Developing Information and Technology Based Learning Model in
Curriculum and Instruction Subject to Improve Students’ Learning
Zainal Arifin
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Learning Models, Information Technology, Learning Outcomes.
Abstract: This research was intended to develop information and technology based learning model to improve students’
learning achievement. The method used for this study was Research and Development. The result has
discovered that: (1) the perception of lecturers and students toward the learning process is good, the student's
motivation is low, the condition of the learning facilities and infrastructure is quite good, the condition of
student learning result is good, and the student perception towards the utilization of information technology
in learning before the research is good, (2) this learning model includes instruction planning, implementation,
and evaluation. Each learning stage uses information technology, and (3) effective information technology-
based learning model to improve students’ learning outcomes. The implications are that (1) the lecturers need
to apply the information technology-based learning model in the curriculum and instruction subject, (2)
Indonesia University of Education needs to respond to the challenges and demands of ICT development
according to the needs of the world-class university; (3) there should be training for lecturers about the
application information technology-based learning model, and (4) there should be research with the course
scope and the more various classifications of learning outcomes.
In UPI Academic Senate Resolution Number
001/Senat Akd./UPI-SK/VIII/2011 on The Basic
Provision of UPI Curriculum Development 2011
Edition, in Chapter III on Curriculum Structure and
Course Distribution, there is a Profession Basic
Course group, aimed at equipping prospective
students with the basic skills of the teaching
profession. It is stipulated in the appendix, especially
Article 9 paragraph (1) point b that "Profession
Course (MKP) is a group of courses in the study
program of teaching staff aimed at developing
profession skills, and consists of Profession Basic
Courses (MKDP)” (Kurikulum UPI, 2011: 7).
Furthermore, in Article 12-point b.1) it is argued that
the MKDP for teacher education consists of several
courses, Landasan Pendidikan, Perkembangan
Peserta Didik, Bimbingan dan Konseling,
Curriculum and Instruction, and Pengelolaan
Pendidikan. In accordance with the authors' courses
and inputs and considerations from various parties,
this study focuses more on Curriculum and
Instruction course.
In accordance with the vision, mission and
objectives of Indonesia University of Education
(UPI), as well as the implications of the UPI
Academic Senate provisions, each student of the
education program must take the MKDP-Curriculum
and Instruction in semester 3 (three) or 4 (four). In
this course, students learn to understand, apply, and
analyze the various theories, concepts, foundations,
principles, procedures, models, and Curriculum and
Instruction evaluations, both theoretically and
practically, through various classroom practice
exercises. Students are also drilled in classroom
teaching practices using a mini teaching approach and
instructional models in accordance with the
characteristics of their respective study programs.
Based on the preliminary study of learning process
(read: lectures) in MKDP-Curriculum and Instruction
at Indonesia University of Education. It shows the
weakness of interaction between lecturers and
students in the learning process, so that student
learning outcomes are less satisfactory. Some of the
Arifin, Z.
Developing Information and Technology Based Learning Model in Curriculum and Instruction Subject to Improve Students’ Learning Achievement.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 2, pages 327-333
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
phenomena that appear can be seen from various
sides, among others, are as follows.
First, from the students. When lecturers present
lecture materials, students' attention is often
unfocused, as there are students who are opening up
their laptops and playing games, some are chatting
with their friends, some are eating and drinking, many
students who arrived late beyond the provisions that
have been agreed upon, and even sleeping (sleepy).
The underlying phenomenon is certainly a lot, such as
the interest to study the course is low, the motivation
to learn less, and strongly suspected student
perception of the subject is not good (assuming the
course is only complementary or additional course).
It could also be that students are still confused about
the purpose and function of the course, while the
lecturers themselves do not or have not explained
from the beginning of the meeting on what, why, and
how the position of MKDP-Curriculum and
Instruction in the context of UPI curriculum structure.
The result of the group discussion with the lecturers
concluded that there is a tendency of student
perception toward this subject is not important or just
to complete the amount of credit only. For students,
the important thing is to pass a course with a high
Second, from the lecturers. In conducting
classroom learning activities, lecturers often perform
monotonous activities (coming, sitting, discussing,
and closing). This is because lecturers use less
methods and learning media, thus it makes the
students become saturated and bored. In general,
lecturers only use expository approach, so that
students get some problems to obtain optimal
services. Implementation of teaching methodology is
considered to be only in the form of teaching for
passing the exam (teaching to test), while the demand
for the development of student competence as a
whole tends to be neglected. In fact, the demands of
the learning process in each educational unit
(including the LPTK) must be in accordance with the
standard of the process, which is "... organized
interactively, inspiration, fun, challenging, motivate
learners to participate actively, and provide sufficient
space for initiative, creativity , and independence in
accordance with the talents, interests, and physical
and psychological development of learners "(PP.19 /
2005 on National Education Standards) Chapter IV,
Article 19, paragraph (1).
Based on some of the above phenomena, it is
deemed necessary to have a special study on the use
of appropriate learning model and in accordance with
the development of science and technology today,
including the demands of lecturer competence as well
as the characteristics of teacher education students at
Indonesia University of Education. Furthermore,
Century Partnership Learning Framework", in
BSNP (2010), describes some of the competencies
and / or expertise that Human Resources must possess
in the twentieth century:
1. critical-thinking and problem-solving skills;
2. communication and collaboration skills;
3. creativity and innovation skills;
4. information and communications technology
5. contextual learning skills;
6. Information and media literacy skills.
One of the learning model that is considered
appropriate and relevant to the demands of the above-
mentioned competencies is the information
technology based learning model. This learning
model can facilitate lecturers in conducting MKDP-
Curriculum and Instruction. Students will also be
more interested and motivated to follow the lectures
well, because the lectures become more practical and
varied, so that students will get better learning
outcomes. In addition, the learning-based model
makes the learning atmosphere more dynamic,
interactive, and conducive.
To find and use the learning model in question,
there must be a strong desire (interest and motivation)
of the lecturer to build a conducive and effective
learning process. As what Rosemarie Sutjiati (2010:
2) claimed:
1. The global understanding that if you want to
change the world, you must start from the
classroom first, and if you want to change the
classroom should change the teaching staff first.
2. Previous studies have suggested that there is a
positive impact of teachers who are ready and
educated towards students in the classroom.
3. It is alleged that half of the number of educators
in developing regions is still not in accordance
with the standards of educators of their
respective countries.
The information technology-based learning
model that will be developed in this research is in line
with the policies and programs set out in the UPI 2011
strategic plan (Renstra) 2011 - 2015 on "development
of Information and Communication Technology
based learning", whose infrastructure has been built
in UPI campus environment.
1.1 Problem Statements
The main problem in this study is the information
technology-based learning model such as whether or
not it can improve student learning outcomes in
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
MKDP-Curriculum and Instruction at the Indonesia
University of Education?
More specifically the problem is:
1. How is the MKDP-Curriculum and Instruction
in Indonesia University of Education? The
question includes:
a. What are the lecturers’ and students’
perceptions on the MKDP-Curriculum and
Instruction in Indonesia University of
b. How is the students’ motivation in MKDP-
Curriculum and Instruction in Indonesia
University of Education?
c. How is the MKDP-Curriculum and
Instruction facilities in Indonesia
University of Education?
d. How is the learning condition in MKDP-
Curriculum and Instruction before the
research is conducted?
e. What are the students’ perceptions on the
implementation of information and
technology in MKDP-Curriculum and
Instruction learning activities?
2. What kind of information technology based
instruction suitable for improving the students’
learning outcomes in MKDP-Curriculum and
Instruction in Indonesia University of
Education? The question entails:
a. What kind of information technology
based model is appropriate in improving
learners’ outcomes in MKDP-Curriculum
and Instructions in Indonesia University of
b. What kind of information technology
based model is appropriate in improving
learners’ outcomes in MKDP-Curriculum
and Instructions in Indonesia University of
c. What kind of information technology
based evaluation model is appropriate in
improving learners’ outcomes in MKDP-
Curriculum and Instructions in Indonesia
University of Education?
3. How effective is the information technology
based learning in MKDP-Curriculum and
Instruction in Indonesia University of
1.2 Research Objectives
The general objectives of this research are (a) to find
empirical data about the perception and motivation of
lecturers and students as well as the condition of
facilities, infrastructure and learning outcomes of
students in MKDP-Curriculum and Instruction at
Indonesia University of Education; (b) to develop
information-based learning model in MKDP-
Curriculum and Instruction in an effort to improve
student learning outcomes at Indonesia University of
Education, and (c) to test the effectiveness of
information technology-based learning model in
MKDP-Curriculum and Instruction in an effort to
improve student learning outcomes at Indonesia
University of Education.
This research uses quantitative-positivistic approach
with "Research and Development" method.
Technically there were three utilized methods;
descriptive, evaluative and experimental methods.
Pretest-Posttest Control Group design was used as the
experimental design. In RandD, there are three stages
of research that must be taken, namely preliminary
study, model development, and validation test. In the
preliminary study stage, three main activities were
conducted, i.e. reviewing literature / library study,
pre-survey (field), and initial product preparation
(draft model).
At the model development stage, limited trials and
wider tests are conducted. The limited trial was
conducted on one class and one study program,
namely the Citizenship Education program (PKn-A),
while for the wider trial, the sample was taken from
three faculties: FIP, FPIPS, and FPBS. From every
faculty, one program was taken as the sample using
cluster random sampling, they are: (a) FIP: PGSD-D
program, (b) FPIPS: PKn-A Program and (c) FPBS:
Vernacular -B Program. The programs were different
in the limited trials. The lecturers were three.
In Validation phase, quasi experimental were used
in Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design framework.
"In quasi-experiments, the selection of subjects is
done by choosing an existing group of subjects (intact
group) and no random assignment" (Moh.Ali, 2010:
104). Furthermore, pretest results with posttest in
both groups were compared by: (a) comparing pretest
with posttest in the experimental group, (b)
comparing pretest with posttest in the control group,
(c) comparing pretest between experimental groups
and controls, (d) comparing posttest between the
experimental group and the control group, and (e)
comparing the gain of the experimental group with
the control group.
The population were (1) all students in education
program of UPI enrolling MKDP-Curriculum and
Instruction in semester IV, and (2) all lecturers
Developing Information and Technology Based Learning Model in Curriculum and Instruction Subject to Improve Students’ Learning
teaching MKDP-Curriculum and Instruction in UPI.
The sample was done relevant with the research steps.
In the preliminary study phase, sampling was
conducted using purposive sampling, while in the
model development stage (for limited testing and
wider testing) and validation test (experiment), the
students were selected based on the study program
using cluster random sampling
Data collection techniques to be used in this study
were questionnaires, document analysis, observation,
interviews, and achievement test. The data analysis
was done through Chi-Square, Percentage and t-test.
And hypothesis test was then carried out.
Ho: µ1 = µ2, there is no differences between
pretest and post-test means score.
Ha: µ1 µ2, there is a significant difference
between pretest and post-test means score.
To test the effectiveness of the information
technology-based learning model, the mean gain in
the experimental group with the mean gain (gain) in
the control group will be compared using the t-test
formula. The statistical hypothesis that was tested
was formulated as follows:
Ho: µE = µK, there is no significant differences
between pretest gain score (µ1) in experimental
group (µE) and the gain score in the control
group (µK).
Ha: µE = µK, there is a significant difference
between pretest gain score (µ1) in experimental
group (µE) and the gain score in the control
group (µK).
Test Criteria:
If Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, it means that the
information technology based instruction is more
effective in improving students’ learning outcomes in
MKDP-Curriculum and Instruction than the
conventional instruction. And vice versa.
3.1 Preliminary Study Findings
3.1.1 Lecturers’ Perception
The result of preliminary study shows the lecturer's
perception toward the learning process of MKDP-
Curriculum and Instruction in Indonesia University of
Education as a whole is in good category. The
perceived aspects include student attendance,
material suitability of Curriculum and Instruction
with the teacher competence, utilization of
information technology, lecturer qualification,
student activeness, learning difficulties, and
assessment system.
a. Students’ Perception
The students’ perceptions on the MKDP-Curriculum
and Instruction in Indonesia University of Education
is in good category. The perceived aspects include the
presence of lecturers, lecture materials, lecturer
activities, learning resources, faculty appearance,
learning activities, learning atmosphere, time,
learning difficulties, and assessment systems.
b. Learning Motivation
Most of the students’ motivation in MKDP-
Curriculum and Instruction (68.52 %) is in low
category. Only small number (22.22%) is in High
category and the others are in medium category. In
terms of the category, almost half (40.74%) are in the
"low" category, nearly half (27.78%) of the "very
low" category, a small (18.52%) "Moderate"
category, 26%) the "high" category, and a smaller
(03.70%) belongs to the category "very high".
c. Learning Facility Condition
Based on the results of interviews with the heads of
curriculum and education technology, FIP-UPI, the
condition of facilities and infrastructure in MKDP-
Curriculum and Instruction are good enough, such as
classroom, desk and chair of lecturers, student seats,
white board, in focus, light, air, electric current, and
wall paint. The local library was also good and
With regard to the condition of lecturers who are
registered as lecturers of MKDP-Curriculum and
Instruction, obtained data that the number of lecturers
with the qualifications of Professors 12 people,
Doctor Curriculum Development 12 people, Non-
Curriculum Development Doctor 4 (four) people,
Master of Development The curriculum is 12 people,
and the Non-Curriculum Development Master is 8
(eight) people. This condition illustrates that the
number and qualifications of lecturers are good.
d. Students’ Learning Outcome Conditions
The average of student learning outcomes in UPI
(2012 Academic year) in MKDP-Curriculum and
Instruction before the research was conducted, overall
was 3.27 (good). The condition of this learning result
must be maintained and enhanced, although in
practice the students' learning outcomes are still
considered not scientifically stable.
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
The average and percentage of student learning
outcomes of each faculty based on its rank is (a)
FPTK = 3,53 (A = 16 = 53,33 % and B = 14 = 46,67
% ), (b) FPMIPA = 3,4 (A = 12 = 40 % and B = 18 =
60 %)), (c) FIP = 3,3 (A = 9 = 30 % and B = 21 = 70
%), (d) FPIPS = 3,2 (A = 6 = 20 % and B = 24 = 80
%), (e) FPOK = 3,13 (A = 4 = 13,33 % and B = 26 =
86,67 %), and FPBS = 3,1 (A = 3 = 10 % and B = 27
= 90 %).
e. Students’ Perception
The students’ perceptions on the implementation of
information and technology in MKDP-Curriculum
and Instruction learning activities before the research
is in good category. The perceived aspects include the
benefits of information technology, forms of
information technology, and interest in using
information technology.
Based on the preliminary study and literature
review, an initial draft of information technology-
based learning model was developed, for learning
planning, implementation and evaluation.
At the learning planning stage, the researcher
made the syllabus and SAP. The syllabus framework
consists of two components, namely the identity
components and the material topic details for each
meeting. While the SAP framework consists of
components of course identity, basic competencies,
learning outcomes, indicators, learning materials,
learning activities, media and learning resources, and
evaluation. In accordance with the learning materials
in SAP, then Google presentation was used. All the
planning of the instruction was saved to Google drive
and blog and linked to 4Shared.
In the implementation phase of learning, lecturers
begin to open SAP in Google drive and present the
material through Google presentation (online), while
students open the material in blogspot and 4Shared
(online) followed by group discussion (offline). For
the deepening of material in group discussions,
students are required to open relevant websites on the
internet. Students discuss to analyze the material,
question and answer with the lecturer, and submit the
report of the discussion results (offline).
In the learning evaluation phase, the lecturer
arranges the test in the Multi-Choice form through
google form (online). To prevent students from
opening pretest and posttest indiscriminately, the
student must login first using the username and
password where previously the student must open the
following web address:
3.2 Limited Trial Test Results
Before a limited trial is conducted, researchers first
created syllabus and SAP. The syllabus framework
consists of two components, namely the identity
components and the material topic details for each
meeting. While the SAP framework consists of
components of course identity, basic competencies,
learning outcomes, indicators, learning materials,
learning activities, media and learning resources, and
evaluation. In accordance with the learning materials
in SAP, then google presentation was used. All the
planning of the instruction was saved to google drive
and blog and linked to 4Shared.
From the first trial test, the means score for pretest
was 3.21 and the means for posttest was 6.62 with
gain 3.41. The results of the second limited trial
obtained the means for pretest 3.64 and posttest 7.74
with gain of 4.1. The results of the third limited trial
obtained the means for pretest 4.08 and posttest 8.10
with gain of 4.02. Thus, there is an increase in
learning outcomes, both in the first, second, and third
limited trials.
3.3 Wider Trial Test Results
The first wider test result obtained the means for
pretest score for the PGSD-D study program is 2.86
and the posttest was 6.86. The means for pretest score
for the PKn-B program is 3.0 and the posttest is 7.55.
The means for pretest score for the Vernacular-B
program is 2.87 and the posttest is 6.52.
The second wider test result obtained the means
for pretest score for the PGSD-D study program is
3.78.86 and the posttest was 7.30. The means for
pretest score for the PKn-B program is 3.18 and the
posttest is 8.18. The means for pretest score for the
Vernacular-B program is 3.84 and the posttest is 7.87.
The third wider test result obtained the means for
pretest score for the PGSD-D study program is
3.78.86 and the posttest was 7.30. The means for
pretest score for the PKn-B program is 3.55 and the
posttest is 8.21. The means for pretest score for the
Vernacular-B program is 4.16 and the posttest is 8.84.
3.4 Validity Test Result
The formulated hypotheses are:
Ho: E = K
Ho: There is no different learning outcome between
students with Information Technology based
Instruction and those with the conventional
method in MKDP-Curriculum and Instruction.
Developing Information and Technology Based Learning Model in Curriculum and Instruction Subject to Improve Students’ Learning
H1: E ≠ K
H1: There is a significant different learning outcome
between students with Information Technology
based Instruction and those with the
conventional method in MKDP-Curriculum and
Furthermore, pretest results with posttest in both
groups were compared by: (a) comparing pretest with
posttest in the experimental group, (b) comparing
pretest with posttest in the control group, (c)
comparing pretest between experimental groups and
controls, (d) comparing posttest between the
experimental group and the control group, and (e)
comparing the gain of the experimental group with
the control group.
The result revealed that:
Firstly, there is a difference between pretest and
posttest in the experimental group, both the PGSD-C
study program, the Geography-B course, the
Indonesian-A study program or the Chem-A study
program. The conclusion is that student learning
outcomes in MKDP-Curriculum and Instruction
increase significantly from the comparison between
pretest score and posttest score in the experimental
Secondly, there is a difference between pretest
and posttest in the control group, either PGSD-B
study program, Geography-A study program, C-
language Language study program or Chem-B
course. The conclusion is that student learning
outcomes in MKDP-Curriculum and Instruction
increase significantly from the comparison between
pretest score and posttest score in the control group.
Thirdly, there is an average difference in pretest
scores, either PGSD-C (exp) with PGSD-B (control),
Geography-B (exp) with Geography-A (control),
Bahasa-A (exp) C (control) as well as Chem-A (exp)
with Chem-B (control). It implies that student
learning outcomes in the MKDP-Curriculum and
Instruction increase significantly seen from the
comparison of pretest group score experiment with
the control group.
Fourthly, there are differences in posttest score,
either PGSD-C (exp) with PGSD-B (control),
Geography-B (exp) with Geography-A (control),
Bahasa-A (exp) C (control) as well as Chem-A (exp)
with Chem-B (control). It implies that student
learning outcomes in the MKDP-Curriculum and
Instruction increase significantly seen from the
comparison of pretest group score experiment with
the control group. The results of this posttest
comparison also simultaneously demonstrate the
information technology-based learning model in
MKDP-Curriculum and Effective Learning to
improve student learning outcomes.
Fifthly, there is a gain difference, either PGSD-C
(exp) with PGSD-B (control), Geography-B (exp)
with Geography-A (control), Bahasa-A (exp) with C-
Region (control) and Chem-A (exp) with Chem-B
(control). It implies that student learning outcomes in
the MKDP-Curriculum and Instruction increase
significantly seen from the comparison of pretest
group score experiment with the control group. The
results of this posttest comparison also
simultaneously demonstrate the information
technology-based learning model in MKDP-
Curriculum and Effective Learning to improve
student learning outcomes.
3.5 Findings and Discussion
This model is perfect for lecturers and students to be
utilized in MKDP-Curriculum and Instruction. The
considerations are:
First, most students are now studying Information
and Communication Technology, both through
formal and non-formal education. It implies that
students already have basic skills in the field of
information technology. If the information
technology-based learning model is applied, of course
the students will be more familiar in utilizing
information technology in learning.
Secondly, various opinions and inputs from the
lecturer team of MKDP-Curriculum and Instruction,
there should be a learning model that is considered
suitable for lecturers and students and can be used as
an alternative to be applied in MKDP-Curriculum and
Instruction. This opinion is certainly not excessive
because so far, even since the existence of MKDP-
Curriculum and Instruction there has never been a
proper learning model to use, in practical sense for
lecturers and students. To answer these needs,
presumably the model of learning-based information
technology can be used as an alternative for the
interests of student learning. The authors hope that
this information technology-based learning model
can be one of the policies of the leadership of the
University of Education Indonesia to be standardized
and utilized by all lecturers of MKDP-Curriculum
and Instruction in the University of Education
Thirdly, the use of information technology
applications in this study is very cheap and easy to
use by lecturers and students because all applications
used are available on the internet. Lecturers and
students only need a computer device (laptop),
modem and / or hotspot network. The students may
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
also use smartphone in place for laptop in accessing
the internet.
Fourthly, the students may also learn outside the
classroom. They can learn anywhere and everywhere.
However, it is compulsory that students and lecturers
attend the classroom meeting.
MKDP-Curriculum and Instruction condition is in a
wellbeing state although there are some aspects of
low motivation from the students that affect their
learning outcomes.
Information-technology based learning model is
suitable for MKDP-Curriculum and Instruction,
starting from the planning, implementation and
evaluation by using such software’s as google drive,
google presentation, blog, 4Shared, internet, and
google form.
Information technology based learning model is
effective in improving learners’ learning outcomes in
MKDP-Curriculum and Instruction.
The research suggests that UPI leadership
establish special policy on the implementation of
information technology based learning model in
MKDP-Curriculum and Instruction so that students
and lecturers may use the model continuously.
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Developing Information and Technology Based Learning Model in Curriculum and Instruction Subject to Improve Students’ Learning