building partnership and team work + building
partnership + networking. Here, the Career
Committee guarantees effective program
implementation, so 54.50% of respondents agree
that the Career Committee carries out good
corporate governance in the top talent selection
process, but 45.50% doubt it. The FGD analysis
concluded the magnitude of the doubt because
CHCO did not conduct periodic socialization by the
TELKOM Group regarding top talent recruitment.
Regarding the duration and type of program
activities for critical positions, 59.10% of
respondents agreed that the duration and type of
program activities were connected with the
competitive strategy of TELKOM Group at the
international level, but 40.90% doubted it. FGD
analysis concludes the amount of doubt of
respondents due to lack of knowledge sharing
activities during assignments at the host.
The HCM of the TELKOM Group conducts
monitoring and program control because program
participants are critical position candidates to
achieve the vision, mission and strategic objectives
of the TELKOM Group. HCM participation in the
program according to Ingham that many
organizations see talent management as the
development of "talent" and place it within their
approach to leadership development (Ingham, 2007).
The problem is, the Career Committee did not
design a new critical position for top talent after
assignment. The reason is the lack of coordination
and communication between the top management of
the TELKOM Group and the related Career
Committee of the top talent after the assignment at
the host.
3.3 Process Components
The process of implementing the Talent Mobility
Synergy Program involves the management of
innovation through sustainable strategic human
capital through the integration of program systems
with corporate strategies at all levels of the
organization. Because, talent management strategy
has a goal, namely "the right people, in the right
places, at the right time but at the right cost".
Kehinde theorized that talent management is the
implementation of an integrated system to improve
better productivity processes by attracting,
developing, maintaining, and utilizing the skills and
abilities of people according to the dynamics of
current and future business needs (Kehinde, 2012).
Meanwhile, Collings and Mellahi confirmed that
strategic talent management is an activity and
process that involves systematic identification of a
number of different key positions for sustainable
organizational competitive advantage, the
development of talented and high-performing
employees to fill these roles, and the development of
source architecture human resources to facilitate
filling these positions from within the organization
and to ensure its commitment to the organization
(Collings, D. G., & Mellahi, 2009).
The Talent Mobility Synergy Program through
transfer, development and transfer skills seeks for
managing training and development to accommodate
cross-cultural knowledge management in the
TELKOM Group (PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia
Tbk, 2015). Program forms guarantee TELKOM
Group as an international learning organization.
Therefore, sharing knowledge of international
business experience is a mandatory activity in the
program. The goal is tacit knowledge from top talent
must be explicit knowledge for the TELKOM Group
so that the corporation has a sustainable competitive
advantage of its strategic human capital. This is in
accordance with the opinion of 77.30% of
respondents who agree that the format and type of
program activities respond to global business
challenges for the TELKOM Group, but 22.70%
doubt it. So, the program process has systematically
regulated the existence of knowledge management,
so talent mobility, according to Nawaz, has
facilitated the development of leadership skills
(Nawaz, 2013), such as the criteria for critical
positions in the TELKOM Group.
3.4 Product Components
Vaiman and Vance argue that employee career
mobility creates flexibility to respond to the
changing role of strategic human capital for the
sustainable competitive advantage of the
organization (Vaiman, V., & Vance, 2008). On the
other hand, organizations facilitate mobility of
effective means for the retention of top talent
organizations. Consequently, the TELKOM Group
needs to create a system that enables top talent to be
active in managing their careers before and after the
Talent Mobility Synergy Program. However, the
problem is that participants do not get regular
reports regarding their performance on the host. That
is, the program stage does not provide opportunities
for top talent to be actively involved in managing
their careers. This is consistent with the opinion of
respondents that 68.20% doubted the continuity of
their careers globally through the TELKOM Group
because the program management policy that