about challenges faced at work, how the work
environment responds and also the impact of the
challenges on spouses or families. The results of the
survey revealed that PT Bank Mandiri employees
are often asked to work overtime, have a lot of
workload or projects, as well as deadlines for fast
work. These challenges have an impact on one of
them on the family. Employees feel that their
intensity of meeting their family is reduced due to
additional work and this makes families complain
often because they are too busy with work. In
addition, the condition of employees who are too
busy with work in this office has an impact on the
number of family matters or household needs that
are not handled. The symptoms experienced by
employees are finding it difficult to meet the family,
families who complain because they are too busy
with work and difficult to meet and handle family
affairs or needs which can lead to the emergence of
Work Family Conflict.
Work family conflict generally refers to the
extent to which roles in work and roles in families
are contradictory so that roles in one aspect become
more difficult to fulfill due to roles in other aspects
(Greenhaus, J., & Beutell, 1985). (Willis, A.,
O’Conner, B., & Smith, 2008) define Work Family
Conflict as a consequence of inconsistent demands
between roles at work and family. This conflict
occurs when the expectations of certain roles cannot
meet the needs of other roles and can prevent the
efficient performance of those roles (Greenhaus, H.,
Tammy, D., & Spector, 2006).
According to (Greenhaus, J., & Beutell, 1985),
there are three dimensions of Work family conflict,
namely Time-based conflict, Strain-based conflict,
and Behavior-based conflict. Time-based conflict is
a conflict that occurs when the time needed to work
makes someone difficult to fulfill a role in the
family. From the results of observations on PT Bank
Mandiri employees that have been discussed from
previous survey results that employees are often
unable to meet the family due to additional work and
families often complain because they are too busy
with work is one example of the time-based conflict
that occurs. Furthermore, Strain-based conflict
occurs when the pressure placed on work makes the
role in the family unfavorable. From the results of
observations on the employees of PT. Bank Mandiri,
which has been discussed from the survey results
above, employees are often asked to work overtime
and deadlines from fast work so that many family
matters or household needs that are not handled
because they are too busy with work are examples of
strain-based conflict.
Work Family Conflict has several factors that
can influence it, namely individual factors and work
factors, wherein the work factor there are role
stressors, role involvement, job characteristics, and
social support (Michel, et al, 2011).
In addition to conducting a survey, researchers
also conducted interviews with 2 employees of PT
Bank Mandiri. Based on the results of the interview,
the employees felt they were not supported by their
families in terms of work. When employees have to
go home late due to piled-up tasks, families often
question the reasons why the employee often arrives
late. In addition, employees also feel that their
friends don't care about their situation. So when an
employee is feeling stressed or depressed, he feels
there is no place to share or tell stories. Based on the
results of this interview, researchers chose perceived
social support because most of the dimensions in
perceived social support are problems that are felt by
The perception of social support is an
individual's way of interpreting the availability of
sources of support that can play a role as a buffer
against symptoms and stressful events (Zimet, G.,
Dahlem , N., Zimet, S., & Farley, 1988). (Zimet, G.,
Dahlem , N., Zimet, S., & Farley, 1988) explained
that the perception of social support has three
dimensions, namely social support that comes from
friends, family, and significant others. Researchers
have previously discussed that the results of
observations to employees based on survey results
are employees who find it difficult to meet family,
families of employees who complain because they
are too busy with work and the difficulty of
employees to meet and handle family affairs or
needs are symptoms that cause work family conflict.
Social support felt by someone who comes from
these friends, family, or other meaningful people can
reduce the stress that causes work family conflict.
This is supported by the opinion of Carlson and
(Carlson, D., & Perrewe, 1999) who say that along
with research on work-family, stress models have
identified social support as an important source of
coping mechanisms that can reduce the negative
effects of sources of stress. (Thoits, 1986) also
believes that social support can operate primarily as
an aid in dealing with stress. (Carlson, D., &
Perrewe, 1999) add that the level of social support a
person receives in a situation can affect the overall
stressful process. Social support refers to comfort,
attention, appreciation, and assistance given by
others to someone (Sarafino, 2006).
(Stoner, J., & Charles, 2009) added that support
from family can influence the level of work family