Religious Coping and Stres in Academic Context
Ulfiah Ulfiah, Andika Nur Farida and Sulasman Sulasman
UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jl. A.H. Nasution 105, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Religious Coping, Stress.
Abstract: This research was aspired from observing Arabic language students in UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
that used religious coping to relieve their stress. Most students said that religious coping that they used reduce
their stress. However, few students claimed that coping strategy that they used was not able to reduce the
stress that they encounter. This study was aimed at finding out if there is a correlation between religious
coping and stress in Arabic education program UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. This study was a
correlational study. Out of the 366 students of the population, the research took as many as 25% or 93 students
as the research sample. The instrument in this study was religious coping scale adapted from Aflakseir and
Coleman and stress scale adapted from Sarafino. The scales were using Likert scale for the measurement. And
for the analysis, the data were computed using person’s r. The pedagogical implications from this study are
that the Arabic education students in UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung can choose an appropriate coping
strategy that they can use to reduce their stress. So as to reduce the stress that they might have from different
kinds of situations.
According to Lazarus and Folkman (1984), stress is
an internal condition caused by physical insistence
from body or environmental and social conditions
that are considered harmful, uncontrollable or too
much for an individual to cope with. Further, Sarafino
in Damayanti (2013) defined stress as a desperate
feeling in handling social insistence so that it cause
tense and inconvenient.
Every individual may encounter stress, including
students. Students are individuals who continue their
education to college with greater duties and
responsibilities than the previous level of education.
In college, individuals are required to be more mature
in thinking and acting. University demands for
students not only in academic achievement, but also
students are required to contribute well to the
professional matters later. In addition, students are
also required to contribute to overcome the social
problems that occur in their surroundings.
This demand is in contrast with the student
situation, as a student with all limited social
experiences. This causes the student fails to solve the
problems experienced by himself. Students are
having heavy college loads. Every day they must do
the tasks assigned by the lecturer.
Even before graduating from the university,
students are still experiencing conflicts in making
thesis, such as material that is difficult to get and
lecturers who are difficult to contact. Thus, from the
beginning of the semester until the final semester the
students faced situations that can make them stressed.
This situation is experienced by most students with
various problems and levels. Various problems that
occur in the students make themselves distressed and
In the process, when a person experiences stress
or pressure, he or she needs a proper coping
mechanism. According to Sarafino and Smith (2011)
Coping is a process whereby individuals attempt to
regulate the perceived situation of which there is a
gap between their effort and ability considered as the
cause of a stressful situation. Coping refers to
cognitive and behavioral efforts to master, reduce or
manage the internal and / or external demands created
by stressful situations (Lazarus and Folkman, 1984).
One of the things that plays an important role in
managing stress is religion, because religion can
provide individual direction / guidance, support, and
hope, as well as on emotional support Pargament in
Utami (2012) and Loewenthal in anggraini (2014)
says that a person under stress conditions arising from
anxiety can use a religious coping strategy to reduce
Ulfiah, U., Farida, A. and Sulasman, S.
Religious Coping and Stres in Academic Context.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 409-414
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the effects of stress within himself. Religious coping
is an effort to understand and overcome stressful
sources in life by doing various ways to strengthen
individual relationships with God (Pargament et al.,
Pargament in Angganantyo (2014) states that
religious coping often occurs in critical situations
experienced by a person such as an accident, death,
critical illness and failure to achieve what is desired
so that it can cause stressful effects. This is supported
by Ellison's research by interviewing methods that
find prayers used for coping, related issues and life
crises that are too much to handle on their own
(Pargament in Angganantyo, 2014).
Some research on religious coping among Muslim
populations, such as Kesselring et al. in Siegel (1986)
compared the use of religious coping between
Egyptians and Sweden’s. They reported that 92% of
Egyptian patients with cancer expressed confidence
that God would help them, in contrast to only 37% of
Swedish patients suffering from the same disease
Similarly, Hussain and Cochrane in Aflakseir and
Coleman (2011), in a study of Muslim women with
depression, found that coping through religion was
the most common strategy, in which women prayed
for help and read many prayers and verses from the
Qur'an specifically to seek protection from disease.
Furthermore, Dahlan's research in johanes and
Thodora (2011) divides the religious-focused
coping into two parts, namely religious belief and
religious behavior. Dahlan in johanes and Thodora
(2011) finds that religious-focused coping is
always done by Indonesian subjects, when they
encounter certain stressors. Therefore, this study
also uses religious-focused as one type of coping
which is likely to be selected by the sample, since
the sample of this study is Indonesian. This
research only focuses on religious-focused coping
in the form of religious belief.
In the Qur'an it is explained that by remembering
God the heart will be calm and serene, as in Ar-Ra'd
verse 28.
Those who have believed and whose hearts are
assured by the remembrance of Allah.
Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts
are assured."(QS. Ar-Ra’d: 28)
In line with the verses of the Qur'an, Rasulullah
SAW also implies the condition of the believer, when
faced with a failure or disaster. As mentioned in the
hadith which means: "There is no hope and worry in
the heart of a believer except Allah Almighty and His
Majesty gives him hope and secures him from fear"
(HR. Thabrani).
Based on the explanation, the researcher is
interested in doing more research about the
relationship between religious coping with stress on
Tarbiyah faculty students majoring in Arabic
Education UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. The
purpose of this study was to find out the relationship
between religious coping and stress.
2.1 Religious Coping
According to Pargament et al. (2011) religious coping
is an effort to understand and overcome stressful
sources in life by doing various ways to strengthen
individual relationships with God. Religious coping
involves the use of cognitive or behavioral strategies
based on beliefs or religious practices to help manage
emotional stress or physical discomfort (Koenig in
Aflakseir and Coleman, 2011).
Pargament in Angganantyo (2014) states that a
religious coping strategy tends to be used when an
individual want something that cannot be obtained
from a human being, as he finds himself incapable of
facing reality. Consequently, individual can divert his
weakness to an infinite power in order to gain strength
to overcome that reality (Angganantyo, 2014).
Pargament in his research identifies three
strategies of religious coping, (1) self-directing
(religious coping method by focusing and relying on
oneself rather than God). Self-centeredness does not
mean to forget God, only the intensity is different) (2)
deferring (more likely to suspend and pass it all to
God passively), and (3) collaborative (a composite of
self-directing and deferring where individuals and
God become partners, individuals and God work
actively together for problem solving). In addition to
the three kinds of religious coping, there are two other
patterns of religious coping, namely positive religious
coping and negative religious coping.
However, in this study researchers used the theory
of Religious coping of Pargaments that had been
filtered and adapted for individuals with an
understanding of Islamic religion by Aflakseir and
Coleman (2011). There are three kinds and two
patterns relevant to the concept of Islam, namely:
Religious practice (spiritual behaviors and
actions such as prayer, du’a, dzikr, Qur'an
recitation, fasting);
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
Negative Feeling Toward God (the individual
has a negative prejudice to the god of the
problem being experienced);
Benevolent Reappraisal (reassessment of God-
given issues with positive consideration);
Passive Religious coping (more likely to
suspend and pass it to God passively).
Active Religious Coping (looking for control
through a cooperative relationship with God in
problem solving).
2.2 Stress
According to Lazarus and Folkman (1984), Lovallo
in Sarafino (2011) stress is a condition that is caused
when a person's differences or environment are
related to the individual, i.e. between the desired
situation with the biological, psychological or social
system of the individual.
Sarafino (in Damayanti) defines stress as a feeling
of being unable to cope with various demands of the
environment causing tension and discomfort.
Sources of stress can vary, in line with human
development but stress conditions can also occur at
any time throughout human life (Smet, 1994).
Sarafino (2011) distinguishes sources of stress into
three parts, namely:
2.2.1 The Sources of Stress Within a Person
Illness and age are sources of stress in a person.
Where pain creates physical and psychological
demands on stressful individuals. The body's ability
to fight disease usually improves in childhood and
declines in old age. In addition, for adults, the
assessment of the disease usually includes current
difficulties and concerns for the future, whereas for
children only focus on the present.
Another thing that triggers stress is conflict.
According to Miller in Sarafino (2011), the drivers
and pullers of the conflict produce two opposite
tendencies, namely approach and avoidance. This
tendency generates the basic types of conflict
(Sarafino, 2011):
Approach-approach Conflict. It comes when
we are attracted to two equally good goals;
Avoidance-avoidance Conflict. It Appears
when we have to choose two unpleasant
situations. Sarafino (2011) explains that people
usually try to delay or avoid the decision in
avoiding this conflict. Therefore, usually
avoidance-avoidance conflict is very difficult
to solve;
Approach-avoidance Conflict. It appears when
we see interesting and unattractive conditions
in a purpose or situation.
2.2.2 The Source of Stress in a Family
Sarafino (2011) explains that the behavior, needs, and
personalities of each family member impact on
interactions with people from other members of the
family that sometimes cause stress. According to
Sarafino (2011) factors from families that tend to
allow the emergence of stress is the presence of new
members, divorce and the existence of a sick family,
disability, and death.
2.2.2 Stress Sources Within Communities
Contact with people outside the family provides many
sources of stress. For example, children experience in
school and competition. The existence of experiences
related to work and also with the environment can
cause a person to become stressed (Sarafino, 2011),
such as extreme temperatures, noise, and stuck
congestion (Smet, 1994).
3.1 Research Approach and
This study belongs to quantitative study using
correlational design. The respondents of the study are
366 students of Tarbiyah Faculty. Out of the
population, 93 students were selected as the sample
using proportionate stratified random sampling
technique. The population was stratified on the basis
of academic year. There are four different academic
years. The following table describes the distribution
of the sample based on their academic year.
Table 1: The distribution of the respondents based on their
academic year.
Academic Year /
The number of
Semester I
Semester III
Semester V
Semester VII
Total respondents
The data were obtained from two instruments;
Religious coping and stress scale. Religious Coping
scale was modified from similar scale originally
Religious Coping and Stres in Academic Context
developed by Aflakseir and Coleman (2011) This
scale consists of five indicators; Religious practice,
Negative Feeling Toward God, Benevolent
Reappraisal, Passive Religious coping, and Active
Religious Coping. The stress scale was adapted from
Sarafino (2011) covering four aspects: physical and
Psychological aspects (cognition, emotion and
Before collecting the data, the two instruments
were tested for their respective validity and
reliability. The result is presented in the following
Table 2: Research Instrument Validity Index.
The number
of tested
The number
of valid
5 Aspects
4 Aspects
Stress Scale
4 Aspects
4 Aspects
The table shows that 4 Religious Coping aspects
are valid but the other aspect is not, it is in negative
feeling toward god aspect. However, Since the four
other aspects are valid and represent all aspects,
religious coping aspects are deemed valid in
measuring religious coping. Furthermore, the four
aspects of stress are valid with the lowest validity
index 0,642 and the highest 0,925.
After validity test, reliability test was also carried
out and has resulted in the following results.
Table 3: Research Instrument Reliability Index.
Alpha Coefficient
Religious Coping Scale
Stress Scale
Based on table 3, it was verified that the two
instruments are reliable based on the Cronbach alpha
requirement. This has led to a conclusion that the two
instruments used in this research are valid and reliable
3.2 Data Collection Techniques
This study belongs to quantitative study using
correlational design. The respondents of the study are
366 students of Tarbiyah Faculty.
Overall, the procedure of the research is divided into
five stages: preparation stage, implementation stage
(data retrieval), data processing stage, data analysis stage
and final step (drawing conclusion and report writing).
Prior to conducting the research, the researcher took care
of the permit and asked permission at the research site,
Faculty of Tarbiyah majoring in Arabic Education UIN
Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.
The implementation process is done by giving
questionnaires to samples that have been specified as
many as 93 students During data collection, the
researcher experienced obstacle in the form of filling the
questionnaire that is not in accordance with the number
of items, so after some time the researcher reshared the
The data analysis used SPSS (Statistical Program
for Social Science) version 17. The data analysis
technique in quantitative almost always uses statistical
computation. There are two types of statistical analyses
in this research; descriptive and inferential. The data was
analyzed using Pearson correlation to determine the
correlation between the two observed variables.
Based on the data from the sample, it was revealed
the following categorization:
Table 4: Respondent based on Religious coping.
X <64
16,1 %
64 < X < 77
66,7 %
X <77
17,2 %
Table 4 describes that the students with low
religious coping are 15 students or only 16.1%, those
with moderate religious coping are 62 students
(66.7%) and those with high religious coping are 16
students (17,2%). It can be concluded that most
students have moderate religious coping.
Table 5: The distribution of students based on Level of
X <142
12,9 %
142 < X < 185
76,3 &
X <185
10,8 %
Table 5 describes that the students with low stress
level are 12 students (12.9%), those with moderate
stress level are 71 students (76.3%) and those with
high religious coping are 10 students (10,8%). It can
be concluded that most students have moderate level
of stress.
After the distributions had been identified,
correlation analysis was carried out to find out the
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
correlation between the two variables. What follows
in table 6 are the correlation test result.
Table 6: The correlation between Religious Coping and
Coefficient (r)
Analysis Indexes
Coefficient (r)
- 0,57
Coefficient (r2)
- 0,325
Confidence Level (α)
5% (0,05)
Based on the analysis, it was discovered the
following results: r = - 0,57, r
= - 0,325, α = 0,05,
N= 93, Pvalue = 0,587. If Pvalue>α , 0,587 > 0,05, it
means that H
is accepted and H1 is rejected. This
implies that there is no correlation between religious
coping and stress in Arabic education students in UIN
Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.
The result confirmed that there is no correlation
between religious coping and stress in the students.
The finding of the study is expected to be
beneficial for further research so as to the students
have more effective coping strategies in attaining
psychological well-being.
The result is in contrast with the existing theories.
Wong, McDonald and Gorsuch in Utami (2012) say
that religious coping is an individual way of using his
belief in managing stress and problems in his life. In
addition, Pargament et al. (2011) reveals that
measurement of religious coping has proven to be a
stronger predictor in the face of stressful situations.
In this case, the researcher considers the
statements of some subjects stating that even though
they already do religious coping especially on the
religious practices aspect, they do not get the peace
and remain anxious.
In Quran surah Ar-Ra’d: Those who have
believed and whose hearts are assured by the
remembrance of Allah. Unquestionably, by the
remembrance of Allah hearts are assured." in Jalalain
Tafsir the verse is translated as “those who believe
and whose hearts are reassured find rest by God’s
remembrance that is by His promise of reward. Verily
by God’s remembrance are hearts reassured that is the
hearts of the believers;
The tafsir emphasizes on the phrases those who
believe. Iman literally means believing in something.
Islamic scholars define iman as to believe with one’s
heart, to confess with one’s tongue and to
demonstrate in one’s physical actions. This is
consistent with the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad
SAW saying that: Iman is to believe with one’s heart,
to confess with one’s tongue and to demonstrate in
one’s physical actions (HR Thabrani). It is also
explicitly stated in Al-Hujurat: 15 The believers are
only the ones who have believed in Allah and His
Messenger and then doubt not but strive with their
properties and their lives in the cause of Allah. It is
those who are the truthful.
The verse implies that Iman that will reassure
one’s heart. The faith and the submission to Allah is
the key by believing that Allah controls everything
and Allah provides solution for everything. When
individuals have faith, they will feel calm and
Abu Hurairah r.a said that one Rasulullah said:
Pray to God, while you will be sure your prayers will
be answered. Know that God does not grant prayers
from a careless heart. (HR. Imam Ahmad).
The high degree of religious coping in students
can be influenced by several factors, such as
education, experience, environment, etc. Pargament
suggests that the use of religious coping is unstable
and may vary according to the level of stressors and
life experiences (Angganantyo, 2014).
Several factors that can affect stress levels such as
psychological resistance, where psychologically
people with high psychological endurance tend to be
more effective in dealing with stress. Ability to
respond to the emergence of problems or conflicts is
also a factor that affects the level of stress, weaker
response in dealing with stress may cause heavier and
more complicated stress. The gap between the
expectations and limitations of one's ability also
affects the level of one's stress. The bigger the gap
between expectation and limited ability will be the
greater the degree of stress faced (Anggraini, 2014).
The result confirmed that there is no correlation between
religious coping and stress in the students of Arabic
Education Department UIN Sunan Gunung Djati
The pedagogical implications from this study are
that the Arabic education students in UIN Sunan
Gunung Djati Bandung can choose an appropriate
coping strategy that they can use to reduce their
stress. So as to reduce the stress that they might have
from different kinds of situations. For the next
researcher, in this research there are still many things
Religious Coping and Stres in Academic Context
that have not been answered and need to be further
researched. Therefore, if the researcher wants to
examine the stress, it is recommended that the
researcher does research on the appropriate specific
conditions that describe the stress situation, and other
researchers can also use the verses of the Qur'an as
literature in making measuring instruments to
conform to Islamic principles. In addition, other
researchers can also conduct research with more
population and similar stress levels.
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ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education