Reciprocal Teaching for Boosting Students’ Confidence during
Soccer Learning
Fitra Fauzi Rahmat, Ridwan Ridwan and Supriyatna Supriyatna
Sport Education Program, Postgraduate School, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung,
Keywords: Soccer, Resiprocal, Confidence.
Abstract: The background of this research was the teachers’ lack of knowledge of physical education teaching. The
researcher observed that students had lack of confidence during soccer learning. Thus, this research was
conducted to discover whether reciprocal teaching could boost their confidence. The method used was
experimental method with one group pre-test and post-test design. The sample of this research was the
students of SMA Negeri 4 Cimahi (4 Cimahi State Senior High School). The sampling technique was
purposive sampling. Sample was selected by considering contain characteristics. The result of the research
showed the value of T
is 2.737 > table 1.69. Therefore, H0 was rejected. This result indicated that
confidence boost was discovered when reciprocal teaching was applied during soccer learning.
The actual fact of physical education teaching of
soccer game that the researcher found is that the
student’s confusion by the time they play soccer.
When a student gets a pass-ball from his team-mate,
for an instance, he seems confused to take a fast
decision resulting the ball is taken by the opponent
(Sucipto, 1999).
From the illustration above, the researcher
observes that the student has lack of confidence. It
then is assumed that reciprocal teaching is suitable
for boosting the student’s confidence (Brown, 1988).
According to Palinscar and Brown (1984) there are
at least 4 fundamental strategies of reciprocal
teaching; clarifying, predicting, asking and
concluding. Clarifying means students learn to
explain problems of soccer game. Predicting means
anticipating, imagining, predicting, estimating,
forecasting and others that make the students learn
to predict and anticipate the possibility that may
happen in the future (Rovegno, 1992). These two
processes can trigger question and answer process
and reach the conclusion. From the three processes,
the researcher concludes that reciprocal teaching is
suitable for boosting students’ confidence to solve
problems during physical education activities
especially during soccer learning in SMA (High
School) (Gagne, 1977).
Moreover, the application of invariable teaching
results difficulties among teachers to develop the
students’ potentials, “teaching style is related to the
teachers’ decision making either before or after
teaching and learning activity (Mahendra, 2009;
Juliantine, 2012). Lutan (2001) said that “teaching
style is a strategy to increase students’
participations.” Teachers’ lack of knowledge of
teaching styles has become one of existing problems
in school, including the lack of knowledge of
reciprocal teaching (Abduljabar, 2011).
2.1 Participants
This research used purposive sampling, with the
sample was 41 students of X IPS 1 SMA Negeri 4
Cimahi (10th grader Social Class of 4 Cimahi State
Senior High School) South Cimahi district, Cimahi,
West Java province.
Rahmat, F., Ridwan, R. and Supriyatna, S.
Reciprocal Teaching for Boosting Students’ Confidence during Soccer Learning.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 270-271
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.2 Procedure
The research method used was experimental method
with one group pre-test and post-test design
(Dimitrov and Rumrill, 2003) The research was
conducted on October, 2nd 2013 to the X IPS 3 (10
graders of social class) students in SMA Negeri 4
Cimahi (4 Cimahi State Senior High School), with
the duration of 3 Physical Education Subject study
hours from 7 a.m. to 09.25 a.m. The number of
meetings was 12 with the duration of 135 minutes
per meeting, once a week.
2.3 Instruments
The instrument used was questioner about students’
confidence and the implementation of character
values as mentioned in basic competence of Physical
Education curriculum. The data was processed by
using statistic t-test.
Based on the processed result and data analysis of
pre-test and post-test of students’ confidence
questioner during the application of reciprocal
teaching on soccer learning as described on Chapter
III and IV, by using experimental research method
with one group pre-test and post-test design. The
sample of this research was 41 students of SMA
Negeri 4 Cimahi (4 Cimahi State Senior High
School). Purposive sampling technique was used to
select the sample. Sample was selected by
considering certain characteristics. So, the
conclusion of the research is the existence of
significant influence of the application of reciprocal
teaching on boosting students’ confidence during
soccer learning in SMA Negeri 4 Cimahi (4 Cimahi
State Senior High School). It shows that reciprocal
teaching application can boost students’ confidence
during soccer learning in SMA Negeri 4 Cimahi (4
Cimahi State Senior High School).
As stated in the Act No. 20 of 2003 on the National
Education System that the national education has
function to develop skills and to form character and
the nation’s dignified civilization in order to educate
the life of the nation, to reach the goal that is to
develop students’ potentials to become a man of
faith and fear of God Almighty, noble, healthy,
knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and
become citizens of a democratic and responsible.
Therefore, in order to develop students’ potential
to be healthy and smart, reciprocal teaching
application in physical education activities can be
done to see how far the students’ confidence
develops in physical education subject.
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Reciprocal Teaching for Boosting Students’ Confidence during Soccer Learning