Experimental Assessment of Private Information Disclosure
in LTE Mobile Networks
Stig F. Mjølsnes and Ruxandra F. Olimid
Department of Information Security and Communication Technology,
NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
4G/LTE Security, Mobile Networks Security, IMSI Catcher, Privacy, Software Defined Radio.
Open source software running on SDR (Software Defined Radio) devices now allow building a full-fledged
mobile network at low cost. These novel tools open up for exciting possibilities to analyse and verify by
experiments the behaviour of existing and emerging mobile networks in new lab environments, for instance at
universities. We use SDR equipment and open source software to analyse the feasibility of disclosing private
information that is sent over the LTE access network. We verify by experiments that subscriber identity infor-
mation can be obtained both passively, by listening on the radio link, and actively, by running considerable low
detectable rogue base stations to impersonate the commercial network. Moreover, we implement a downgrade
attack (to non-LTE networks) with minimal changes to the open source software.
Disclosure of sensitive information in mobile com-
munications networks has important consequences
for both the privacy of subscribers and the secu-
rity of commercial services. Although LTE (Long
Term Evolution) implements improved mechanisms
and protocols that provide better protection than pre-
vious generations of mobile networks, nevertheless
4G has turned out susceptible too. LTE was proved di-
rectly vulnerable to privacy exposure, location track-
ing, DoS (Denial of Service), or communication
eavesdropping (Jover, 2013; Shaik et al., 2016; Jover,
2016; Lichtman et al., 2016; Rupprecht et al., 2016;
The Register, 2016; Mjølsnes and Olimid, 2017).
Open source software running on SDR (Software
Defined Radio) devices allow the emulation of mo-
bile networks at low cost. These tools have opened
up the possibility to analyse by experiment the be-
haviour of all generations of cellular networks. Us-
age of such devices in academia leads to a better un-
derstanding of the standards and research results that
would have been previously possible in industrial en-
vironments only. Making use of available SDR equip-
ment and open source software, we analyse the feasi-
bility of gathering sensitive information exchanged by
radio communication in the access network in LTE.
Disclosure of private identifiers and parameters is the
first step to take advantage of security breaches in 4G.
More precisely, the adversary usually first reconnoi-
ters the network operation in the eavesdropped area of
attack and then use the gathered information to con-
figure a rogue base station for an active attack that
might severely damage the privacy of the user (e.g.:
interception of personal communication) or the cred-
ibility of the network operator (e.g.: DoS attacks).
1.1 Related Work
Academic works implement IMSI Catchers - active
attack devices against the radio link protocols in mo-
bile networks with the main goal of collecting IM-
SIs - by modifying the code of open-source software
projects, such as OpenLTE (OpenLTE, 2017), srsLTE
(srsLTE, 2017; Gomez-Miguelez et al., 2016), or gr-
LTE (gr-LTE, 2017). We have very recently showed
that Open Air Interface (OAI) (Open Air Interface,
2017) can be used to build an out-of-the-box IMSI
Catcher (Mjølsnes and Olimid, 2017). The attack re-
quires no changes to the software, making the IMSI
Catcher accessible to adversaries with absolutely no
programming skills, but only publicly accessible soft-
ware and COTS (Commercial-out-of-the-Shelf) hard-
ware at an affordable price. Rupprecht et al. have also
used OAI, but for another purpose: to test compliance
of some UE (User Equipment) with the LTE standard
with respect to encryption mechanisms, under the as-
sumption that the UE automatically tries to connect
Mjølsnes, S. and Olimid, R.
Experimental Assessment of Private Information Disclosure in LTE Mobile Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0006462305070512
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2017) - Volume 4: SECRYPT, pages 507-512
ISBN: 978-989-758-259-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
to the rogue base station by re-selection (Rupprecht
et al., 2016). New vulnerabilities arise continuously,
LTE being a hot topic for top security conferences
(Borgaonkar et al., 2017). A theoretical analysis has
been conducted to understand the threats in LTE net-
works (Bhattarai et al., 2014). Some work has been
done to detect or mitigate IMSI Catchers, both at the
subscriber (Dabrowski et al., 2014) and at the network
level (Dabrowski et al., 2016).
1.2 Motivation and Contribution
We investigate, by experiment, information disclosure
in LTE, which has important consequences on the pri-
vacy of subscribers and the security of commercial
networks. We analyse disclosure of sensitive infor-
mation by both passive and active attacks:
Passive Attacks. We exemplify by experiment how
the adversary can sniff parameters that are broad-
casted in clear by the commercial network. These
data give an overview of the network operation that
is valuable in implementing more advanced attacks
(e.g.: the list of cells in a given area, the uplink and
downlink frequencies used in the area and their as-
sociated priority). All experiments were performed
in the wireless security lab at the university and the
measurements were conducted on commercial mobile
networks. To succeed our goals, we used open source
software (LTE Cell Tracker) running on SDR device
(Hack RF One). We performed minimal changes to
the Matlab scripts of the open source software to al-
low correct decoding of the captured messages. This
required basic programming skills, such as reading
and understanding the Matlab code. Previous work
describes similar passive attacks, but the authors use
changes in the software of other LTE tools (Jover,
2016). Our attacks proves how easy it is to gather
information about commercial networks, without any
specialised hardware or software.
Active Attacks. The out-of-the box IMSI Catcher
built by Mjølsnes and Olimid generates a DoS attack
(the UE will only allow reconnection to the commer-
cial network after rebooting), which makes the at-
tack easily detectable by the end user (Mjølsnes and
Olimid, 2017). We now make the UE reconnect to
the commercial network immediately after disclos-
ing the IMSI to the rogue base station. This miti-
gates the detection of the attack at the subscriber level,
because UE loses connectivity for a very short time
only. Moreover, we show how to deny LTE services
to the subscriber, by performing a downgrade attack
to previous generation mobile networks. Both re-
sults are obtained with minimal changes in the OAI
open source software, running on SDR device (Et-
tus B200mini). To the best of our knowledge, we
are the first to verify by experiment the feasibility of
low-detectable IMSI Catchers and downgrade attacks
using the OAI open source software. Moreover, in
the same experimental settings, we test compliance to
standard with respect to IMEI (International Mobile
Equipment Identifier) disclosure. We find that the test
devices are standard compliant, in the sense that they
do not send the IMEI over the network. To get the
desired behaviour, we performed small changes to the
code. These changes must be performed by an at-
tacker to launch the attack, but require only some fa-
miliarity with the LTE standard and basic C program-
ming skills.
2.1 LTE Architecture
The LTE architecture consists of the EUTRAN
(Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Net-
work) and the EPC (Evolved Packet Core). The user
terminal, called UE (User Equipment), communicates
with an eNodeB (enhanced NodeB), which is the ac-
cess point to the operator’s core network. To identify
itself, authenticate and establish secure communica-
tion to the network, UE makes use of unique iden-
tifiers and keys stored in the USIM (Universal Sub-
scriber Identity Module) and at the mobile operator
side. Table 1 lists identifiers that we will refer to
later in the paper. Some of these identifiers are sent
in clear, before the secure communication is estab-
lished. The mobile operator broadcasts some configu-
ration information in clear also, such as the SIB (Sys-
tem Information Blocks) messages. Examples of SIB
messages include SIB1 that contains cell access re-
lated parameters, and SIB5 that contains information
regarding inter-frequency reselection.
2.2 Experimental Setup
The experimental setup consists of computers run-
ning open source software, attached with SDR and
antennas (Figure 1). We used 2 computers: one In-
tel NUC D54250WYK (i5-4250U CPU@1.30GHz)
and one Lenovo ThinkPad T460s (i7-6600U CPU@
2,30GHz), both running 64-bit Kubuntu 14.04 kernel
version 3.19.0-61-low latency and 2 types of hand-
sets: Nexus 5 (Android v6.0.1) and Nexus 5X (An-
droid v7.0).
SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 1: Identities and Parameters.
UE (User Equipment)
IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity A unique long-time identifier for the USIM.
IMEI International Mobile Equipment Identifier A unique identifier for the user hardware device (e.g.: phone, modem).
Mobile Network
MCC Mobile Country Code A unique identifier for the country a mobile subscriber belongs to.
MNC Mobile Network Code A unique identifier for the network a mobile subscriber belongs to.
TAC Tracking Area Code A code for a geographical region of a network operator served
by the same Mobile Management Entity.
EARFCN EUTRA Absolute Radio-Frequency A uniquely identifier for the LTE band and carrier frequency.
Channel Number
In the passive attacks scenario (Section 3.1), we
used HackRF One (Great Scott Gadgets, 2017) as
SDR and LTE Cell Tracker (Jiao Xianjun, 2017) soft-
ware to sniff cells and decode broadcast messages.
In the active attacks scenario (Section 3.2), we used
B200mini (Ettus Research, 2017b) as SDR and OAI
software (Open Air Interface, 2017) to build the rogue
eNodeBs. Detailed information about the hardware
and software for each of the two scenarios follows.
2.2.1 Passive Attacks
Hack RF One is a SDR (Software Defined Radio)
peripheral capable of transmission and reception of
radio signals from 1 MHz to 6 GHz, communicat-
ing in half duplex. The technical specifications of
the HackRF One are available at (Great Scott Gad-
gets, 2017). We used HackRF One to sniff informa-
tion about the target mobile network (Section 3.1).
Our reason for using a HackRF device is that it is
compatible with existing open-source software LTE
Cell Tracker that allows to capture and decode unen-
crypted LTE traffic.
LTE Cell Scanner and Tracker is an open source
software that can be used to sniff an LTE mobile ac-
cess network and obtain information on the network
topology and design (Jiao Xianjun, 2017). We used
this software for scanning cells and capture traffic at
selected frequencies. The LTE Cell Tracker uses Mat-
lab scripts to decode the 20MHz bandwidth downlink
LTE messages sent in clear, thus revealing important
information sent in SIB messages.
Figure 1: Experimental Architecture using SDR.
2.2.2 Active Attacks
USRP B200mini is a USRP (Universal Software
Radio Peripheral) from Ettus Research (Ettus Re-
search, 2017a). The B200mini device is capable
of transmission and reception of radio signals from
70MHz to 6GHz, communicating in full duplex. The
technical specifications of the B200mini are available
at (Ettus Research, 2017b). B200mini can be used for
all LTE frequency bands, which allows high flexibil-
ity. It is easy to handle with (due to its small dimen-
sions), affordable in price for academic experiments
and satisfies all the technical requirements for our ex-
periments, being compatible with the OAI software.
Open Air Interface (OAI) is an open source soft-
ware that allows LTE emulation by running on a sin-
gle computer with SDR attached (Open Air Interface,
2017). It is compatible with the B200mini and imple-
ments LTE control plane compliant to standard.
3.1 Passive Attacks
As explained in Section 2, an eNodeB broadcasts net-
work parameters in clear. The traffic sent over the
downlink channel can therefore be captured and de-
coded by an adversary to gain knowledge on the de-
sign of the network. We used LTE Cell Tracker to
discover and track cells in the area of the univer-
sity. Embedded Matlab scripts can be used to decode
messages broadcast at 20MHz downlink bandwidth.
However, we encountered some errors at running the
scripts, so we had to perform basic corrections in the
Figure 2: Commercial LTE Cells.
Experimental Assessment of Private Information Disclosure in LTE Mobile Networks
Figure 3: Real capture of SIB1 (fragment).
Figure 4: Real capture of SIB5 (fragment).
code to succeed
. The following examples show re-
sults of intercepting real traffic, broadcast by one of
the commercial mobile operators:
Figure 2 shows an example of cell search on a
given frequency, listing cells that correspond to
commercial eNodeBs in the area. Each cell is
identified by a CID (Cell ID).
Figure 3 exemplifies a successfully decoded
SIB1 message. Notice the network identifi-
cation parameters MCC and MNC (<MCC-
MNC-Digit>), the location area identifier
(<trackingAreaCode>) and the cell iden-
tity (<cellIdentity>). The cell is not barred
(<cellBarred>) and allows intra frequency rese-
lection (<intraFreqReselection>). Threshold on
the signal level for cell selection is also specified
Figure 4 exemplifies a decoded SIB5 message. By
capturing and decoding a SIB5 message, the ad-
versary learns the frequencies used in the area
The errors were easy to fix and might have been depen-
dent on the version of the software. For example, we en-
countered a Matrix dimensions must agree error, which we
solved by simply changing the starting index of a matrix
from 2 to 1.
(<dl-CarrierFreq>) and their associated priori-
ties (<cellReselectionPriority>). Hence, the ad-
versary gains an overview of the network in the
eavesdropped area and might subsequently use
the gathered information to setup an active attack.
More precisely, the attacker uses the results to
configure the rogue base station (e.g.: setting up
an IMSI Catcher by jamming the highest prior-
ity frequency and collecting IMSIs on the second
highest priority frequency (Mjølsnes and Olimid,
3.2 Active Attacks
3.2.1 IMSI Catcher
We base our work on the out-of-the box IMSI Catcher
given in (Mjølsnes and Olimid, 2017). The rogue base
station collects the IMSIs, but the experiment ends
up in a DoS attack, which makes the attack easily
detectable. We now make the UE reconnect to the
commercial network immediately after disclosing the
IMSI, which mitigates the detection of the attack at
the user side. The user might still recognise an im-
proper behaviour if it is in the middle of a conversa-
tion, but the probability of detection in practice is sig-
nificantly lower. Moreover, in a second experiment
we add an additional behaviour: the UE returns to the
commercial network, but it denies LTE services. This
results in a downgrade attack to 2G/3G, making the
UE susceptible to the attacks in previous generation
mobile networks.
The change in the OAI source code is minimal,
and consists in changing the EMM Cause returned
in the Attach Reject message from Cause #3 - Ille-
gal UE to Cause #15 - No suitable cells in tracking
area, respectively to Cause #7 - EPS services not al-
lowed (ETSI TS 124 301 V12.6.0 (2014-10), 2014).
We have tested both scenarios with successful results:
UE disclosed the IMSI and returned to the commer-
cial LTE network, respectively UE disclosed the IMSI
and downgraded to a non-LTE service of the commer-
cial network in a few seconds of operation. Figure 5
exemplifies an Identity Response message displayed
in Wireshark (Wireshark, 2017) containing the IMSI,
while Figures 6 and 7 illustrate the EMM causes in
the two scenarios. In our experiments, Cause #7 -
EPS services not allowed triggered downgrade to the
commercial network to WCDMA.
3.2.2 IMEI Catcher
By default, in the Identification Request message, the
rogue mobile network asks the UE device to identify
SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 5: IMSI capture.
Figure 6: Trigger reconnection to commercial network.
Figure 7: Trigger downgrade to non-LTE services in com-
mercial network.
itself using the IMSI. We change the request to ask for
IMEI instead. By this, we test compliance of UE to
standard: IMEI should never be sent over the network
in clear, except during the emergency calls, or when
the UE has no IMSI, or no valid temporary identifier
(ETSI TS 133 401 V10.3.0 (2012-07), 2012).
The change in the OAI source code needed
is again minimal and consists in changing the
in the identification request function. Both devices
that we tested proved to be standard compliant: they
do not reply with an Identity Response message, and
hence they do not disclose the IMEI. Figure 8 illus-
trates an example of IMEI request, followed by the
Attach Reject message. Notice that there is no Identity
Response message.
To make the IMEI request experiment less time
consuming, we kept the EMM cause changed to
Cause #15 - No suitable cells in tracking area, which
allows the IMEI experiment to run several times with-
out the necessity to reboot the UE, but only change the
value of the TAC in the rogue network.
We argue the simplicity of breaking privacy in LTE
networks. We show by experiment how to collect
sensitive identifiers and parameters both at the sub-
scriber level and the network level. Examples include
the IMSI (permanent identifier of the subscriber) and
the the list of high priority frequencies (parametrised
at the network side). First, we show the possibility of
eavesdropping on the LTE downlink using publicly
available open source software and low cost hard-
ware. Second, we improve existing work by mitigat-
ing the detection of rogue eNodeBs by subscribers
and show that the downgrade attack can be imple-
mented in LTE using OAI software too. Finally, we
give a method to test compliancy to the standard with
respect to IMEI disclosure. Our work shows that LTE
security is still an open problem and that new vulner-
abilities arise. Future research should focus on miti-
gating methods and countermeasures, with the goal to
make mobile communication more secure.
The authors would like to thank post doc David Palma
at our department for providing some of the equip-
ment necessary for the experiments and master stu-
dents Christoffer E. Ottesen and Christian Sørseth for
their help with some of the experiments.
Experimental Assessment of Private Information Disclosure in LTE Mobile Networks
Figure 8: Identity Request (IMEI) followed by Attach Reject (no Identity Response).
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SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography