing Qualitative and Quantitative
The combination of qualitative and quantitative
methods has different strengths (Steckler et al. 1992):
First, generating of rich detailed, valid process data;
Second, producing factual, reliable outcome data. To
achieve this, we combined the following methods:
Ethnographic Interviews, to get more information
to the specific cases, topics during the
observation, esp. in spontaneous situations;
Qualitative Interviews, for discussion with the
observed participant to reflect and evaluate the
observed working process and to discuss the “first
evaluation insights” of the observation days in a
feedback sessions. For each feedback session an
individual profile based on the “topics”, “roles”
and “activities” of the participants during those
two observation days were created. Descriptive
Statistics was used for the quantitative analysis of
the data gained from observation. Classified data
was quantified in terms of duration and analysed
using aggregation, normalization and basic
statistical measures (e.g. average, standard
Semi-Structured Interviews, to get an up to date
information about the participants (demographic
data based). Those interviews included one open
question about the learning – Self-evaluation of
their own understanding and practicing. The
interviews were analyized using Qualitative
Content Analysis as an approach of systematic,
rule guided qualitative text analysis (Mayring
6.3 Study Design
The target group for the observation was composed
of professionals with two job types: 1) Professionals
who have personal responsibilities (Managers, Senior
Managers, and Development Executives); 2)
Professionals who have technical responsibilities,
without direct people responsibility (Experts, Chief
Experts). Both groups originated form
“Development” as “Functional Area” of a large
global software company. The target group was
sampled from the workforce of a large global
software company. Participants involved in this study
came from six countries: Germany, China, India,
USA, Israel and Bulgaria. International Target Group
had a number of 50 global participants: 22 experts, 28
The goal of the study was to explore: 1) Local
differences of individual and collective workplace
practices between globally distributed professionals
as knowledge workers in their activities and roles,
also differences related to their job profiles
(manager’s vs expert); 2) Locally preferred ways to
communicate knowledge, common communication
channels of professionals in local and global team-
working; 3) Implicit (tacit) dimension of knowledge,
which is (as mentioned above) highly relevant for
different types of workplace learning, especially non-
and informal learning activities.
Summarized, those insights should help in
understanding connections between Lifelong
Learning and Work Processes on the one hand and
how possibilities of considering them successfully in
a Competence Management Process.
Information was captured as specified in 6.2.3: 1)
Observation data was collected, processed, validated
and analysed; and 2) Self-evaluation questionnaires
were filled out by the participants to get their personal
LLL 2017 - Special Session on Lifelong Learning
opinion on learning.
6.3.1 Participant Observation
The following observation process was developed
based on several observation trials with workers in a
company due to its positive combination of collecting
much information and avoiding repetition of
observed phenomena: Participant observation of
professionals during their daily work. Data was
collected by a single observer. The observation had a
duration of two workdays per person.
A four Stages Process of observation combined
with additional methods was conducted as follows:
(1) Participant Observation: Each participant was
shadowed for two days. During the shadowing
two tapes of information were collected: time in
minutes and a description of what the participant
is doing;
(2) Immediate Transcripts: Immediately after each
observation session the collected data was cleaned
and structured into the following categories: time;
process (summarized set of activities); activities;
roles; communication mode; topics of the work;
and interaction with other persons. Basically, the
activity, role and communication mode taxonomy
specified in section 5 of this paper was applied to
the data. The process reassured the usefulness of
the taxonomies for a seamless specification of the
work activities observed during the process. The
observer did not have access to all meetings of the
observed persons due to confidentiality of some
meetings – in those cases the time was captured
and specified as “observation break” in the data.
A peculiarity was that many things the
participants did addressed more than one element
in the activity and role taxonomy in parallel;
(3) Data Analytics Stage I-Individual level:
Generating individual profiles for each
participant. Calculation of different indicators
based on the observed timespans. The durations of
activities, roles and communication modes was
calculated per participant. The coocurrence of
activites, roles and communication modes was
measured. The resulting classification was always
verified in a feedback session with the participant;
(4) Data Analytics Stage II-Class level: Data
comparison between all six countries mentioned
above and the target group based on different job
profiles. The tools used for data analysis were R
and Excel.
6.3.2 Self-evaluation Questionnaires
The participant observation was complimented by a
self-evaluation of the participants with a focus on
their own view on learning practices. The self-
evaluation had the same participants like the
participant observation.
The self-evaluation was structured as follows.
Each person filled out a semi-structured questionnaire
with a set of questions to capture the personal
understanding of learning, beneficial and
complicating factors for learning. The questionnaire
was filled out one time per person after the whole
observation period of two days. The decision to put
the questionnaire at the end of the observation phase
on the one hand captured an increasing self-
awareness of the participants for learning – which
was an implicit effect of them being part in an
observation study which focused on learning. On the
other hand, taking the questionnaire at the end
avoided an amplification of this awareness which
could result from taking the questionnaire. The
questionnaires were evaluated using qualitative
content analysis.
Summarized, a study design which combined
different data collection and evaluation methods
aimed at more in-depth investigation, more valid data
evaluation and thus a deeper understanding of the
6.4 Data Set
Two data sets were obtained by the study: 1) Data
evaluation of participant observation; 2) Self-
evaluation data of semi-questionnaires. Both data sets
contain data of the 50 participating professionals with
28 experts and 22 managers; 15 female and 35 male,
in total 11 nationalities but located in 6 countries. The
data was collected in 6 different countries: Germany,
China, India, USA, Israel and Bulgaria. Work
experience of the target group: most professionals
involved in the data collection phase had a long work
experience of 16-20 years (N=15) and 11-15 years
Age Spectrum of the target group: most
participants were in the age group of 41-50 years
(N=23) and 51-older (N=14).
The observation data set covered 100 days and
800h of participant observation. The self-evaluation
data set covered the opinions of all 50 participants of
the observation study.
6.5 Data Evaluation
The constitutive element of evaluation was twofold:
1) Data Analytics based on the data gained from
observation activities, using aggregated durations of
A Global Reflexion Portfolio-based Competence Development Process - Design for Lifelong Learning in Companies with a High Degree of
assigned activities, roles and communication modes.
This evaluation aimed to identify the learning
moments of professionals as “knowledge workers” in
terms of activities, processes, roles, and
communication modes; and 2) Analysis of the self-
evaluation of professionals based on their
descriptions aimed to identify the learning moments
based on the professionals’ own understanding.
Additionally, differences between two types of
job profiles were analyzed – managers and experts –
but due to the marginal/no significant differences on
the level of the used classes, it is not reported here but
will be subject for future work.
6.5.1 Evaluation of Observation Data:
Identifying Local Learning using
Existing Taxonomies
In the following, an investigation of the distributions
of activities, roles and communication modes with
respect to the target group (experts, managers) and
countries is provided. Here we report normalized
data. Due to space restrictions other analysis with a
focus on deviation and outlier analysis is not reported.
The data presented must be read as follows: the
data of the X axis shows the categories in terms of
activities, processes, roles and communication
modes, which is sorted by highest frequency. The
data of the Y axis shows the percentage allocation of
those categories in the sum total (Individual data is
here already normalized per person and summed per
location). Each location has different colour marking.
The following figures 1, 2 and 3 show local
differences and similarities between Germany, China
India, USA, Israel and Bulgaria according to
activities, roles and communication modes.
1. Activities
The following overview of activities (Figure 1) shows
what activities (Section 5) could be identified based
on the measured durations. The overview shows, that
those activities which are seen as explicit indicators
for learning, such as expert search, information
search&reading web, information search&reading
web and print or information search&reading print
(left side of the spider chart) could not often be
observed. Activities which have explicit
communication character such as
conversation&update, conversation&feedback,
conversation&reflexion or listening&asking were
often observed. There are two outliers – Bulgaria,
where “observation break” was extremely often
observed and India – where “information
search&reading web” was more often observed than
in other locations. This implies, that India preferred
much more individual based information search
modes than the other countries included in the study.
Figure 1: Local Activities of Professionals.
To summarize the overview of activities (Figure 1), it
can be said that implicit interpersonal learning
identifications dominate (e.g., conversation&update,
listening&asking, analyze&dissemination). Thus, not
so many explicit information search activities were
identified (like expert search, information
search&reading web). This reminds of Billett’s
reflexions about Lifelong Learning in the Workplace
(Section 4) and its focus on social practices, e.g.
interaction with others.
2. Roles
The following overview of roles (Figure 2) shows,
that explicit roles as indicators for learning (e.g.,
helper&networker, retriever&solver,
linker&networker) could not often be observed. Roles
influenced by regulations within a workplace such as
retriever&controller (especially in India),
retriever&analyzer (especially in China),
controller&organizer could more often be observed.
Figure 2: Local Roles of Professionals.
Summarized, the overview (Figure 2) implies, that an
implicit dimension of a learner dominates.
3. Communication Modes
An overview of communication modes shows that
LLL 2017 - Special Session on Lifelong Learning
“face to face” mode was most commonly used during
observation activities in all locations involved. This
implies, that communication in person can be
considered as being very important. Only in India and
Bulgaria “office&individually” mode is preferred.
Figure 3: Local Communication Modes of Professionals.
The data gained from the overview about
communication modes (Figure 3) can be used for the
creation of global learning offerings in companies.
Concludely, we see a large variety of different
types of locally preferred learning practices – due to
the activities, processes, roles, communication
6.5.2 Self-Evaluation: Identifying Learning
through Professionals Own
The questionnaire the 50 participants filled out
included the free-text question “What does learning
in the company mean for you?” The answers were
coded and mentions were counted. The result is
shown in Figure 4 (for the top mention count of the
codes mentioned at least by 5 participants
Figure 4: Self-Evaluation of professionals about learning.
Summarized it can be seen a large variety of different
kinds of locally preferred learning practices: There is
a high preference for workplace learning and
interactive formats. Formal learning formats receive
less mentions but are still part of preferred learning
types. The broad spectrum of different kinds of
preferred-learnings underpins the scepticism towards
one-size fits all learning format.
6.6 Results
It must be mentioned that the generalization of a study
as presented here is not necessarily given. However,
many aspects have proven very stable among the 50
participants. Therefore, generalization seems to be
possible. The data gained from global participant
observation can be concluded as follows:
First, local activities are different between all
countries according to the information search (e.g.
expert search) as indicator for learning (e.g. India and
Bulgaria vs Germany, China and USA and Israel).
Second, local roles don’t show explicitly
professionals as learners in terms of giver (e.g.,
solver) or taker (e.g. linker) – thus roles are
characterized by tacit nature of learning.
Third, preferred communication mode of
professionals locally also shows differences, e.g.,
“office-individually” is as top 1 in India and Bulgaria,
face to face – in other four locations. Therefore, all
those local differences shows that “one size fits all
format” of learning could difficult help to achieve
results that benefit all participants locally. Due to that,
a mechanism is needed, which can recognize and
address different local learning demands and needs.
In the next section will be presented a competence
development process.
This section presents a competence management
process which is structured based on a reflexion-
portfolio. The idea is to avoid an immediate reuse of
the findings from the study. The portfolio much more
aims at providing a method to make informed
decisions which consider top-down and bottom-up
requirements as well by collecting relevant data.
The reflexion portfolio allows for the
identification of local practices and provides an
overview of the existing competence levels in a target
group. The specific benefit of this process is the
creation of learning offerings as dedicated learning
mixes (formal, non-formal, informal) which address
local practices. Thus, they can help realize
A Global Reflexion Portfolio-based Competence Development Process - Design for Lifelong Learning in Companies with a High Degree of
competence management and address the identified
tension in competence management.
7.1 Participant Observation as Basis
for Building a Reflexion Portfolio
Goal is to create a process for the design of learning
offerings which is capable of integrating the
differences in a globally distributed and diverse target
group. Inspired by the beneficial insights gained
during the observation study, the decision taken is to
strongly stimulate a comparable process of reflecting
empirical data which represents local learning
behaviours and local competence profiles. At the
same time, it is absolutely necessary to limit the effort
required for collecting the data and to reason about
the data. The chosen approach is the use of reflexion
portfolios which helps in making the intangible
workplace learning processes tangible (Section 4). To
make this more explicit a short background on
portfolios shall be given first. Then, our learning
design process is described.
A portfolio can be described as “a purposeful
compilation and reflection of one’s work, efforts and
progress” (Milman 2005). According to
Baumgartner`s taxonomy of e-portfolios (digital form
of a portfolio), a reflexion portfolio involves two sub-
types of portfolio: 1) Learning portfolio, to show the
learning products and processes. This type on the
individual level includes the learning products
(summative: objectives) and learning processes
(formative: activities – individual and/or
collaborative) of professionals; 2) Evaluation
portfolio, to evaluate the skills and competences by
e.g. curriculum in form of exams of professionals.
(Baumgartner and Himpsl 2006).
In this work a reflexion portfolio can be
understood as a living document which focuses a
competence of interest and structures information
about the competence from one or more locations,
communities, individuals. This kind of document
aims to show and especially to reflect the competence
development across different locations and target
7.2 Reflexion Portfolio for Assessment
of Competences in Companies
Basically, the reflexion portfolio is a living document
which collects competence related information for a
specific competence in a target group with respect to
a chosen competence goal (Figure 5). It is maintained
by a competence manager – probably human
resources staff. First, a target section of the portfolio
specifies the competence, target group and
competence goal. The remaining portfolio is
governed by an iterative process of competence
management which is supported by the portfolio. This
process is composed of three steps: as-is analysis,
gap-analysis and measures. Each iteration forms one
chapter of the reflexion portfolio, including the
following information: 1) The “as-is” section offers
information about the state of competence within the
target group at a given point in time. This section
allows to gain detailed information about the target
group where a competence of interest is located
(locations, local learning groups/communities,
individuals); preferred methods in working and
learning with this competence of interest; local and
cultural aspects as factors influencing the handling of
this competence; 2) “Gap-analysis” aims at exploring
the status of a competence of interest within the target
group. This in-depth analysis allows to explore a
“lack” of this competence on the macro (locations),
meso (learning communities) and micro (individuals)
levels of an ecosystem. The findings gained in this
section enable to derive suitable measures; 3)
“Measures” to address the identified gaps in the phase
before can be formal (e.g., formal training programs),
non-formal (e.g., learning communities, virtual
forums) and/or informal (e.g., learning spaces).
AsisAnalysis GapAnalysis
Figure 5: Process of a Reflexion Portfolio.
Typically one iteration can have a duration between a
couple of months and one year. It depends, what kind
of competence is needed, who target group is and how
long it takes to gain and evaluate the data and derive
suitable measures
7.3 Towards a Tool Perspective on
Competence Development
The described competence development process
builds on the collection of data about local
competence profiles and learning preferences. As
earlier mentioned, it is of utmost important to
simplify the data collection and analysis process. For
this purpose, we currently design a tool which
supports the whole process described in Section 7.2.
The data collection is core of the tool. By connecting
LLL 2017 - Special Session on Lifelong Learning
to the active directory of a company and existing skill
databases the target group identification is simplified.
Furthermore, the tool supports the adaptation of the
prepared competence questionnaires, the roll-out,
follow-up and transformation of the questionnaire
answers into reflexion portfolio sections. The tool
support is semi-automatic – requiring an investigation
of data in each step – to assure high quality and foster
the reflexion of the subject matter by the competence
manager throughout the whole process.
This paper has investigated a common challenge of
competence management in companies. Business
needs generate competence requirements which are
imposed on the workforce. A conflict emerges
between the imposed requirements with generated
standardized learning offerings and a workforce with
heterogeneous backgrounds and learning needs.
Goal of the paper is investigation of this conflict
from a lifelong learning perspective of individual
work process embedded learning. Core contributions
of the paper are a study of work processes and a
competence management process.
The study investigated individual learning
processes to understand how learning takes place, the
learning needs, how they emerge and how they are
fulfilled (bottom-up perspective). For this purpose
participant observation of 50 knowledge workers
(managers, experts), 2 days each, resulting in 800
hours of collected data was conducted and analysed.
Important findings were: 1) Work process embedded
learning: Most learning happens as part of the work
activities and was unpredictable beforehand 2)
Learning in interaction: Frequently, individuals learn
by sharing experience and information with others 3)
Less relevance of job profiles: A large amount of
learning needs is independent from the specific job
Competence Management Process: The process is
a framework to align competence requirements with
an understanding of learning needs and conditions of
the workforce. The process re-uses the work process
knowledge collected during the study and helps in
realizing a competence management process which
integrates business needs and individual needs. The
process explicitly avoids a dogmatic perspective on
company learning needs on business or individual
side. In contrast the goal is to have a process which
builds on learning need related data which is collected
and regularly updated. Thus, we assume that aspects
we identified in the study (learning in the work
process/learning in interaction and the relevance of
roles) will automatically be identified and addressed
for those competences and workforces which actually
require it.
Future work will apply the reflexion portfolio and
assess it especially with respect to its effect on the
conflict between business and individual needs.
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