The Influence of Brain Jogging Training Model and Intelligence
Potential Level on the Improvement of Athlete Concentration in
Basketball Sports
Patriana Nurmansyah Awwaludin, Komarudin Komarudin and Tatang Muhtar
Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Brain Jogging, Intelligence (IQ), Concentration, Basketball.
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the different results of high-intensity brain jogging training and
low-intensity brain jogging training model for high-intelligence (IQ) and low-intelligence (IQ) potential
groups to the increased concentration of athletes in basketball sports that experienced 2 meetings during 6
weeks. The method used experimental study with 2 × 2 factorial design. The data was analyzed with IBM
SPSS 23rd version with two-way-anova hypothesis test. The analysis and data showed: (1) There was a
difference of concentration result for athletes trained with high-intensity brain jogging and low-intensity
brain jogging training model on the concentration improvement of Basketball athletes. (2) There was an
interaction between the training model and the Intelligence (IQ) on the increased of Basketball Athlete
concentration. (3) There was a difference in concentration results for athletes trained in high-intensity brain
jogging and low-intensity brain jogging training models on high-intelligence (IQ) groups. (4) There was a
difference in concentration results for athletes trained in high-intensity brain jogging and low-intensity brain
jogging training models of low-intelligence (IQ) groups.
Harsono (2016) explained the increase in muscle
capacity that, "there will be changes in our muscles
after training", which means that muscle can
increased as their ability of training, so how the
increased can happen with the human brain itself.
This model of brain jogging trainning offers a
special training that can train the human resource,
the brain. Because according to Demirakca (2016)
Brain jogging is "designed in such a way as to
enhance cognition, concentration, motivation, and
also as a method to stimulate the power of brain
function". Next, the concept in brain jogging is
different from other methods. Henryk (2015) in this
case explained that "brain jogging can stimulate the
brain's work system in such a way as to challenge
the power of cognition, senses and mental with the
concept of combining the 3 elements of training that
is physical activity, multitasking, and cognition".
Based on the kinetic life source Lutz of North
America (2017), it is understood that "life kinetic is
a fun, active and scientifically designed training that
helps us get closer to realizing our true capacity
brains possess", which means that, kinetic life is
done with fun, active, and scientifically designed to
help optimize our brain capacity.
While other sources are in Germany according to
Grünke (2015) that the kinetic life is "bestimmte
coordinative Übungen beeinflussen die
Hirnentwicklung bei Kindern sehr positiv. Auch bei
Erwachsenen bewirken gewisse Bewegungstrainings
die Bildung neuer Nervenzellen im Hippocampus, so
dass man Gedächtnisinhalte besser abspeichern
kann ", According to Hyatt (2007), on Brain jogging
workshop in 2015, with brain jogging training, the
practicians of brain jogging or life kinetic raining
will "improve the power of Concentration.
Motivation, Creativity, Intelligent, Multitasking
(multi tasks), Coordination (Resistance), Resistant to
Stress, and Fitness (physical fitness) ".
Several other sources, published by Luma Group
on their official website, Life Kinetik Nort America
(2016) described the benefits of: The benefits in
brief; A) Children are more creative, b) Student are
more focused, c) Professional are more stress
resistant, d) Athletes perform at a higher level, e)
Increased action and reaction speed, f) Error
Awwaludin, P., Komarudin, K. and Muhtar, T.
The Influence of Brain Jogging Training Model and Intelligence Potential Level on the Improvement of Athlete Concentration in Basketball Sports.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 481-485
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
reduction, g) Increase fluid intelligence ( The ability
to properly perform tasks), and h) Seniors are better
able to navigate dangerous situations (reduced falls).
Several study results were conducted to
determine the impact of brain jogging training,
Komarudin and Mulyana (2017) with the title “The
Effects of Brain Jogging Trainings Toward the
Increase of Concentration and Learning
Achievement” with a population of 30 tennis
athletes and a sample of 10 athletes with the use of
purposive sample techniques. Training experience
were conducted 11 times with 1 times meeting in a
week. The results of the study show that "there is a
significant effect of brain jogging toward the
increase of concentration and learning achievement".
Several other sources, published by the Luma
Group on the Life Kinetik North America (2016)
official website explain the benefits of: The benefits
in brief; a) Children are more creative, b) Student
are more focused, c) Professional are more stress
resistant, d) Athletes perform at a higher level, e)
Increased action and reaction speed, f) Error
reduction, g) Increase fluid intelligence (the ability
to correctly perform tasks), and h) Seniors are better
able to navigate dangerous situations (reduced
In addition, another study conducted by Fedrian
(2015) in grade VIII in Junior High School class
students with a sample of 29 people shows that,
brain jogging in learning physical education in
schools significantly affect the cognitive abilities of
learners. Furthermore, the issue of brain jogging is
often done in the environment of Koni West Java
which is given in the development of martial arts
sports such as karate and pencak silat and also in
sports game.
2.1 Participants
Twenty athletes of Bumi Siliwangi Women
Basketball team with 2 meetings during 6 weeks.
2.2 Instruments
2.2.1 Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM)
The instrument was done to know the obtained score
value until the qualifications of one's intelligence
level as the intelligence ability (IQ) owned by each
2.2.2 Concentration Grid Test (CGT)
To determine the level of potential ability of athlete's
concentration, the researchers uses Concentration
Grid Test (CGT) test equipment.
2.3 Tasks
The task in this study is a program namely brain
jogging with high and low intensities using 8 traning
mmodules of braing jogging. The modules have
been tested before and especially designed by
trainers from braing jogging conssiting of ladder A1-
A4, ladder B1-B4, dst.
2.4 Procedures
(A) Preliminary study, conducting literature studies
on relevant theories on study variables as well as
training of brain jogging trainings, Intelligence
Potential (IQ), and concentration; (B) Preparation of
the Brain Jogging training program by conducting
literature studies based on previous study; (C)
Consultation with UPTLBK Indonesia University of
Education, Bandung. Regarding the test standard for
the IQ Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM),
Potential IQ test that can be used in accordance with
the study to be performed; (D) Consultation with the
Coaching staff of the UPI Women's Basketball Team
and previous brain jogging researchers regarding
training time.
The Final Stage of this study is the completion
stage of researchers in order to get the results of
treatment that has been given as for its description
that is; (A) Processing data from pretest and final
test (posttest); (B) Analyze and discuss the study
data; (C) Giving conclusions based on the results of
data processing study; (D) Provide recommendations
based on study results.
Further information obtained on the difference
between the results of preliminary test and final test
scores on brain jogging training model and
intelligence level (IQ). See figure 1.
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
Tes Awal
Tes Akhir
Tes Awal
Tes Akhir
Intelegensi (IQ) Rata-Rata Intelegensi (IQ) Selisih
Figure 1: The Average of preliminary test and final test
scores of brain jogging training models intensity.
Figure 2: Average difference between preliminary and
final test scores of domain group on Intelligence (IQ).
From figure 1, it was explained that there was
different improvement between high-intensity and
low-intensity, high-intensity improved more than
low-intensity brain jogging. While in figure 2
explained that both groups were having
improvement, but if we depth analyzing this chart,
the improvement of group B was higher than group
After that, the review on the data processing for
normality and homogeneity testing is known to be
normal and homogeny in this study. Then the next
stage of hypothesis testing can be done. In this
study, while testing the hypothesis, the researchers
used two-way-ANOVA with the help of program of
IBM SPSS version 23. The purpose of testing the
data is to see the effect between variables which
furthermore need to testing the effectiveness
between variables. The purpose is to know the
difference of effectiveness information among
variables on giving model of brain jogging training
and with the Intelligence ability (IQ) owned by the
individual. The test used is Test of Between-
Subjects Effects. The results of the test can be seen
in table 1
Table 1. The average difference in preliminary test scores
and final domain intensity in brain jogging training model.
Type III
Sum of
Corrected Model
brain jogging
intelligent group
brain jogging
*intelligent group
Corrected Total
Corrected Model is the influence of all
independent variables, which is the training model
of brain jogging and the group of intelligence
potential (IQ) and the interaction of both of them to
the dependent variable that is the increase of
concentration. Based on the data obtained with
corrected model, the significance value is 0.001 α
= 0.05), so the model of brain jogging trainings,
intelligence potential, and interaction, have a
significant effect together to increase the
concentration of Basketball athletes.
Intercept is the value of the dependent change
(the concentration increased of basketball athletes)
without necessarily influencing the existence of all
independent variables (brain jogging training model
and Potential Intelligence (IQ)), it means that
without the influence of independent variable,
dependent variable can change value. The value of
the intercept significance is 0,000 α = 0,05), so
the increase of basketball athletes concentration can
change its value without any influence from brain
jogging training model and intelligence potential
Intensity of Brain Jogging is the influence of
intensity variable of brain jogging subjects to the
increase of basketball athletes concentration. There
was significant value of brain jogging intensity of
0,002 α = 0,05), so the intensity of brain
jogging had significant effect to the increase of
basketball athletes concentration.
Intelligence group is the influence of the subject
intelligence group variable to increase the
concentration of basketball athletes. The was a
significance value of intelligence group 0,002 α
= 0,05), so that intelligence group significantly
group A
group A
group A
group B
average of IQ
difference of IQ
The Influence of Brain Jogging Training Model and Intelligence Potential Level on the Improvement of Athlete Concentration in Basketball
influence to increase of basketball athlete
Intensity of Brain Jogging * Intelligence group is
the influence of interaction between brain jogging
intensity and intelligence group given to result of
improvement of basketball athletes concentration.
Obtained value of intensity brain jogging *
intelligence group 0.017 α = 0.05), so the
intensity of brain jogging and intelligence group
significantly influence the increase in the of
basketball athletes concentration.
Based on the conclusions above, due to the test
results, it was indicated that there was a significant
influence, then two-way-anova analysis is continued
for discussion of analysis in order to be interpreted
from the data will be described to answer the
The results of the calculation of ANOVA
techniques and the results of the tests of between-
subjects effects, in the Corrected Model column
showed that the value of F obtained by 8.31 with a
significance value 0.001 < 0.05 then this means
that H
is rejected. These results provide an
explanation that the use of both models of brain
jogging trainings with IQ intelligence makes a real
difference. So "there is a significant difference in
effectiveness between the brain jogging training
model and the potential for intelligence (IQ) to
increase concentration".
Next on intensity brain jogging columns *
Intelligence level group shows that the value of F
obtained by 7.06 with a significance value 0.017 <
0.05 then this means that H0 is rejected. These
results provide an explanation that there is
interaction (combined effect) between the training
model of brain jogging and intelligence (IQ).
Therefore it can be concluded that: "there is
interaction between model jogging training with the
potential of intelligence (IQ) to increase the
In columns of high intelligence group, it showed
that the value of F obtained by 4.73 with a
significance value 0.045 < 0.05 then this means
that H
is rejected. These results provide an
explanation that high and low iterative brain jogging
training models have a significant effect on high IQ
groups. Therefore it can be concluded that: "there
are significant results of high intensity brain jogging
and low intensity brain jogging models in the high
intelligence potential (IQ) group on increasing
Furthermore, based on low intelligence, group
columns showed that the value of F obtained by 4.73
with a significance value 0.45 < 0.05 then this
means that H0 is rejected. These results provide an
explanation that the model of training jogging high-
intensity and low-intensity gave a significant effect
on the low IQ group. Therefore, it can be concluded
that: "There are significant results of high intensity
brain jogging and low intensity brain jogging models
in the Low Intelligence (IQ) potential group to
increase concentration".
The models of high-intensity brain jogging trainings
provide better and more significant effectiveness
than low-intensity brain jogging trainings to increase
the concentration of basketball athletes. Intensive
training with good quality trainers and designed the
training program in such a way as to be able to
manipulate the volume and intensity of the training
according to its scientific principles in training. To
create successful training program, coach make
manipulate several training variables mainly volume
and intensity. So from the opinion, it confirmed that
the importance of a trainer manipulating the volume
and intensity in order to achieve the effects of the
training itself.
Based on the results of the first hypothesis that
explains, there was a significant difference between
the model of training to increase the concentration of
basketball athletes. If both models of brain jogging
training were combined with other variables as the
basis of treatment, then there were different results.
The results of this study indicate that there was an
interaction between training model and the potential
of intelligence (IQ) to increase concentration. The
results of this study showed that athletes who have
high intelligence level and trained with high
intensity brain jogging have a significant effect on
the increase in concentration and the results obtained
higher when compared with athletes who have high
intelligence but trained with low intensity. This
explains that athletes who have high intelligence will
respond more quickly to new things to train the brain
so that the brain will be trained as well as the body if
trained physically.
The next discussion, for the third finding, shows
that there were significant results of high intensity
brain jogging and low intensity brain jogging models
in the high potential intelligence group (IQ) to
increase concentration. According to Da Silva
(2015) that a well-functioning visual system had
more influence on cognitive abilities. All of the
above study makes the reason according to Lutz
(2017) that "all these study results show why life is
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
so effective: it is based entirely on the insights
gained from study. In Life Kinetics, unusual motion
assignments were combined with cognitive and
visual. It was explained that all these findings show
why Kinetic life is so effective.
Based on the results of the experts above
explain the important impact of the existence of
training kinetic life or brain jogging and the results
of study conducted by researchers can be concluded
that athletes who have high intelligence has the
potential to perform the movement as a whole and
complex and capable of performing skills and fast
performed and also accurate in an effort to complete
a good training task. Athletes who have high-
intelligence and given a different model of training
appears to have significant results.
The next discussion, the fourth finding showed
that there were significant results of high- intensity
brain jogging and low-intensity brain jogging
models in the low-intelligence potential (IQ) group
on concentration improvement. This training brain
jogging training model is not expect the athletes to
able to perform skillfully, but this model expect the
athletes to be able to follow the movement given so
that human resources (brain) continue to be trained.
Because according to the dikutif Lutz of North
America (2017) explains that "Life Kinetik training
has been developed in such a way that no one
practices the same activity to the point where they
experience competency in the task. Instead, Life
Kinetic training keeps the brain confused ". Life
kinetic training is developed in such a way that no
one practices the same activity to the point where
they experience competence in the task. Instead of
training kinetic confuses your brain, it means that
brain training jogging will make the practitioners
being pushed to make a motion that is assigned, so
that it becomes a challenge for brain jogging
Based on the results, it showed that athletes who
have low-intelligence and given different training
models has its own uniqueness, athletes will be able
to adapt to the movement after several times with
explanations of researchers and trainers. So the
athletes keep trying the brain jogging motion until
the end of the training program. In this study there
were significant results for athletes who were given
models of high-intensity brain jogging and low-
intensity brain jogging trainings.
Based on the results of data analysis and discussion
of study results, then the next researchers can take
the following conclusions: (1) There was a
significant result model of training with high-
intensity and low-intensity brain jogging of
Basketball athletes. (2) There was an interaction
between the brain jogging training model with the
potential of intelligence (IQ) to increase
concentration. (3) There were significant results of
high-intensity brain jogging and low-intensity brain
jogging models in the high potential intelligence
(IQ) group to increase the concentration. (4) There
were significant results of high-intensity brain
jogging and low-intensity brain jogging models in
the low-intelligence potential (IQ) group on
increasing the concentration.
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The Influence of Brain Jogging Training Model and Intelligence Potential Level on the Improvement of Athlete Concentration in Basketball