Keywords: Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Content Knowledge, Pedagogical Knowledge.
Abstract: This study aims to analyze the PCK social science teachers who are currently studying in the Education
Studies Program Social Science UPI graduate school. Using survey methods samples taken randomly with
the size of 48 social science education students. The research is the numerical scale of 7 points. Data
analysis using model analysis of Structural Equation modeling Least Square (PLS-SEM). The findings of
the research indicate that PCK level owned by social science education students of post-graduate UPI is in
moderate category, meaning that the demand for professional education for the respondents of this research
has not been achieved; and Pedagogical knowledge (PK) level has a relatively strong influence on PCK
compared to the influence of Content Knowledge (CK), which means PCK as the result of CK and PK slices,
its existence is determined by the existence of PK.
Materials Social science is organized based on the
experience, interests, and needs of learners, and
adapted to the environment. The goal is that the
experience and knowledge of learners growing
psychologically or kinaesthetically more skilled,
able to apply the values and norms prevailing in the
community (Maryani, 2011). To achieve this goal
requires a competent teacher, who has a broad
scientific knowledge and ability to transfer them to
In the book, Re-Design Professional Teacher
Education (UPI, 2010) described there are three
aspects that describe the competence of professional
teachers, namely the mastery of knowledge about
participants Educate, mastery of educational
learning, and mastery of field studies, both scientific
and pedagogic. Meanwhile, Shulman (1987)
suggests one of the most important areas of
knowledge for teachers, namely Pedagogical
Content Knowledge (PCK), which explains the
specific mix of content and pedagogy that uniquely
becomes the territory of the teacher's authority, a
special form of their own professional
understanding. PCK is an idea that grows from the
belief that in carrying out its teaching tasks, a
teacher must master the knowledge (content
knowledge) and pedagogical knowledge
(pedagogical knowledge). Through these two things
are expected. Teachers can present various teaching
materials with a fun and effective learning
packaging. This research tries to analyse the PCK of
Social Science teachers who are currently studying
postgraduate in the social science education UPI.
This research is trying to analyse PCK teachers
of Social Science who are currently taking
postgraduate education at UPI social science
education program. Problems to be answered
through this research can be formulated into three
research questions: Is the high level of pedagogical
content knowledge (PCK) in the students of Social
Science Study Program of UPI as an IPS teacher
influenced by the high level of content knowledge
(CK) and pedagogical knowledge (PK) it possesses?
Teachers as professions are essentially the same as
other professions such as accountants, doctors,
lawyers, and pharmacists who are professions,
numbered registers, and have a code of professional
conduct so that teachers actually become professions
that boast equivalent to other professions (Indra
Djati Sidi, 2004). Majid (2005) describes the
competencies of each teacher will show the quality
of teachers in teaching.
Competency will be realized in the form of
mastery of knowledge and professional in
performing its function as a teacher. The
competencies required by a person can be obtained
Analysis of Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Social Science
Education Student
Kusnendi Kusnendi and Neti Budiwati
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Setiabudi 229 street, Bandung, Indonesia
Kusnendi, K. and Budiwati, N.
Analysis of Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Social Science Education Student.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 378-382
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
either through formal education or experience and to
be a professional a teacher must have five things.
First, the teacher is committed to the students and
the learning process. This means that the teacher's
highest commitment is to the student's interest.
Secondly, the teacher mastered in-depth the
material/subject he taught and how to teach it to the
students. Third, teachers are responsible for
monitoring student learning outcomes through
various evaluation techniques, ranging from
observations of student behaviour to learning
outcomes. Fourth, the teacher is able to think
systematically about what he does and learn from his
experience. It means there must always be time for
teachers to reflect and correct what they have done.
Fifth, teachers should be part of the learning
community in their professional environment.
(Robotham, 1996; Catler & Ruopp, 1993).
Several studies have shown results that teacher
quality is considered to be the most powerful
predictor of student success (Shukla, 2009;
Suryanarayana & Luciana MZ, 2010). Related to
that, Bulger's (2002) research finds four
determinants of effective teaching as follows: the
use of instructional orientation-based outcomes or
learning objectives; Clarity of instruction or learning
strategy; Involvement or student participation; And
naturism learning (teachers and students). The above
explanation makes it clear that the effectiveness of
learning cannot be separated from issues of quality
and professionalism of teachers. (Cubukcu, 2010,
Shukla, 2009, Parkway & Stanford, 2008).
To achieve the effectiveness of learning required
a teacher who has a standard of professional
competence and pedagogic competence (Kyriacou,
2011). Professional competence and pedagogic
competence. In theory developed by Shulman (1987)
equated as the ability mastery of content and
pedagogical. If both are combined then create a slice
called Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK).
These two competencies are the minimum
competencies teachers must have for the
effectiveness of learning.
This research tries to analyse PCK of social
science teachers who are currently taking
postgraduate education at UPI Social Science
education program. Departing from the above
framework, the hypothesis to be tested through this
research can be formulated as follows: "The high
level of PCK owned by the students of Social
Science Education Program UPI as a social science
teacher is influenced by the high content and
knowledge (CK) And pedagogical knowledge (PK)
it has.
The method used in this study is the survey method.
The sample of the study was taken randomly with
the size of 48 students of Social Science Studies
Program of the graduate school of Universitas
Pendidikan Indonesia. Results of numerical research
7 points. Because the sample size is relatively small,
so for the experimental hypothesis experiment we
use Partial Least Square Structural Equation
Modelling (PLS-SEM) model analysis as suggested
(Hair, et al., 2014).
How far is the level of PCK that is owned by
students of Social Science Studies Program of UPI
Graduate School as a social science teacher? The
answer is summarized in Table 1.
Table 1: Average Measurement Model Indicator
Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK)
Indicator %
Develop an evaluation tool
4,69 67,0
Creating a learning plan
refers to the syllabus
4,77 68,1
Developing teaching
materials becomes teaching
handout material for
4,73 67,6
Using the learning method
according to the material
4,81 68,7
Utilizing evaluation
information to improve
learning quality 4.
4,83 69,0
Reflection and self-
evaluation of the learning
that has been implemented
4,63 66,1
Utilizing reflection results
for improved learning
4,54 64,8
Develop a learning plan
according to the applicable
4,73 67,6
Revising each learning plan
is required
4,71 67,3
Familiarize students and ask
questions Answer the
5,00 71,4
Involve students in digging
teaching materials for
4,85 69,3
Average 4,69 67%
Referring to Table 1 above, it is found that the
average score of PCK indicator is 4.69 or 67 percent
of the ideal score. This indicates that the level of
PCK that is owned by students of Social Science
Analysis of Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Social Science Education Student
Study Program of UPI graduate school as a social
science teacher is in the moderate category.
The result of data analysis of CK and PK effect
on PCK is summarized in Table 2.
Table 2: Effect of CK and PK on PCK
Based on the results of the above data analysis, it
is found that the PCK is significantly influenced by
CK and PK (R2 = 0.8661, p < 0.001). That is,
equal to 0.8661 or equal to 86.61% high-low PCK
influenced by CK and PK. CK had significant effect
on PCK (p < 0.05), and PK had a significant
influence on PCK (p < 0.001). The effect of CK and
PK to PCK is 0.1056 and amounted to 0.7426.
5.1 Principal Founder of PCK Student
Social Science Education Study
Professional educators meet several criteria, other
has a professional competence shown with mastery
of field of study and pedagogic competence or
mastery Values of education, From the results of
data analysis that has been described in the previous
section, generally known that both the mastery of
knowledge in the field of study (professional
competence or content knowledge), mastery of
pedagogic aspects (pedagogic competence &
pedagogical knowledge), as well as the second This
pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) exists in
moderate category, meaning that both the scientific
mastery of the field of social science studies as well
as aspects of social science learning post-graduate
students social science education As educators and
prospective educators of social science have not met
minimum standards as a professional social science
Of the four teacher competencies according to the
Teacher and Lecturer's versions, the professional
competence of Shulman: CK), pedagogical
competence (Shulman: PK), personal competence
and social competence, the first two competencies
(CK and PK) are two absolute competencies
describing the figure Professional educators who are
expected to create effective learning.
Effective teaching process does involve the
ability to present a topic or demonstrate a skill in
such a way that students can understand and master
In addition, the effective teaching process involves
the ability to define "positions Students in terms of
learning levels and levels of development, in the
sense of requiring teacher attitudes such as
accommodating the diverse backgrounds of students,
religion, family conditions, as well as the physical,
cognitive, or behavioural disabilities students may
have "(Ormrod, 2008: 3).
In terms of mastery of learning aspects (PK), it is
known that the achievement of the maximum score
of eight indicators is measured only 67%, and there
is only one indicator that reaches the ideal score
above 70% indicator is "understand the difference of
academic ability of students. This condition is not so
bad, but it does not represent as a professional
educator's picture. There are many new things in the
development of current learning, which for
educators or teachers of old-fashioned education
products must have difficulties in the application,
therefore the requirement of an educator must be
innovative and creative seems to be a necessity in
the era of information technology is rapidly today,
Teacher who stutters technology, must be quickly
removed and soon replaced by innovative and
creative teachers who are ready to face a new
educational paradigm.
The professional competence (CK) and pedagogic
competence (PK) when combined lead to PCK,
Shulman (1987) suggests one of the most important
areas of knowledge for teachers, namely
Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), which
explains the specific mix of content and pedagogy
Uniqueness becomes the territory of teacher's
authority, special form of their own professional
understanding. The result of PCK-related research is
known that the achievement of new score reaches
67% from an ideal score or in the medium category.
Related to the development of Learning Plan,
the use of Information Technology as well as those
that are assembled with evaluation, The results of
this study also indicate a difference in the mastery of
aspects of CK, PK and PCK between teachers
viewed from the gender, Overall for all three
measurements, female teachers have a better score
than male teachers, This condition gives the picture
that it seems the profession Teachers are more
suitable for women, although this assumption is
unacceptable to all. Judging from the acquisition of
professional educator certificates, certified teachers
have higher scores than those not certified. In
general, it can be said that the teacher certification
program has a positive impact in shaping
professional teachers. In addition, from the
background of educators who distinguish between
UPI and non-UPI graduates, indicates that UPI
graduates have better scores than non-UPI graduates.
t p
CK -> PC
0.2317 2.1941 0.0287
PK -> PC
0.7426 8.4686 0.0000
R Square 0.8661 25.5362 0.0000
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
UPI can be said more successful in delivering
graduates to have a commitment to become
professional educators.
Effect of CK and PK on PCK Professional
competence and teacher pedagogic competence. In
theory developed by Shulman (1987) equated as the
ability mastery of content/material (content) and
pedagogical (pedagogical). If both are combined
then create a slice called Pedagogical Content
Knowledge (PCK). In line with the above
explanation, the results of data analysis show that
the high level of PCK owned by students of Science
Study Program of social science of UPI graduate of
86.61% is influenced jointly by the high level of CK
and PK owned by the students. The high influence
of these joints indicates that the results of the study
strengthen Shulman's theory that PCK as an incision
of CK and PK. Further partially seen the indication
shows that PK has a relatively stronger effect on
PCK compared to the influence of CK.
5.2 Condition of PCK Student Social
Science Education Study Program
Professional educators meet several criteria, other
has a professional competence shown with mastery
of field of study and pedagogic competence or
mastery Values of education, From the results of
data analysis that has been described in the previous
section, generally known that both the mastery of
knowledge in the field of study (professional
competence or content knowledge), mastery of
pedagogic aspects (pedagogic competence &
pedagogical knowledge), as well as the second This
pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) exists in
moderate category, meaning that both the scientific
mastery of the field of social science studies as well
as aspects of social science learning post-graduate
students social science education As educators and
prospective educators of social science have not met
minimum standards as a professional social science
Therefore the effectiveness of learning is always
associated with the issue of teacher quality both in
the mastery of teaching materials, pedagogical skills,
attitudes, and in social relationships. Effective
teaching process does involve the ability to present a
topic or demonstrate a skill in such a way that
students can understand and master, In addition, the
effective teaching process involves the ability to
define positions. Students in terms of learning levels
and levels of development, in the sense of requiring
teacher attitudes such as accommodating the diverse
backgrounds of students, religion, family conditions,
as well as the physical, cognitive, or behavioural
disabilities students may have "(Ormrod, 2008: 3).
From eight indicators that measure the mastery of
the teaching material (CK), the indicator "looking
for new ideas in social science learning plan" and
indicators learning new learning models and
methods "are two indicators who achieve higher
scores than other indicators. On the other hand there
is a weak side of the respondents of this study,
namely that the indicator "conducts classroom action
research" Is an indicator with the lowest score,
whereas classroom action research is a practical
effort that can be done by educators in improving the
quality of learning, But this is understandable, since
not all of these respondents are educators or
permanent teachers and teaching experience is
relatively new.
The professional competence (CK) and pedagogic
competence (PK) when combined lead to PCK,
Shulman (1987) suggests one of the most important
areas of knowledge for teachers, namely
Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), which
explains the specific mix of content and pedagogy
Uniqueness becomes the territory of teacher's
authority, special form of their own professional
This finding is in line with the findings of
research that measures CK and PK respondents as
educators and prospective social science educators It
seems that packaging of social science learning into
attractive packaging for classroom presentation is a
rather difficult job for social science educators, such
as problems or customs Related to the development
of RPP, the use of IT as well as those that are
assembled with evaluation, The results of this study
also indicate a difference in the mastery of aspects of
CK, PK and PCK between teachers viewed from the
gender, Overall for all three measurements, female
teachers have a better score than male teachers, This
condition gives the picture that it seems the
profession Teachers are more suitable for women,
although this assumption is unacceptable to all.
Judging from the acquisition of professional
educator certificates, certified teachers have higher
scores than those not certified. In general, it can be
said that the teacher certification program has a
positive impact in shaping professional teachers. In
addition, from the background of educators who
distinguish between UPI and non-UPI graduates,
indicates that UPI graduates have better scores than
non-UPI graduates.
Effect of CK and PK on PCK Professional
competence and teacher pedagogic competence. In
theory developed by Shulman (1987) equated as the
ability mastery of content/material (content) and
pedagogical (pedagogical). If both are combined
then create a slice called Pedagogical Content
Knowledge (PCK). In line with the above
explanation, the results of data analysis show that
Analysis of Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Social Science Education Student
the high level of PCK owned by students of Science
Study Program of social science of UPI graduate of
86.61% is influenced jointly by the high level of CK
and PK owned by the students. The high influence
of these joints indicates that the results of the study
strengthen Shulman's theory that PCK as an incision
of CK and PK. Further partially seen the indication
shows that PK has a relatively stronger effect on
PCK compared to the influence of CK. The results
of this study indicate that the high level of PCK
owned by students of Social Science Study Program
of UPI Graduate School is influenced by high PK It
has. In other words, PCK as a result of CK and PK
slices, its existence is determined by the existence of
Judging from the magnitude of the coefficient of
factor weight, PCK's main character among students
of Social Science Education Post Graduate UPI
Study Program as the dominant Social Science
teacher is characterized by eleven indicators.
The level of PCK that is owned by the students of
Social Science Study Program of UPI as a Social
Science teacher has just reached the medium
category. This condition reflects that from the PCK
approach, the designation of professional educators
for the respondents of this study has not been
The high level of PCK owned by UPI Social
Science program students is significantly influenced
by the low level of CK and PK. Partially, PK has a
relatively stronger influence on PCK compared to
CK. It indicates that PCK as a result of CK and PK
slices, its existence is determined by the existence of
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ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship