Probability Total Choice Answer for Multiple Choice Test Logistic
Model Three Parameters on IRT
Budi Susetyo
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jalan. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung Indonesia
Keywords: IRT model L3P, Total of Answer Options, Value of Item Information.
Abstract: This study examines the way in which measuring tools are not dependent on the ability of the test group on
multiple choice test forms with three and four answer options based on the Three Parameter Logistics (L3P)
model. This research is aimed at obtaining a qualified multiple-choice test based on the information function
of the item, so that it can be used by the test authors including classroom teachers or subject areas and
teaching evaluation learners. The method used is the application and manufacture of multiple choice test,
three and four answer choices based on L3P model and field test. The research was conducted in junior high
school on science subjects with 625 respondents. The test equipment used was based on the L3P model of
multiple choice objective test with three answer choices and four answer choices, and the results obtained
did not show the difference to the value of the information function in both forms of the test. Therefore,
educators in the manufacture of learning outcomes based on the L3P model do not need to question the
number of options (option) on multiple choice test forms.
Tests commonly used in educational measurements
are two, namely the form of objective tests and test
forms. The division of this type of test is based on
the method of screening on test items (Saifuddin,
1996). Based on the way the participants answered
the test it was divided into two parts (Popham, 1981)
the test item provided by the answer, so that the test
participants only chose the answers (selected
response test items) and the test items were not
provided, test takers need to make their own answers
(constructed response test items). The use of
multiple-choice objective test forms is practiced in
all subjects and all levels of education. Differences
in the use of objective types of tests at each level of
education lie in the complexity of multiple choice
forms and the number of answer choices tailored to
the level of education. Primary, junior and senior
secondary education levels of choice of frequently
used answers are no more than four. As for the
selection of college entry such as SBMPTN or Trial
Independent objective test form used in general are
five choices of answers.
There are two types of test theory that can be
used to measure learning outcomes, namely "classic
test theory and grain response theory" (Susetyo,
2015). The division is based on the way the
preparation of test items, in the form of physical
tests there is no difference. In classical test theories
of test items are made by classroom teachers or
teachers of study. Therefore, the test results are
local, resulting in different scores obtained in one
class with another class. This difference is possible
because of the nature of classical test theory that
depends on the ability of the group of test
participants. Highly skilled test takers, then the test
item is made easy. In contrast to the low-skilled test
takers, the same test item becomes difficult. To
overcome the weaknesses of classical theory exams,
experts find a way to be called the modern test
theory or the grain response theory (Item Response
Theory/IRT). The grain response theory eliminates
the dependence of the measuring instrument with the
ability of the test group participants. The test items
that have high difficulty are unchanged (invariant)
and remain highly worked out by anyone, whether
by high-ability or low-ability learners. Similarly, the
test items with low difficulty levels still have low
difficulty levels performed by those with high or
low-ability skills. Grain response theory provides
better results because the test items are not
dependent on the learner's ability.
Susetyo, B.
Probability Total Choice Answer for Multiple Choice Test Logistic Model Three Parameters on IRT.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 2, pages 410-413
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The use of multiple choice test forms on the
grain response theory has not been widely assessed
by test users in schools or policy holders in the
evaluation of learning or educational measurements,
therefore a more in-depth study is needed. The study
of weaknesses and the advantages of multiple choice
tests with multiple choice or multiple-choice
modifications has not been widely implemented by
teachers or test results developers. The results of this
assessment can provide a tangible picture of the
effectiveness of each number of answer options on
multiple choice form tests for measurement of
learning outcomes in the cognitive aspect. While the
use of multiple-choice form tests is commonly used
by teachers at every level of education to measure
learning outcomes, including national examinations.
One disadvantage in the multiple-choice test is that
it is difficult to choose an alternative comparable
answer option that serves as a deception (Norman
and Robert, 1990). The risk of error in the selection
of measuring instruments to measure learning
outcomes at each level of education and the low
accuracy of the results is still common, so the
measurement results do not inform the real condition
of the learners' abilities. A Question, what is the best
number of answer options to date there has not been
a definite answer on a multiple-choice test. Sumadi
(2005) says "the matters of consideration in
determining the number of choices of answers are
the age of the test participants, the primary school
students are not sufficiently capable of dealing with
questions with five or more answer choices". The
use of different number of answer choices on
objective tests gives different probabilities in giving
the right answer. The magnitude of the opportunity
to provide the correct answer is 1 / N, where N is the
number of choices the answers provided. The
multiple-choice test items of four answer choices
have different opportunities with three answer
options that are 1/4 (25%) and 1/3 (33%). Similarly,
for the form of objective tests that provide answers
with those that do not provide answers will have
different opportunities in providing correct answers.
By assessing the number of answer choices in the
objective test will be known to form the multiple-
choice test more adequate as a means of measuring
learning outcomes because it is known to function
information on the grains test developed by Item
Response Theory. The function of the grain
information is an illustration of the relationship
between grain parameters and the parameters of the
ability of the test participants are fixed.
The three-parameter logistics model is one
application of the grain response theory. The three-
parameter logistics model "has characteristics of
capability parameters and grain parameter
characteristics consisting of grain difficulty, guess,
and differentiation" (Crocker and Algina, 1982). The
probability difference of answering correctly by
guessing on a multiple-choice test cannot be
eliminated, because the test form condition provides
an answer option. However, the difference in the
number of answers that can be provided can affect
the function of the information item, therefore the
need for assessment through research, especially for
the form of multiple choice test with three answer
choices and four answer choices. Many different
tests can be used to measure students' cognitive
skills in a learning activity. This study is limited to
the problem of multiple choice test form of the
three-parameter logistics model (L3P) which is
based on the grain response theory (IRT). The
objective test form studied was multiple choice with
three answer choices and four answer choices were
all used to measure students' ability in science
subjects (IPA). The problem studied in this research
is formulated as follows; Is there a difference in the
quality of information functions of multiple choice
three and four choice test items based on the
probability of answers provided on the three-
parameter logistics model test device developed
under the Item Response Theory?
This section discusses the various matters used
methodologically in a study. The things discussed
are; The method used in the research is the
experimental method by testing the objective test of
multiple choice form with four and three choices of
answers on the subject of science to learners. The
experimental group is a test participant who uses an
objective test form of three answer options. The
control group of this study were test participants
who used an objective test form of four answer
The study was conducted at junior high school
level in Bandung. The test device under study was
prepared with the theory of grain response (IRT),
therefore in the preparation of the test requires a
considerable number of respondents as belonging to
the standard test. According to Noer (1987) to make
the standard test required minimum number of
respondents "relatively stable minimum size is 200
respondents". The respondents used in the study
were well above 200 respondents as a minimum.
According Noer (1987) set the size of respondents as
much as 5 to 10 times the number of grains.
Probability Total Choice Answer for Multiple Choice Test Logistic Model Three Parameters on IRT
Respondent in this research is learners of elementary
education amounts to 1250 students, with details of
each group consists of 625 respondents. Each group
performed an objective test of three answer choices
and four answer choices.
The dependent variable in this research is the
value of the multiple-choice test item test
information three choices of answers and four
choices of science subject answers. The instrument
used in this study is the objective multiple-objective
test items of science subjects. Before the test items
were sampled, the research was analyzed to select
the test items that met the requirements of 3
parameters (L3P) logistics model on the grain
response theory (IRT). The test items that meet the
requirements of the L3P model are 42 items for each
test form either three or four answer options.
Research design of the study appears in Figure 1
Figure 1: Research design.
Based on the chart presented above, it is seen that
the stages of preparation of multiple choice form test
devices using the L3P model on grain response
theory with various test requirements that must be
Data processing in this research consists of two
stages, namely testing the test item requirements in
accordance with L3P model on IRT and hypothesis
a. Testing the requirements of the L3P model
includes; model fit, union, group invariance,
and local independence.
b. Techniques Data analysis for hypothesis
testing by comparing the value of test item
information both forms of multiple choice test
three and four answer choices.
From the results of testing the L3P model
requirements, out of 62 test items that meet the
requirements of 42 test items. The stages of
calculating grain information starting from the items
that meet the model followed by the calculation of
the parameters of the testers' ability, the grain
parameters consisting of the degree of difficulty,
differentiation, and guesswork, then calculated the
function of the grain information to determine the
effect of the difference in the number of answers on
the multiple-choice test three and four choice of
Based on the result of hypothesis testing on the
value of the test item information based on the
number of answer answers obtained the result that
the value of the information function of the objective
form test items three answer choices with the value
of information function of the objective objective
test items of four answer choices do not give effect
to the difference of the information value of the
The function of the grain information is related to
the quality of the test this is because the grain
response theory used in the measurement gives
meaning to the value of the test item information.
The lower the value of the function of the grain
information in a test device, the higher the
inaccuracy of the measuring instrument made with
the result of the testers' ability measurement. The
calculation of the value of the grain information for
the L3P model consists of the participant's ability
parameters (ability) and grain parameters (different
power, difficulty level, and answer by guess). The
value of the high-grain information function, the
required high enough power, the level of difficulty
in accordance with the ability of the participants and
the guessing factor approaching zero. The value of
the grain information reaches its peak if the power is
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
high, the level of difficulty is equal to the ability of
the test takers, and responds by guessing none
(zero). These three things must occur
simultaneously, high power values are high, but not
accompanied by a match between difficulty levels
with participants' ability, and high guessing factors,
resulting in low value of grain information.
The multiple-choice test which constructs the
answer provides a choice of answers, so that the test
takers only choose the answer that is considered the
most correct. This choice of answers provides an
opportunity for the test participants to guess the
correct answer, especially for those with low ability.
The preparation of multiple choice form tests can be
done with the classical exam theory and modern test
theory (Item Response Theory). In tests compiled
with item response theory, the multiple choice of
answers provided on multiple choice tests affects the
probability of answering correctly. The more the
number of answer choices the smaller the probability
of choosing the right answer. Therefore, the function
of the grain information is still related to the
probability of choosing the right answer on each
item. In order to achieve a high value of the grain
information it is also necessary to have a high
probability of a true answer, independent of the
number of available answers available, but highly
dependent on the high abilities of the test
participants. Choosing the answer by guessing on
the form of choice test answers occurs, if the test
item has a high degree of difficulty and the level of
aspect measured on the high cognitive domain while
the ability of participants under the difficulty level
of the test items. The test takers chose the answer by
guessing it was sometimes done by those with high
ability, this was due to a test item that wanted to
measure the subject matter that had not been taught
or learned by the test participants. Therefore, using
an objective test form of three choices of answers or
an objective test form, the four answer choices do
not affect the difference in the value of the grain
information. This is not due to the probability
difference of correct answer in the multiple-choice
test items of 1/N in choosing the correct answer. But
the effect is the ability of the testers' ability with the
difficulty level of the item. The highly skilled test
participants are not affected by the magnitude of the
probability of answering is true according to the
large number of answer options provided on the
multiple-choice test form. The factor that gives an
influence in answering by guess is the participant's
ability, the higher the competitor's ability decreases
with the guess (c). Highly skilled test takers can
answer correctly on a particular item even if the item
is not provided with a choice of answers or a change
in test form. In addition to the participant's ability of
different power indices (b), the lower the power
difference, the higher the answer with the guess (c)
and consequently the higher the guess.
Based on the results of data processing and
discussion in the previous section can be drawn
conclusions as follows; Value of grain information
on modern theory test of logistic model 3 objective
test item parameters three answer choices with
objective test items four choices of answers on
junior high school level did not show any effect on
the difference of grain test quality. This indicates
that there is a difference in the number of answers to
the objective test items of the three choices of
answers and the objective form test items of four
answer choices, the value of the grain information
present in the two forms of multiple-objective test
has the same quality or the value of the grain
information is not affected by the difference
probability in the choice of answers provided.
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Library. Yogyakarta.
Crocker, L., Algina, J., 1982., Introduction to Classical
and Modern Test Theory, Holt, Rinehard And
Winston, Inc. New York.
Noer, M., 1987., Introduction to Test Theory, Depdikbud.
Norman, E. G., Robert, L., 1990., Measurement and
Evaluation Teaching 6 Th., Collier Macmillan. New
Popham, J. W., 1981., Modern Educational Measurement,
Printice-Hill Inc. California.
Sumadi, S., 2005., Development of Psychological Measure
Tool, Andi. Yogyakarta.
Susetyo, B., 2015., Preparation Procedure and Test
Analysis for Assessment of Learning Outcomes
Cognitive Field, Refika Adhitama. Bandung.
Probability Total Choice Answer for Multiple Choice Test Logistic Model Three Parameters on IRT