Entrepreneurship Literacy for Educational Technology Students –
An Action Research
Riche Cynthia Johan, R Nadia Hanoum, Dadi Mulyadi and Muthia Alinawati
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jalan Setiabudhi 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Entrepreneurship Literacy, Educational Technology, Entrepreneurship Course, Action Research.
Abstract: Entrepreneurship education has become an important issue in higher education nowadays because it is part of
the process in shaping students’ entrepreneurial characters in order to respond to global challenges in building
a nation by creating their own jobs or becoming young entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship course is taken by
students of all study programs at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Making students to be literate in
entrepreneurship is more important as a form of learning outcome implementation so that students can start
their own business. In the context of educational technology, the literacy is directed towards developing the
competency of entrepreneurial character development in the field of educational technology. This study used
action research because it focuses on the improvement of the entrepreneurship course in order to conduct a
more effective course for students of educational technology department. The action research was conducted
in two cycles which involve planning, action, observation, and reflection. The research results are the
followings: 1) Map of business ideas in the field of educational technology; 2) Business plan; 3) Business
products in the field of educational technology.
The implementation of entrepreneurship course in
higher education is intended to provide knowledge
and entrepreneurship experience and to foster
students’ motivation as new entrepreneur aspirants.
Realizing an effective entrepreneurship education
requires attention of several aspects. Kasih (2013)
reveals that aspects that must be considered in the
implementation of entrepreneurship course include
designing a clear and targeted entrepreneurship
curriculum, establishing appropriate method,
selecting teachers who have competence in the field
of entrepreneurship, creating entrepreneurship
atmosphere, and designing a gradual and continuous
learning process.
Although entrepreneurship education has been
implemented in universities, its contribution is not as
expected yet because the number of students involved
in entrepreneurship is still low. There is a number of
criticisms on the implementation of entrepreneurship
course, as pointed out by Dumiyati (2015), that the
material presentation in the course tends to be
theoretical and emphasizes cognitive aspect, not
contextual, lack of entrepreneurial practice, and lack
of facilities and infrastructure to train entrepreneurial
skills such as business incubators. Santosa (2014)
asserts that the weakness of entrepreneurship
development among students principally cannot be
separated from the learning method applied in
Sirelkhatim and Gangi (2015) found that common
practices of entrepreneurship education program in
higher education consisted of three main groups:
teaching “about” entrepreneurship, teaching “for”
entrepreneurship, and teaching “through”
entrepreneurship. While the first group was aimed at
increasing students’ awareness about
entrepreneurship, the second and the third group were
found to be more learner-centered, which focused on
building entrepreneurial skills and creating situation
that enables students to experience creating a new
business. Thus, learner-centered entrepreneurship
classes prefer to apply experiential teaching methods
which include the use of simulations, incubators,
internships, and live projects. In this case, out of these
methods, Ardianti (2009) revealed that for Indonesian
students doing real business or live project was the
most preferable. This is probably because this method
Johan, R., Hanoum, R., Mulyadi, D. and Alinawati, M.
Entrepreneurship Literacy for Educational Technology Students An Action Research.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 587-592
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
makes learning more challenging and is relevant with
students’ needs. However, Sirelkhatim and Gangi
(2015) and Ardianti (2009) did not recommend any
instructional activities that can be replicated, as the
best practice of entrepreneurship education in higher
This study was conducted as an effort to create a
learning process that could give students holistic
entrepreneurship knowledge and experience so that
not only did they aware about entrepreneurship but
they were also motivated to participate in
entrepreneurship project and would be able to run a
small business after completing the course. This study
aims to find out the pattern of learning activities
emphasizing the acquisition of business literacy skills
in the field of educational technology. The business
literacy in question is the ability to behave and act in
accordance with the learned knowledge conception,
to map entrepreneurship opportunities, to be ready
with creativity capital by finding innovative ideas and
explore independently business potentials through
good networking practice to sustain the
entrepreneurship effort.
2.1 Trends of Educational Technologist
Educational technology involves the disciplined
application of knowledge for the purpose of
improving learning, instruction, and/or performance.
The notion of disciplined application of knowledge is
included here to reflect the view that educational
technology is an engineering discipline in the sense
that principles based on theory, past experience, and
empirical evidence guide what professional
educational technologists do. These principles are
derived from basic science and empirical research in
such areas as cognition, cybernetics, information
science, human factors, learning theory, mass
communications, message design, organizational
theory, and psychology. Educational technology is
inherently an interdisciplinary enterprise. The
principle of encouraging problem solvers to reflect on
the nature of the problem first can be traced to
research in cognitive psychology (Spector, 2016: 13).
Figure 1: Educational technologies and instructional
Educational technologists have different
perspectives on the various processes and activities
with which they are involved. Using technology to
promote learning, instruction, and performance is far
from a formulaic enterprise. There are many
approaches, methods, and tools to inform good
solutions for the challenging problems educational
technologists confront. Figure 1 represents a way to
view educational technology in terms of support for
learning and instruction, especially with regard to
instructional objects, (Spector, 2016).
Referring to the above trends of educational
technologist competencies, higher education
particularly educational technology study program
thus has the responsibility to prepare graduates with
academic and professional abilities to plan, develop,
utilize, manage, and evaluate learning instruction and
2.2 Entrepreneurship Literacy
An excellent definition of literacy is the “ability to
identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate,
compute and use printed and written materials
associated with varying contexts. Literacy involves a
continuum of teach enabling individuals to achieve
their goals, to develop their knowledge and potential,
and to participate fully in their communities and
wider society”, (UNESCO, 2005).
Entrepreneurship education, embraces more than
specific the process of firm creation or the detection
of business opportunities. It is also the set of activities
that foster in the learners, or young people,
entrepreneurship mind-sets, attitudes and skills to
enable them to be more creative and self-confident in
whatever they undertake (European Commission,
2012). Therefore, entrepreneurship education aims to
develop more creative and innovative individuals,
who seize opportunities in their environment and who
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
assume the risks to change things, achieving thus their
personal fulfilment, social inclusion, active
citizenship and employability in a knowledge-based
society (Bustamante, 2014).
The purpose of any literacy program is to reduce
the lack of knowledge, skills, attitudes and
capabilities to perform or undertake an activity. As it
was pointed before, we might consider that
entrepreneurship illiteracy may reflect: the lack of
capability to seize opportunities, to implement them
into a new venture that has to be managed or the lack
of a proactive attitude towards changes and
autonomous solutions. Hence, when implementing an
entrepreneurship program we may differentiate
between developing entrepreneurial attitudes, skills
and capabilities in any of the three previous domains
(Bustamante, 2014).
Amongst the most relevant entrepreneurship
attitudes are a sense of initiative, risk propensity, self-
efficacy, need for achievement and structural
behavior. Entrepreneurship skills are those required
to detect an idea and to combine resources to a more
effective or efficient use (Davidsson, 2003) from an
economic or social perspective. They are: creativity,
analytic thinking, motivation, networking and
adaptability (European Commission, 2012). Finally,
entrepreneurship (managerial) capabilities are the
knowledge, business skills and the practical know-
how and abilities to create, assess, manage and
sustain new ventures (Bustamante, 2014).
The obvious aims of action research are actions of
improvement and involvement, i.e. firstly, the
improvement of teaching practice, secondly, the
improvement of the perception or understanding of
teaching practice by its practitioners, and thirdly, the
improvement of the concrete problematic situation by
joint collaboration of all involved in action research.
This entails a cyclical inquiry that involves planning,
acting, observing and reflecting and then re-planning,
further action, further observation and further
reflection, as illustrated in Figure 2 (Costello, 2003).
Figure 2: Action research cycle.
The subject of this research was students of
educational technology study program who were
currently in the sixth semester and took the
entrepreneurship course in 2015/2016 academic year.
The students consisted of 90 people and were divided
into two classes and eleven groups (7-9 people per
group). The action cycle was conducted twice with
details as follow.
3.1 Cycle I
Planning: Preparing for learning instrument
and instrument for actions, of which filing
form as instrument for actions that allow
students to generate creative business ideas
and opportunities and diary as instrument to
describe entrepreneurship motivation.
Action: Perform learning by giving out the
filing form containing business ideas.
Observation: Observe how students explore
the possibilities of business ideas related to
educational technology that can be followed
Reflection: Review business ideas generated
from previous activity and prepare SWOT
analysis for business product development.
3.2 Cycle II
Planning: In this second cycle, the planning
includes preparing for document of SWOT
analysis as part of the business plan.
Action: Create product design to be exhibited
at the end of the course.
Observation: Observe how students work in
groups to develop and present the business
proposal as well as how they exhibit and sell
their products during business exhibition at the
end of semester.
Reflection: Review the output of the course by
assessing the business products generated and
evaluating the effectiveness of business
exhibition conducted.
4.1 Cycle I
Session 1 until session 7 of the course was dedicated
to provide theoretical foundation for students so that
they have broad entrepreneurial knowledge and
strong entrepreneurial spirit. The materials include:
(1) The concept of entrepreneurship, (2)
Entrepreneurship personality and characters, (3)
Entrepreneurship Literacy for Educational Technology Students An Action Research
Profile of successful entrepreneur, (4)
Entrepreneurship management, (5) Acquiring capital,
(6) Marketing strategy, and (7) Entrepreneurial
opportunity in educational technology.
The first cycle was conducted from session 9 until
session 11, which was started by planning the
learning activities. The lecturer prepared a blank
concept map that should be filled by students in order
to generate business ideas. Each component of the
concept map was given one indicator following
5W+1H method. The descriptors of the 5W=1H
method are as follow:
What, this question relates to the type of
business that will be run and it also explains
the strength and uniqueness of the product to
be developed in order to attract prospective
costumer to buy. In relation to educational
technology, this stage involved identifying the
challenging problems faced by educators and
finding out what instructional objects that can
be used to solve the problems, which finally
lead to promoting effective learning and
improve learning outcome (Spector, 2016).
Why, this question explains why choosing
certain product or business and why customers
should buy it. This stage entailed students’
creativity in designing a product or an
instructional object and the application of
entrepreneurship mind-sets, attitudes and skills
(European Comission, 2012).
Who, this question determines who will run
and manage the business and who will be
prospective customers.
Where, this question relates to where the
business will be organized and where
customers gathered.
When, this question determines when the
business will start; and
How, this question explains how to run and
manage the business and how to market
Actions conducted on the first cycle resulted in
identified students’ ability in processing and
understanding information related to business in
educational technology by starting to map business
ideas and their supported descriptors. Assessment on
students’ acquisition of entrepreneurship literacy in
educational technology revealed that the students
were able to develop entrepreneurial attitudes, skills
and capabilities (Bustamante, 2014), which was
shown by their motivation, innovation, and creativity
in generating business ideas (Davidsson, 2003;
European Comission, 2012) in the field of
educational technology, that were mapped and
presented in the Table 1 below.
Table 1: Educational technology business ideas.
Business Name Business Idea
Inikita Studio Inikita Studio is a business engaged
in media-based products and
Paracord Paracord is a business related to
creation of learning media products
and services.
Warung Grafika is a business
engaged in graphic media related
products and services. It offers art
of printing or lettering for various
rinting purposes.
Pakar Pakar is the acronym of Paper
Karya. Pakar focuses on simple
media based products and services.
The philosophy is making craft
using paper such as paper craft,
pop-up, and origami. These
products can be used as learning
D'art Photography provides
products and services related to
photo media. The ability to create
photos is combined with the current
trends and technologies that allow
customers to put pictures or photos
they want on mug, plates, pins, etc.
Warung Grafika is a business that
provides products and services
using Computer Based Instruction
that is computer based learning
media. It runs its business based on
orders besides giving private course
on multimedia.
Design, fun
animal card,
and typography
Design, fun animal card, and
typography is a business that
provides graphic media based
products and services. It offers
cards or printed letter art that can be
used to decorate walls in schools to
make it more meaningful with
inspirational and beautiful words.
Popeye Popeye is a business that provides
products related to learning media
in the form of cartoon.
Moving Forward provides products
and services of various learning
media in the form of di
ital videos.
13 Project 13 Project business core is making
learning media for mathematic
subject in elementary school.
The results of cycle I suggest that students were
able to process and understand information related to
entrepreneurship literacy in the field of educational
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
technology. This is shown by eleven business ideas
generated above, of which 9 businesses are related to
production of learning media and 2 businesses are
related to program evaluation services and learning
and teaching products.
4.2 Cycle II
The cycle II of the action research was conducted on
session 12 until session 16 of the course. Students
were given five weeks to make business plan, prepare
for their product design, make the products, and
deliver and exhibit their products at the exhibition
located in campus area. On this second cycle,
lecturers facilitate students to analyze the strength,
weakness, opportunities, and threats to their business,
which are presented in the form of business plan.
Group collaboration in making business plan was
developed well enough, which can be seen from the
quality of business proposals submitted.
Collaboration was also conducted with outside parties
in the form of mutual agreement especially in relation
to production of learning media as products to market.
Group work was chosen over individual work
because Jones and English (2004) found that students
showed less motivation, doubt, and confusion about
working individually on their business plan, which
might be due to the tension of creative process they
should experience. Collaboration helped reduce this
tension and made creative process challenging
instead of stressing. Consequently, students had high
motivation in realizing their businesses and could
develop and execute the business plan appropriately.
In addition, the products created could meet the
expectation of customers.
The business exhibition gained high appreciation
from visitors. Almost all groups sold their products
out and there were several business that got orders
from visitors. The exhibition process was also
evaluated by lecturers and the aspects of evaluation
were creativity, uniqueness, packaging, selling
actions, and cleanliness. In addition, peer assessment
was also conducted to measure individual
contribution and dedication to their group work. As
pointed out by Jones and English (2004), peer
assessment allows students to be aware of the
performance of their contribution to their group in
terms of their communication, coordination and
planning skills which are essential to develop their
capabilities as future entrepreneurs.
The results of cycle II suggest that students are
able to process and understand information related to
entrepreneurship literacy in the field of educational
technology. This is shown by the products exhibited
in the business exhibition, which has successfully
drawn many buyers and prospective customers. This
means that the businesses can keep running even after
the course ends and expect to grow into big business.
The purpose of any literacy program is to reduce the
lack of knowledge, skills, attitudes and capabilities to
perform or undertake an activity. This action research
allowed educational technology students to develop
and enhance their entrepreneurship literacy by first
building their knowledge on entrepreneurship, seize
business opportunities, create and market products
which will eventually develop their entrepreneurship
attitudes, skills, and capabilities.
This action research resulted in mapping of
business ideas, business plans, and business products
in the field of educational technology. Furthermore,
the undertaken entrepreneurship education program
has successfully brought learners to experience the
world of entrepreneurs, which motivated them to
develop their entrepreneurial skills instead of getting
high grades and to continue their business and make
it bigger.
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ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship