become daily activities of Indonesian people,
especially adult males whose found in coffee shop as
regular customer. They are drinking coffee, smoking,
talking and discussing in the coffee shop, therefore
coffee shop as a third place is the place of social
interaction for Indonesian people.
Coffee shop is a space for selling coffee and light
refreshment, it is commercial space that can be found
in malls, office buildings, hospital or even on the side
of the road. There are two types of coffee shop based
on the ownership : (1) Local franchise and (2)
International franchise. Starbucks has given big
influence in the coffee industry in Indonesia since it
first opening in 2002 at Plaza Indonesia (Starbucks
Indonesia, 2018). An international franchise like
Starbucks has their own standard in operational
system, type of service and similar selection of coffee
around the world. There are many emerging franchise
coffee shops as well as local coffee coffee shop since
then. Drinking coffee became lifestyle among the
young people. Since the growth is mostly coming
from young adult population, it means that new trend
is happening, and this people are usually the best
customer to have. While international franchise has
their own identity in speciality coffee and its
prestigious, local coffee shop has to create different
concept to attract the customer to come and repeat
their visit.
The success of the local coffee shop business is
supported by the local coffee bean industry, where the
growth of the coffee shop business also influences the
sustainability of the welfare of the coffee farmers.
This happens because local coffee beans used as basic
ingredients for making coffee, also sold in packaging
that can be purchased by customers. The relevance
between online application and local coffee shop are
interesting topic to discuss. In this research the study
focused on what is the impact of online application to
space programming in local coffee shops? Hopefully
the outcomes of this research can give contribution in
interior design studies especially the knowledge
about space programming in public space in
responding the user needs.
This research used observation and field inspection as
methods, supporting with site visit, field inspection,
documentation and collected data. The objects
observation are small coffee shop that registered as
Go-partners in Jakarta, there are Kopi Tuku, Kopi
Logika, and Kopi Kulo. These three coffee shops are
established in the last three years when the online
application for go-food service has been found.
Analysis is done by comparing these three coffee
shop’s space programming based on their flow
activities responding the needs of online application
service system.
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Before small coffee shops emerged, the people of
Jakarta and surrounding areas enjoyed coffee at local
and international franchise outlets, such as Anomali
Coffee and Starbucks. Anomali Coffee can be found
easily in 8 locations spread across Jakarta. While
Starbucks is found in almost every major shopping
center in Jakarta. Both of these coffee retailers have a
modern coffee shop service system. Activities that
occur is that consumers order drinks at the cashier
counter and wait for orders to arrive at the counter.
After that the consumer can enjoy the order in the
sitting area if you want to enjoy the order in place.
Some Starbucks stores located in independent
buildings have a drive thru service where consumers
can order and take orders at special booths without
the need to get off the vehicle. With the large number
of outlets and the existence of the messaging service
from the vehicle has made it easy for people who want
to enjoy coffee outside his dwelling.
Figure 1. Flow circulation and space program in coffee shop
with modern service system.
The observation is focused on three local coffee
shop that has been registered as Go-partners, they are:
Kedai Kopi Tuku, Logika Coffee and Kopi Kulo in
Jakarta and South Tangerang. These coffee shop are
chosen as sampling for this research because they
have adjust their shop into specific space
programming to respond take-away services that
utilize online application. Go Food as the online
application will provide information such as menus,
price, address an operational hours of each shop even
the promotion program for customer who using go-
pay. Nowadays, using online application has become
an interesting business to expand and develop the new