Benefit and Social Implications of Village Information System
in the Village at Karangrejo Village, Blitar Regency
Irawan Irawan and Luhung Achmad Perguna
Department of Sociology Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jalan Semarang No.5, Malang, Indonesia
{irawan.fis, luhung.fis}
Keywords: Benefit, Village Information System, Social Implication.
Abstract: Law on Village Number 6/2014 provides great optimism on rural development. This law makes it possible
for villages to have a full authority in building themselves. The allocated fund for village reformation is one
of the points covered by such law as a single source of income in the framework of rural development.
There are so many ways to make villages have more dignity. One way to develop strong villages with the
limitations of infrastructures is by using the Information and Communication Technology. Village
Information System (VIS) becomes a form of e-government which is applied in villages. VIS is successfully
implemented in Karangrejo village. There are benefits of using VIS as a form of e-government in the village
level, first the village is better known in the public. Multiplier effect occur especially in economic aspect.
Second the village monograph data is accurate and real time. When something happens in the village like
Kelud disaster, the village have accurate data. Properly managed VIS may have positive implications to the
level of citizens’ participation in building and reforming their village. VIS should be managed transparently
and professionally so that the ideals of good governance which eliminate poverty and save data from natural
disasters can be achieved.
Three years ago articles number 6/ 2014 about
Village was born. This law provides great optimism
about rural development. Villages are repositioning
into sovereign and autonomous subjects in
development. With the law, the village has the
authority and flexibility in managing natural
resources and human resources, also has the
authority to manage finances. Ultimately the village
can develop strongly for the acceleration of
development in Indonesia. Through this law, the
village becomes a powerful entity. This is in line
with the third principle in Nawa Cita that is building
from the periphery. This principle is interpreted as a
form of equity between the core region and the
periphery to reduce the disparity between regions.
Building from the periphery can also be interpreted
as building a useful village for the villagers
themselves rather than on behalf of the central
government project.
There are many ways how to build a strong and
dignified village. One way to advance the village in
relation to village services and development by
using information and communication technology
(Carlo et al., 2012). In the all-digital life,
Information and Communication Technology
becomes a necessity, especially when ICT can be
applied in government (Asgarkhani, 2005). ICT in
government is considered to increase efficiency,
save costs and provide faster service by the
government (Moon, 2002; Wauters, 2006). If ICT
can be used well by the villagers it will give a good
influence for the village, especially a media
campaign against the potential owned by the village.
Unfortunately, the utilization of ICT has not been
managed optimally by villagers including those in
Blitar Regency. This can be understood especially
with the limited infrastructure in Blitar district.
There is only one village out of 220 villages located
in districts that have successfully implemented ICT
in services and village builders, namely Karangrejo
village. Since last year 2016, Karangrejo village
implemented what is called SID (Sistem Informasi
Desa) or VIS (Village Information System). VIS
was born from a range of information technology
and software operated by village apparatus to
support the acceleration of public service quality
improvement to the community (Dewi, 2013). VIS
becomes a form of e-government applied at the
village level. Through this system people can access
Irawan, I. and Perguna, L.
Benefit and Social Implications of Village Information System in the Village at Karangrejo Village, Blitar Regency.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 123-129
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
data and information through a variety of IT tools.
Not only the number of visitors in cyberspace can
access data but also the number of local community.
The multiplier effect of the existence of VIS is felt
by the local community both from the social,
economic, cultural to political side.
In addition to VIS, this village has a hotspot
located in the centre of Karangrejo Village Hall. The
existence of hotspots and the internet as a derivative
began to change the behaviour of local communities,
especially for Gen Y and Gen Z. The village can
transform through this new media from the identical
with small things to be magnificent and futuristic.
From what was formerly unknown to be a great
commodity. Internet, VIS and social media as a
derivative of a hotspot into a place to build hyper
reality and self disclosure villages. Global Village
becomes a necessity when optimization of ICT can
be used well. Logical consequences of the village
should be able to maintain and live together
localities and local wisdom so as not to lose the
identity as a village. The role of all village resources
is needed to maintain local wisdom in the face of
information and technology globalization.
This paper will illustrate how this VIS has
substantial benefits for the development and
strengthening of village potentials when they can be
optimally utilized including how VIS transforms the
village bureaucracy itself from the real world to the
virtual world. Social implications of Village
Information System also will discuss in this paper.
This is an explanatory and exploratory case study on
using local e-Government (Village Information
System) in Indonesia. Research object selected
based on degree of successfulness on using local e-
government especially in East Java Province.
Karangrejo village on Blitar district receive award
from East Java government in their achievement on
using VIS so that this place chosen for research
object. This study is neither aiming at empirical
generalizations, nor is it arguing that its subject is
representative of local e-government population.
Rather, it seeks to offer a better understanding of the
research topic by providing profound analysis of the
research inquiry, especially in the region where this
area is under researched. Approaching the data
collected in this research with an investigative lens,
the objective is to expose the richness and
complexity of this are of study. Its depth rather than
the breadth of the data and analysis in this study that
allows for moving from interpretive reporting to
theoretical proposition.
3.1 Optimizing VIS in Village
Advantages that have been achieved by human in
the field of information and communication
technology (ICT) is something we should be grateful
for. Because with these advances make it easier for
humans in doing the tasks that must be done (Tat-
Kei Ho, 2002). Over the last decade, information
technologies have been considered one of the most
influential ways to change organizations (Laudon
and Laudon, 2003)
Basically, technology is created to help human
work to be more efficient and effective. Rapid
technological developments have an impact on the
administration and improvement of public services.
Utilization of ICT in governance is known as
electronic goverment or commonly abbreviated e-
gov. Unfortunately, not many local governments
have utilized e-gov optimally for public quality
services. In fact, many studies suggest that 85% of e-
government projects fail in developing countries at
various levels either fail miserably or fail in part
(Heeks and others, 2003)
The failure of e-government in developing
countries does not mean that we phobia then
antipathy in using it. Why? Because Indonesia's
chances of progressing and developing are very
high. This is shown by the data of internet users in
2010 which was released Communication and
Information Departement reached 45 million people
(Suryadhi, 2010). Lastly, the latest data released by
Kompas mentioned that Indonesian internet users
currently reach 88 million people. Even one person
in Indonesia has more than one smart phone
telecommunication device (Kompas, 2016).
Although the number of internet users are still
dominated by city residents does not mean the
villagers are not internet literate. The year-to-year
increase shows the growing number of digital
natives and digital immigrants who do not want to
miss the development of information technology.
Legislation made to support and mandate the use of
ICT is also not less. Call it, Law Number 32 of 2004
on local government support to use the ICT. There
are more Presidential Instruction number 3 of 2003
on National Strategy and Policy of ICT
Development, Presidential Regulation number 81 of
2010 on Grand Design Bureaucracy Reform 2010-
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
2025 and so on. This existing regulation explicitly
mentions the importance of using ICT. There is no
justification for local governments with high
numbers of ICT users not to optimize the use of
ICTs at the District / Township level until the
When viewing Law number 6, 2014 about the
Village. This law was born because of the many
demands in the village independence instead
mandated to utilize ICT in catching up behind the
village and the city. The potential of many villages
has not been well-explored and well-publicized.
Service to the community is still very conventional.
If the potential of the village with all its local
wisdom can be read in other space, it is not
impossible that the global village can be realized.
Also when the service to the public with the
apparatus transform from conventional to digital, it
is not impossible that good governance will be
achieved at the village level. One way to publicize
and inform the potential is by utilizing the Village
Information System (VIS).
Many benefits can be taken if ICT (VIS as a
form of it) can be utilized optimally. Based on the
report from OECD (The Organization for Economic
Co-operation and Development) in Darmawan
(2011) there are several benefits of E-Gov when
used optimally: improving efficiency in various data
or information ranging from collecting, , Providing
information and communication both within and
between governments (Gil-García, 2007).
The second benefit is improving service to the
community, why? Because society does not need to
know the structure and complex relationships behind
the services provided by the government.
Bureaucratic hierarchical structures that seem
complicated and long services cut by the existence
of this ICT. A third benefit can help socialize
government policies including ongoing activities to
the community so that stakeholders can share ideas
and information regarding a policy. Potential
villages that have been buried will also be built
through the utilization of ICT (Jahja, 2012). Other
benefits can reduce corruption, increase openness
and trust in government. The government can also
make savings through the process of administration
and supply of ICT-based information. Equally
important benefits are increasing trust between the
government and its people, improving good
governance through increased transparency, and the
effect will reduce corruption. Similarly, if the
aspirations and opinions of the community can be
facilitated or accommodated in ICT-based media
used by the government, then community
participation in building the village will be built. The
impact woke the sense of belonging to the village.
Villages belong together and do not belong to a
handful of village rulers. When togetherness and
participation of villagers to their village are built,
village empowerment becomes more dignified and
poverty will be slowly reduced.
The use of VIS was started by the village of
Karangrejo after Kelud disaster arrived. The Village
Government considers the need for the application
of ICT as one of the media to anticipate when the
disaster comes again which is worried about citizen
loss of property, objects, data and also soul. ICT
answers the problem of community data whenever a
disaster occurs so as to minimize undesirable things
such as loss of Identity Card, Birth Certificate, even
Certificate of Land. This is shared by Supadi 64
years old villager Karangrejo said:
“The timing of last year's disaster was
frightening, let alone it was not the first time. The
most powerful was in the 90s. Dark really fitting that
time. Fear reappeared fitting in 2014. Fear of losing
all as well as loss of important data mas. Deed of
land, diploma, let alone to lose family life "
(Waktu kejadian bencana tahun lalu rasanya
takut mas, apalagi ini bukan kali yang pertama.
Yang terdahsyat dulu waktu tahun 90-an mas. Gelap
banget pas waktu itu. Ketakutan muncul lagi pas
tahun 2014 mas. Ketakutan kehilangan semua
termasuk juga kehilangan data-data penting mas.
Akta tanah, ijazah, apalagi naudzubillah sampai
kehilangan nyawa keluarga mas)
At the end, the desire of Karangrejo village to
have new media devices through ICT is supported
by UNDP (United Nations Development Program)
in 2015. From 220 villages spread in Blitar district,
two villages are selected by UNDP, Modangan
village and Karangrejo village to run new media
Known as Village Information System (hereinafter
abbreviated as VIS). This system is considered
effective in order to save the data as well as a
storefront and village information boards in
cyberspace. The consequence of UNDP's assistance
is that villagers voluntarily submit demographic and
other data for the purposes of this VIS. For more
than two months the village tools together populate
the VIS offline to be activated online. The majority
of the residents welcomed the presence of this
assistance at the same time as they voluntarily
submitted their data to the village as Nurul said as
the village of Karangrejo:
Benefit and Social Implications of Village Information System in the Village at Karangrejo Village, Blitar Regency
"Disaster incident then became a learning for
the community. Do not imagine the villagers
voluntarily submitting the data without us asking.
Although there are one or two who have not
realized. Citizens like to be moved so that in the
future in case of disaster, their data can be well
researched in this SID. So alternative solution if for
example their data is lost. Hopefully it's not "
“Kejadian bencana lalu menjadi pembelajaran
bagi masyarakat. Gak nyangka banget mereka bakal
dengan sukarela menyerahkan data-data itu tanpa
kita minta. Ya meski ada satu dua yang belum sadar.
Mungkin warga seperti tergerak hatinya supaya
kedepan kalau pas bencana , data-data mereka bisa
terselematkan dengan baik di SID ini. Jadi alternatif
solusilah kalau misal data-data mereka hilang,
mudah-mudahan sih enggak”
Unfortunately, during the author's search, from
these two villages, Modangan village tended to
stagnate and even like running this VIS like a project
after which the project was completed, it was done
their job. Unlike the Karangrejo village that is still
actively using this VIS until the visitors as of
October has reached 70 thousand people. This
village really uses this device optimally for the
development and potential of their own villages. VIS
is one form of E-Government that has been
implemented in the village so it is expected to
function can run integrative.
VIS sustainability is a logical consequence of
Law No. 6 of 2014. VIS was born from a range of
information technology and software operated by
village apparatus to support the acceleration of
public service quality improvement to society
without eliminating traditional efforts (Dewi, 2011).
Through VIS, citizens and stakeholders can know
the work of their government, to know the potential
of the village to be developed. Citizens also have an
advantage with the presence of VIS ie they can seek
information about the village from anywhere,
anytime, and by anyone without having to come to
the village government office provided the
government provides information in a transparent
and accountable manner.
The presence of VIS, ICT utilization programs
that had only reached the level of city / district until
the sub-district began to penetrate into the village.
The number of visitors who continue to increase
over time brings movement from below. Citizen
participation continues to increase and raises the
lesson that the initiative can be carried from below
not only from the top including at the village level.
3.2 VIS, Benefit, and Reform Effort
The rapid use and development of ICTs is not a goal
but as a means used to achieve greater goals or
benefits (Utomo, 2013). Various benefits are felt by
this village with the presence of VIS. The principle
of accountability or openness in information is done
right by this village. One of the efforts in building
the openness is to broadcast activities in the village
Karangrejo. As a result, with VIS, many people from
all over Indonesia visit Karangrejo in the online
realm. Recorded more than 54 thousand visitors /
October 2016 (look figure 1). This figure is almost
close to Garum district population of more than 70
thousand (/ This means that
Karangrejo village is well known publicly than other
villages in Blitar Regency. If this continues to exist
and sustainably it is not impossible that this village
will become something big even if it starts from
something very small. And it is not impossible also
multiplier effect will occur in this village.
The second benefit, the birth of this VIS can
save the population data whenever natural disasters
occur. Moreover, Karangrejo village is a village
directly adjacent to Mount Kelud to the south. It is a
disaster and disaster cannot be avoided, but efforts to
minimize the impact of natural disasters can be done
as early as possible by the village in the face of
disasters that often come suddenly. The village must
be ready and responsive in the disaster, this VIS was
born in the rescue of village residence data (look at
figure number 2).
Figure 1: Number of Visitors in Karangrejo Website.
This data becomes very important for both
central and local governments when the disaster
occurs. The goal is nothing else in order to record
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
how severe the damage and how much losses due to
natural disasters. Equally important this data can be
the foundation of the institution of both the
government, and other institutions to provide
assistance what is most appropriate after the natural
disaster. At least for two decades has been
happening kelud eruption 3 times in 1990, 2007 and
last year 2014 ago. If the village is not ready and
resilient in the face of the disaster that occurs the
impact of loss and damage generated quite large.
This is as stated by the head of Karangrejo village
who was born and raised in Karangrejo Sugiana:
Aid from UNDP for VIS development is very
helpful for us in making Karangrejo village ready
for combat if suddenly disaster comes. Population
data is needed to know RW and RT with various
population. The system has been made, the
operational standard is also ready, so we are sure
we are ready if suddenly eruption of kelud mount
happen again. Hopefully not yes. Who wants a
disaster arrive to us?
Bantuan dari UNDP untuk pengembangan SID
sangat membantu kita dalam menjadikan desa
Karangrejo siap tempur kalau tiba-tiba bencana
tiba. Data-data penduduk dibutuhkan untuk tahu RW
dan RT ini banyak lansia, pemuda juga anak-
anaknya. Sistem sudah dibuat, standar operasional
juga sudah siap, jjadi kita yakin kita siap kalau tiba-
tiba letusan gunung kelud terjadi lagi. Semoga saja
tidak ya mas. Siapa sih yang mau mas bencana tiba
ke kita?
Figure 2: Village Monograph Data is Accurate and Real
Time. (Source:
The third benefit is to increase village self-
reliance and empowerment. Potentials are explored
and exposed in VIS in depth, especially the slow
economic potential but will inevitably result in the
birth of interaction between VIS operators with users
who want to just ask or even want to make a sale
and purchase transactions. The result of interaction
is the economic transactions will happen. If the
transaction occurs, the economic improvement of the
villagers becomes the next implication. Especially in
the village of Karangrejo micro enterprises spread
quite a lot ranging from business krupuk sermier,
coconut fruit, chicken pieces, and others.
Transaction levels have occurred in the VIS in
Karangrejo village where the means for interaction
between the community and the government have
occurred although not yet reached the integration
stage. This is confirmed by the statement of Wahyu
Purnomo (26 years) as the operator of VIS:
I was entrusted by the Village Head to become
an VIS operator. A lot of valuable experience when
this trust was handed over to me. For example, when
the first use of VIS, VIS is nothing more than data
about the community from ID cards, KK, diplomas.
The point is about population data. Then, I thought
to explore the potential of the village because of the
many potentials of the village. Let other people know
what advantages of Karangrejo village. I upload the
data slowly, alhmadulilah there is a response from
parties who want to grab sermier, coconut. If I want
to cheat, I can just put all my names into me, but
better return to the community.
“Saya diamanahi oleh Pak Lurah untuk menjadi
operator SID. Banyak pengalaman berharga pas
amanah ini diserahkan saya. Misalnya pas awal
awal pakai SID sih lebih banyak soal data
masyarakat dari KTP, KK, ijazah. Intinya tentang
data penduduk. Makin kesini saya berpikir untuk
menggali potensi desa karena banyak banget
sebenarnya potensi desa itu. Biar masyarakat
lainnya tuh pada tahu keunggulan apa sih di desa
Karangrejo. Saya upload dikit-dikit, alhmadulilah
lama-lama ada respon dari pihak yang ingin ambil
sermier, kelapa. Kalau saya mau curang, bisa aja
semua nama saya masukkan ke saya, tapi lebih baik
biar kembali ke masyarakat”.
In this VIS, the potential of the village is
exposed, population data can be downloaded easily,
the activities of the village community are also well
socialized. Although most of the VIS in Blitar
district is still at the level of interaction has not
reached the level of transaction more integration but
in its implementation has experienced a good
progress (Rokhman, 2008). Visitors in VIS continue
to increase from time to time to reach the number 54
thousand visitors. This proves that VIS that has not
Benefit and Social Implications of Village Information System in the Village at Karangrejo Village, Blitar Regency
even one year running well feels the benefits and can
continue to be developed to reach the level of
integration. When the VIS reaches the integration
stage it means that the system already provides the
means to transact for the public in using public
services i.e. transactions that give rise to agreements
that can be accompanied by payments as a result of
the enjoyment of public services that have been
used. At the same time at the same time the
government also provides services conventionally
through related offices.
Figure 3: Interaction Level that occurs between VIS
operator and Users.
VIS at the transaction level is like making the
village more powerless and becoming a powerful
entity with its economic empowerment (see figure
3). Moreover, if VIS has entered at the level of
integration. But more effort is needed to enter at that
level. Because talking at the highest level is the level
of integration of all public services must be provided
online and offline. This requires a long time in the
village of Karangrejo due to the lack of human
resources and supporting infrastructure. Moreover,
geographically Karangrejo village does not benefit.
The use of VIS requires support and instead supports
a number of other important aspects necessary to
achieve the expected goals or benefits such as
support and leadership commitments, clear
regulatory and institutional support, bureaucratic
cultural transformation, human resource capacity
development, and equally important Support from
citizens and stakeholders (Siau and Long, 2006;
Kluver, 2005; Edmiston, 2003). The presence of ICT
does not mean eliminating conventional efforts
without using ICT devices. Instead, the use of ICT is
intended to complement and support conventional
efforts that have been used. Both are organized to
address the digital divide and make it easy for
citizens and stakeholders. Efficiency and
effectiveness of activities becomes a necessity.
Another benefit is the decrease in the amount of
aid that flows to Karangrejo village such as village
funds from the central government (800 million),
Jalin Matra from the East Java Provincial
Government, ADD (Village Fund Allocation) from
Blitar district government and for taxation from the
District Government Blitar. The aid that goes to the
village government's treasury is not without cause.
The logical consequence of the issuance of Law No.
6 of 2014 on villages is one of the reasons why such
assistance is available in the village. But no less
important is also related to the use of VIS in
Karangrejo. Why? Because especially the provincial
government, and the central government to know
and know about Karangrejo because through the
web on VIS. It is not impossible if VIS was taka da
in Karangrejo village some help will also evaporate.
Not enough until there Karangrejo village in the year
2016 got an exciting achievement associated with
the use of VIS. The first VIS operators get 2nd Place
Level East Java as the pioneer of Information
Technology. Another achievement is the village of
Karangrejo got 2nd winner of East Java Province as
the village of responsive and resilient disaster. Both
achievements are very proud as Sugiana Kades
Karangrejo in his speech:
VIS is very helpful to us, the provincial
government and central government do not need to
come to Blitar when needing village data, all in VIS.
Do not think can get a champion on this
achievement, the most important work just for the
community. Intention only worship. If the
achievement is an addition given by God to us and
to make us more excited again in improving service
to society.
SID sangat membantu kita, pemerintah propinsi
sama pusat tak perlu repot-repot datang ke Blitar
bila membutuhkan data desa, semua ada di SID.
Tidak menyangka juga mas bisa mendapat juara
pada prestasi-prestasi ini, yang penting bekerja saja
untuk masyarakat. Niatannya hanya ibadah saja.
Kalau prestasi itu tambahan yang diberikan Allah
kepada kita dan supaya membuat kita makin
bersemangat lagi dalam meningkatkan pelayanan ke
Benefits for the benefit received in this
community is known as digital opportunity. This
means technology is present as a tool in order to
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
facilitate the welfare and prosperity of citizens. VIS
is not a goal in welfare and building its citizens. This
tool must be optimally utilized in order to create
good governance based on transparency and
accountability. VIS benefits have not been felt by
other villages in Blitar district so that the utilization
of VIS has not been so massive in Blitar district. The
direct benefit of VIS is the Karangrejo community
who owns the business although the scale is
included in the category of SMEs (Small and
Medium Enterprises). Why? Because there is a sale
and purchase transactions that take place through
VIS is a direct impact to their business.
Utilization of ICT and VIS (e-government at the
village level) as its derivatives is not merely a mere
project, nor is it a salesperson for information
technology traders, both hardware and software. VIS
is characterized by the use of ICT, but ICT is not the
final goal of VIS. ICT is just a means and medium to
achieve the goals and benefits of VIS.
Implementation in the application of VIS requires
more than just ICT development. Implementation of
VIS takes a long time and support of all parties for
its sustainability because building VIS is not enough
to make website (web presence) without any
optimization and improvement of service. Building
resources without eliminating the potential of local
village wisdom becomes a necessity in building VIS.
Information that appeals to the public should
continue to be well packed for dissemination in
order to invite or attract citizens to join and
participate in the VIS. If the VIS can be managed
well it has positive implications with the level of
citizen participation to build the village. Therefore,
the movement of VIS usage that utilizes the internet
with all its facilities, a lesson that the initiative can
be done from below (village). Slowly, the central
government paradigm that puts the village as an
object will change which in turn the village will be
independent, self-reliant. VIS must be managed
transparently and professionally in order to achieve
village-style good governance, eradicate poverty and
save data from natural disasters. Hopefully.
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Benefit and Social Implications of Village Information System in the Village at Karangrejo Village, Blitar Regency