Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Training Model
Ihat Hatimah
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Digital Entrepreneurship, CSR.
Abstract: Administering through corporate social responsibility (CSR) model is an effort to develop competence
through a collaboration between companies, government, and education institutions. As a business entity, a
company allocates some of their revenue to be used for the benefits of society through the CSR program.
Government policies can be synergized with corporate CSR programs, and higher education institutions
(HEIs) with their resources can contribute to the society. The purpose of this study was to describe: 1) a
digital entrepreneurship training program and 2) CSR role in the training conduct. To achieve this purpose,
a qualitative method was employed. The data were collected through observation, interview, document
analysis, and literature review. The study took place at the Community Library (TBM) of Eco Bambu
involving 8 persons as the data sources. The results of the study were: 1) the digital entrepreneurship
training program was very positive in terms of the role of resource persons, implementation, and training
outcomes; and 2) the CSR pattern was as follows: The education institution played a role as a facilitator,
Eco Bambu Community Library as a training venue and operational facility provider, and government
institution as a fund and resource persons provider. It was concluded that open communication and
harmonious collaboration in the implementation of training program through CSR patterns could result in
positive training activities. Further studies can focus on the impact of various trainings organized through
CSR program.
The term Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has
become increasingly popular as business entities
become globalized. Referring to Reza’s (2009, p.
10) opinion, CSR is essentially dependent on the
relevance of corporate vision and mission and
community needs, desires, and interests. CSR is a
partnership initiative in implementing sustainable
education in order to achieve broader development
goals. Similarly, Austin et al (2016) put forward that
sustainable development objectives can be achieved
through partnerships. The partnerships should
involve various parties so as to coordinate various
interests in achieving the objectives. This is in line
the opinion of Tirziman (2014) that the partnerships
should be able to coordinate interests of various
PT. Cipaku Indah granted CSR fund to ECO
Bambu Cipaku as the educational facilitator. ECO
Bambu Cipaku is an art, culture, and sports studio
that provides education of Sundanese arts and
culture based in Bandung, Jawa Barat. The people
around ECO Bambu Cipaku need knowledge and
skill strengthening to improve and empower their
lifer quality. One of training programs organized
using CSR funding is digital entrepreneurship
training. This program is organized by Universitas
Pendidikan Indonesia in collaboration with ECO
Bambu Community Library and the authority of
Sukasari subdistrict. The training program was
organized based on social need analysis conducted
by the subdistrict government of Sukasari.
The results of this analysis revealed that people
around ECO Bambu needed a digital
entrepreneurship training. The research problems
were then formulated as follows: 1) How is digital
entrepreneurship training organized? 2) What role
does the CSR play in the training?
CSR activities, according to Wahyudi and Azheri
(2008, p. 37) include: 1) building human capital: the
development of corporate human resources and the
Hatimah, I.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Training Model.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 2, pages 135-138
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
society living around the company, 2) strengthening
economies: the empowerment the economy of the
surrounding community so as to establish the
welfare equity, 3) assessing social cohesion:
maintaining harmony among surrounding
community and keep them away from social
conflicts, 4) encouraging good governance: the
implementation of Good Corporate Governance
principles in the business conduct, and 5) protecting
the environment: corporate responsibility to take
care of the surrounding environment.
In practice, a CSR activity has the following
components: 1) Continuity and sustainability are two
vital components of CSR. CSR is characterized by
long-term perspective. CSR is a planned and
systematic activity mechanism that can be evaluated.
2) Community empowerment: one of indicators of
successful CSR program is the establishment of self-
sustaining community. 3) Two ways: CSR is a two-
way program, in which the role of corporate is not
only as the communicator, but also the party who
listen to the aspirations of the community. This
could be done by conducting a need assessment to
discover the needs, desires, interests, and wants of
the community.
CSR can be useful for education institutions if
the partnership is collaborative. As a business entity,
a company allocates some of their revenue to be
used for the benefits of society through the CSR
program. Government policies can be synergized
with corporate CSR programs, and higher education
institutions (HEIs) with their resources can
contribute to the society.
One of roles that education institution can play in
a CSR program is as a facilitator to empower the
society. According to Mardikanto and Soebiato,
(2013, p. 142), a facilitator's role in the process of
community empowerment includes: 1) educator that
makes people aware of the importance of lifelong
learning, 2) innovation disseminator that provide
information about new innovations, 3) facilitator that
provides assistance in improving community
empowerment and bridge their interests to the
government and other stakeholders, 4) consultant
that can provide solutions to solve social problems,
5) advocator that can provide information about
policies that can improve their quality of life, 6)
supervisor that can provide support for the
community to participate in the development
program, and 7) evaluator that can supervise and
evaluate the achievement of community
empowerment program.
One of CSR programs that can be done to
prepare qualified human resources to address future
challenges is entrepreneurship training. According to
Parthasarathy (2011), entrepreneurship is a process
of identifying opportunities to develop new products
or services and finding new resources needed to
make use the identified opportunities. An effective
entrepreneurship is characterized by creativity,
innovation, pro-activity and risk taking.
It takes various partnership to achieve a
maximum result in developing entrepreneurship. As
Vertakova and Plotnikov (2014) said, partnerships
between government and private sectors can
improve the efficiency and business goal
Nowadays, a digital entrepreneurship training is
required to eliminate gaps between business people
in villages and big cities. Michael et al (2016),
digital gap is a threat against rural partnership
performance. A more responsive and localized
approach to rural development partnership is
required to enable the less fortunate to participate in
digital economic society. To figure out the digital
entrepreneurship training, this study formulated a
research problem: what digital entrepreneurship
training model is implemented through CSR.
This study used a qualitative approach. The focal
point of this study was to explore the
implementation of digital entrepreneurship training
program through CSR. The design of this study was:
1) preliminary study where the researcher conducted
an in-depth interview the managing people of ECO
Bambu Community Library on CSR program, 2) the
conduct of study during the training program where
the researcher conducted an observation and
interview with data sources, and 3) research report
drafting by reducing, verifying, and analyzing data
The research subjects were seven post-graduate
students enrolled in the Non-Formal Education
Program of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia who
served as training program organizers and one
managing person of the ECO Bambu Community
Library. The data analysis procedures were: data
reduction, data display, and data validation.
The digital entrepreneurship training through CSR
program was conducted at the Community Library
of ECO Bambu. ECO Bambu is a subsidiary of PT
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
Cipaku Indah located on Jln. Cipaku Indah, Ledeng,
Cidadap, Bandung. In 2012, PT Cipaku Indah
granted CSR fund to ECO Bambu in the form of
non-cash as an effort to empower community living
around ECO Bambu Cipaku through the provision of
ECO Bambu Cipaku Cultural Arts and Sports
Studio has the following objectives: a) to revive and
empower traditional arts and culture by modernizing
them so as to be acceptable throughout the
archipelago and b) to revive and empower traditional
culinary in order to be acceptable throughout the
archipelago and overseas as an edupreneurship
organized by ECO Bambu Cipaku.
ECO Bambu Cipaku organize the following
activities: angklung training, pencak silat training,
wushu training, traditional games, dance training,
bamboo craft workshop, digital entrepreneurship
workshop, and beauty class workshop.
The activities done through CSR was digital
entrepreneurship training. It was done through three
steps: planning, implementation, and evaluation. The
planning stage was focused on achieving a mutual
agreement between three parties in determining the
objectives. At this stage, the three parties discussed
the training objectives, venue, time, resource
persons, procedures, and funding. The training took
place for one day, starting from 7 am to 12 am. The
participants were 24 people at the ECO Bambu
Community Library. The training material was
introduction and how to use digital entrepreneurship
application presented by Muhamad Azmi, S.Kom.
The training used participative and interactive
method through experiential learning process. The
training facilities were provided by Eco Bambu. At
the end of training, participants were given a chance
to evaluate the presenter and the training
implementation. The result of the evaluation of the
presenter was very good in terms of his material
mastery, presentation systematics, ability to present
the material, use of training methods and media,
language use, tone and voice, QA session
management, style, attitude, behavior, ability to
motivate the participants, dress neatness, discipline,
sympathy for participants, the relevance of material
to the purpose, and the achievement of learning
The evaluation result of the training
implementation revealed that the program was very
successful in terms of the clarity of its objectives, its
relevance to the participants needs, material
presentation systematics, the adequacy of time
allocation for each session, benefits of presentation
material, and the achievement of training objectives.
The training program was organized by the
collaboration of: Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
(UPI), ECO Bambu Community Library, and the
subdistrict government of Sukasari, Bandung. UPI
was represented by its postgraduate students
enrolled in the program of Non-Formal Education in
2016. They designed the training program, starting
from the planning, implementation, to the evaluation
stage. They served as facilitators who designed the
training agenda, prepared the facilities, arranged the
publication and did all administrative works. The
subdistrict government of Sukasari provide the fund
and presenter, and TBM Eco Bambu provided the
It was revealed the digital entrepreneurship
program brought about positive results. This is due
to the fact that the program was designed based on
the results of need analysis. The need was the gap
between the current state and the condition it is
supposed to be. The result of need analysis showed
that the people living around Eco Bambu
Community Library needed a digital
entrepreneurship training. Digital entrepreneurship is
a new thing and expected to be an opportunity for
success. Devece et al (2016) said that introduction to
innovation and opportunity through entrepreneurship
is a success factor the economic recession period. A
user-friendly digital entrepreneurship application
can empower the society. Furthermore, virtual
entrepreneurship represents a dramatic shift in the
locus of innovation from designer/developer to the
user through the use of ICT. Entrepreneurship has
become a strong driving force of innovation.
CSR program can be well implemented if all
related stakeholders can carry out their maximum
roles. Partnerships through CSR need to be
harmoniously established by various parties
involved. This is in line with Lubell’s (2015)
opinion that a collaborative partnership is in the
context of complex institutional systems that
represent many institutions and actors that interact
collectively in an ecosystem. A collaborative CSR
between the three parties can bring about positive
programs. It can be realized if all related
stakeholders can carry out their own roles. As a
business entity, a company allocates some of their
revenue to be used for the benefits of society
through the CSR program. Government policies can
be synergized with corporate CSR programs, and
higher education institutions (HEIs) with their
resources can contribute to the society. Partnerships
can be established by considering who to work with
and how to share benefits in a collaborative and
competitive environment.
The partnership establishment requires open
communication to ensure that the program is
organized for the benefits of society. In this respect,
Liao et al (2017) suggest that open communication
between all parties is necessary; the most important
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Training Model
dimension in CSR communication is social
participation and development.
Social interest and development should be the
focal point of CSR. This is very important because
CSR is expected to empower the society in every
aspect. In this regard, Grover (2014) suggested that
what should be paid attention to of a CSR program
is its appropriateness. An appropriate CSR program
can improve social capability.
It was concluded that Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) is a model of partnership in
education that can be established through a
collaboration of education institutions, corporates,
and government to develop certain competence. This
partnership can bring about positive results if there
are cooperation and open communication between
all parties involved in a program implementation.
The education service programs through CSR can be
varied, so the sustainable impact of a program that
has been implemented can become a research focus.
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ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences