Context-based Encryption Applied to Data Leakage
Prevention Solutions
Pilar Holgado
, Alberto García
, Jose Javier García
, Jorge Roncero
, Víctor A. Villagrá
and Helena Jalain
Departamento de Ingeniería y Sistemas Telemáticos, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid,
Avenida Complutense, 30, 28040, Madrid, Spain
Nokia, Departamento de Innovación, Calle de María Tubau, 9, 28050, Madrid, Spain
Keywords: Data Leakage Prevention, Context-based Encryption.
Abstract: Data leakage pose a serious threat to companies as the number of leakage incidents and the cost continues to
increase. Data Leakage Prevention (DLP) has been studied to solve this information leakage. We propose a
DLP solution applying context-based encryption concept, thus sensitive files are encrypted at all time. The
cipher key is obtained through the execution of challenges based in the environment context and the
company policies. In this paper, we explain the architecture and the design of our DLP system and the
proposed challenges.
Nowadays, many companies deal with sensitive data
including intellectual property, financial information
or users information. Accidental or unintentional
distribution of private data to an unauthorized entity
is a serious issue for companies. The potential
damage of a data leakage can include reputation,
exposure of intellectual property to competitors, or
loss of future sales.
In the data leakage context, the attacker may be
an internal employee or an external attacker
attempting to leak sensitive information. It can be
caused not only by malicious intent, but by an
inadvertent mistake. In addition, an authorized user
is not the same as a trusted user. In many cases
organizations are victims of their own employees
who intentionally share confidential data with
external persons for personal purposes (Abbadi and
Alawneh, 2008). In this case, the user is authorized
to access to sensitive information and it is no
detected from classic external measures such as
Data Leakage Prevention (DLP) (Raman,
Kayacik and Somayaji, 2011) aim to keep
confidential information secure, preventing potential
data leakage or unauthorized information disclosure.
These solutions can be characterized according to a
taxonomy that incorporates the following attributes
(Shabtai, Elovici and Rokach, 2012): data-state,
deployment scheme, leakage handling approach and
action taken upon leakage. However, data leakage
and data misuse are considered an emerging security
threats to organizations, especially when carried out
by insiders. In many cases, it is very difficult to
detect insiders because they misuse their credentials
to perform an attack.
In this paper, we propose a DLP solution based
on an encryption/decryption process of confidential
documents where the cipher key is obtained through
the execution of challenges. These challenges use
the environment context and the company policies in
the encryption/decryption time. In this way,
sensitive files are encrypted at all time and can only
be read within our DLP system.
The rest of this paper is organised as follows.
Section 2 outlines the current state of art in context-
based encryption. Section 3 explains our DLP
system using context-based encryption. Proposed
challenges are explained in Section 4. Section 5
describes the key generation from challenges results.
Finally, final remarks obtained during this study are
included in Section 6.
García, A., Moro, A., García, J., Roncero, J., Villagrá, V. and Jalain, H.
Context-based Encryption Applied to Data Leakage Prevention Solutions.
DOI: 10.5220/0006475205660571
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2017) - Volume 4: SECRYPT, pages 566-571
ISBN: 978-989-758-259-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Some researchers have proposed attribute based
encryption (ABE) method and access controls for
data privacy. ABE can be divided by two types,
called KP-ABE (Key Policy Attribute Based
Encryption) and CP-ABE (Cipher text Policy
Attribute Based Encryption).
On the one hand, in KP-ABE each data has
attributes (such as Name, Position or Place) and the
users have keys based on an access tree that can
distinguish attributes. For example, in (Goyal et al.,
2006) each user’s key is associated with a tree-
access structure where the leaves are associated with
attributes for encryption with fine-grained access
control in applications such as sharing audit log
On the other hand, CP-ABE can control the data
access from an access tree included in each
ciphertext. The methodology proposes in (Waters,
2011) allows any encryptor to specify access control
in terms of any access formula (equivalently tree
structures) over the attributes in the system. This
access formula can be expressed in term of a Linear
Secret Sharing Scheme (LSSS) and the access
control included several LSSS in a matrix. However,
LSSS matrices are much less intuitive to use when
compared with other approaches such as boolean
formulas or access trees. To address this problem, in
(Liu, Cao and Wong, 2010), it is proposed a new
algorithm which, in addition to AND and OR gates,
can directly support threshold gates, and obtain
much smaller LSSS matrices
Similarity, the user attributes have to satisfy the
boolean formulas or access tree conditions in both
KP-ABE and CP-ABE methods. Our proposed
encryption architecture is not based on any access
structure for data protection but we control data
access through several complex challenges that
return correct sub-keys related to environment
Jungyub Lee et. al. introduce the context-based
encryption term in IOT (Internet of Things)
scenarios (Lee, Oh and Jang, 2015). They claim that
contexts related with user or device can be used as
an attribute of data when data was encrypted in an
ABE schema. The contexts are extracted by the
detection method based on the user’s situations. In
the same way, we use context-based encryption for
data privacy but applied to a DLP architecture.
J. Al-Muhtadi et. al. propose context and
location-aware encryption for pervasive computer
environment (Al-Muhtadi et al., 2006). Specifically,
they use a node’s location to authorize access to a
resource. Furthermore, the material is stored in an
encrypted fashion, and can be aggregated and
decrypted only when the requestor entity is at the
correct location or under the correct context. The
administrator sets up the spatial region(s) in which
data access is authorized. Each region pre-calculates
and storage a key based on the location context. This
method need use certificates to establish user
sessions for the authorize access process in the
server. Furthermore, the data is sent between
Location Service and the file system of the client. In
contrast, our proposal does not need asymmetric
cryptography or sessions management because it is
very difficult that the attacker knows the correct
context parameters for a specific file. Also, the data
always remain in our encryption file system and is
not transmitted.
In our proposal we apply this concept of users
context, such as their location to make these
parameters part of the key that will give access to an
encrypted file. We execute several context
challenges in the encryption/decryption time without
storing any key or sub-key in a persistent form.
Thus, if that specific context is not met, the
generated key will be incorrect and the file could not
be decrypted.
The design of our DLP system is based on context
data for the encryption/decryption of sensitive data.
The proposal pretends to use, not only the traditional
user’s information such as his username or his
employment, but also include the device context as
the current date, GPS location, and so on. The file
encryption/decryption is possible if the context has
not changed when DLP system performs both
processes, for example, users are working within the
same hour interval, in the same place, etc. Thus, the
cipher/decipher key is context-based based on the
execution of multiple pieces of code called
challenges. Each of these challenges generates a
sub-key based on a specific context to obtain the
final cipher key.
This kind of context-based encryption is
appropriate for a DLP tool since a user, who can be
authorized but not trusted, will only have access to
the data when the context corresponds to the policy
Context-based Encryption Applied to Data Leakage Prevention Solutions
of the company. Otherwise, the encipher/decipher
key will be wrong.
Figure 1: DLP tool architecture with server.
The architecture (Figure 1) is composed of a DLP
tool and a External Server, which executes remote
challenges and performs user authorization process.
The calculation of the challenges-based sub-keys
in external server make the system more secure
since a potential attacker trying to break the data
should manipulate also that external server.
Furthermore, executing remote challenges help to
save some battery if the DLP tool is running in a
mobile device. The server is an HTTP server
implemented by an API-REST. Furthermore, the
database stores context policies established by an
The DLP tool will generate the cipher/decipher
key with every single sub-key returned by the local
challenges and the remote challenges.
Figure 2: Flow between DLP tool and the server.
In Figure 2, we can see this behaviour in detail. The
DLP tool sends a request to the server with some
context information of the user for the remote
challenge that wants to execute. The External Server
receives this request and executes the desired remote
challenge, accessing the database to obtain the
parameters established by an administrator. Finally,
the server sends back the sub-key(s) calculated in
JSON format.
Challenges are different mechanisms to calculate
sub-keys needed in our symmetric encryption
process. Each challenge is related to a particular
environment context parameter. It should be noted
that the remote challenges in both the encryption
and the decryption processes are the same, so it is
not necessary to make different requests to the
server. In the following subsections the proposed
remote challenges are explained in more detail.
4.1 GPS Location Challenge
In this case, the challenge limits access to
confidential files in all places that are not bounded
within a geolocation area delimited by the system
administrator and included in the database using two
Geographical coordinates of the centre of the
allowed area. For example, the centre of the
office building.
The area to be covered is circular, so the
server only storage the radius of the circle to
cover per system.
When a device needs to encrypt or decrypt a file
it makes a POST request to the server with the
geographical coordinates in which it is. First, the
challenge using the radius and the centre stored by
the manager, calculates the four points of the circle
whose latitudes are higher and lower (that is, the
minimum and maximum values of latitude that can
be given in all points of the interior of the circle) and
checks which is the common part between the
points. For example, the latitude points 3.4567º and
3.4589º have in common the 3.45º part. In other
words, they have in common the first 3 digits of the
coordinate. This process would be done for both
latitude and longitude, obtaining the number of
invariant digits in each of them, generating two
variables that contain the number of invariant digits
in each of the dimensions of the area. Whenever you
access from within this area, you get the same sub-
key for a particular file, while outside it, a random
and invalid sub-key value is returned.
4.2 Date Challenge
Date challenge limits data access according to
specific date range, such as being able to decrypt
files whether the date lie within the framework of
the project definition. This challenge could be
solved locally, but changing the date in a device is
very easy.
SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Our design is based on a mask that marks the
valid month range established by the administrator
in the database, as is done in IP addressing. If we
perform an operation of type Month AND Mask
using a given Mask, then we always obtain the same
key when the Month is in the correct range. To do
this, the fortnights of each month will be binary
coded according to their order, so that the months
close to each other share the largest number of
possible bits to be able to use the mask and that
different date ranges can be implemented. Therefore,
to encode the 24 fortnights in a year, we must use 5
bits (at least). A possible encoding would be (for
fortnights): January (00000, 00001), February
(00010, 00011)...
Once the fortnights of each month have been
coded, we can assign different masks depending on
the period of validity of the files. For example, the
Mask 11111 is represented a period of a fortnight
from the creation date of the file and the Mask
11100 correspondig to 2 months. Furthermore, we
take into account the day and the year of creation
date of each file. Thus, the key is calculated using
the current year and a offset as the day value in the
encryption/decryption time.
When the client encrypt/decrypt a file, the POST
request to the server must include the creation date
of the file as parameter to fixed the range. Then, the
challenge obtains the sub-key based on current date.
4.3 Time Challenge
Time challenge is checking the moment to
encrypt/decrypt a file. In this way, we can limit
access according to the time, such as files access
limited to working hours. This challenge could be
solved locally, but changing the time in a device is
usually very easy.
The administrator includes a strip of time in the
database for each department. We implement this
challenge using a mask that marks the duration of
the valid range of time, as in the date challenge. If
we perform an operation of type Time AND Mask
using a given Mask, then we always obtain the same
key when Time are in the correct range. For this
propose, the hours of the day will be binary coded
according to their order, so that the hours close to
each other share the largest number of possible bits
to be able to use the mask and that different time
ranges can be implemented. That is, every hour have
binary representation, so 24 hours require 5 bits to
be able to encode all the hours.
Once the hours are been coded, we can assign
different masks depending on different time periods.
For example the Mask 11111 is represented a period
of one hour and the Mask 11000 is corresponding to
8 hours.
When the client encrypt/decrypt a file, the server
must include the creation time of the file as
parameter to fixed the range.
4.4 Wi-Fi Challenge
Wifi networks that are within reach of the equipment
can be used to determine the location of the user.
The administrator stores the SSID, the channel and
the minimum power of the Wifi networks configured
to solve the challenge in the database. Thus, we can
determine where the confidential files can be
accessed. The minimum power value is used to
verify that the user is in the specified place, such as
the company building and not on the street at a close
Once Wifi networks are configured, the device
makes a POST request to the server and sends the
wifi networks within reach. It should be noted that
the device does not know which are the good
networks (to pass the challenge), so it has to send all
wifi networks within reach, and it is the server
which must verify that all the necessary are among
those sent by the device. With each Wi-Fi network
whose existence has been proven, a sub-key chunk
of this challenge will be generated. In this way, if all
the Wi-Fi networks are found, the key will be
generated completely, while if any missing the
generated key will be incomplete and, therefore, will
not be valid to decrypt the file of the device.
4.5 Operator Challenge
If you have a list of telephone operators by country,
you can check the operator of the equipment to find
out which country you are in and thus have another
location parameter. Typically, companies have their
mobile phone service with the same company, so the
operator will always be the same and will be a
condition to be able to decrypt the file.
Thus, we configure the challenge to generate a
key, doing a series of operations with the name of
the operator. That is, with each operator a different
key will be getting.
4.6 Robustness
Once we have all the key challenges calculated,
together they form a complete key which is the one
for encryption/decryption, since each of them by
themselves are useless. To do this, the client device
Context-based Encryption Applied to Data Leakage Prevention Solutions
needs an encryption utility or module that will
calculate the final key and encrypt/decrypt the file.
Thus, if an attacker would know a sub-key value or
all sub-keys value, the decryption key would not be
Another case is where the attacker has a client
device with our DLP system installed, either by an
insider or external attacker. The main difficulty of
breaking this type of system is that to calculate the
correct key of a file it is necessary to fulfill all the
challenges, since if one is not verified the
corresponding sub-key will be incorrect and,
therefore, the final key as well, i.e. the attacker have
to know the correct values of all context parameter.
On this way, we can avoid that attackers getting
authorization or fake any context parameter obtain
confidential information.
The encryption module generates a key for each file
in the client device. The final key must be calculated
from the sub-keys obtained from the execution of the
remote and local challenges, respecting two
indispensable properties: computational efficiency
and collision-resistance. A cryptographic hash
function is a mathematical function that satisfies
these two properties as well as other interesting ones
including generation a fixed size output for any
input size, computacional efficiency of O(n), where
n is the number of bits in the string, unidirectional,
and generation the same output any time it is called
with a same input.
Specifically, the encryption module receives as
inputs the N sub-keys and these are concatenated by
obtaining a single 256 * N bit string. Finally, the
encryption 256-bit key is generated making the
SHA-256 hash of the string. In this way, files that
meet the same parameters for the challenges would
get the same sub-keys and therefore, the same final
key. Furthermore, the algorithm will take into
account a different random value for each file.
Nowadays, data leakage and data misuse are
considered an emerging security threats to
organizations, especially when carried out by
In addition, DLP tools in the market have usually
been focused on preventing data leakage from
external attackers and treats their users as trusted
ones. The application of context-based encryption
into a DLP tool is a big step forward to solve this
Our proposal is based on the execution of several
challenges to obtain the encryption key related to
different environment context parameters. Thus,
only if the authorized users comply with the context
values set by the administrator, the confidential files
are decrypted. This process is carried out in a
transparent way to the user, who is not aware of the
environment context valid for each file.
The definition of more challenges and the
robustness study of the passwords will be included
as future work.
This work has been partially funded with support
from the Spanish MINECO (project DroneFS), with
code RTC-2015-4064-8 and the Spanish MINETUR
(project CiberNoid) with code TSI-100200-2015-
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SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
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Context-based Encryption Applied to Data Leakage Prevention Solutions