● Existing and trending social identity conflict
Based on the mapping of the conflicts found in the
three films, the trend shows similarities of the
fundamentals. The common trend shared among the
films show that a prerequisite conflict must exist in
order for a conflict to escalate. The prerequisite
conflict enhanced by the personal bias towards
members of different groups based on an
individual’s social identity conflict stemmed
significantly as the basis of the conflict escalation.
Each of the films tried to provide the audience with
sufficient complexity of the context and the
dynamics of the interacting group members.
● Film as a constructive storytelling medium
Being a medium of storytelling and claiming the
power to be able to offer alternative perspective
towards issues and contexts, film highlight gestures
of conflict resolution through peacebuilding
initiatives that promote tolerance and inclusivity.
This purpose of film as a storytelling medium was
represented well in all three movies and reflected the
idealism of the filmmaker as a storyteller to
introduce an alternative of a constructive perception
to the current existing social frames.
● Sustainability
Promotion of tolerance and inclusivity does not
occur instantly. It demands a long-term of collective
efforts to ensure sustainability. Exploration of ways
to create an alternative perception and positive
narrative is essential and should be encouraged
through different learning mediums. Embedding
educational curriculum and integrate the concept in
academic context will help expose more people to be
exposed to the idea of preserving positive narratives
to establish peace and tolerance. And as storytelling
is recognize as a powerful educational tool in many
cultures, inserting storytelling in mediums will help
putting context into relevance.
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