3.2 Population And Sample
The study population in the Housekeeping
Department, Gran Melia Jakarta totaled 72 people,
while, in determining the number of samples using
the formula of Slovin, obtained results of 42
samples. Use simple random sampling technique,
where the number of samples taken only 42 due to
time constraints of the study.
3.3 Source of Data Collecting
The total population were 72 with the details to 16
people supervisor levels and 26 level of rank and
file. The samples were examined in this study to the
Housekeeping Department staffs, Gran Melia
Jakarta total of 42 people.
4.1 Simultaneous Hypotheses Test
To do test the first hypothesis, that is anticipated that
the variables of job stress, conflict and leadership
together significant effect on the employee
performance in Housekeeping Department of Gran
Melia Jakarta, it will be used by F-test.
Hypothesis I
H0: Suspected that the variables of job stress,
conflict and leadership together no significant effect
on the employee performances in the Housekeeping
Department of Gran Melia Jakarta.
Ha: It was alleged that the variables of job stress,
conflict and leadership together significant effect on
the employee performances in Housekeeping
Department of Gran Melia Jakarta.
Table 1. The Coefficient of F-Test Variables of X1, X2,
and X3 to Y ANOVA b.
Sum of
F Sig.
1 Regressi
931.674 3
Residual 752.326 38
a. Predictors: (Constant), leadership, stress, conflict
b. Dependent Variable: performance
From the results of the above table, it is known that
the value of F obtained at 15.686 and ρ = 0.000.
Because ρ<0.05, it can be concluded that the
variables of job stress, conflict and leadership
together significant effect on the employee
performances in Housekeeping Department of Gran
Melia Jakarta. Thus, the hypothesis H0, alleged that
the job stress variables, conflict and leadership
together no significant effect on the employee
performances in the Housekeeping Department of
Gran Melia Jakarta rejected and Ha which reads
suspected that the job stress variables, conflict and
leadership jointly have a significant effect on the
employee performances in the Housekeeping
Department of Gran Melia Jakarta received. Thus
the first hypothesis proved to be true. Based on the
analysis above table are the value of R square
(coefficient) of 0, 554. That is a 55.4% contribution
of job stress, conflict and leadership variables on the
employee performances while the rest influenced by
other factors not examined in this study.
The results of this study reinforce the theory
advanced by Kensbock (2016) which mentions the
influence caused by stress on the performance of the
employee, in which excessive stress would cause the
employee frustrated and degrade performance.
Housekeeping Department of Gran Melia Jakarta as
one department that occupies position number two
with the number of employees the highest in
carrying out their daily duties, often experiencing
labor conflict that resulted in the emergence of
industrial relations unhealthy among employees and
between employees and superiors. Given this
unhealthy relationship, indirectly lead to the
emergence of direct job stress experienced by
employees. Stress caused by employees
characterized by the onset of symptoms experienced
by employees, such as: irritability, feeling lost time
at work, loss of confidence, and often bored with
their job. Conflict of job caused more often occur
due to frequent superiors wrong in interpreting job
to be done by their employees. In addition, because
many of the supervisors in the Housekeeping
Department of Gran Melia Jakarta does not have the
maturity to lead, having authoritarian nature in the
lead, so the conflict and friction often arises between
staff and employer. Their unhealthy organizational
climate also affects the working atmosphere in this
department. The organizational climate only
overview from one side of fault to the employees as
also a major factor in the emergence of conflict and
stress of work in this department. With the conflict,
job stress and also the leadership factor, it directly
affects the employee performances.