Macedonian income, resulting in the income of
reaching hundreds of millions rupiah a day.
(Prastiwi A M, 2017) The spread of hoax was
organized to purposely cause deep impact on the
audience, to cause anxiety, conflict, arguments, hate
that spread speedily. As such, the Indonesian
government continues to encourage various ways to
overcome hoax in Indonesia.
3.1 Preparation of Construction
Material Phase
The issue trending that plagued Indonesia in 2017,
starting from the end of 2016, was the accusation of
religious blasphemy that drew anger and strong
reactions from the religious believers. During this
period, many media shared many false information
and hoaxes that touch on the religion, race and
ethnicity matter. However, many experts claimed
that these are political attacks because of the Jakarta
governor election. In preparing the construction
materials, the news makers certainly understand the
social condition at that time and what they should
deliver to manoeuvre public opinion toward what the
news makers wish to arrive.
There are three essential things in the preparation
of social construction material, namely:
a. The partiality of mass media toward
It is common knowledge that almost all
media companies in Indonesia are owned
by business people or politicians, which
have caused concern about whether the
media will stir public opinion toward the
interest of the owner. In reality, it can
hardly be denied that even the official and
verified media companies have the power
to stir public opinion, although the
monitoring and press ethics can reduce that.
However, if the media company is not even
verified, not subject to any monitoring or
have no sense of responsibility toward the
public, it will certainly affect the news
production. This opens up huge opportunity
to spread hoaxes and hate speech into the
public domain.
b. Pseudo-partiality toward the public
This type of partiality is the form of
empathy, sympathy, and various
participation to the public. In 2017, there
are many media that fabricated about
inequality and unfairness toward certain
person or group that were packaged as if
pro-public, while on the other hand, it was
found that these action could have been the
ways to attract audience to the media and
the contents it offers.
c. Partiality toward public interest
The media has the responsibility to the
public, but on the other hand the media has
to indirectly gain benefit from what it
produces. This dilemma opens up the
opportunities for political actors to offer
benefits. Meanwhile the media that exist in
social media (in the form of pages or group)
can be owned by individuals or a group.
After analyzed, in practice, the hoax
spreader in the social, for example, could
be owned by native who claimed to speak
on behalf of public interest that drive
him/her to share, however implicitly there
was the wish to be known and popular, as
such producing fabricated news to gain
3.2 Hoax Construction Spreading
Mass media construction spreading is done through
mass media strategy. The concrete concept for mass
media spreading can be different for different media,
however the underlying principle is real time. It is
common that mass media social construction
spreading uses one-directional model, whereby the
media deliver the news and the audience has no
other choice but to consume the information. The
basic principle of mass media social construction
spreading is that all information must reach the
audience as fast as possible and as accurately as
possible based on media agenda. What is deemed
important by the media is to be seen as important as
well by audience.
The social media spreading concept also follows
the principle of delivering the information as fast as
possible to the public. However, in practice, it was
found that some of the news were already prepared
beforehand and were set to be published at certain
time. This tends toward propaganda that is tried to
be legitimized in the packaging of news. The
demand for speedily news on certain online media
platform also tends to affect the accuracy of news,
particularly if the news producers are not
professional journalists. However, these news with
questionable accuracy, even hoaxes, produced by
unverified news media gain trust by the audience
who assume that the news are accurate. This matter
will be discussed in the next point.