Validity and Practicality Test on Social Studies Learning Module-
Based Interactive Multimedia by Employing CTL Approach for
Elementary Students
Yulfia Nora, Ade Sri Madona and Selfa Idriani
Bung Hatta University, Padang, Indonesia
{yulfianora, idrianis},
Keywords: Social Studies, CTL, Interactive Multimedia.
Abstract: The research was an attempt to determine the validity and practicality of Social Studies learning module
based interactive multimedia by using CTL approach for elementary students. This research was carried out
in the form of development research. The results of validity test analysis on multimedia devices on the
content aspect was obtained the average score 3.56, the average of construct aspect was of 3.18 and the
average of language aspect was 3.67. The average of those three aspects was 3.47 that hits a valid category.
The result of practicality of Social Studies learning modules based interactive multimedia was obtained an
average score 3.56 which it includes in the category of very practical. Briefly, Social Studies learning
modules-based interactive multimedia by employing CTL got valid and very practical in learning.
Social studies are one of the subjects taught in
elementary school. Learning social science get aims
to enable the students to get sensitive and responsive
dealing with social problems in a rational and
Social studies cover wide range of lives which
related on social relations, economics, psychology,
culture, and history, all is learned in the social
Based on the purpose and studies, Social studies
should be delivered as attractive as possible so that
students can understand easily all the study in the
social science. However, to be frankly, the process
of learning social science committed by the teacher
still has many limitations, they are: (1) teachers tend
use only textbooks, (2) media which are used only
such an image, (3) the lecturing method still
dominates on the learning process so that it tends to
be teacher centered learning. These problems lead
the learning that was delivered by the teacher has not
been able to provide clear information and has not
been able to foster students’ attention and interest.
Related to these problems, it is necessary to
develop a module that is supported by the module
based interactive multimedia module, it can provide
clear information for students (Ramansyah, 2014).
In line with Kunandar (2008), the module is
learning material that is arranged, can be presented
in written one in such a way, so the reader is
expected to be able to understand the material itself,
it aims as students’ self-learning materials.
The advantages of the module are : (1) it allows
the learning presentation that is uniform in a large
class, but the base of learning provides self-learning
material, (2) it provides a huge flexibility for
students and teachers to study in a small unit that
can be arranged in a various format; (3) it provides
maximum students’ deliberacy to learn
independently; (4) it provides the active students’
participation; (5) when it is used properly, it helps
teachers to teach the same material frequently in a
class; and (6) it can be designed to foster each
student's’ interaction in learning (Kunandar, 2008).
Social studies learning module can be designed
by using learning technology based interactive
multimedia. Learning based multimedia is a learning
activity that utilizes computers to create and
combine text, graphics, audio, video and animation
by combining links and tools that allow users to
navigate, interact, create and communicate.
Based on the opinion, it can be concluded that
Social Studies learning module which is designed
and developed, must be able foster students
attention and interest. This conclusion was
Nora, Y., Madona, A. and Idriani, S.
Validity and Practicality Test on Social Studies Learning Module-Based Interactive Multimedia by Employing CTL Approach for Elementar y Students.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 2, pages 157-161
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
correspondence with Sari (2017:23), Module which
is developed and designed properly, it can
significantly catch students’ attention on learning
and help teacher to achieve teaching and learning
Social Studies learning module based
interactive multimedia can also use some learning
approaches, one of them is Contextual Teaching and
Learning (CTL) approach. As Fadillah (2017) stated,
is Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) is a
conception of teaching and learning that helps
teachers relate subject matter content to real world
situations, and motivates students to make
connections between knowledge and its application
to their daily lives.
Moreover, according to Hudson and Vesta
(2008) CTL and Constructivist Theory,
incorporating the principals of contextual teaching
helps to promote authentic learning and increases
students’ success by allowing them to make
connections as they construct knowledge. In his
writings, well-known Swiss biologist, philosopher,
and child psychologist, Jean Piaget views the origin
of knowledge as genetic epistemology, which he
also calls constructivism, due to his belief that
"knowledge acquisition is a process of continuous
self-construction”. It means that CTL approach is
learning approach which assist teacher to drive real
situation in the classroom and encourage students to
connect learning material with their daily lives.
Related to the explanations above, Social Studies
learning module based interactive multimedia by
employing CTL can create the learning be more
meaningful for students and help the teachers to
deliver learning material easily.
This research is the development research. It
develops and produces new products in a learning
system which will be applied to students as users
The procedure in the development of social
studies learning modules based Interactive
multimedia are as follows:
1. Needs Analysis.
2. Design
3. Evaluation
Module validation is one of steps of research
development. Module validation was committed by
validator to have a valid module. Meanwhile,
questionnaire analysis (teachers’ and students’
response) was employed to obtain practicality of
learning devices.
2.1 Validity Analysis of Social Studies
Learning Module Based
Interactive Multimedia by
Employing CTL Approach
The data validation of learning media that was
obtained, was analyzed to all aspects presented on a
table by using the Likert Scale, then average score
was calculated by using the formula as follows:
R: average score of the experts/practitioners’
Vij: score of the experts’/practitioners assessment
to-j criteria i
n: number of the experts / practitioners who do an
m: number of criteria
The average obtained was confirmed to the
criteria that were set. How to get criteria, there are
some steps, they are as follows:
a. Range scores start from 0-4
b. The criteria are divided into four levels,
which are very valid, valid, valid enough,
lack of valid and invalid
c. The range of scores is divided into five
interval classes
Procedure validity rate determination is obtained
by criteria such as Table 1 below.
Table 1: Criteria for determining the level of validity.
1,00 - 1,99
Not Valid
2,00 - 2,99
Less Valid
3,00 - 3,49
3,50 4,00
Very Valid
Thus, the learning media is valid if the average
score can hit 3.00.
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
2.2 Practicality Questionnaire and
Observation Sheets Analysis of
Social Studies Learning Modules
Based Interactive Multimedia by
Employing CTL Approach
The data of learners’ response on learning activities
were analyzed by using the following rubric, it is
described on Table 2 below.
Table 2: Scale assessment of student responses on
Alternative Level Practicality
Less Appropriate
Quite appropriate
Very Appropriate
Range of scores start from 1-4, practicality
questionnaire toward the learning media was
described by using techniques of data frequency
analysis by using the formula (Riduan, 2009: 89):
The data found from observation and
questionnaire were analyzed by using qualitative
descriptive statistics based on the following table.
Table 3: Criteria of determining students’ response.
from 1.00 to 1.99
Less Practical
2.00 to 2.99
Quite Practical
3.00 to 3.49
3.50 to 4.00
Very Practical
Learning media will be categorized as a practical
one if the score practicality can hit 3.00.
The development of Social studies learning module
based interactive multimedia was designed to be
able to be used by teachers and elementary students.
Social Science learning module based interactive
multimedia as a tool in the implementation of
learning. Social science module based interactive
multimedia that was being as a guidance, it is
expected to improve the quality of students’ learning
outcomes. The study that was carried out to aims to
determine the validity and practicality of Social
science learning modules based interactive
3.1 Validity of Learning Module
Validation that was conducted in this study
emphasizes on the internal validity (rational) by
using criteria that is in product development.
Aspects observed were content construct aspect. To
test the validity of these two aspects can be used an
expert’s judgement. Here is the result of data
validation that was committed by the validator.
Table 4: Results of validation social science module based
interactive multimedia.
of 3.56
Very valid
Very valid
of 3.47
As shown data on Table 4, it describes that the
average of validation test on Social Studies module-
based interactive multimedia by employing CTL
approach was 3.47. It could be categorized into a
valid category. Thus, it can be concluded that the
Social Studies module-based interactive multimedia
by employing CTL approach is valid and can be
applied in the learning process. It is in line with Sari
(2017), module that was developed properly can be
used as a guidance in learning process.
3.2 The Practicality of Module
The practicality of media which was developed can
be seen from the implementation of try out.
Practicality Data developed was obtained from
Validity and Practicality Test on Social Studies Learning Module-Based Interactive Multimedia by Employing CTL Approach for
Elementary Students
observations on implementing of the learning
module, teachers and students’ response.
3.2.1 Students' Response to the Practicalities
of Learning Module
After the learning process by implementing
interactive multimedia module, students responded
very well. The analysis of students’ responses on
questionnaire to the practicalities of interactive
multimedia modules developed indicates that
learners got interested in studying social studies
based interactive multimedia. It was shown on the
average number of responses 3,57. It means that it is
in category of very practical. It describes that the
multimedia has an attractive appearance.
3.2.2 Teacher Response on Practicality of
Learning Module
The analysis of teachersresponses on questionnaire
of the interactive multimedia module meet with the
use of this media in the learning process. It means
that Social studies learning modules based
interactive multimedia which was developed can
assist teachers in delivering an explanation for
teaching materials, so it could be easy to learn. It can
be concluded that the modules developed was
Table 5: Result of practicality of social studies learning
modules based interactive multimedia.
Aspects assessed
Practicality use
Compliance time
Based on the table 5, the result of practicality of
Social Studies learning modules based interactive
multimedia was obtained an average score 3.56
which it includes in the category of very practical.
Thus, it can be concluded that in general the
response of students to the learning modules used
are positive.
Related to findings of this study that Social Studies
learning module based interactive multimedia by
employing CTL approach is valid and practical to be
applied in learning process.
The results of the validation of multimedia
devices on the content aspect obtained an average
score 3.56, in the construct aspect was 3.18 and
language aspect was 3.67. The Average of these
three aspects was 3.47 in a valid category.
The results of testing the practicality of Social
Studies learning modules based interactive
multimedia was 3.57, it is in a very practical
category. It means that Social Studies learning
modules based interactive multimedia can
significantly attract students’ interest.
The teacher responses to the practicality of
Social Studieslearning modules based interactive
multimedia was also in a practical category (3.56).
Based on the conclusion, researchers suggest to
teachers to use learning module based interactive
multimedia by using CTL approach to enhance the
quality of student learning outcomes.
Fadillah, F., 2017. The effect of application of contextual
teaching and learning (CTL) model-based on lesson
study with mind mapping media to assess student
learning outcomes on chemistry on colloid systems
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Validity and Practicality Test on Social Studies Learning Module-Based Interactive Multimedia by Employing CTL Approach for
Elementary Students