Waste Management Based on Wise Behavior in Japan and Indonesia
Mustofa Kamil and Indriyani Indriyani
Departemen Pendidikan Luar Sekolah, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Household Waste Management Model, Wise Behavior, Society Empowerment.
Abstract: Environmental damage is not only caused by the lack of understanding of the environment as a result of low
educational background, but it is often caused by many factors, especially about the fulfilment of life needs
that are not based on wise knowledge, awareness, attitude and behavior about how to maintain and preserve
environment due to greed, waste, and ignorance. Environmental issues, especially waste, are very easy to
find in Indonesia. We often encounter rubbish strewn across the river, drainage, rice field, roadside, and
other open areas, which are difficult to find in Japan especially in Kitakyushu City. This research was
conducted for 6 months under qualitative case study approach, the location of this research was in
Kitakyushu City of Japan and Bandung City Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to depict household
waste management in Japan and Indonesia realized in the wisdom behavior by society in managing the
waste. The research results show that the efforts made in building environmental wisdom in Kitakyushu
Japan are realized by integrating "environment conservation" policy and "industry promotion" policy with
the aim of building resource-recycling-based community. In fact, these efforts are conducted jointly
between government, community and industry by optimizing the industrial infrastructures, as well as
improving the community technology and knowledge capabilities. While in Indonesia, there are still non-
synergistic policy issues, between regulations, facilities, environmental education and ineffective waste
processing technology.
Some developed countries behave wisely to the
environment or nature, it is seen from their people
daily behavior in managing waste, especially
household waste; both wet and dry. Japan, Korea,
Singapore and Malaysia are so attentive to the
cleanliness of the community environment that their
governments dare to spend a very large budget for
the household waste management.
Garbage is often a problem for some people, but
it is inevitable; used bottles, cigarette butts, plastic,
cigarette packets, old newspapers, waste paper, and
other unused items: TVs, refrigerators, computers,
radio, scrap metal, as well as household waste in the
form of food scraps piled on the roadside. All this
becomes a separate problem for the community
around the globe, especially in the developing
countries where environmental management
(especially garbage) is not as advanced as modern
The strong unpleasant smell in the temporary
garbage dumps, both legal and illegal, (discarded
carelessly) by the community is a daily sight that can
be easily found in developing countries, especially
Indonesia. Similarly, river water contamination
caused by accumulated garbage alongside the river
banks due to random disposal, factory waste, or
household waste are easy to find in Indonesia. Along
the same line, previous studies on the waste
management in Indonesia states that waste
management is still a major concern (Sulistyorini,
2005); (Wahyono, 2011).
What causes all this to happen is whether it is
because of people who do not understand the
environment (especially environmental hygiene),
low public understanding of the rules, the absence of
the regulation, or the lack of the environmental
regulations socialization. A countless question about
the problem will not be solved only in this paper, as
it requires a very long thought and process,
especially through an in-depth research using either
qualitative or quantitative approaches or building an
applicative model as what is done in Japan
especially in Kitakyushu City with its Eco-Town
concept. But the main question that often arises in
every article about environmental management,
Kamil, M. and Indriyani, I.
Waste Management Based on Wise Behavior in Japan and Indonesia.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 2, pages 200-207
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
especially waste management is what happens with
people in developing countries, especially Indonesia,
so that the waste problem is very difficult to
overcome? (Maniatis et al., 1987); (Chaerul et al.,
2007); (Ridhuanand, 2013); (Tahir, 2011).
Several other studies suggest that various
approaches to waste management are done prudently
and have result in satisfactory outcomes. But it
needs a government follow-up, not only remains as a
product of a research. These efforts include waste
management into compost, conversion method of
plastic waste into fuel, good waste paper
management, socio-cultural based waste
management, effective household waste
management, community-based integrated waste
management (Sulistyorini, 2005); (Surono, 2013);
(Wahyono, 2011); (Wardi, 2011); (Riswan et al.,
2011); (Ma’Rufi et al., 2005); (Budihardjo, 2006).
Jickling (1994) and Sauvé (1996) explains that in
designing environmental education programs, it is
necessary to look critically at the realities of
education, the environment and social conditions.
The typology of such conceptions can be a tool to
run the theory of environmental education. Karyanto
(2012) explains that the strengthening of
environmental wisdom is done through integrated
vertical affective orientation in formal and non-
formal education and informally planting and
habituating environmental values in developing
environmentally wise society. While Halford and
Sheehan (1991) explains further through his research
that decisions on wise behavior are influenced by
human responses to environmental change, one that
influences decision making is scientific information
(knowledge) disseminated through society and the
media has an important role in this process. This
research, thus, will show how the government,
stakeholders support environmental wise behavior.
In addition, this research leads to the form of
community behavior in protecting the environment
from damage.
This study used qualitative approach. Qualitative
study describe condition or behavior occurring in a
social group or phenomena. The data collection
process was carried out through interviews,
documentation and observation. The study was
carried out in Bandung, Indonesia and Kitakyushu
Japan. The analysis was completed through: 1)
Classifying and arranging data; 2) editing and
coding the data; 3) confirming and verifying the
data; and 4) analyzing the data. The main focus of
this study was the waste management models in
Japan and Indonesia through environmental wise
3.1 Kitakyushu Objective Condition
Kitakyushu city has a very interesting environmental
history. It was named the dirtiest city in Japan, but it
now becomes the most hygiene city in Japan. It is
also known as the best environmental model for
developing countries around the world, one of the
cities with smart and eco-friendly society concept.
Figure 1: Kitakyushu Japan.
Kitakyushu City with Area: 485 km² was divided
into 7 districts with GDP: 3.5 trillion JPY (2005)
Population, 977,288 in 2011. Major industries like
steel, chemical, machinery, ceramics, IT industry are
in the north of the island of Kyushu bordering the
strait that separates Kyushu from Honshu Island.
Figure 2: The condition of Kitakyushu City In the past.
Waste Management Based on Wise Behavior in Japan and Indonesia
Collaborative Anti-pollution movements done by
stakeholders. The collaboration was done by some
stakeholders: citizens, public administration and
industries. They acted as company watching
company watching, study with scholars, anti-
pollution equipment, and sewage treatment and
monitoring facility.
Figure 3: Anti-Pollution Movements by Stakeholders.
The development of Kitakyushu City as the
cleanest city in Japan, has undergone many years of
process. The condition shows its development from
the 1960's to the 1990's.
Figure 4: Kitakyushu environmental Development.
The socialization and environmental education
process conducted by the government in Kitakyushu
City were implemented with various facilities, such
as: 1) Environment Museum, 2) Eco-Town Center,
3) Historical and Natural History Museum, 4)
Recycle Plaza, 5) Environment Museum of Water,
6) Itouzu Forest Park, 7) Yamada Green Park, 8)
Hidaodai Nature Village, 9) J-Power, 10) River
Walk Mall (Energy Saving), 11) Wind Power, 12)
Sone-Higashi Elementary School (Eco
Reconstruction of School), 13) Sone Tideland, 14)
Rice Terrace in Ouma, 15) National and Semi
National Park.
Environmental education is a way to educate
people. The importance of maintaining the natural
surroundings from any damage, either from air
pollution, waste problems, water problems or soil
damage, because the environment is the smallest
part of the earth, it is necessary to instill a healthy
awareness of the environment as our responsibility.
The waste management is done systematically,
among other 1) collection of household waste in
accordance with the plastic (container that has been
provided) which is priced 50 yen up to 500 yen, in
accordance with categories of garbage collected i.e.
plastic waste, aluminum or iron waste, paper waste,
household waste and others. 2) Garbage collection
by officers, every 2 times in 1 week, 3) Waste
processing at factory location, 4) utilization of
garbage to other goods, as the recycle result.
The utilization of waste processing is used for the
manufacture of road asphalt, a landmass / a new land
establishment, reselling the recycled products,
utilization into alternative energy.
Figure 5: The utilization of Waste Ore into Asphalt
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
Figure 6: The utilization of waste into land mass.
Figure 7: The utilization of waste into land mass.
3.2 Bandung City Objective Condition
Hygiene services in Bandung covers all areas of
Bandung, which is 16,370 ha. To facilitate the
operational arrangement of cleaning service,
Bandung City area is divided into 4 (four) section of
service operation area that is: 1) West Bandung
Operational Area, 2) Central Bandung Operational
Area, 3) East Bandung Operational Area 4) North
Bandung Operational Area. The Increasing number
of the population leads to an increasing amount of
waste generation where the increase is followed by
optimal management, so that the waste problem does
not cause environmental damage and public health
quality deterioration. The community waste
generation is projected at 1,549 tons / day with the
total population of 2014 of 2,748,732 and garbage
transported to the final waste processing plant (TPA)
of ± 1100 tons / day, with organic composition of
organic waste of 57% and 43% (JICA Final Report
in 2010).
The efforts made by the Government in
managing waste, among other forms, are: 1) waste
bank service, 2) cleaning service, 3) special services,
4) garbage dumping service, 5) sweeping service.
The purpose of the establishment is to support 3R
program (reduce, reuse, and recycle) in accordance
with the Regulation of the Minister of Environment
and to awaken the public to a healthy environment
amongst other things: 1) create a cleaner
environment, 2) awaken the public about the
importance of cleanliness, 3) make garbage as
economic goods, 4) increase public income.
Figure 8: Processed Garbage Bank Product.
Figure 9: Cleaning Service Operators.
Special service is a unit that provides special
hygiene services, covering: 1) direct transport to the
location, 2) schedule that can be adjusted with
consumer demand, 3) clean and closed vehicles 4)
special discounts to garbage bank customers.
Figure 10: Dump Truck.
Waste Management Based on Wise Behavior in Japan and Indonesia
Garbage transportation is divided into two
transportation services; residential trash and
commercial and non-commercial garbage transport.
Residential trash transportation is a transportation of
residential waste done by dump truck into TPA.
Similarly, it is applied to non-commercial such as
government hospitals and education areas.
Street sweeping is done in the protocol streets
carried out 3 shifts of work, i.e. shift 1 by the
sweeper at 04.00-11.00 and shift 2 by outsourcers
from 11:00 to 17:00 hours and shift 3 sweeps in a
special lane. The means used are broom stick,
dustpan, carangka, and 120 liters container.
Figure 10: Sweeping Service.
Some of the problems that often occur in
Bandung, associated with waste processing, include:
a) Lack of community awareness, this can be
seen from waste production indicators that
continues to increase.
b) Limited local government services, the
capacity of waste management is only 60%.
c) Organic waste is the largest composition in
Bandung, the community does not separate
between organic and non-organic waste,
causing waste management becomes more
difficult and inefficient.
d) Limited garbage dump area, so the waste
collection process is done in cooperation with
other neighboring local governments.
Coordination issues are major issues,
especially if there is a conflict in the
e) Uncompromising rules, i.e. sanctions for
people who violate them.
Figure 11: Bandung Mayor Monitoring Garbage Blocking
Figure 12: Bandung City Janitors Cleaning River Flow
from Trash.
Figure 13: Temporary Garbage Dump.
The success of environmental (environmental
conservation) management in some developed
countries especially Japan begins in the family
environment, educational environment (school, non-
formal education unit / kominkan / shimin center)
and community environment and other institutions
which are fully responsible on environmental
management. (Naimah et al., 2012): (Siswati et al.,
2009). They believe that education is the most
appropriate place to change people's attitudes and
behavior regarding to their environmental
management and conservation. Some efforts made
by the Japanese government include: integrating
curriculum (school) with environmental
preservation, teacher, principal and administrative
personnel training in improving their knowledge,
attitude and skills in environmental management.
Provide a full role to kominkan/simi center in
developing environmental management programs
with community leaders (RT / RW), volunteers and
families. So that schools and other educational
institutions become the main pioneers in the
environmental management and conservation.
What happens in Japan can be a very valuable
lesson for the people of Indonesia, in Indonesia there
are still many issues related to the environment
management and preservation. So, the role of ESD
will be more functional in all aspects of community
life. Not only on the issue of maintaining, utilizing
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
and preserving the environment but on all other
aspects including:
a) Acquiring new skills and competencies in the
field of environmental conservation and
b) Encouraging economic growth and
c) Encouraging continuous innovation in
maintaining, preserving, utilizing and
conserving the environment;
d) Accelerating efforts to alleviate poverty;
These four are the priorities of ESD in building
today's society and its future. What the central and
local governments have to do to answer that
challenge, it is necessary to have fundamental
thinking and strategic efforts in encouraging people
to be able to make it happen quickly. Without real
and strategic programs, the environmental problems
in Indonesia will continue and will be more difficult
to solve. As an example of waste management,
garbage has been one of the scariest things in
Indonesia ever since, it is common to see people
(residents) who throw garbage into rivers, ditches,
culverts or on roads that are not garbage dumps or
TPS. It is something familiar in this country with the
246,533,673 population. Imagine if they throw
garbage in the river as much as 0.76 kg / per day. It
means that the Indonesian people produce as much
as 187,366 tons MSW of waste in the area of
1,890,000 km2 distributed to 33 provinces. (Chaerul
et al., 2006).
This condition is understandable regarding to the
number of garbage dump and the operators. It is
difficult to manage the waste if the society fails to
understand how to sort the waste based on its nature.
Only by scavengers who try sort according to the
needs and still have the sale value or can be
recycled, and even then, the percentage is very little.
It is this issue that is growing every day and it is
unthinkable how future generations live in a country
full of waste. Several programs have been
undertaken by the government that include
developing waste banks, increasing participation and
mutual cooperation, cleaning river channel,
developing ESD in formal and family education,
rewarding the clean city and other strategic
programs such as; building incinerators, reproducing
TPS in each RT / RW, adding more janitors in every
town and village. However, those have yet to solve
the waste problems. That is why a fundamental
strategy that is started from the bottom (family and
society) as what the city of Kitakyushu did in 1978.
The results of the study indicate that: increasing
community participation in solid waste management
known as MSW (solid waste management) with
family (household) targets generated that: adults are
highly unmotivated and take opportunities in
environmental education compared to children.
Environmental education given to children is more
effective and easy to do; especially introducing
environmental education through the school
curriculum, so MSW is more easily introduced in
Indonesia through formal education (school).
(Chaerul et al., 2006)
Eco pedagogic development in community
education and formal education required a clear and
strategic planning, so that Eco pedagogic
development program runs and succeeds in the
designated direction and purpose. In addition, Eco
pedagogic planning will clarify the process of
preparing various decisions that will be implemented
in the future. The function of planning in Eco
pedagogic development includes the determination
of; what to achieve, how to achieve it, how long it
will take in development, how much power is
needed and how much cost is needed in its
development. Several dimensions of planning that
need to be considered in the development:
a) Significance: the level of significance depends
on the objectives of the proposed Eco
pedagogic program and the significance can be
determined based on the criteria built during
the planning process.
b) Feasibility: Eco pedagogic planning should be
structured on the basis of both reality
considerations related to the cost and
implementation of the Eco pedagogic program.
c) Relevance: the planning developed in the Eco
pedagogic program is able to solve the
problem more specifically at the right time in
order to achieve optimal Eco pedagogic
development goals.
d) Assurance: developed planning can reduce
unforeseen events in the development of Eco
pedagogic programs.
e) Accuracy: Eco pedagogic planning is arranged
in a simple, and it pays attention to various
factors that are directly related to the
development of the program.
f) Adaptability: Eco pedagogic planning must be
so dynamic that continuous information as a
feedback are sought-after. In addition, flexible
or adaptable planning can be designed to avoid
unexpected things.
g) Timing: it is very much an indicator, as well as
the involvement of Eco pedagogic planning in
predicting the future, as well as the validation
and reliability of the analysis used, as well as
when to assess current Eco pedagogic needs
and their developmental relevance in the
h) Monitoring: it is important to look at the extent
to which the Eco pedagogic program and its
Waste Management Based on Wise Behavior in Japan and Indonesia
development process components are running
effectively and efficiently.
Referring to the function of Eco pedagogic
planning, this section will deliver some steps that
will be pursued in Eco pedagogic development:
a) Developing a faithful and devoted human
being towards God Almighty, noble character,
possessing knowledge and skill, physical and
spiritual health, solid and independent
personality and sense of responsibility of
society and nationality in managing and
maintaining the environment.
b) Growing awareness of the environment
through environmental awareness moves so
that people are more critical, more developed
and knowledgeable.
c) Build, manage, develop, maintain and socialize
awareness movements to manage and preserve
the environment.
d) Maintain and develop information resources in
managing and maintaining a fast, precise and
inexpensive environment for the community,
through institutions such as: PKBM, Posyandu,
Majlis Ta'lim and other similar facilities.
Changes in community behavior towards people
who are aware and concerned about the quality and
sustainability of the environment need to be done
through real examples of role models and through
education. The process of environmental education
needs to be given from an early age, either through
formal or informal, and non-formal education. In the
process of education, the provision of knowledge is
an early part of the formation of attitudes and
behavioral changes so that learners are more
concerned with the environment that is marked by
the existence of: (a). Positive attitudes towards
activities that support the realization of a cleaner,
beautiful, comfortable environment through waste
minimization efforts, waste utilization and recycling,
(b). Utilization of natural resources in an efficient
and sustainable and energy savings; and (c)
environmental hygiene activities, healthy physics
and mind, and harmony in society.
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