for the public or community to choose the right
leader. Selecting leaders requires important and ideal
criteria that need attention. The criterion becomes
the normative standard that is inherently attached to
the leader figure. Leaders who meet the normative
standards are assumed to be good leader paradigms.
The paradigm of a good leader is considered and
believed to be able to mobilize the society (people)
towards a condition of improving the quality of life
that ensures the common good.
Based on the scope of paradigmatic
understanding above, then the question of this
research problem includes: a. What is an ethical
leadership? b). What is the structure of discourse
dynamics constructed in the election of Jakarta
leader? c. How does the philosophy (cognition and
ideology) of the leadership paradigm be constructed
in the election of the Jakarta leader? d. What is the
ethical leader's paradigm for Jakarta in an online
discourse of 2017 governor election?
This research uses qualitative research methods
with phenomenological analysis approach.
Researchers conducted phenomenological analysis
of online news discourse January 1, 2017 edition -
February 14, 2017. Research on this discourse was
developed by using documentation studies of journal
articles and books relevant to the research topic. The
study focuses on two (2) important constructs:
leadership and ethics. Thus, the researchers
identified a paradigmatic model of ethical leadership
that was discussed ahead of the 2017 governor
election. Data collection techniques were conducted
by accessing (downloading) data from online media
news which published statements, comments, and
opinions about leadership in the local elections
governor of Jakarta.
We strongly encourage authors to use this document
for the preparation of the camera-ready. Please
follow the instructions closely in order to make the
volume look as uniform as possible (Moore and
Lopes, 1999).
Among the existing theories about the genealogy
of the birth of a leader, there are three (3) most
dominant theories (Arifin, 2012), ie the genetic
theory that holds that leader is born and not made in
which he gifted leads because the off spring not
because formed. Social theory says that a person
becomes a leader because it is formed, not because of
being born and not born. While ecological theory
says that one will be a good leader while already
have the talent of lead from birth, but developed also
in education or training to develop the talents owned.
Other experts propose theories with different focuses
such as theories of nature (trait theory), behavioral
theory and situational contingency theory. Ordway
Tead says a leader needs to have the nature: physical
and mental energetic, aware of goals / direction,
passion and passion, friendly and love, honest and
sincere, mastering technical matters, firm decision-
making, intelligent, skilled at teaching and trusted
(Arifin, 2012). Terry says a leader must be strong,
stable emotionally, knowing human relationships,
honest, objective, self-motivated, communicative,
able to teach, socially skilled, technically and
managerially skilled (George, 1960). Behavior
Theory says that a leader will be oriented to two
behaviors: task oriented or people oriented. Whereas
situational contingency theorists say that only leaders
who know the organizational situation / needs can be
an effective and efficient leader.
In 2007, Setiadi (Psychology of Atma Jaya)
made research on the characteristics and style of
leadership in the Indonesian context. His research
shows that an effective leader needs to have self-
integrity. The object of this research focuses on the
managers who work in private companies national,
state-owned and private foreign. In 2012, the
research team of CBDC Binus University, Tarigan et
al examined the character of courage in the
leadership figure of Martha Tillar, Director of PT
Mustika Ratu-Jakarta (Tarigan, et al., 2012).
Ethics is derived from the word ethos (Greek)
which means the habit that character
(Prawironegoro, 2010). Ethics is the study of the
good and bad of human action in social reality with
others. The ethical discipline consists of two (2)
sections namely general ethics and special ethics.
General ethics concentrates on the study of themes
of conscience, freedom and responsibility, values
and morals, rights and duties and ways in which
people live morally-ethically. While special ethics is
closely related to how the application of common
ethics in a particular context or condition. Then there
is applied ethics. Beauchamp says: "The term
'applied ethics' and its synonym 'practical ethics'
came into use in the 1970s when philosophers and
other academics began to address the pressing moral
problems in society and in professional ethics
(especially medical ethics and business ethics)
(Beauchamp, 2003). Historically, applied ethics
began to develop in the 1970s as the development of
biomedical and business fields caused humanitarian