Human Capital Analysis on Regional Ecotourism Development
Program in Indonesia: Case Study in Labuan Bajo-Flores-East Nusa
Lelo Yosep Laurentius
, Frederikus Fios
and Soraya Agustina Situmorang
Character Building Development Center, Computer Science Department, School Of Computer Science, Bina Nusantara
University, Jakarta, Indonesia 11480
Keywords: Human Capital Analysis, Ecoutourism Development
Abstract: The objective of this research was to understand comprehensively the sustainable and innovative of social,
economic and ecological community empowerment based on strategies and synergies in Labuan Bajo’s
ecotourism development as an integrated ecotourism ecosystem of marine, forest, mountain, and karst in
West Flores, East Nusa Tenggara Province. It was a qualitative research with a program evaluation based on
CIPP model conducted in Manggarai Barat Regency in 2016-2018. The data were collected through field
surveys, news content analysis, using document studies, observations, recordings, FGD and in-depth
interviews conducted with respondents and interviewees from the head of the Regional Tourism Agency of
Manggarai Barat, Community Development Agency of European Union, and related local government
agencies. The data analysis and interpretation indicates that (1) Labuan Bajo’s ecotourism is integrated
ecotourism ecosystem of marine, forest, mountain and karst which needs a sustainable and innovative
ecotourism development strategic planning; (2) It is important to support global strategies system based on
constructive local people participation and proposed by the strategic partnership of European Union and
Kementerian Pariwisata RI. Without the support of local government capability, the program will not
succeed. (3) The program did not develop a strategic planning because The Bupati of Manggarai Barat
Regency has not yet formed Tim Koordinasi Ekowisata and Sekretariat Tim Koordinasi Ekowisata for
managing all coordinations and communications about strategic planning and monitoring the Labuan Bajo’s
ecotourism. (4) Aligning all stakeholder’s activities effectively is needed through the CIPP Evaluation
Model for improvements by strategic planning approach. The findings lead to the recommendation that
contribution of local government regulation for aligning strategic activities were needed to manage the
program effectively before and after the program in transforming the Labuan Bajo’ ecotourism ecosystem to
global market connectivities. This recommendation is important to support the implementation of
sustainable development in the future.
Labuan Bajo is the capital of West Manggarai
Regency on Flores Island, East Nusa Tenggara.
Sustainable and innovative Labuan Bajo ecotourism
development desperately needs global-focused local
leadership capability with ecological risk
management support from related SKPD (Satuan
Kerja Perangkat Dinas- Office of Service Unit) that
refers to synergy and regulatory strategies between
centers, regions and villages in social, economic and
ecological development. The wide gap between the
growth of the tourism sector and the social,
economic and ecological development of local
communities comes from weak local government
capabilities in strategic planning, utilization
strategies, control strategies, community
empowerment assistance strategies and institutional
strengthening strategies for sustainable and
innovative ecotourism management. Researchers
used Stufflebeam's CIPP (Context, Input, Process,
Product) evaluation model to evaluate the Labuan
Bajo ecotourism development program for
systematic improvement. Because the engineering of
regional ecotourism development in Indonesia based
on the legal framework, namely Minister of Home
Affairs Regulation No. 33 of 2009 on Guidelines for
Ecotourism Development in the Region. Sustainable
Laurentius, L., Fios, F. and Situmorang, S.
Human Capital Analysis on Regional Ecotourism Development Program in Indonesia: Case Study in Labuan Bajo-Flores-East Nusa Tenggara.
DOI: 10.5220/0010007900002917
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social Sciences, Laws, Arts and Humanities (BINUS-JIC 2018), pages 355-359
ISBN: 978-989-758-515-9
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
development with ecotourism development using the
theoretical framework of Bhuiyan et al (Bhuiyan,
Siwar, Ismail, & Islam)as in figure 1. Program
evaluation using (Royse, Thyer, & Padgett, 2010)
thought that program evaluation is a systematic and
objective research effort with the aim of studying the
process and outcome of an activity / program /
policy that has been implemented. Evaluations are
conducted to determine the outcomes or scores that
the program has achieved. Human capital uses Finn's
thinking in Ingham (Ingham, 2007) said Human
Capital Management (HCM) utilizes the most
valuable asset, which is human resources. In the
context of innovative ecotourism development,
human capital capability will create ecological
innovation. Ecological innovation is a new
significant implementation or improvement of
products (goods and services), processes, marketing
methods, organizational structures and institutional
arrangements with the aim of environmental
improvement that refers to new alternatives (OECD,
2012). Reference (Kanter, 2003) says four critical
factors that make the local economy a world-class:
visionary leadership, friendly business climate,
commitment to training, and the spirit of
collaboration between business and between
business and local government. Human Capital,
according to Fitz-enz (Fitz-enz, 2009), is a catalyst
that improves the operational effectiveness of the
organization. Human capital in the context of
ecotourism development Labuan Bajo refers to the
thinking of (Wilkins & Carolin, 2013) on strategic
leadership, innovative leadership and situation
management. The capability of strategic thinking
leadership is the process used by a leader and his
leadership team how to formulate, articulate,
communicate, and implement clear, concise, and
explicit strategies for the organization.
Figure 1: Sustainable Development with Ecotourism
Development [1].
Figure 1 shows the development of sustainable
and innovative ecotourism is a multisector activity
that is highly dependent on short and long term
strategic planning. The study aims: 1). Providing
improvements to the legal basis and innovation
development of Labuan Bajo ecotourism with the
enhancement of human capital capacity; 2).
Improving human capital capacity has an impact on
planning and co-ordination of innovative ecotourism
development program of Labuan Bajo; 3).
Improving strategic planning capacity has an impact
on improving the implementation of innovative
development program of Labuan Bajo ecotourism;
4). Increasing the capacity of innovation
implementation impacts on the sustainable results of
Labuan Bajo ecotourism development; 5).
Improving the capacity of sustainable outcomes
creates the benefits of Labuan Bajo ecotourism
development innovation for socially, economically
and ecosystem communities.
Evaluation of Ecotourism Innovation Program in
Labuan Bajo using qualitative approach.
Researchers conducted observations, interviews and
distributed questionnaires to 86 respondents to
collect primary data. While collecting secondary
data in the form of demographic data and tourism
data of Labuan Bajo and surrounding villages in
West Manggarai regency, researchers visited the
Office of Culture and Tourism of West Manggarai
Regency, Nampar Macing Village Office, Tourist
Information Center in Cunca Wulang Village, and
Representative Office EU in West Manggarai
District. The data obtained will be analyzed using
descriptive analysis with data reduction technique,
data presentation, verification and conclusion.
3.1 Context Components
The findings of this research indicate that the
ecotourism of Labuan Bajo is a marine ecotourism
ecosystem, forest, mountains and integrated karst.
Therefore, the weak implementation of strategic
planning, utilization strategy and control strategy of
ecotourism of Labuan Bajo is a serious problem for
ecotourism actors, namely government, local
government, business world, and people engaged in
BINUS-JIC 2018 - BINUS Joint International Conference
tourism. The local government is more focused on
forest ecotourism, whereas more potential
ecotourism is marine, mountains and karst. A
number of weaknesses of institutional capability of
West Manggarai Regency in the context of
ecotourism development innovation program can be
identified as follows: 1). Local governments do not
conduct periodic market surveys to identify tourist
populations; 2). The local government is not able to
realize the target of ecotourism development
program in RKPD (Rencana Kerja Pemerintah
Daerah-Local Government Work Plan); 3).
Ecotourism development is unable to accelerate the
economic, social, and ecological development of
communities; 4). The local government has not
created constructive stakeholder participation
because the Bupati has not established the
Coordinating Team for Ecotourism (Tim Koordinasi
Ekowisata) and the Secretariat of Ecotourism
Coordinating Team. Document studies and
interviews with field program managers found that
the Innovative Indigenous Flores Ecotourism for
Sustainable Trade (INFEST) Project and the Project
for the Acceleration of Tourism Development
through Creative Entrepreneurship or Creative
Entrepreneurship Acceleration Tourism and Local
Economic Development (CREATED) Project is a
program of tourism community empowerment in
development innovative ecotourism in which the
objectives and targets of project activities are in line
with the provisions of the Minister of Culture and
Tourism Regulation No. KM.18 / HM.001 / MKP /
2011 on the National Program for Community
Empowerment (PNPM) Mandiri Tourism and
Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number
33 Year 2009 Guidance on Ecotourism
Development in the Region (Menteri Kebudayaan
dan Pariwisata)(Menteri Dalam Negeri). On the
contrary, the legal basis for the management of
ecotourism in Labuan Bajo has not been strong
because the regent does not form the Coordination
Team of Ecotourism and the Secretariat of
Ecotourism Coordination Team in charge of
strategic planning of ecotourism development
according to the Regulation of the Minister of Home
Affairs No.33 of 2009 (Menteri Dalam Negeri).
From the perspective of regional ecotourism
development goal 65.00% does not agree to the
participation of stakeholders in the process of
formulating the program objectives. Because Detail
Engineering Design (DED) of Labuan Bajo
ecotourism management was completed in 2017, it
has not even become a reference of RKPD 2017 and
RKPD 2018.
3.2 Input Components
The Bupati as the main responsibility of the program
has not established the Coordinating Team for
Ecotourism and the Secretariat of Ecotourism
Coordination Team in charge of coordinating and
communicating with ecotourism actors related to
planning strategy, utilization strategy and control
strategy of Labuan Bajo ecotourism. As a result, the
management of Labuan Bajo ecotourism without
strategic planning. The proof, local governments
have not set tariff retribution for 56 ecotourism
destinations from 71 potential destinations. New
retribution rates are issued for 15 ecotourism
destinations with the highest tariff of Rp 20,000 per
person per visit and the lowest rate is Rp 1,000 per
person per visit. There are 50 ecotourism
destinations that have not been fully managed. There
are 14 ecotourism destinations managed by Balai
Taman Nasional Komodo (BTNK). There are 4
ecotourism destinations managed by local investors.
There are 2 ecotourism destinations managed by the
local government. While an ecotourism destination
managed by foreign investors. The local government
only regulates local taxes and levies from hotels on
the mainland. While from the floating inn in the sea
there has been no regulation about local taxes and
regulations, because the agency has no data on the
name and number of floating inn. Though the
number of lodging floats more than hotels on the
mainland. The impact of the management of Labuan
Bajo ecotourism without strategic planning is the
limited development of various aspects of
supporting tourism activities, non-integration of
activities, unclear mechanism procedures, lack of
infrastructure infrastructure, and poor monitoring
and control.
All input issues are from related Bupati and
SKPD that do not provide intensive guidance in
developing ecotourism ecotourism Labuan Bajo in
the form of: guidance / supervision / consultation,
education / training, monitoring, and evaluation.
This is confirmed by respondents' evaluation of the
Head of Region and Head of Culture and Tourism
Office related to strategic leadership capability,
innovative leadership capability and situation
management skills in continuous development of
ecotourism development of Labuan Bajo.
Approximately 67.00% of respondents doubted to
strongly disagree Regional Head and Head of
Department of Culture and Tourism has the skills of
strategic leadership and innovative leadership skills.
Approximately 67.00% of respondents doubted to
strongly disagree Regional Head and Head of
Human Capital Analysis on Regional Ecotourism Development Program in Indonesia: Case Study in Labuan Bajo-Flores-East Nusa
Department of Culture and Tourism have situation
management skills.
3.3 Process Components
Labuan Bajo ecotourism management strategic
planning can only be done if the Bupati has
established Ecotourism Coordination Team such as
organigram Figure 2.
Figure 2: Organigram District Ecotourism Coordination
When the West Manggarai District Government
has established a Coordinating Team for
Ecotourism, the type and activities of ecotourism
development are easier to do because type planning
and activities are more coordinated between the
various parties so that sustainable and innovative
Labuan Bajo ecotourism development can involve
stakeholder participation without conflicting with
community development from a perspective social,
economic and ecological. Labuan Bajo's ecotourism
development process uses theoretical framework of
Drumm & Moore (2002) as in figure 3 to create
constructive community participation in ecotourism
Figure 2: Essential Elements of Community-Based
Ecotourism Development. (Dorobantu & Nistoreanu,
Development of Labuan Bajo ecotourism with
community empowerment program refers to
(Drumm & Moore, 2002)requiring integrated
planning activities, clarity of mechanism procedures,
infrastructure infrastructure, strong monitoring and
control. Because Labuan Bajo as a marine
ecotourism ecosystem, forest, mountains and karst
integrated, program managers and local
governments should focus more on developing
sustainable and innovative Labuan Bajo ecotourism
rather than mass tourism development. Reference
(Dorobantu & Nistoreanu, 2012) holds that
ecotourism characteristic lies in awareness,
responsibility and commitment to environmental
sustainability and improving the welfare of local
people, thus having long-term impact. The main
challenge of ecotourism ecosystem development
program of Labuan Bajo is in the way of strategic
planning synchronized with global market driven,
because 73.00% of respondents doubted to strongly
disagree that the format and type of ecotourism
development program activities by the Department
of Culture and Tourism has paid attention to the
element of education for understanding the
conservation of resources nature as a vital element
of sustainable ecosystem ecosystem development.
The development of Labuan Bajo ecotourism does
not accommodate the global market driven because
the Regent of West Manggarai District does not
supervise supervision, consultation, education and
training, supervision and evaluation on innovative
ecotourism development program.
3.4 Product Components
The development of Labuan Bajo ecotourism is still
little to provide economic, social and ecological
benefits to the community due to the implementation
of the Labuan Bajo ecotourism development
program without strategic planning. The local
government only focuses on the development of
forest ecotourism, while the more potential marine
ecotourism, mountains and karst. The local
government only collects local taxes and levies from
mainland hotels, while more floating inns have not
yet been recorded and have not yet been drawn up
by local taxes and retributions. As a result, the
innkeeper and floating restaurant most feel the
economic impact of tourism activities of Labuan
Bajo followed by owners of hotels and restaurants
on the mainland. While socially, economically and
ecologically not much felt by society, except social
gap. Although the development of Labuan Bajo
ecotourism has not yet applied international
ecotourism standards, 68.00% of respondents agreed
to agree that the government's program to make
Labuan Bajo a priority destination has increased the
income of the community, especially in Cunca
Wulang Village and Nampar Macing Village.
BINUS-JIC 2018 - BINUS Joint International Conference
The continuous and innovative development of
ecotourism in Labuan Bajo, Flores, East Nusa
Tenggara has not involved strategic planning in its
management, so it is not in line with the social,
economic and ecological development that causes a
gap between the growth of tourism business and the
welfare of the people. Therefore, researchers
recommend the sustainable and innovative
development of Labuan Bajo ecotourism requiring a
redesign involving central and local regulatory
synergies and regulatory strategies, localized global
leadership and the presence of relevant SKPD
ecological risk management skills in West
Manggarai District. Good synergy between the
central and regional governments will have a
positive impact on strengthening development which
ultimately supports the concept of sustainable
development in the future. Negative things found in
this research need to be improved better in the future
by paying attention to aspects of sustainable
development, especially in the context of regional
development programs in Indonesia.
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Human Capital Analysis on Regional Ecotourism Development Program in Indonesia: Case Study in Labuan Bajo-Flores-East Nusa