short stories are Suara Mesin, Suara Rakyat (2017)
by Muhammad Rivai (Utiuts, 2018), Buyan (2018)
by Utiuts (DeSilva, M., 2017), Blind Date (2017) by
Melissa de Silva (Ocampo, V., F., R., 2017), and Big
Enough for The Entire Universe (2017) by Victor
Fernando R. Ocampo (Ocampo, V., F., R., 2017).
The two Indonesian short stories (Suara Mesin,
Suara Rakyat and Buyan) are written in Indonesian,
while the Singaporean short stories (Blind Date and
Big Enough for The Entire Universe) are in English.
In the analysis later, the English translation for the
Indonesian short stories are provided. Since the data
of this research are short stories from two countries,
a comparative textual analysis will be conducted.
The intrinsic elements highlighted in the research are
characters, setting and theme. Furthermore, in order
to conduct a deeper analysis and answer the research
questions, the data are analysed with support from
representation theory from Stuart Hall. Other
theories related to science fiction are applied too
since science fiction is a genre with specific
3.1 The Analysis of Two Indonesian
Science Fiction Short Stories
The first short story which is going to be analysed is
Suara Mesin, Suara Rakyat (The Voice of Machine,
The Voice of People) written by Muhamad Rivai.
This short story is the first winner of the second
short story writing competition held by Serana42.
Suara Mesin, Suara Rakyat cleverly discusses
political issues of Indonesia with two major
characters, ‘I’ as the narrator and Aini, the girl
whom he secretly loves. Although the story is set in
the future, it is relevant to the current condition of
Indonesia, in which politics becomes the topic
mainly discussed in public, particularly because
Indonesia is scheduled to have a national general
election in 2019.
Suara Mesin, Suara Rakyat starts with a
quotation from a book entitled Demokrasi Mesin:
Sebuah Pengantar (An Introduction to Machine
Democracy) that is being read by ‘I’. The quotation
basically explains why in the future machine
replaces people in the system of democracy. It is
because based on the previous events in the past,
power tends to corrupt:
“ … Oleh sebab itu, untuk mewujudkan suatu
demokrasi langsung yang adil, bersih, dan efisien,
kita membutuhkan suatu alat yang mampu
mengelola, mengkalkulasi, dan mengeksekusi
aspirasi tiap-tiap warga negara dengan rasional,
cerdas, tegas, ringkas, tanpa bias, dan tanpa faktor-
faktor emosional yang membatasi seorang manusia.”
(“Therefore, to create a direct democracy that is fair,
clean, and efficient, we need a tool to manage,
calculate, and execute the aspirations of every
citizen rationally, intelligently, strictly, briefly, and
without bias and emotional factors.”) (Utiuts, 2018)
Different from human beings who have emotions
and subjectivity, machine is considered to be more
rational, unbiased, and effective. Therefore, it is
believed that a just and prosperous society can be
achieved through the system of machine democracy.
However, the two main characters, ‘I’ and Aini,
have different perspectives about the system.
‘I’ essentially believes that machine democracy
is the best system for Indonesia. He even compares
it with the election system in the past when people
still used a ballot paper and a nail to choose their
president, vice president, and the members of House
of Representatives. According to him, the previous
system is corrupted, and it is a right decision to
replace people with the machine. On the other hand,
Aini questions the validity of machine democracy.
This can be inferred from her conversation with ‘I’
after they voiced their aspirations via the machine.
Ref (Morse, D., E., 2006) argues that even though in
nature most of science fiction stories take place in a
world different from our contemporary life, they still
have connections to the world experienced by the
readers. For example, in Suara Mesin, Suara Rakyat,
there are elements that evoke the sense of
familiarity, which are the physical setting
(Indonesia) and the social setting (democratic
The story ends with Aini being captured by Anti-
terror Detachment and then sentenced to death
because the machine declares her as a threat to the
country. This incident comes as a big shock for ‘I’,
and while trying to control his emotion, he
remembers his own words to Aini, “Adil itu tidak
berarti mengabulkan keinginan semua orang” (Being
fair does not mean granting everyone’s wishes).
Suara Mesin, Suara Rakyat is a perfect example of
how science fiction is used not only to portray a
society but also to warn them what could possibly
happen if technology takes control over politics.
The next short story which is going to be
discussed is Buyan by Utiuts. ‘Buyan’ in
Palembangnese means ‘stupid’ and the word is
usually used to mock at other people. Through the
title, it can be seen how Utiuts made an effort to