Asari Chan
Vol 5 Pg 51
あっ 千円!ネコ
Hah. Rp 1500!
Kobo Chan
Vol 11 Pg
Tadi di PKK
Kung Fu
Boy Vol 1
Pg 10
As the table shows, the cultural terms from the
source language are translated into cultural terms
from target language with the same meaning. For
instance, the currency from the source language, 千
円 (Sen Yen), means 1000 Yen, is translated to the
target currency, Rp.1500. Another example, 婦人会
(Fujinkai), which means women association
(Matsuura: 1994), is translated to PKK. PKK,
whichhas the similar meaning with 婦人会
(Fujinkai), is Pembinaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga
(Family Welfare Education) (KBBI Online,
https://kbbi.kemdikbud.go.id/entri/pkk accessed on 6
July 2018, 14.44). The third example, 酒 (Sake),
Japanese alcohol (Matsuura: 1994), is translated to
tuak, which has similar meaning, fermented
niraaren (coconut, siwalan) alcohol beverage (KBBI
Online, https://kbbi.kemdikbud.go.id/entri/tuak
accessed on 6 July 2018, 14.50).
The second cultural substitution strategy is
translating cultural terms from the source language
to the terms target language with different
meaningto adjust the cultural differentiation between
the source and the target. Example:
Table 3: Translating cultural terms with different meaning
to adjust the cultural differentiation.
From the example above, the translation between
the source and the target use terms with different
meaning because the translation is adjusted to the
target language culture. The first example, the
source language text said that “will eat rice with
Furikake and Takuwan”. ふりかけ(Furikake)is a
sort of sprinkles made of seeds and is tasteful. タク
ワン(Takuwan) is pickles made from radish. Both
wordsare translated to tahu and kangkung. Tahu and
Kangkung have different meaning with ふりかけ
(Furikake)and タクワン(Takuwan). But if the
translator directly translated ふりかけ(Furikake)
and タクワン(Takuwan), the readers would find it
difficult to understand because of the cultural
differentiation. In the target language, there is no ふ
りかけ(Furikake) and タクワン(Takuwan). So, the
translator chose to change it into familiar foods from
the target language, Tahu and Kangkung. The
second example, ポークソテー(PookuSotee) is
translated into Steak. ポークソテー(PookuSotee) is
an English uptake from SautéedPork, which in
Indonesian is “Tumis Daging Babi”. However,
Pooku Sotee, instead of Tumis Daging Babi, is
translated into Steak, which has different meaning. It
is because pork is not familiar for the target culture
(mostly Muslims) and if translated directly, the
readers from target language would feel
uncomfortable. The third example, 雑魚(Zako)
which means “Little Fish” (Matsuura, 1994: 1210) is
translated into Tikus-Tikus (Rats). This term is said
by a character when he tries to insult the addressee.
In the source language, 雑魚(Zako) is an insulting
AD%9A accessed on 15 July 2018, 12.22 AM).
Nevertheless,in target culture, little fish is not an
insulting word, so the translator translate it into rats,
which has a different meaning with 雑魚(Zako) to
make the insulting word understandable to the target
Next, after analyzing the cultural substitution
translation strategy, the authors also observed from
its genre distribution. The following is a graphic
representing the number of cultural substitution
translation data from the comics’ genre: