received was higher. This shows that not all CSWs
are motivated to get decent work or job that is
provided by the government.
Based on survey data conducted by JPP (2016),
overall, the number of localizations in Indonesia is
168 points. The number of CSWs who are active in
168 localizations reached 63 thousand people. In the
CNN survey (2018), of 1668 localizations, the
government has closed 122 localization points.
Ironically, compiled from various overseas sources,
Indonesia is the country with the most localization
with 40,000 prostitutes.
In this case, the Indonesian government cannot
keep silent. According to (Fandy, 2014), the
government made several efforts to reduce the level
of CSWs in Indonesia, one of which was to establish
a rehabilitation center to accommodate commercial
sex workers, namely Panti Sosial Karya Wanita
(PSKW) in every province of Indonesia. Twenty-two
PSKWs providing ex-PSK rehabilitation services in
Indonesia are in twenty-one provinces. Twenty-one
institutions are handled directly by the local
government, and one institution is handled by the
Ministry of Social Affairs, namely PSKW "Mulya
Jaya" Jakarta.
The author is interested in researching PSKW
Mulya Jaya Jakarta because this institution is the
only property of the Indonesian government which
conducts rehabilitation to CSWs in Jakarta. This
institution is a technical implementation unit within
the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs which is
preventive, curative, rehabilitative, promotive, in the
form of physical, mental, social and social guidance,
resocialization and further guidance for prostitutes to
become independent and play an active role in
community life. The survey (Fandy, 2014) showed
that the 2014 Mulya Jaya PSKW reference data for
2014 are 162 people from various regions namely
Riau, DKI, Cianjur, Bogor, Pangkal Pinang, Kota
Tangerang, Tangerang Selatan, Karawang, Kab.
Bekasi, and Handayani Houses. The author visited
PSKW Mulya Jaya Jakarta to conduct an interview
on March 22, 2018.
The main task of PSKW "Mulya Jaya" Jakarta
(Fandy, 2014) is to guide, provide service, and social
rehabilitation that are curative, rehabilitative,
promotive, in the form of basic educational, physical,
mental knowledge guidance, social, skills training,
resocialization of further guidance for prostitute
women to be able to be independent and play an
active role in community life and study and develop
service and referral standards. The service program
of PSKW "Mulya Jaya" Jakarta
(, 2018) is to provide
guidance on counseling, training according to their
talents, and sports and worship. The aim of the social
service and rehabilitation program for prostitutes
(, 2018) is to restore
the physical, mental, psychological, social, attitudes
and behavior of prostitutes so that they can carry out
social functions properly in the family and the
The author visited PSKW "Mulya Jaya" Jakarta
on 22 March 2018 to conduct an interview. Mrs.
Fitri, as counseling or social counselor at PSKW
Mulya Jaya, was welcomed the author. She said that
the CSWs showed a lack of confidence for
rehabilitation, when were first received at PSKW
Mulya Jaya. The lack of confidence is such as being
ashamed to try a tool during training, looking scared
or confused answering questions when counseling,
and when asked about people's home addresses their
parents, most of whom gave incorrect addresses to
PSKW Mulya Jaya.
The author was also allowed on that day to
interview two beneficiaries of PSKW Mulya Jaya.
When the writer questioned the two people, the
writer observed that there was a lack of confidence in
them and they didn't dare to look in the direction of
the writer, and they said, "Sir, our faces are not
recorded right?" Both also said that, initially, they
lied to their families regarding their job as prostitutes.
The first person said that she was framed by a friend
of her ex-boyfriend, by being offered to work in a
restaurant. In fact she was taken to a dim shop to
serve guests who stopped by. The second person
works as a prostitute is to pay for the care of her
child, who is suffering from brain cancer. Before
working as prostitutes, they had decent jobs, but
because of family problems such as divorce, being
framed, and their status as widows, they eventually
fell into prostitutes.
Based on the interview result, the confidence
level in CSWs in Jakarta's "Mulya Jaya" PSKW is
low. Self-confidence, according to (Lauster, 2002), is
an attitude or feeling of confidence in one's abilities.
So, the individual concerned is not too anxious in
every action, free to do things that are preferred,
responsible for all actions, warm and polite in
interacting with others, can accept and respect others,
have the drive for achievement and can recognize
their strengths and weaknesses. According to
(Krishna, 2006), self-confidence is also reflected in
the acceptance of all failures and too much
disappointment caused in an instant. According to
(Iswidharmanjaya, A., & Agung, 2005), with self-
confidence, a person will be able to actualize their
potential. According to (Mastuti, 2008), individuals