Boarding Schools: A Case Study of Pondok Pesantren
Muhammadiyah Weak Mountain Village, Sub City
Kudus” (Pradana, 2014). Pradana (2014) found that
the boarding school has implemented a value precepts
of humanity just and civilized of Pancasila in each
program activity: 1) Do not differentiate students rich
and poor, 2) The recognition of human dignity that in
determining the room distinguished students boys and
girls, 3) the punishment for students who violate and
gift-giving on-abiding students/achievers, 4) the
existence of activities to promote tolerance, mutual
cooperation, mutual respect, nationalism, justice, and
Hick says religious exclusivism is an idea that
religious ideology against the principles of pluralism
and ignores the altruistic attitude in social life (Hick,
2006). De Ridder said that religious exclusivism is
something which in fact has never stopped happening
and the values of life of neighborhood harmony (De
Rider, 2011). Johnbaek (2013) said that exclusivism
is a logical claim religious truth itself is considered
the most correct. Mathivanan and Soundararajan
(2016) claim that exclusivism is a truth claim one God
who is not accepted (rejected) by a group of followers
of other religions. From a conceptual understanding
above, we can be concluding that religious
exclusivism is a claim of thinking that considers itself
religious belief is the most correct compared to those
of other faiths. This claim is shown in how you think,
how to feel, patterns of attitudes and actions that are
not friendly or hostile to other faiths even seem
Pozza says that inclusiveness is the ideology of
universalism that is blend different religious beliefs in
an atmosphere of togetherness and tolerance (Pozza,
2016). Thus, inclusiveness is a religious ideology that
respects differences of religious belief in social life
and respect for the reality of religious pluralism in the
reality of social life. Inclusivism able to create social
harmony in peaceful co-existence and fraternal in life.
Looks significant differences between
exclusivism and religious inclusiveness. Anti
exclusiveness of religious differences and beliefs of
faith in God, whereas in fact appreciate the
inclusiveness and respect for diversity of religious
beliefs in faith to God. Exclusivism hostile to other
faiths outside, while inclusiveness considers other
faiths as relatives and friends who need to respect
each other and work together in a social difference.
ParungPanjang District is a region located in
Bogor, West Java Province with a land area of
7118.06 hectares. ParungPanjang consists of 11
villages with a total population of 122 838 inhabitants
consisted of 63 413 men and 59 425 women
(Kecamatan Parung Panjang, 2016). ParungPanjang
is a social reality that is classified as plural. The
existence of the synagogue of followers of Islam in
ParungPanjang is guaranteed well, but adherents of
minority religions (Catholic, Protestant, Buddhism,
Hinduism and Confucianism) not guaranteed by
either the government. Data from Bogor District
Secretariat (2015) states that in 2012 there were 86
mosques, 245 sub mosques, 91 boarding schools, 0
Catholic church, 0 Protestant church, 0 Vihara
temple. In 2013 there were 98 mosques and 245 sub
mosques, 0 Catholic church, 0 Protestant church, 0
Pura, 0 Temple. In 2014 there were 105 mosques, 0
Catholic church, 0 Protestant church, 0 Pura, 0 Vihara
(Kecamatan Parung Panjang, 2016). This suggests
that the availability of formal houses of worship for
religious minorities in the District of ParungPanjang
not facilitated by the government. Though society
adherents six official religions in Indonesia living and
domiciled in ParungPanjang well and growing over
Statistic of Catholics people at the Secretary
Church of St. Lawrence Parung Panjang as many as
350 people, consisting of 70 families dispersed in
Parung Panjang Region (Sekretariat Stasi Laurensius
Parung Panjang, 2016). It has been 10 years of
Catholic adherent’s worship using prayer house in
Block E/II No. 3-4, RT 004 / RW 05,
GriyaParungParungPanjang, Bogor. The number of
Catholics continues to grow up because now many
private housing developers who build new housing
projects that further increase the number of Catholics
who come and stay in ParungPanjang.
In April 2014, the Catholic adherents
ParungPanjang receive a letter Number 037/RT04-
05/PP.2014. The contents of this letter saying Islam
rejects the citizens Easter celebration worship
activities of Catholics People in RT 004/RW 05. The
letter signed by the Head of RT 004 (T) and the
Secretary (AS) also 115 adherents of Islam People
(Catholic adherents Parung Panjang, 2014). The
reason for rejection because of Easter activities 2014
in the location not yet get permission from the Village
Chief of Kabasiran. Substantively, this letter contains
Muslims reject the worship activities of Catholicism
in the RT 004 and objected to the presence of Catholic