different public spaces. Selection of street furniture
should be determined based on the needs of the
community or community users. And street furniture
is prepared based on the results of the analysis of
existing patterns of use in order to serve its purpose
effectively. Designing street furniture costs not
much because the street furiture produced must be
quality because of its universal and durable usage.
Placement of street furniture should pay attention to
various factors and based on the results of on-site
analysis. So the placement should be in place that
really need.
There are various approaches used to select or
design street furniture, for example as the identity of
a place, integrated with existing facilities or serves
as a work of art. An important consideration in
designing street furniture is how it affects the safety
of users on the road and in public areas. In general
there are five basic criteria for selecting and fixing
street furnishings in the public space: (i) Function:
seeing how important an object is and how it can
meet its objectives; (ii) Determining the location and
where each object should be located / layout, (iii)
Design, form and appearance, (iv) Endurance and
strength of the object, (v) Cost of manufacture
(Evyapan, 2000). To plan the street furniture needs
to set the type of public space that will be used,
whether the street, plaza, mall, park or recreation
area. Questions that must be answered after knowing
the location and place was who the potential users of
the public space, for what use and when the time of
its use and how street furniture can serve the needs
of its users.
Usually the application of street furniture has
been planned as part of a wider design concept in
order to succeed. It takes consideration and
consideration in depth before determining the
making of street furniture, such as (i) Sustainable
material, environmental character and weather
conditions, (ii) Whether street furniture should be
made to follow the existing object or need new
identity. And the last is the ease of care and facilities
that are easily accessed by the user. Placement of
street furniture on site should also be based on its
function. In accordance with the conditions on
location and overall design. Appearance of street
furniture should not look mess should look neat and
functional. In addition street furniture also does not
deter other users, the pedestrians or other facilities
3.3 Criteria of Street Furniture Design
Street furniture facilities should be designed for
universal use so they can be used by disabled
people, children and the elderly. The position of
street furniture is also expected to affect and
stimulate the behavior of its users, such as the
seating arrangement in the public space is made
close so that users can interact or socialize, or the
placement of the trash should be easily reached by
users and according to function so that cleanliness
can be maintained. Street furniture has several
criteria for placement in the public space can be
maximized, namely; (i) prioritizing safety and
security with non -sharp design or injury, (ii) The
use of weatherproof materials such as sunlight, rain
and wind. Street furniture is widely placed in open
public spaces that are exposed to the weather so it
must be made of strong and safe material. The types
of materials used in street furniture include iron,
wood, stone, cement, recycle materials and other
materials. Material selection depends on the needs
and design constraints made such as weather
resistance, easy to maintain and who the user. In
addition, materials should be made of non-
combustible materials such as metals, bricks or
stones. Where materials such as wood should be
avoided in areas that have a fire risk, (iii) Location
also determines how the design of street furniture
will be made. Whether the street furniture is in the
center of the building, on the sidewalk or inside the
park, (iv) Visual design is an important
consideration as it is part of the attraction and
identity of the public sphere, (v) Disability users are
part of the community which should be considered
in the design of street furniture. Because of the
nature of street furniture is a facility in public spaces
that serve all levels of society.
The scope of public spaces that became the area
of this research is a picnic area located in the
strategic location of the Ragunan Zoo. The picnic
area is surrounded by a fairly large road that can be
passed by 2 cars and can be used by pedestrians and
some vehicles such as motorcycles and operational
cars. The location of the picnic area is a strategic
area because it can be accessed from various
directions either from the north entrance, south
entrance, west entrance and east entrance. Seeing the
location of the stretegis, no wonder this location to
be a resting place for visitors who have been tired of
traveling around the area Ragunan Zoo. Problems
found in the picnic area by using the criteria analysis
of street furniture are: