Development of Fundamental Movement Skills through the Low-
Organized Games Based Program
Agung Purwandono, Yudi Hendrayana
and Agus Mahendra
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: The Low-Organized Games, Fundamental Movement Skill, TGMD-2.
Abstract: This study aims to obtain conclusions about the use of The Low-Organized Games Based Program (LOGP)
on the development of Fundamental Movement Skill (FMS) for Elementary School students in low grade 7-
9 years old. The method in this research uses qualitative approach through action research method.
Participants consisted of 30 students aged 7 to 9 years in SDN 1 Paniis, District Pasawahan, Kuningan
Regency, two physical education teachers and one administrator. The instrument used is a teacher
performance appraisal format (TPA) to measure teacher performance in planning and implementing learning,
student attitude observation format (SAOF) to measure student attitudes in learning activities, and movement
performance criteria from Test of Gross Motor Development-edition 2 (TGMD-2) to measure FMS
competencies consisting of locomotors subtests and object control subtests. The research hypothesis presented
on the basis of both theoretical and empirical views that the use of LOGP can develop elements of movement
skills in the three FMS components for 7-9 year olds, including locomotors skills, stability, and manipulative
Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) is an important
competence in the Physical Education program. FMS
is described as a general motor activity with a specific
pattern that can be observed (Education Department
of Victoria, 1996) involving different body parts such
as legs, arms, trunk and head comprising locomotors,
stability, and manipulative skills (Sport New Zealand,
2012; Education Department of Western Australia,
2013; Cohen, 2014). The development of these skills
should begin in the early years of elementary school
through the teaching of physical education at schools
(Education Department of Victoria, 1996). FMS is
considered to be the basic building unit of more
specialized and complex skills used in sports and
recreational games and various other physical
activities (Hand, 2012; Cohen, 2014; Burrows, 2014)
for pre-school children, adolescents and adults (Cliff,
Several studies have shown the fact that many
children between the ages of 6-9 years are delayed in
developing their motor skills (Bakhtiar, 2014,
Hashim and Baharom, 2014; Mukherjee, 2017). This
condition can be caused by the teachers lack of
comprehensively comprehending the meaning and
role of physical education in their basic principles and
philosophy as well as the inappropriate competence
of physical education teachers in various aspects
related to the performance of their tasks, especially at
the elementary level (Mahendra, 2014). This has an
impact on the provision of physical education
programs that are not appropriate to achieve the goals
of physical education itself. In order to cope with
these conditions, appropriate movement programs at
schools and activities that encourage and support
FMS learning are required (Fahimi, 2013, Jaakola,
2013) through many opportunities to practice, ideally
in a stimulating and challenging environment, but
supporting, as well as by receiving quality instruction
and feedback (Hand, 2012).
One of the proposed activities for developing
FMS is through the provision of simple low-
organized games based programs for children at
schools. The low-organized games based program
(LOGP) is a physical education program through
simple game activities (including traditional games)
designed to be guided by the physical education
curriculum in schools to achieve the goals of physical
education. The learning strategy in LOGP uses
mastery learning developed by Bloom (1968) and the
learning stage refers to Sport New Zealand (2012),
Purwandono, A., Hendrayana, Y. and Mahendra, A.
Development of Fundamental Movement Skills through the Low-Organized Games Based Program.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 394-399
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
including discovery, developing, and consolidating
stages aimed at the development of FMS components
including locomotors, stability, and manipulative.
Mahendra (2005) explained that in simple games,
such as folk games, children's games, traditional
games, and games of dolanan, contained various
benefits for the development of psychomotor,
cognitive, moral and affective domains. Burrows
(2014) suggests that after school programs with
simple game focus may support improving FMS
capability for children aged 7-9 years. In addition, the
traditional game is an appropriate program for the
development of basic movement skills of children
aged 7-9 years (Akbari, 2009) and can be efficient in
improving motor skills of school age children (Gipit,
2017). Based on the theoretical and empirical facts,
the purpose of this study is to obtain conclusions
about the use of The Low-Organized Games Based
Program on the development of Fundamental
Movement Skills for Elementary School students in
low grade 7-9 years.
2.1 Participants
This research involved students at one elementary
school in rural area in Kuningan District of academic
year 2017/2018 that were between 7-9 years old, as
many as 30 children, consisted of 14 male students
and 16 female students, physical education teacher as
many as 2 persons as observers, as well as one general
teacher as an administrator. Ethically, this research
has been through the approval of institutions,
principals, teachers, school committee councils, and
2.2 Procedures
This research is designed using approach referred to
Kemmis and McTaggart (2005) in the form of action
research with the type of "School-wide research
focuses on issues common to all" (Ferrance, 2000)
involving spiral of cycle reflection in the form of
"planning, acting and observing, reflecting, re-
planning, acting and observing again, reflecting
again, and so on "(Kemmis and McTaggart, 2005, pp.
276). Acting is a simple game divided into 3 (three)
learning stages, including (1) beginning / discovery
stage, (2) developing stage, and (3) consolidating
stage (Sport New Zealand, 2012; Education
Department of Western Australia, 2013). Each
learning stage contains units of motion skills material
of the FMS component, i.e. (1) locomotors, (2)
stability, and (3) manipulative. Observing is carried
out in the learning process at each stage, after a single
stage is completed (formative assessment) and after
the whole stage is executed (summative assessment).
Before action begins, referring to mastery learning
strategy from Bloom (1968) pre-assessment is done
first. After the implementation of observation, then
data processing is performed referring to the
assessment guide for Elementary School, Ministry of
Education and Culture, data validation, and data
analysis from the observation.
2.3 Instrument
Teacher Performance Assessment is conducted on
one cycle using the Teachers Performance
Assessment (PKG) format, covering (1) planning
learning, and (2) implementing learning.
Observation of Student Attitude is performed
when the process of each stage of learning uses
instrument format of Student Attitudes Observation
in Activities through observation techniques,
including observation aspects that refer to the
assessment guide for elementary school from
Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah Dasar (2016), namely:
(a) honesty, (b) discipline, (c) responsibilities, and (d)
FMS Assessment is conducted in pre-assessment,
formative assessment and summative assessment
using performance criteria from Test of Gross Motor
Development-Edition 2 (TGMD-2) from Ulrich
(2000) which has been widely used for FMS
development (Cohen, 2014; Burrows, 2014, Hashim
and Baharom, 2014; Yang, 2015; Mukherjee, 2017)
with the test-retest reliability for the locomotors sub
test stable at r = 0.88 and for the control object r =
0.93 (Ulrich in Burrows, 2014). TGMD-2 includes
(1) locomotors subtest, consisting of run, gallop, hop,
leap, horizontal jump and slide; (2) manipulative
subtest, consisting of striking a stationary, stationary
dribble, catch, kick, overhand throw and underhand
The development of FMS for students in elementary
schools in particular, is done through physical
education at schools with the support of educational
resources. Education Department of Western
Australia (2002) explains that "The FMS professional
development promotes change in educational practice
by providing theory, demonstration, practice,
Development of Fundamental Movement Skills through the Low-Organized Games Based Program
feedback, and support. Improving teacher judgment
about fundamental movement skills is vital ". In
addition, several studies (Hand and Martin, 2003;
Goodway, 2003; Kirk and Rhodes, 2011; Logan,
2011; Breytenbach, 2013; Pless and Carlssons, 2010)
demonstrates that efforts for fundamental movement
skills development are accomplished through
intervention in the teaching of physical education,
especially in elementary schools. This physical
education teaching intervention may allow some
children to develop acquired skills very quickly if
instructional interventions are in a form of
structurally designed learning experiences for
children, explicit information on how to perform
skills, multiple opportunities to practice skills,
appropriate feedback, and meaningful and
challenging experience, but not frustrating
(Education Department of Western Australia, 2013).
Given the strategies and stages of learning and
teaching materials that meet the learning
effectiveness requirements, hypothesis can be stated
that the use of LOGP can develop elements of motion
skills in the three components of FMS for children
aged 7-9 years, including locomotors skills, stability,
and manipulative.
The research hypothesis as presented shows that
the development of movement skills toward skilled
movement performance involves an understanding of
the concept of movement, the perception of the task
of movement to be performed, and the motor ability
to perform the movement through meaningful and
challenging experiences. This experience can have an
effect on the behavior change of learners. This
statement is consistent with the opinion of Payne and
Isaacs (2012) that "full understanding of motor
development requires knowledge of the cognitive,
affective, and physical domains because they so
profoundly affect movement behavior". Therefore, in
order to have an effect on the development of motor
skills and motor development changes along with
cognitive and affective development through FMS
learning, appropriate learning strategies are required
in physical education. Bloom (1968) has devised One
Strategy for Mastery Learning, comprising (1)
outlining some necessary prerequisites; (2)
developing the necessary implementation procedures;
and (3) evaluating some strategy outcomes. The
implication of Bloom's One Strategy for Mastery
Learning (1968) towards LOGP's learning strategy
for improving FMS is as follows.
Precondition of learning in LOGP to improve
FMS is elaborated through identifying activities and
formulating specifications of FMS teaching
objectives in physical education in elementary
schools implied in one of the competencies to be
achieved by learners referring to Peraturan Menteri
Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia
Nomor 21 (2016) which is knowing the concept and
practicing basic movement patterns, variations and
combinations of basic movement patterns;
Demonstrate sportsmanship, cooperation, tolerance,
discipline, and positive attitude. The content or
teaching materials of LOGP are physical activities of
basic motor skills, variations and combinations of
basic movement patterns in the form of simple games
with or without tools including traditional games. The
evaluation procedures prepared include an instrument
of concept comprehension assessment, motor skills
and attitude observation. Evaluation is done using
summative evaluation at the beginning and after all
material units are given as well as formative
evaluations in the teaching and learning process. To
check FMS performance for learners, the LOGP uses
qualitative steps that focus on form or movement
techniques Hand (2012) which can provide more
useful information on FMS skills for young people
(Cliff, 2009).
The operating procedures developed at LOGP to
improve FMS skills for learners are as follows.
First, dividing the teaching materials of FMS into
3 (three) categories, namely (1) locomotors, (2)
stability, and (3) manipulative. These three categories
are further broken down into units of teaching
material in the material group (1) fundamental
movement skill patterns, (2) variations in
fundamental movement patterns, and (3) the
combination of fundamental movement patterns.
Second, conducting pre-assessment of students'
understanding and mastery level of the subject matter
unit in the form of elements of motor skills from the
three categories of FMS subject matter.
Third, presenting the learning materials units from
the three groups of materials gradually using learning
stages for FMS development referring to Sport New
Zealand (2012), covering (1) discovery, (2)
developing, and (3) consolidating. At the discovery
stage, learners try to concentrate on learning
locomotors, stability, and manipulative fundamental
patterns. The purpose of this stage is to expect
learners to explore and discover by themselves the
elements involved in performing the skills of these
three fundamental movement patterns. At the
developing stage, learners are presented in the
learning material units of fundamental movement
pattern variations in order to make the skills more
efficient and refined in the performance of students'
movement skills through repetition and practice in
various contexts. At the consolidating stage, learners
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
are presented the learning material unit of the
fundamental movement pattern combination of
applying conceptual understanding and mastery of
movement skills in various ways and combining other
movements in the game and more complex activities.
After one stage is completed, the formative
evaluation is then conducted to measure the level of
understanding of the concept and mastery of the
fundamental movement pattern skills learned.
Fourth, reviewing the results of formative
assessment of each stage and making corrections of
the movement concept understanding level
achievement and mastery of the fundamental
movement as a prerequisite to follow the series of
learning in the next stage.
Fifth, conducting Sumatif evaluation after all
material units are presented through all learning
stages to measure mastery of the FMS lesson material
that has been presented. Sixth, following up the
Sumatif evaluation results in the form of enrichment
activities for students who are considered of not
understanding the concept of movement and fully
master the pattern of fundamental movements that
have been studied.
The description presented illustrates that the
implications of the mastery learning strategy in
LOGP in physical education along with the learning
stages used provide the space for learners to
concentrate on the finesse of movement and to find
the sequence of movement patterns to be mastered
(discovery phase). At the developing phase, learners
are given experience through repetition and practice
in a variety of contexts to improve the efficiency and
smoothness of motion in the performance of their
motor skills. In the consolidation phase, program
participants are directed to apply movement skills in
various ways and incorporate other movements in
more complex games.
In addition to the above description, the use of
playing activities in the game as an activity
underlying LOGP as a form of effort to achieve the
program objectives (program outcome), is called the
development of FMS learners. This effort is certainly
in harmony with the conception of learning based
games Shaffer in Plass (2015) which states that games
based learning mostly emphasize that it is a type of
game play with defined learning outcome. On the
basis of this description, it can be stated that LOGP is
a physical education program through a variety of
physical activities of playing games that are done in
stages to improve the mastery of understanding the
concept and mastery of FMS skills for learners.
In general, Schmidt and Lee (2014) explain that
there are three essential elements for most skills,
including (1) Perceiving the relevant environmental
features; (2) Deciding what to do and where and when
to do it to achieve the goal; (3) Producing organized
muscular activity to generate movements that achieve
the goal ". This statement certainly indicates that the
three essential elements include perception,
cognition, and muscle contraction. Perception as an
important element in movement skills is in line with
Robinson's (2010) research which shows that there is
a positive relationship between self-perception with
the development of fundamental movement skills. On
the other hand, Edwards (2010) states that there are
three components that affect the performance of
movement skills, namely (1) the person, the task, and
the environment,
In line with the statement, the research results by
Delaš (2008) which suggests that gender differences
determine the differences in basic motor skills,
especially in the performance of jumping and walking
success. In addition, the study results of Goodway
(2003), Ghaly (2010), and Fahimi (2013) support the
idea that the practice and motor skill instruction in
motor programs is a factor determining motor skills
and the development of fundamental movement
skills. Goodway (2014) indicates that many of the
poorest children in Indonesia start the year of early
childhood with delayed development of motor skills
due to difficulty in gaining access to safe places to
The results of the theoretical and empirical studies
presented in this study support the hypothesis that the
use of simple game-based programs can help learners
develop the elements of movement skills in their
fundamental skill component of movement,
especially at elementary school level. However, other
elements that influence the outcomes of skill learning,
such as perception, cognition, and muscle contraction
in learners should also be considered. In addition, the
internal condition of learners, the task of movement
given, and the condition of the learning environment
play an important role in the efforts of learners to
reach the level of development of understanding the
concept and mastery of fundamental movement skills
along with social skills (affective) that accompany the
learning outcomes.
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