objectives expected from learning this material are
students can evaluate the symptoms or processes that
occur in it so that the development of creative
thinking skills is needed (Humaeroh, 2016). Metal
refining material is a relevant material for
developing creative thinking skills, because the key
to creative thinking is thinking to design, solve
problems, make changes and improve and get new
ideas (Bono, 2007). Therefore, in this research, the
application of creative problem solving learning
(CPS) to develop creative thinking ability in metal
purification concept is studied.
This research applies a class research method with
one shoot case study research design, i.e. research
carried out without the presence of a comparison
group, to determine the effect of the treatment given
without regard to other factors (Sukmadinata, 2007).
At the beginning of the study, students watched
videos about gold metal purification and were asked
to explain the contents of the video. Then the
students were given worksheets about copper metal
purification and students were asked to follow the
instructions and answer questions in the worksheet
in groups. Furthermore, students are instructed to
make an efficient copper metal purification product
that will be used for experiments at the next
meeting. After successfully making copper metal
purification equipment, students conduct
experiments using the tools that have been made and
report the results of the experiment. Finally, students
are given evaluation questions to determine students'
creative thinking skills after the implementation of
CPS learning. Determining the level of creative
thinking ability, namely at level 4 students can
achieve three indicators of fluency, flexibility and
originality which are categorized as very creative, at
level 3 students can only achieve two indicators of
fluency and originality or flexibility and originality
which are categorized as creative, at level 2 students
only achieve one indicator of flexibility or
originality which is categorized as quite
creative/adequate, while at level 1 students only
achieve fluency indicators which are categorized as
low creativity, and at level 0 students cannot reach
these three indicators and are categorized as very
low creativity.
Students' creative thinking skills were measured
using evaluation tests that include fluency,
flexibility, and originality indicators. The indicator
of fluency is the ability to produce many ideas. In
measuring fluency, students are asked to think of
many different solutions for a problem. Flexibility
indicator is the ability to produce uniform ideas, be
able to change ways or approaches and have
different directions of thinking. Flexibility is
measured in terms of individual abilities in trying
approaches or ways to solve a problem. While the
originality indicator is the authenticity of the ideas
produced in responding to the idea correctly. The
originality indicator is measured by evaluating
unusual solutions or new solutions given by students
(Kaplan et al., 2005). The results of the analysis of
each indicator of creative thinking ability, i.e.
fluency, flexibility and originality are presented in
Table 1.
Based on Table 1, the average value of the
creative thinking ability test on the fluency indicator
obtained is 88 points with very good categories. As
for the learning achievement group, the higher group
obtained an average score of 90 with very good
interpretation. The group was getting an average
score of 91 with very good interpretation, and the
lower group obtained an average score of 84 with
very good interpretation. In this indicator of creative
thinking abilities all students can easily master the
fluency indicators. This is seen from the acquisition
data which states that all learning achievement
groups obtain an average score above 80 with very
good interpretation. The success of this indicator
when learning using the CPS model precisely at the
clarification of the problem stage, students have
been able to link problems with the concepts learned
so that they can determine the main problem
appropriately. The connection between the problem
and the concept will help students to learn so that
they can solve problems (Suma & Suastra, 2013). As
a result, students are accustomed to seeing problems
from various points of view so that students easily
clarify the problem (Trianto, 2009) i.e. curiosity,
independence, problem solving and linking
problems (Sari & Hidayat, 2017). In addition, the
criteria for the questions are having more than one
answer make students able to solve them easily
(Siswono, 2011).
The overall analysis results on the flexibility
indicators obtained by students are interpreted as
good. This can be seen in the average value obtained
on the flexibility indicator of 77. As for the learning