Running Rage also has a similar way to use
Instagram to attract public attention. The hallmark of
Running Rage community is black and white for
every post in Instagram.
"Because social media is easy to access wherever
and whenever, what else is off their gadgets so easy
to reach through social media and easy to access so
if there is notification, it can be directly opened. And
add another Well that's the uniqueness of our man
from the black and white of the uniforms at all Postan
on instagram, and indeed Running Rage prefer the
same instagram to deliver events and activities for the
people now right more often go to instagram. “(RF)
The proper design of the message should also be
considered in creating content for Instagram, so as to
attract the attention of audiences. It is a consideration
that engagement is an informative, personal, present
and social experience. Engagement may be as much
a spontaneous activity as a premeditated one. In
addition, millennials engage organizations via social
media to facilitate social interaction (Smith, B. G., &
Gallicano, 2015).
4.4.2 Youtube
Youtube used by public relations events Suara Disko
as after video. After video which shows the recent
event. This is done as one of the communication
strategies after the event so that the target audience
who have not come to see how the event Suara Disko,
become interested to come. After video on youtube is
also a medium to communicate the next event.
In fact, online videos are better at imparting brand
awareness than are traditional tv ads. A Millward
Brown study found that online viewing led to 82%
brand awareness and 77% product recall, compared
to just 54% brand awareness and 18% product recall
for similar television ads. Experts believe this is
because online viewers are more engaged the
television viewers; the web is a more interactive
medium than the passive viewing inherent with
television (Miller, 2008).
The motive for building a community is to make a
change in one's lifestyle. Suara Disko Community
who want to give new colors to Indonesian music at
the parties. The Running Rage community is trying to
give the public the view that running is a fun sport and
is not just tiring.
Stages of making the event are to conduct
research, to determine the field situation and
determine the target audience. The second stage is
designing the right concept for an event consisting of
tagline determination, talent and communication
strategy. The strategy in communicating the event is
by working with media partners, the use of social
media and word of mouth.
The use of social media provides a definite benefit
to the increase in the number of public who follow
community events. Instagram is the most widely used
social media because of its natural features in
building public engagement and enthusiasm
This research was supported by Bina Nusantara
University. We thank our colleagues from the Faculty
of Humanities who provided insight and expertise
that greatly assisted the research. We would also like
to show our gratitude to all informants of The Suara
Disko Community and The Running Rage
Community for sharing their pearls of wisdom with
us during this research, and we thank our students
Calvin Abimael and Annisa Sa’adah for their so-
called insights. We are also immensely grateful to
reviewers for their comments on an earlier version of
the manuscript.
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