Towards Developing a Brain-computer Interface for Automatic
Hearing Aid Fitting based on the Speech-evoked
Frequency Following Response
Brian Heffernan
, Hilmi R. Dajani
and Christian Giguère
School of Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada
One of the problems related to the use of hearing
aids (HAs) is the difficulty in obtaining a best fit by
adjusting different settings, such as those related to
the gain and compression in different frequency
bands. To help guide the process of fitting, some
studies have proposed the use of neural responses to
different sounds to give objective measures of
hearing aid performance (e.g. Billings et al., 2011,
Dajani et al., 2013).
In this work, we propose taking this approach
one step further and use the information extracted
from the brain’s frequency following response
(FFR) to speech sounds to automatically adjust the
settings of HAs via a brain-computer interface (BCI)
(Fig. 1).
Figure 1: Schematic showing how a brain-computer
interface (BCI) would use the speech-evoked frequency
following response to automatically adjust hearing aids.
2.1 Proposed BCI based on the Speech
The speech FFR is particularly interesting because it
reflects auditory processing by several nuclei, but
unlike cortical responses which are highly
abstracted, it is still recognizable as a “speech-like”
signal that contains a fundamental frequency (F0)
that follows that of the stimulus, as well as higher
frequency components that follow those in the
stimulus up to the upper limit of neural phase-
locking. In fact, if played back as an audio
recording, the speech FFR can be intelligible.
The question then becomes how to use the rich
spectro-temporal information present in the speech
FFR to improve the experience of the impaired
listener who wears a HA. Some possibilities include
adjusting the settings of the HA so that:
1) The FFR returns to a more “normal-hearing
pattern. However, this may not be possible in
principle due to the nonlinear properties of the
cochlea (Giguère and Smoorenburg, 1999).
2) The correlation between spectral content of the
FFR and stimulus is maximized (Kraus and
Anderson, 2012). However, this may not be a
desirable target since the FFR reflects
transformations in different nuclei of the
auditory pathway (Dajani et al., 2013).
3) A normal balance is restored between the
envelope FFR (eFFR), which follows the
envelope at F0 and its low frequency harmonics,
and the spectral FFR (sFFR) which primarily
follows the harmonics around the first or second
formants (Anderson et al., 2013). However,
although it has been suggested that imbalance
between these two responses occurs in hearing
impairment, the extent and implication of this
imbalance is not yet fully understood.
4) The separation between neural responses to
different phonetic classes is maximized in tasks
of automatic classification. The hypothesis is
that this would allow the hearing aid user,
particularly if suffering from profound hearing
impairment, to discriminate better between the
different phonetic classes. Our goal is to
develop and test this approach.
Heffernan B., Dajani H. and GiguÃ
lre C.
Towards Developing a Brain-computer Interface for Automatic Hearing Aid Fitting based on the Speech-evoked Frequency Following Response.
In NEUROTECHNIX 2017 - Extended Abstracts (NEUROTECHNIX 2017), pages 3-4
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.2 Data Collection
The speech FFRs of 22 (11F, 11M) normal-hearing
adult subjects (20-35 years) to four 100ms synthetic
English vowel stimuli with F0=100Hz
(F1:/a/=700Hz, /ɔ/=600Hz, /U/=500Hz, /u/=300Hz)
at four levels (55, 65, 75, 85 dBA) were recorded.
Repeated-measures ANOVAs were performed on
the RMS-amplitude of the spectral data for F0 and
then for the combination of its next five harmonics
(H2 to H6) in the eFFR, and for F1 and then for the
combination of F1 and one harmonic on either side
of it in the sFFR. Post-hoc pairwise comparisons
with Holm-Bonferonni corrections were also
This baseline dataset will be used with an
automatic classification task before proceeding to
speech FFRs collected from hearing impaired
subjects and implementing the full BCI.
Significant effects of level were found at F0 in the
eFFR and at F1 in the sFFR (p<0.01 in all cases).
The combined harmonics show effects of level
(p<0.001 in all cases), as well as significant pairwise
comparisons between most levels. Interestingly,
although F0 exhibits change in the eFFR across all
four of the vowel stimuli, its amplitude does not
grow consistently with increasing level, and it in fact
appears to saturate at 65 dBA and then decrease in
amplitude in all of the vowel stimuli except for /u/,
which exhibits strictly increasing growth.
The trend that emerges is one of increasing
spectral richness with increasing level via the growth
of the harmonics of F0 in the eFFR and via the
growth of the first formant and its related harmonics
in the sFFR.
Initial machine learning models aimed at
exploiting these trends appear promising. Using a
10-fold cross-validation technique, a support-vector
machine was trained and tested on a mix of features
from both the eFFR and sFFR. A mean vowel
classification accuracy of 80.5% was achieved when
the model was restricted to the 85dBA case, which is
comparable to the result reported by Sadeghian et al.
(2015). Additionally, a correlative algorithm that
was used to predict sound level across all vowel
categories yielded a 2.2-fold increase in
accuracy versus the null model, and a 79% reduction
in misclassifications of levels greater than 10dB
from the target. Since the spectra of within-subject
test-retest trials are highly correlated (ranging from
r=0.79 to r=0.96 across all vowels), we would
expect much higher classification accuracy on
models trained solely on individual subjects,
provided that enough individual data is recorded.
These findings suggest that effects of sound level
can be observed in the speech FFR of normal
hearing adults, both with respect to the neural
encoding of the envelope and the spectral fine
structure of the speech signal. Machine learning
techniques can be used to automatically classify
vowels and sound level, particularly in individual
subjects. This approach will be used to tune hearing
aids to maximize the separation between the
responses to different vowels and levels, with the
aim of improving perceptual discrimination and
loudness control in hearing aid users.
Funding provided by the Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council of Canada.
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Aided cortical auditory evoked potentials in response
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Dajani, H. R., Heffernan, B. P., & Giguere, C. (2013).
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Giguère C., & Smoorenburg G. F. (1999). Computational
modeling of outer haircell damage: Implications for
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Kraus, N., & Anderson, S. (2012). Hearing Matters: cABR
May Improve Hearing Aid Outcomes. The Hearing
Journal, 65(11), 56.
Sadeghian, A., Dajani, H. R., & Chan, A. D. C. (2015).
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