Learning Motivation Strategy Through Problem-Based Learning
Triyanto Triyanto, Suharno Suharno, Syarifatun Khodijah and Tita Wulandari
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University, Jl. Ir. Sutami No.36A, Surakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Learning Motivation, Strategy, Problem-based Learning.
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of problem-based learning model to improve
learning motivation. The research used quantitative research method of a quasi-experimental type. The data
were gathered by closed questionnaire in the form of attitude scale from Likert. The validity and reliability
test used SPSS 17.0 software. The prerequisite test used the normality test from Lilliefors. A non-
independent t-test was used as a data analysis technique. The results of this research data analysis show that
t-count, 2.760> t-table 1.708 with a significance level of 5%. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be
concluded that the problem-based learning model is sufficient to improve learning motivation. Likewise,
with the results of observations obtained conclusion that the model of problem-based learning can improve
student learning motivation evidenced by the emergence of interest, interest, and tenacity of students to
solve problems.
The learning process of educational is organized in
an interactive, inspirational, fun, challenging,
motivational way for the students to participate
actively, and provide sufficient space for creativity,
and independence according to the talents, interests,
physical, and psychological development of learners
(Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik
Indonesia, 2013). The demand for learning in the
21st century is learning that can stimulate students
actively seek and build their knowledge. In other
words, the learning process has been directed to the
formation of high-level or high order thinking skills.
Most of the contemporary educational reforms
require teaching and learning that foster profound
understanding. The reform emphasizes that it is not
important for students to remember and memorize
facts and information, but it is important for them to
create new knowledge by analyzing, evaluating, and
integrating information (Choi, 2017).
Learning-oriented development of the ability to
construct their knowledge requires a high learning
motivation from students. In education, teachers
only act as facilitators and mentors, while students
have greater input and responsibility in determining
what and how they should learn (Witte and Rogge,
2012). Motivation can be interpreted as a force that
causes people to reach a goal. In the theory of
cognitive development, motivation is perceived as
an unconscious effort that regularly leads to the
complexity and development of different individual
mental structures (Alhodiry, 2016). Motivation
evokes motives, generates mobility to achieve a
satisfaction or purpose (Aminah, 2016). In other
words, motivation can manipulate, inspire, and
persuade students by encouraging and promoting
their professional goals. Motivation is more
pragmatic in which a person makes choices about
the purpose of pursuing and one's effort to be
continued (Bukhary and Bahanshal, 2013).
Learning motivation can be defined as the
availability of a student to study intensely and
consistently to realize the goals of the education, in
the hope that the efforts undertaken will lead to the
realization of an individual goal. These personal
goals are generated, then perceived, and are the right
decisive reasons for action and work within the
classes (Zlate and Cucui, 2015). Learning
motivation is a force that encourages students to
learn the topic or subject matter to reach the learning
objectives. Motivation is an essential for student
learning activities, where they are directed to
achieve the goals, will be resilient and not easily
give up. A student classified as having low or high
learning motivation can be determined by learning
motivation indicators.
Triyanto, T., Suharno, S., Khodijah, S. and Wulandari, T.
Learning Motivation Strategy Through Problem-Based Learning.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 396-400
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Indicators of learning motivation include: (1)
diligent in facing tasks, (2) tenacious facing
difficulties, (3) showing interest in various
problems, (4) getting bored with routine tasks, (5)
preferring to work independently, (7) is not easy to
let go of things that are believed, (8) happy to find
and solve problems (Sardiman, 2001).
However, researchers found that many students
had low learning motivation, especially elementary
school students. The statement was supported by
data (3rd class daily re-examination) which the
researchers collected and analyzed on May 29, 2017,
at SDN Ngarum 2 Sragen. The conclusion, 19% (5
students) of the total grade 3 (26 students) has
reached Minimum Exhaustiveness Criteria (KKM),
while the remaining 81% (21 students) have not
reached KKM. Also, the low motivation of student
learning is also supported by the results of
observations of class 3 on May 29, 2017, at SDN
Ngarum 2 Sragen, students tend to be passive and
often do not complete the task, less interested in
learning and do not want to ask questions about the
material that has not been understood to their friend
or teachers. This will impact on the ineffective of
education, which will ultimately impact to the
unattainable learning objectives.
Facts about the low motivation of student
learning are also found on the results of research
Syriac, Maulana and Julia (2016), the percentage of
students who are afraid to miss the math lessons
only amounted to 44%, so 56% of students do not
feel frightened to lose math lessons. This means that
students who do not feel afraid to miss math lessons
are students who do not have the motivation to learn
math is high. Also, the percentage of students who
did not feel bored with math lessons was only 42%,
so that 58% of other students were bored with math
lessons. While students who feel bored with math
lessons are students, who do not have high learning
motivation, so from the data can be seen that the
majority of students do not have high motivation to
learn math.
The statement was supported by several other
findings: intrinsic motivation, involvement, and
student achievement in their lower secondary school
decline in mathematics (Grades 7-10, aged 13-16
years (Wilson and Mack in Chen et al., 2012)
Though Singapore secondary students usually
perform well in international mathematical
assessments (Wilkins in Chen et al., 2012), As far as
mathematics is concerned, these students are not free
of the psycho-educational factors (such as anxiety
and self-doubt) potentially hamper their subsequent
involvement and achievement in the subject
(Stankov in Chen et al., 2012)
The problem requires a solution to improve
student learning motivation, given its significant role
in the success of learning (Ozer and Akgun, 2015).
In that case, Chernoff, Csikszentmihalyi, Schneider,
and Shernoff in Autio (2011) stated that research
consistently reveals that motivation is not only to the
current academic functioning but also to students
beliefs in their future success as students and their
expectation of positive school experiences.
The solution of these problems is to seek out
several factors that can influence learning
motivation. One of them is to create a learning
condition that motivates his learning. As Tohidi and
Jabbari (2012) have pointed out, because students
are not always motivated internally, sometimes they
need to be in a motivating condition, found
regarding the environment created by the teacher.
Teachers can create it through the selection of
appropriate learning models. Learning model that is
assumed can improve student's learning motivation
is Problem Based Learning (PBL). The assumption
was based on Jones's (2006) opinion that PBLs can
increase students' motivation to learn by focusing on
real learning scenarios.
PBL is learning that results from the work
process towards understanding, or solving a problem
(Alrahlah, 2016). Problem-Based Learning is a
learning model based on the principle of using
problems as the starting point of acquisition and
integration of new knowledge (Saleh, 2013). Briefly,
problem-based learning is a model of learning that
presents the actual and contextual problems related
to the students' lives to develop their problem-
solving skills. The problem-based assumptions of
students believe that PBLs have increased their
motivation to learn and to improve their learning
motivation (Witte and Rogge, 2012; Alrahlah,
2016). Then some empirical studies have examined
how PBLs affect students' learning motivation.
This opinion is also supported by the following
notice, namely the motivation to operationalize the
students' broad interest, which is in demand by
environmental stimuli, such as problems or
facilitator discussions about interesting facts
(Alrahlah, 2016). In addition to attracting students,
the presentation of the issues in learning will provide
new experiences so that students feel happy when
learning. This opinion is supported by the following
idea, that PBL is very fun for students and tutors or
teachers, and the process requires all students to be
involved in the learning process (Alrahlah, 2016).
Independent and active learning is believed to
Learning Motivation Strategy Through Problem-Based Learning
engage students in developing higher self-learning
motivations, more variety of learning skills, and
better learning outcomes (Witte, and Rogge, 2012)
Based on the description, the researcher took the
title of the strategy of improving motivation to learn
through problem-based learning. The purpose of this
study is to determine the effectiveness of problem-
based learning model to enhance student learning
motivation. Quantitative methods of quasi-
experimental type are used in this study. Based on
the formulation of the objectives, it can be assumed
that the problem-based learning model is sufficient
to improve students' learning motivation. Given
some of the advantages that the model has in
attracting attention and interest of students to the
problem presented. This is one indication of the
emergence of student learning motivation.
This research is a quantitative research of quasi-
experimental type with pre-test and post-test design
2.1 Hypothesis
The hypothesis proposed in this study is:
The null hypothesis is the problem-
based learning model is not effective
to improve students' learning
Effective problem-based learning
model to improve students' learning
This research is expected to be an alternative
solution to improve student learning motivation,
especially learning at the primary level.
2.2 Setting and Participant
The setting of this research is SDN Ngarum 2 and
SDN 1 Masaran which is located in Sragen district
of Central Java province. The member of this
research is third grades in both of schools. The
numbers of participant are 56 students, 26 members
from SDN Ngarum 2 and 26 from SDN 1 Masaran.
Participant consists of 17 males and 35 females
elementary school student.
2.3 Data Collecting and Analysis
Data were collected by using the closed-loop type of
questionnaire and participant observation. The
questionnaire was developed using attitude by Likert
scale. The number of questionnaire items is as much
as 40 items and include valid criterion with
Cronbach alpha value 0.920. Motivation indicators
utilized in the questionnaire include: diligent,
tenacious, interest, feeling bored, working
independently, defending opinions, confident,
interested (Sardiman, 2001).
Data were analyzed by SPSS 17.0 software. Test
requirements analysis used is a test of data
normality. Test the normality of the data using the
Lilliefors formula. The data analysis technique used
is non-independent t-test to examine the hypothesis.
The results of pre-test and post-test were tested for
normality first as a requirement to verify the
effectiveness by using the Lilliefors formula, with a
significance level of 5%.
Table 1: Normality test of pre-test.
Table 2: Normality test of post-test.
Based on the results of pre-test and post-test
normality test, it is known that both tests are
normally distributed with Lcount < Ltable value in
both tests. So it can be assumed that hypothesis
testing can be implemented.
Hypothesis testing was performed by non-
independent t-test, with a significance level of 5%.
The calculation results can be described as follows.
Table 3: Hypothesis test results.
According to the table 3, Ho is rejected, and Ha
accepted because of t
> t
, which means
problem-based learning model effectiveness to
improve student's learning motivation. The results
also explain that problem-based learning is
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
Based on the observation results, it appears that
students who have low motivation were passive, just
discuss with their group and are reluctant to ask the
teacher. They provide solutions to problems by their
knowledge or previous experience. The interesting
thing is low motivation students are not easy to give
up and try to complete the task given. Some students
who have low learning motivation can solve all
problems with longer time. This is contrary to the
study of Putra et al. (2016) that the impact from low
motivated students is likely to give up when doing
difficult tasks easily. They prefer to leave a difficult
task rather than solve it. In this case, the teacher is
very role as a motivator to the students. Teachers
continue to guide and motivate students to continue
to work.
Different findings from this study occur because
of the interest and curiosity in answer to the problem
so that students feel challenged to be able to solve
all of these issues. The statement is supported by the
results of the following research, that PBLs allow
students to be more involved in learning information
and store information much better when reinforced
in this way. It is fun and exciting, and every week
there is a new method used to present information.
Students are interested to see what each group thinks
and needs to be taught to large groups (Pastirik,
The emergence of interest in solving the problem
is a sign of the appearance of learning motivation
from within students. As the following findings
indicate that students tend to be intrinsically
motivated, if they: address their educational
outcomes to factors that are under their control,
believe they can be useful agents in achieving the
desired goals, are interested in mastering a topic, not
just rote learning to attain good grades (Tohidi and
Jabbari, 2012).
Highly motivated students tend to provide
solutions that are associated with what is known or
experienced by theory. Also, students often ask the
teacher about the difficulties that arise when solving
the problem. Some highly motivated students can
solve all problems with a shorter time. When
encountering difficulties, some of these students
look more active in finding solutions.
Based on the two differences seen from the
students who have high motivation and low when
finding the solution of the problem, it can be seen
that the difference indicates an increase in learning
motivation in students (both initially have high and
low motivation) when presented learning with
problem-based learning. The increase is reported by
the emergence of student's passion and interest
towards the problem which then actualized with the
willingness to find solution problem. The findings
are also supported by the following opinions,
namely the motivation to operationalize the students'
in-depth interests, which are in demand by
environmental stimuli, such as problems or
facilitator discussions of exciting facts (Alrahlah,
Then the increase in motivation is also shown by
the emergence of diligent and tenacious attitude to
face difficulties. This was apparent when some
students complain about severe problems, but they
still want to try and not easily give up looking for
solutions, and all students can provide solutions to
problems in a timely fashion despite some
inappropriate solution problems.
The results of the hypothesis and observation test
explain that the factual and exciting problems and by
their cognitive ability can encourage full
involvement in solving problems, with this
relationship will generate a sense of fun and the
emergence of interest which is an indicator of the
motivation to learn. As Csikszentmihalyi finds in
Fullagar and Mills (2008) that the holistic sensation
that people feel when they act with total
involvement. This signifies an optimal experience so
engrossing and enjoyable that activity becomes
viable for its sake without extrinsic motivational
motivation (Csikszentmihalyi in Fullagar and Mills,
The findings are also supported by the opinions
of Vallerand et al. in Fullagar and Mills (2008) that
motivation to perform an activity because one likes
to learn and explore new things and ideas (intrinsic
motivation- knowledge). Another type of self-
determination of intrinsic motivation is the desire to
perform an activity because of the satisfaction
derived from completing or creating something
(inherent motivation-achievement). This kind of
natural motivation is the desire to show an action to
experience the sensory stimuli it provides (intrinsic
motivation-stimulation). In this motivation, an
individual engages in an activity for joy, sensual
pleasure, and enjoyment of activity.
This opinion is in line with the indicators of
learning motivation proposed by Sardiman (2001),
that the signs of learning motivation include: (1)
persevering on duty, (2) tenacious facing difficulties,
(3) showing interest in various problems, (4) fast
boredom on routine tasks, (5) prefer to work
independently, (6) can defend his opinion, (7) not
quickly let go of things believed, (8) happy to find
and solve problem problems. So it can be seen that
the achievement of several indicators of learning
Learning Motivation Strategy Through Problem-Based Learning
motivation (the emergence of perseverance, tenacity,
pleasure, interest and happy problem solving) when
teachers apply problem-based learning model.
The conclusion of this research is compelling
problem-based learning model to improve student's
learning motivation. The model provides full
opportunities for students in solving problems that
are appropriate to their daily life and cognitive level.
Total involvement in solving the problem can
encourage interest, interest, and excitement to solve
the problem, an indicator of learning motivation.
The researcher would like to thank Professor Furqon
Hidayatullah as Director of Graduate Program of
Sebelas Maret University Surakarta, and all of the
teachers at SDN Ngarum 2 and SDN 1 Masaran
Sragen for their support and participation in the
research so that this complete article well.
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