Effect of Aerobic and Anaerobic Physical Exercises to Brain Derived
Neurothropic Factor Plasma Levels on Mice
Iyakrus Iyakrus, Rostika Flora, and Januar Ikhsan
Magister Program of Sport Education Studies Program Sriwijaya University, Palembang, Indonesia
Keywords: Aerobic and anaerobic physical exercise, Frequency, BDNF, Neurogenesis.
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of aerobic and anaerobic physical exercise on BDNF
Plasma levels in mice treated with aerobic and anaerobic physical exercise with different frequency for 1
week. This research is an experimental laboratory.The design used in this research is Post Test Control
Group Design. Subjects used in this study were Mice, aged 6-8 weeks and 1 control group. Data were taken
by doing anaerobic physical exercise at a rate of 35 meters per minute for 20 minutes and aerobic physical
exercise at 20 meters per minute for 30 minutes. One way Anova test result showed that there was a high
increase in BDNF level of aerobic exercise group 1 times and 3 times a week compared with aerobic
exercise group 7 times a week and control group. Furthermore, there was a high increase in BDNF levels of
anaerobic physical exercise group 1 times and 3 times a week compared with anaerobic exercise group 7
times a week and control group. However, BDNF levels of anaerobic groups are lower than in the aerobic
group. The conclusions of this study showed that physical exercise resulted in increased levels of BDNF.
Physical exercise is a physical burden on the body
and continuous through proper exercise program
(Flora, 2015). Aerobic exercise is physical exercise
that uses energy derived from aerobic metabolism or
metabolism that requires oxygen. In contrast,
anaerobic physical exercise is physical exercise that
uses the energy from anaerobic metabolism or
metabolism that does not require oxygen. This
means that almost all of the energy required for
muscle activity during physical exercise is produced
through aerobic and anaerobic processes (Fox, 1993;
Santosa, 2012; Flora, 2015). According to Santosa
(2012), the relationship between aerobics and
anaerobics is the basis of the division of sports in
accordance with the dominant exercise. It is called
aerobic exercise if during its appearance at least
two-thirds (70%) of all energy used is obtained
through aerobic exercise. This means a maximum of
only 30% which is an anaerobic exercise. In
contrast, anaerobic exercise, if during its appearance,
at least two-thirds (70%) of all the energy used is
provided through anaerobic exercise. This means a
maximum of only 30% anaerobic exercise that can
be covered by aerobic exercise.
Physical exercise may increase the expression
of the hippocampal BDNF and result in the
emergence of neurotrophic factors (Cheen & Russo,
2011). BDNF plays a major role in neuronal
plasticity. Physical exercise results in BDNF (brain
derived neurotrophic factor) upregulation that helps
increase the brain's resistance to damage and
neurodegeneration that occurs with age (Egan et al,
2003). Research conducted by Oliff et al, (1998)
mentions that an increase in expression of BDNF
mRNA 6 hours after physical exercise in mice
treated voluntary running wheel. Similarly, studies
conducted by Rhodes et al, (2003) mentioned that,
an increase in the concentration of BDNF and
neurogenesis in the hippocampus of mice who were
treated running wheel. There is a correlation
between the distance traveled with neurogenesis.
Research on humans conducted by Vega et al,
(2006) mentions that there is an increase in serum
BDNF in athletes who perform short term aerobics.
The problems of this study is whether there are
differences in BDNF levels between aerobic and
anaerobic exercise conducted during the first week
with a different frequency. The aim of this study was
to compare the effect of aerobic and anaerobic
physical exercise on BDNF Plasma concentration in
Iyakrus, I., Flora, R. and Ikhsan, J.
Effect of Aerobic and Anaerobic Physical Exercises to Brain Derived Neurothropic Factor Plasma Levels on Mice.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 211-214
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
mice treated with aerobic and anaerobic physical
exercise with different frequency for 1 week.
Physical exercise is a regular physical activity in a
certain period of time and intensity, which aims to
keep the body in order to always be in good health
and fit. Physical exercise is done by muscle
regularly, repeatedly and continuously (Flora, 2015).
Exercise is a series of organized and planned
exercise that people do consciously to improve their
functional abilities (Safari, 2011).
Based on the energy source that is used there are
two types of physical exercise is aerobic exercise
and anaerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise is a
physical exercise that depends on the availability of
oxygen to help the combustion process of energy
sources so that it will also depend on the optimal
work of the organs of the body such as heart, lungs
and blood vessels to transport oxygen to the
combustion process of energy sources to run
perfectly. Anaerobic physical exercise is a high
intensity physical exercise that requires fast energy
in a short time but can not be done continuously for
long durations of time.
Physical exercise will increase BDNF. BDNF
has been recognized as an important tropic hormone
in the regulation of neuron morphology and survival.
Endogenous BDNF is known to be involved in
cellular development and growth, mood regulation,
and cognitive functions such as learning and
memory (Schmolesky et all, 2013). BDNF is the
most common growth factor in the brain in the
central nervous system (CNS) (James, 2012). BDNF
is important for CNS development and neuron
plasticity. BDNF plays an important role in brain
development and plasticity. The results of a study by
Cruz (1999) that BDNF has a molecular weight of
32 kDa precursors and a 14 kDa adult BDNF
molecular weight. BDNF also has a molecular
weight of 27 kDa and originally derived from pig
brain that serves as a trophic factor for cells of the
dorsal root ganglia (Leibrock et al, 1989) and then
comes from the human brain (Barde et al, 1982).
Blaydes (2001) mentioned that serotonin, dopamine,
BDNF due to physical exercise will strengthen the
bond between nerve cells.
The formation of BDNF (brain derived
neurotrophic factor) causes neurons to work more
efficiently. BDNF is a neurotropin that acts as a
survival regulator, growth and differentiation of
neurons during development to the adult nervous
system. BDNF is not formed in the human brain, but
also in animals. Like animals Mice (Mus musculus).
There is a study of experimental animals conducted
by Oliff et al. (1998) mentioned that an increase in
expression of BDNF mRNA 6 hours after physical
exercise in mice treated voluntary wheel running.
Similarly, a study conducted by Rhodes et al (2003)
mentions that there is an increase in BDNF
concentration and neurogenesis in hippocampus of
mice that are fed running wheel. There is a
correlation between the distance traveled with
This research is an experimental laboratory. The
design used in this research is Post Test Control
Group Design. Subjects used in this study were
Mice, aged 6-8 weeks and 1 control group. Data
were taken by doing anaerobic physical exercise at a
rate of 35 meters per minute for 20 minutes and
aerobic physical exercise at 20 meters per minute for
30 minute
4.1 Research Results
4.1.1 The Mean of Mice (Mus musculus)
BDNF Plasma Level in Control and
Treatment Group
The result of BDNF Plasma calculation after giving
the physical exercise treatment as follows:
Table 1: Average BDNF Levels.
Mean ± Standard
Deviation (pg/ml)
28,62 ± 11,53
Aerobic 1x
62,24 ± 17,28
Aerobic 3x
58,51 ± 10,76
Aerobic 7x
32,53 ± 5,89
Anaerobic 1x
45,38 ± 4,76
Anaerobic 3x
54,23 ± 7,47
Anaerobic 7x
34,36 ± 11,04
Table 1 shows that there was an increase in mean
BDNF plasma levels in Mice (Mus musculus)
treated with aerobic and anaerobic physical exercise
once a week, 3 times a week and 7 times a week
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
compared to the control group. Based on the
normality test that the average BDNF plasma level
of Mice (Mus musculus) in the control group,
aerobic and anaerobic physical exercise 1 times a
week, 3 times a week and 7 times a week normal
distribution (p> 0.05).
Then t test is not paired or independent sample
test T-Test to know the significant difference
between aerobic group, anaerobic with control
group. For the aerobic group the result was a
significant difference (p value <0.05) average BDNF
plasma level of Mice (Mus musculus) treated with
aerobic physical exercise 1 x and aerobic 3 x with
control group. There was no significant difference (p
value> 0,05) mean BDNF plasma level of Mice
(Mus musculus) treated with aerobic physical
exercise 7 x with control group.
For the anaerobic group the result was a
significant difference (p value <0.05) mean BDNF
plasma level of Mice (Mus musculus) treated with
anaerobic physical exercise 1 x and anaerobic 3 x
with control group. There was no significant
difference (p value> 0,05) mean BDNF plasma level
of Mice (Mus musculus) treated with anaerobic
physical exercise 7 x with control group.
Then to know which groups are different more
meaningful, then the next test Anova. Anova test
results between aerobic group and control group
showed that there was a significant difference (p
value <0.05) average BDNF plasma of Mice (Mus
musculus) level between aerobic exercise group 1
times a week, 3 times a week, 7 times a week with
Control group.
The results of Anova test between the anaerobic
group and the control group showed that there was a
significant difference (p value <0.05) the mean
BDNF plasma of Mice (Mus musculus) between the
anaerobic physical exercise group 1 times a week, 3
times weekly, 7 times a week with group control.
4.2 Discussion
Based on the above research statement, it can be
concluded that, the mean of plasma BDNF level in
the highest aerobic group is 1 x aerobic group (62,24
± 17,28). While the mean plasma BDNF levels in
the highest anaerobic group were the 3 x anaerobic
group (54.23 ± 7.47). However, plasma anaerobic
BDNF levels of 3 x (54.23 ± 7.47) were lower than
the 1 x azobic group (62.24 ± 17.28). According to
the researchers this happens because the treatment of
physical exercise there are acute and chronic and
depends on the use of exercise intensity, duration of
exercise and recovery period of exercise.
The results of treatment from each group
obtained the average concentration of aerobic
plasma BDNF 1x (62.24 ± 17.28) has a high value
due to aerobic physical exercise is acute. Charles H.
Hillman et al. (2009) suggests that acute exercise
effects improve neurocognitive function and have
the intensity and duration of exercise that improve
the cognitive functioning and nervous system of the
brain. Then the rate decreased in aerobic physical
exercise 3x (58,51 ± 10,76). This happens because
the mice experience a period of recovery or rest
periods. Then the rate decreased again in aerobic
physical exercise 7x (32.53 ± 5.89). This happens
because aerobic physical exercise is chronic. This
exercise is done every day without any recovery
period causing fatigue, dehydration and will reduce
the accuracy in doing physical activity (Flora, 2015:
43). Research Lawrence E. Armstrong et al, (1998)
mentions that the occurrence of fatigue during
physical activity due to various things, namely the
increase in lactic acid in the muscle, homeostatic
disorders, neuromuscular disorders and heat air
Then, anaerobic plasma BDNF rate of 1x (45.38
± 4.76) has a high value because the anaerobic
physical exercise is acute. In this exercise there is a
time interval of 1 minute with a speed of 10 meters
per minute of the overall time. This exercise also
usually requires a rest interval so that ATP
(Adenosine Tripospat) can be regenerated so that its
activities can be resumed. Then again increase in
mean of 3 x anaerobic BDNF (54,23 ± 7,47). This
happens because the mice experience a period of
recovery or rest periods. According Cloud Cenedy et
al, (2008) that the intensity of aerobic and anaerobic
physical exercise that can improve physical fitness
and brain function if done routinely at least 3 times a
week. Furthermore, BDNF levels decreased
significantly in anaerobic physical exercise 7 x
(34.36 ± 11.04). This is because the physical
exercise is chronic and done every day without any
recovery period resulting in fatigue, dehydration and
will reduce the accuracy in physical activity (Flora,
2015: 43).
The conclusion from this study that physical
exercise resulted in increased levels of Brain
Derived Neurothropic Factor (BDNF) Plasma of
Mice (Mus musculus). This is proven based on
Anova test result which shows that there is a
significant difference (p value <0,05) mean of
Effect of Aerobic and Anaerobic Physical Exercises to Brain Derived Neurothropic Factor Plasma Levels on Mice
BDNF plasma of Mice (Mus musculus) between
group of aerobic physical exercise 1 times a week, 3
times a week, 7 times a week with group control.
Furthermore, there was a significant difference (p
value <0,05) mean BDNF plasma of Mice (Mus
musculus) level between physical anaerobic exercise
group 1 times a week, 3 times a week, 7 times a
week with control group.
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ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education