Interaction, Changes, and Impacts of The Adaptation Process of
Ex- Convict
Wahyu Dwi Lestari, C. Widaty and A. Purwasih
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Adaptation, Ex-convict, Society.
Abstract: This research was motivated by negative stigma that is given to ex-convict and that has caused them to feel
awkward when living in a society. In order to be accepted again, ex-convict need to undergo the process of
adaptation in their environment. This study aims to discover the interaction, changes, and impacts of the
adaptation process of ex-convict. This study used qualitative approach. Data collection technique was
conducted through observation, interview and documentation study. The findings of this study are: social
interaction of ex-convict to change the stigma is achieved by being friendly and actively participating in
community activities, positive changes after the period of custody is gaining increasing faith, being more
sensitive to the community and staying away from bad habits. The impacts of adaptation include the
changes of responses from families and neighbors, the loss of negative stigma, the emergence of roles in the
society, and peaceful feeling in life.
The ex-convict is a person who has committed a
crime and caused harm to the community, both
economic, psychological and social damages.
Correctional Institution is a form of imprisonment
that serves as a place for re-learning (resocialization)
for prisoners to prepare themselves both physically
and mentally to plunge back into society well and
can play a fair role with other communities.
(Laminatang, 1984) states that Penitentiary is not a
place to punish a person, but a place to educate and
nurture ex-convicts to be able to behave well in
Ex-convicts have hope to be able to interact and
live a better life with the community after
incarceration. However, the acceptance of ex-
convict by the community is not an easy matter. As a
person who once committed a crime, certainly a
negative stigma from society, raises fear for ex-
convict to blend back in the community.
Ex-convict as people who have committed
violations of the norm certainly can not be separated
from the public's attention. The community still
keeps the question of whether the ex-convict has
really changed from all his past mistakes. Such
questions will create a negative view or stigma from
the society in which the ex-convict lives. Negative
stigma will be given by people who are still afraid
and do not believe in the change of ex-convicts after
leaving the penitentiary.
The negative stigma of the community against
ex-convict resulted in a pessimistic attitude for ex-
convict. As described Lebel (2011) which shows
that hundreds of prisoners are released each year and
they find that they are discriminated against. The
situation raises concern about the difficulty of
adaptation by ex-convict after leaving the
The adaptation model was first developed by
Sister Calista Roy who developed the concept of
individuals and processes. Roy in Rasmun (2004)
argued that human adaptability differs from one to
another, influenced by physical factors, self-concept,
role function and independence.
Adaptation to social and culture is one of the
social processes necessary in social life. It allows for
the social interaction of ex-convicts both with other
individuals and with other groups. Social adaptation
is one form of adjustment in the social environment.
(Gerungan, 2009) reveals that adjustments can be
meaningful changing oneself to adjust to the
circumstances surrounding the new environment.
In line with the opinion of the Gerungan, Azani
(2012) about the six dimensions in the psychology
Lestari, W., Widaty, C. and Purwasih, A.
Interaction, Changes, and Impacts of The Adaptation Process of Ex- Convict.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 435-438
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of ex-convict after leaving the penitentiary (Azani,
2012) explains that "any ex-convicts who escaped in
detention will get psychological pressure and force
them to change and better adapt as a society”.
Concerning the image of anxiety levels in
prisoners by (Indriani, 2015) that almost some
prisoners have a 38% weight anxiety level that is
affected by emotional intelligence (Martha and
Annatagia, 2014). The most serious anxiety is the
anxiety facing the community and the uncertainty of
self-acceptance of the ex-convicts after leaving the
Penitentiary, based on the source of the Penitentiary,
Women Class II A, Bandung.
Having a harmonious life and connecting well
with the community are a dream for everyone,
especially ex-convict. It is coveted because in truth
as a social being, ex-convicts also need recognition
of its existence in society. Therefore, a good
adaptation process in the community that will be
able to change the negative stigma of society against
Many crime cases exist in the community. Some
cases are considered very unsettling. Such as
murder, robbery and narcotics. These cases are cases
that are considered very dangerous and often occur
in the midst of society. The involvement of
individuals into the case may allow the rejection and
negative outlook of the community. Because of the
heavier crimes committed by individuals, the greater
the acceptance in society. In addition, differences in
the background of life and cases of crime from
individuals will greatly affect them in adapting.
Based on the background that has been described
above, the author is interested to conduct research
with the title "Pattern of Adaptation The Ex-convicts
in Community Life".
This research used descriptive qualitative approach.
This approach is used because the research is
focused on the social adaptation of ex-convict and
data sourced from observations of ex-convict in
adjusting in society.
The data is described and described more clearly
and more speci fi cally. Because it focuses only on
certain aspects, such as the form of interaction, the
shape of change, the impact of the adaptation
process and the typology of adaptation differences
from ex-convict. In addition, qualitative descriptive
approach is more effectively used in this study.
Because in the technique of data collection effective
to get data from participants.
Participants in this study were 10 participants,
three ex-convicts, three family members, three
neighbors and one child boarding from one of the
ex-convict as an additional participant. This research
was conducted in Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir
District of South Sumatra Province, precisely in
Talang Ubi Subdistrict. The selection of research
areas because the area is prone to follow-up with
crime and community character in the area that tends
to be a bit daring and rude.
Data collection techniques used by researcher
include observation, interviews and documentation
studies. Data analysis techniques use data reduction,
data display, and conclusion drawing verification.
The data obtained will be processed and checked the
truth, the researcher checks the truth of the data by
extending the time of research, continuous
observation, triangulation, as well as using reference
materials and performing member check.
3.1 Form of Social Interaction The Ex-
convicts As Efforts in Changing
Negative Stigma in the Community
The social interactions of ex-convict as an effort to
alter the negative stigma within, which includes the
first, show a friendly attitude, the appointment of a
friendly attitude done by an ex-convict by giving a
reprimand or greeting when meeting the neighbors
and being gentle and respecting the neighbors.
Second, to help the troubled neighbors. Third,
establishing good communication with family and
neighbors, chatting together, sharing and
complaining are the ways in which former ex-
convicts in everyday life with family and neighbors.
Fourth, actively participate in activities in the
community, ex-convict tries to interact by mixing
and mingling within the community. Fifth,
responding to negative stigma by being casual,
responding to the neighbors' views casually,
ignorantly, remain confident, realize mistakes and
show them with a positive attitude of every activity
that has been undertaken.
Every human being is born to live in a group and
society. As Ahmadi (1975) says that the desires that
drive people to social life are the social desires, the
desire for self-preservation, the desire for struggle,
the desire for self-esteem, the desire to imitate, the
desire for mingling, the desire for freedom, the
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
desire to tell, the desire to help and the underlying
sympathies of ex-convicts to live in peace and hope
to be welcomed back into society
A re-adaptation to clear a good name is not an
easy thing for an ex-convict to do. According to
(Febriansyah, 2015) that for social adaptation, it can
be done with several conditions that must be met,
namely realizing the rights of others, building a
sense of sympathy and empathy that manifests in
friendship, sharing and helping.
Erden (2015) is said if the biggest problem of
ex-convict is their attitude towards him who
considers himself useless to despair in society. In
addition, there is a psycho-social problem in them.
Such problems are social exclusion, labeling and
loss, such as unemployment, economic problems
and housing problems resulting from
unemployment. Some ex-convict expressed that
after they had entered the prison, their relatives were
left with problems and the solution could not be
solved because they could not communicate freely.
Furthermore, Wright et al. (2015) states if ex-
convicts are willing to change people's views and are
eager to spread love to everyone so that the negative
stigma that once attached soon disappears.
3.2 Forms of Changes That Happen To
Ex-convicts After Coming Out of
Correctional Institutions
Upon exiting the prison, the ex-convict had a
positive change. Positive changes made by ex-
convicts after leaving the penitentiary may be the
following. First, increased faith and piety. Many
have gained religious knowledge when spiritual
programs within the penitentiary make there a
spiritual difference in the ex-convict. Second, more
sensitive and active in community activities. The
indifferent attitude is the attitude that former ex-
convicts used to have. However, after ex-convict
leave the penitentiary, the ex-convict shows a
change in him by being active in community
activities, such as always attending weddings,
thanksgiving, tahlilan and mutual help in the
neighborhood. Third, stay away from social and
habits in the past.
changes in ex-convicts can be regarded as the
result of fostering done by prisons while still getting
criminal punishment. Changes supported by the
police coaching process are also supported by
support from various parties such as families and
communities where ex-convict live. In line with the
understanding of the correctional system as outlined
in article 2, paragraph 2 of Law no. 12 of 1995 in
(Nurulaen, 2012) states that Penal system is
organized in order to establish prisoners to be fully
human, and to live fairly as a good and responsible
Ex-convict certainly has a habit that is often
done while still living freely before entering the
penitentiary. Based on data gathered from
informants, ex-convicts have bad habits such as
drinking, using drugs, stealing, to gather with false
associates. With the coaching is expected to create a
new energy in the ex-convict to realize these bad
This is in line with Sulhin (2010) stating that the
Indonesian penitentiary system embracing
reintegrative philosophy is essentially highly
adaptive to community-based correction.
Correctional view that coaching is not only done
within the institution, but requires a certain phase in
which inmates interact with the community to be
reintegrated, although still in criminal time.
Interaction and reintegration are efforts to increase
the community's willingness to re-accept prisoners
and minimize negative stigma, so that when free, ex-
convicts are expected to return to normal life as
members of the community.
3.3 Impacts Happened To Ex-convicts
After Adaptation in the
Community Environment
Impacts that occurred after ex-convict’s adaptation
within the community based on research findings, as
follows. First, change in response from family.
Families who initially feel sad, disappointed and
angry when they see cases of crimes committed by
ex-convict slowly change as the process of
adaptation made by individuals in an effort to
change the negative stigma in him. Until now the
whole family is very happy to see the changes and
self-acceptance made by ex-convict in everyday life.
Second, the loss of negative stigma from neighbors.
After ex-convict have adapted to interact and
establish good relationships with neighbors through
greetings, courtesy, and help, involvement of ex-
convicts in community activities and the
appointment of self-change resulting in negative
stigma in a strongly starting society slowly begins to
disappear. Third, ex-convict have a role in society.
Ex-convict who were originally considered bad
people in today's society after adapt have a change.
The change is in the form of ex-convicts as
community leaders who are elderly in the local area.
Fourth, have the freedom to live in society. Fifth,
have a fixed job. Having a job is similar to giving
Interaction, Changes, and Impacts of The Adaptation Process of Ex- Convict
the trust of the community to ex-convict who are
considered to have good behavior after the
adaptation process.
Ritzer (2012) argues that there are four
subsystems that perform the main functions in social
life: adaptation, goal attainment, intergration, dan
lattent pattern mainteance. Based on Parsons theory
above, it can be seen if ex-convicts are able to adapt
well will continue to maintain patterns that will
affect it in taking a social action. The imperative of
ex-convict in adapting to have a goal to change the
stigma by showing their integrity as citizens. Of
course, togetherness to follow or maintain the norms
that exist in the local environment will make the
process of adaptation and acceptance of himself
running quickly.
The results of previous research conducted by
Fitriani (2015) on the disclosure of ex-convict stated
that the impact of self-disclosure on ex-convict,
raising self-awareness, overcoming feelings of fear,
building closer and deeper relationships, and
resolving conflicts and interpersonal problems. The
author agrees with Fitrtiani's research 2015 which
states that self-disclosure can have a good effect in
the adaptation of ex-convicts. Therefore, it will
make it easier for ex-convict to be accepted by the
community where they live, thus impacting the
success of ex-convict in adapting.
The social interaction of ex-convict as an attempt to
change negative stigma is by interacting with
society. This is demonstrated by a friendly attitude
by greeting, helping difficulty neighbors,
establishing good communication with family and
neighbors, actively participating in activities in the
community, responding to negative stigma by being
casual with confidence and showing a change of
attitude to the community.
The positive change of ex-convict after leaving
the penitentiary is the increasing faith and piety by
practicing worship in the mosque, being more
sensitive and active in the social activities that exist
in the neighborhood, and away from the association
and habits of the past such as drinking, using
narcotics, studying black magic, etc.
The impact of the adaptation process undertaken
by ex-convict resulted in a change in response from
families initially disappointed, angry and sad to
being happy, proud and unexpected. Loss of
negative stigma from neighbors who used to talk
about behind, fearful and rigid. Now it is normal and
very familiar. They have a role in the community
such as a mosque board, a teacher of recitation, and
community leaders who in essence can be trusted by
the community due to reliable changes. They have
the freedom to live in society freely mingle with
anyone without any sense of awkwardness and no
sense of misgivings in traveling because previously
ex-convict always worried and anxious when going
to leave home. And they have a steady job because
the company believes in the potential and changes
that the ex-convict has.
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