business network that impacts on the performance of
the tourism sector automatically also measures the
performance of other sectors that are part of its
business network. In the real sector economy study
released by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic
of Indonesia 2012, trade, hotel and restaurant sectors
provide the largest contribution to total economic
growth or share to growth, followed by industrial
sector, as well as transportation and communications
sector. Meanwhile, the performance of the hotel and
restaurant sub-sectors related to the increasing
income of the community also increasing of people to
the places of tourism in the territory of Indonesia.
This is also reflected in the increasing number of
domestic and foreign tourists, and the increasing
occupancy rate of hotels.
The development of tourism is not only reflected
by the increase in tourist arrivals, both foreign and
domestic, as well as the increase in revenues
generated by the trade, hotels and restaurants sector,
namely for accommodation, consumption of tourist
transport food or other services. The development of
the tourism sector has had a positive effect on the
economy (Eadington and Redman, 1991; Getz, 1991;
McKercher, 2002), as have pointed out. The
development of tourism can be seen from the
indicator of the growth of foreign and domestic
tourist visits as well as revenue growth from trade,
hotel and restaurant subsector to economic
performance. The indicators of economic
performance are the growth of GRDP and the growth
of labour absorption. The increase of tourist arrivals
and tourist spending will first create a direct impact
on the trade subsector, hotels, and restaurants.
Furthermore, in accordance with the theory of
economic basis, the theory of export basis, and the
theory of sector leaders of tourism development
provides a chain of influence on other economic
sectors, either directly supplying goods and services
for tourism and indirect sectors, multiplier so that
GRDP and total employment increase.
In the year of 2017, the Government of Surakarta had
50 agenda of tour events, consisting of 20 main
events and 30 support events. 50 events can be
grouped into 4 types, namely the culinary tour event,
shopping tour events, technology tourism events and
cultural tourism events. The potential of tourism in
the city of Surakarta is influenced by aspects of
facilities and aspects of security/comfort. This
tourism event is in demand by the community by
looking at the tourism event has given the values of
self identity and culture of the Surakarta community.
Tour event organizing contributes to the increase
revenue in business actors reached 9%. The
conducting of tourism event in Surakarta has positive
impact to sector and sub sector in GRDP, like trade
sector, hotels and restaurants, transport sub-sectors
and sub-sectors recording and entertainment services
and influential in increasing the number of tourists,
both domestic tourists and foreign tourists.
Furthermore, it can be concluded that the
improvement of aspects of these aspects have a
positive and significant impact on the economic
growth of Surakarta City.
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